Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × China
1 × Denmark
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
P.A.Strooper R.Duke ∅ J.G.Süß B.Long C.Chevillat D.A.Carrington T.McComb S.Kim G.Watson
Talks about:
concurr (3) base (3) control (2) object (2) compon (2) model (2) test (2) java (2) viewpoint (1) interlock (1)
Person: Luke Wildman
DBLP: Wildman:Luke
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- ECMDA-FA-2008-ChevillatCSSW #generative #modelling
- Model-Based Generation of Interlocking Controller Software from Control Tables (CC, DAC, PAS, JGS, LW), pp. 349–360.
- ICSE-2006-StrooperW #component #concurrent #java #testing
- Testing concurrent java components (PAS, LW), pp. 1075–1076.
- MoDELS-2006-SussMKWW #re-engineering
- MDA-Based Re-engineering with Object-Z (JGS, TM, SKK, LW, GW), pp. 291–305.
- IFM-2004-WildmanDS #component #concurrent #testing
- Viewpoint-Based Testing of Concurrent Components (LW, RD, PAS), pp. 501–520.
- SEFM-2003-DukeWL #concurrent #java #modelling
- Modelling Java Concurrency with Object-Z (RD, LW, BL), pp. 173–181.
- FME-2002-Wildman #compilation #proving
- A Formal Basis for a Program Compilation Proof Tool (LW), pp. 491–510.