Travelled to:
1 × Finland
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Australia
Collaborated with:
∅ L.Wildman K.Winter J.S.Dong D.J.Duke P.A.Strooper B.Long P.King G.A.Rose G.Smith
Talks about:
object (8) specif (4) orient (3) formal (3) concurr (2) system (2) model (2) class (2) viewpoint (1) polymorph (1)
Person: Roger Duke
DBLP: Duke:Roger
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- IFM-2004-WildmanDS #component #concurrent #testing
- Viewpoint-Based Testing of Concurrent Components (LW, RD, PAS), pp. 501–520.
- SEFM-2003-DukeWL #concurrent #java #modelling
- Modelling Java Concurrency with Object-Z (RD, LW, BL), pp. 173–181.
- IFM-2002-WinterD #model checking #using
- Model Checking Object-Z Using ASM (KW, RD), pp. 165–184.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-DongD #morphism #polymorphism
- Class Union and Polymorphism (JSD, RD), pp. 181–190.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-Duke #design #formal method #object-oriented #specification
- Formal Methods for the Design and Specification of Object-Oriented Systems (RD), p. 324.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-Duke93a
- Class Operators for Object Compatibility (RD), pp. 449–461.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-1992-Duke #case study #object-oriented #specification
- Case Studies in Object-Oriented Formal Specification (RD), p. 236.
- TOOLS-USA-1991-Duke #object-oriented #specification
- Formal Specification of Object-Oriented Systems (RD), pp. 463–464.
- TOOLS-USA-1991-DukeKRS #specification
- Associated Paper: The Object-Z Specification Language (RD, PK, GAR, GS), pp. 465–484.
- VDME-1990-DukeD #semantics #towards
- Towards a Semantics for Object-Z (DJD, RD), pp. 244–261.