Travelled to:
1 × Turkey
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
E.A.León R.Riesen A.B.Maccabe B.N.Mills T.Znati R.G.Melhem R.E.Grant V.Sridharan N.DeBardeleben S.Blanchard J.Stearley J.Shalf S.Gurumurthi
Talks about:
system (2) parallel (1) consumpt (1) resili (1) modern (1) memori (1) mechan (1) inject (1) energi (1) applic (1)
Person: Kurt B. Ferreira
DBLP: Ferreira:Kurt_B=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ASPLOS-2015-SridharanDBFSSG #fault #memory management
- Memory Errors in Modern Systems: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (VS, ND, SB, KBF, JS, JS, SG), pp. 297–310.
- PDP-2014-MillsZMFG #energy #scalability
- Energy Consumption of Resilience Mechanisms in Large Scale Systems (BNM, TZ, RGM, KBF, REG), pp. 528–535.
- HPDC-2011-LeonRFM #injection #parallel
- Cache injection for parallel applications (EAL, RR, KBF, ABM), pp. 15–26.