Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Nenkova K.McKeown A.Kannan S.Baker K.Ramnath J.Fiss D.Lin R.Ansary A.Kapoor Q.Ke M.Uyttendaele X.Wang L.Zhang
Talks about:
summar (2) influenc (1) document (1) composit (1) snippet (1) context (1) sensit (1) factor (1) explor (1) multi (1)
Person: Lucy Vanderwende
DBLP: Vanderwende:Lucy
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- KDD-2014-KannanBRFLVAKKUWZ #image #mining #web
- Mining text snippets for images on the web (AK, SB, KR, JF, DL, LV, RA, AK, QK, MU, XJW, LZ), pp. 1534–1543.
- SIGIR-2006-NenkovaVM #composition #multi #summary
- A compositional context sensitive multi-document summarizer: exploring the factors that influence summarization (AN, LV, KM), pp. 573–580.