Travelled to:
1 × France
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ G.Mack L.G.Williams P.Loucopoulos C.Potts S.J.Mellor J.A.McDermid Luqi
Talks about:
orient (2) object (2) prototyp (1) knowledg (1) industri (1) univers (1) support (1) softwar (1) respons (1) practis (1)
Person: Lin Zucconi
DBLP: Zucconi:Lin
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CSEE-1995-Zucconi #education #industrial
- Essential Knowledge for the Practising Software Engineer and the Responsibilities of University and Industry for Her Education (LZ), pp. 5–13.
- RE-1993-LoucopoulosPMMLZ #object-oriented #requirements
- I never knew my requirements were object-oriented until I talked to my analyst (PL, CP, SJM, JAM, L, LZ), pp. 226–230.
- ICSE-1990-ZucconiMW #development #object-oriented #prototype #using
- Using Object-Oriented Development for Support Prototyping (LZ, GM, LGW), pp. 129–132.