Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.D.Herbsleb D.L.Atkins D.G.Boyer T.A.Finholt
Talks about:
workplac (2) chat (2) introduc (1) instant (1) messag (1) what (1) do (1)
Person: Mark Handel
DBLP: Handel:Mark
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CHI-2002-HerbslebABHF #chat
- Introducing instant messaging and chat in the workplace (JDH, DLA, DGB, MH, TAF), pp. 171–178.
- CSCW-2002-HandelH #chat #question #what
- What is chat doing in the workplace? (MH, JDH), pp. 1–10.