Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
1 × The Netherlands
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.Sawyer N.Bencomo P.Sawyer
Talks about:
adapt (5) system (4) time (4) requir (3) run (3) uncertainti (2) resolut (2) model (2) dynam (2) understand (1)
Person: Kristopher Welsh
DBLP: Welsh:Kristopher
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- RE-2012-WelshB #adaptation #evaluation #modelling #requirements #runtime #self
- Run-time model evaluation for requirements model-driven self-adaptation (KW, NB), pp. 329–330.
- ASE-2011-WelshSB #requirements #runtime #towards
- Towards requirements aware systems: Run-time resolution of design-time assumptions (KW, PS, NB), pp. 560–563.
- RE-2011-WelshSB #nondeterminism #runtime
- Run-time resolution of uncertainty (KW, PS, NB), pp. 355–356.
- REFSQ-2010-WelshS #adaptation #comprehension #nondeterminism
- Understanding the Scope of Uncertainty in Dynamically Adaptive Systems (KW, PS), pp. 2–16.
- REFSQ-2009-WelshS #adaptation #requirements
- Requirements Tracing to Support Change in Dynamically Adaptive Systems (KW, PS), pp. 59–73.
- REFSQ-2008-WelshS #adaptation #identification #problem
- When to Adapt? Identification of Problem Domains for Adaptive Systems (KW, PS), pp. 198–203.