61 papers:
CSCW-2015-KimL #comprehension #mobile- Dwelling Places in KakaoTalk: Understanding the Roles and Meanings of Chatrooms in Mobile Instant Messengers (DjK, YKL), pp. 775–784.
DAC-2014-PopovychLWLLW- Density-aware Detailed Placement with Instant Legalization (SP, HHL, CMW, YLL, WHL, TCW), p. 6.
CHI-2014-PielotOKO #mobile #predict- Didn’t you see my message?: predicting attentiveness to mobile instant messages (MP, RdO, HK, NO), pp. 3319–3328.
CHI-2014-ZhangWKGS #mobile #security #towards- Effects of security warnings and instant gratification cues on attitudes toward mobile websites (BZ, MW, HK, EG, SSS), pp. 111–114.
HCI-AS-2014-BangSKSSWW #interface- Digital Love Letter: A Handwriting Based Interface for Non-instant Digital Messenger (SJB, YS, JDK, KS, CKS, GW, SW), pp. 103–113.
HCI-AS-2014-ParkKL #case study #smarttech- A Study of Emoticon Use in Instant Messaging from Smartphone (TWP, SJK, GL), pp. 155–165.
SAC-2014-ChenCWD #recommendation #scalability- Instant expert hunting: building an answerer recommender system for a large scale Q&A website (TC, JC, HW, YD), pp. 260–265.
VLDB-2013-MuhlbauerRSRK0 #database #in memory #memory management- Instant Loading for Main Memory Databases (TM, WR, RS, AR, AK, TN), pp. 1702–1713.
CSCW-2013-NguyenF #communication #process- Effect of message content on communication processes in intercultural and same-culture instant messaging conversations (DTN, SRF), pp. 19–32.
DUXU-NTE-2013-Lam #interactive #using- Creating Instantly Disappearing Prints Using Thermochromic Paint and Thermal Printer in an Interactive Art Installation (MLL), pp. 290–295.
CIKM-2013-TanCHKS #predict- Instant foodie: predicting expert ratings from grassroots (CT, EHC, DAH, GK, AJS), pp. 1127–1136.
OOPSLA-2013-MillerHBO #combinator #generative #object-oriented #performance- Instant pickles: generating object-oriented pickler combinators for fast and extensible serialization (HM, PH, EB, MO), pp. 183–202.
CGO-2013-ChoMHBM #profiling- Instant profiling: Instrumentation sampling for profiling datacenter applications (HKC, TM, REH, DB, SAM), p. 10.
CSCW-2012-NguyenF #analysis #how- How did you feel during our conversation?: retrospective analysis of intercultural and same-culture instant messaging conversations (DTN, SRF), pp. 117–126.
CIKM-2012-ZhongFLTZ- Location-aware instant search (RZ, JF, GL, KLT, LZ), pp. 385–394.
ASPLOS-2012-LymberopoulosRSMN #mobile #named #web- PocketWeb: instant web browsing for mobile devices (DL, OR, KS, AM, AN), pp. 1–12.
CSEET-2011-ZimmermanKF #towards- Toward instant gradeification (DMZ, JRK, FF), pp. 406–410.
CHI-2011-JunuzovicIHZTB #bibliography #multimodal #using #what- What did i miss?: in-meeting review using multimodal accelerated instant replay (air) conferencing (SJ, KI, RH, ZZ, JCT, CB), pp. 513–522.
CSCW-2011-FetterG #experience #named- PRIMIExperience: experience sampling via instant messaging (MF, TG), pp. 629–632.
DUXU-v2-2011-GaoZ #user satisfaction- User Satisfaction of Ali Wangwang, an Instant Messenger Tool (JG, ZZ), pp. 414–420.
IDGD-2011-Dai #communication #development #interactive #mobile- New Development of Mobile Instant Messaging: Virtual Body Communication Interaction (LD), pp. 483–489.
IDGD-2011-LiRH #communication #difference- The Impact of Cultural Differences on Instant Messaging Communication in China and Germany (HL, PLPR, AH), pp. 75–84.
MoDELS-2011-SongHCZSSM #incremental #modelling #qvt #runtime- Instant and Incremental QVT Transformation for Runtime Models (HS, GH, FC, WZ, YS, WS, HM), pp. 273–288.
MoDELS-2011-SongHCZSSM #incremental #modelling #qvt #runtime- Instant and Incremental QVT Transformation for Runtime Models (HS, GH, FC, WZ, YS, WS, HM), pp. 273–288.
CHI-2010-ChengLCLK #named- iCon: utilizing everyday objects as additional, auxiliary and instant tabletop controllers (KYC, RHL, BYC, RHL, SYK), pp. 1155–1164.
CHI-2010-EngstromJPB #realtime- Temporal hybridity: footage with instant replay in real time (AE, OJ, MJP, MB), pp. 1495–1504.
FSE-2010-LeeRHK #clone detection- Instant code clone search (MWL, JWR, SwH, SK), pp. 167–176.
HCD-2009-Stiso- Frequency of Usage and Feelings of Connectedness in Instant Messaging by Age, Sex, and Civil Status (MES), pp. 562–569.
HCI-NT-2009-RaoCJB #concurrent #exclamation #how #people- “You’ve Got IMs!” How People Manage Concurrent Instant Messages (SR, JC, RJ, RB), pp. 500–509.
HIMI-DIE-2009-TsetserukouNPKIT #communication #exclamation- iFeel_IM! Emotion Enhancing Garment for Communication in Affect Sensitive Instant Messenger (DT, AN, HP, NK, MI, ST), pp. 628–637.
OCSC-2009-KindsmullerMS #community #online- Instant Online Communities as a Means to Foster Conferences (MCK, JM, JS), pp. 62–71.
CIKM-2009-HuC #monitoring #online- RSS watchdog: an instant event monitor on real online news streams (CLH, CKC), pp. 2097–2098.
SAC-2009-Pohja- Server push with instant messaging (MP), pp. 653–658.
SIGMOD-2007-NandiJ #interface #query #using- Assisted querying using instant-response interfaces (AN, HVJ), pp. 1156–1158.
HCI-IPT-2007-CaoE #privacy #towards- Influence of Culture on Attitude Towards Instant Messaging: Balance Between Awareness and Privacy (JC, AE), pp. 236–240.
HIMI-IIE-2007-ShinLPKOL #chat #interface- A Tactile Emotional Interface for Instant Messenger Chat (HS, JL, JP, YK, HO, TL), pp. 166–175.
PADL-2007-MorimotoTI #performance- Instantly Turning a Naive Exhaustive Search into Three Efficient Searches with Pruning (TM, YT, HI), pp. 65–79.
ICSE-2007-Egyed07a #consistency #modelling #named #uml- UML/Analyzer: A Tool for the Instant Consistency Checking of UML Models (AE), pp. 793–796.
ASE-2006-BookGM #framework #user interface- An Instant Message-Driven User Interface Framework for Thin Client Applications (MB, VG, GM), pp. 257–260.
CASE-2006-SongL- Two-Instant Reallocation in Two-Echelon Spare Parts Inventory Systems (HS, HCL), pp. 342–345.
CHI-2006-AvrahamiH #communication #latency #modelling #predict- Responsiveness in instant messaging: predictive models supporting inter-personal communication (DA, SEH), pp. 731–740.
CSCW-2006-AvrahamiH #communication #predict- Communication characteristics of instant messaging: effects and predictions of interpersonal relationships (DA, SEH), pp. 505–514.
CSCW-2006-KayanFS #difference- Cultural differences in the use of instant messaging in Asia and North America (SK, SRF, LDS), pp. 525–528.
ICSE-2006-Egyed #consistency #uml- Instant consistency checking for the UML (AE), pp. 381–390.
ESOP-2005-MakholmW #calculus #mobile #polymorphism #process #reduction #type system- Instant Polymorphic Type Systems for Mobile Process Calculi: Just Add Reduction Rules and Close (HM, JBW), pp. 389–407.
HPDC-2005-KonishiOHI #case study #throughput- A case study of instant workbench for InterProScan by Knoppix high throughput computing edition (FK, SO, YH, MI), pp. 301–302.
ASE-2004-JohannE #incremental #modelling- Instant and Incremental Transformation of Models (SJ, AE), pp. 362–365.
CHI-2004-FussellKSS #multi- Effects of instant messaging on the management of multiple project trajectories (SRF, SBK, LDS, PS), pp. 191–198.
CHI-2004-HuangRS #interactive #scalability- IM here: public instant messaging on large, shared displays for workgroup interactions (EMH, DMR, AES), pp. 279–286.
CSCW-2004-AvrahamiH #latency #named #performance- QnA: augmenting an instant messaging client to balance user responsiveness and performance (DA, SEH), pp. 515–518.
CSCW-2004-Campbell #framework- Instant messages: a framework for reading between the lines (JDC), pp. 519–522.
CSCW-2004-SetlockFN- Taking it out of context: collaborating within and across cultures in face-to-face settings and via instant messaging (LDS, SRF, CN), pp. 604–613.
CHI-2002-HerbslebABHF #chat- Introducing instant messaging and chat in the workplace (JDH, DLA, DGB, MH, TAF), pp. 171–178.
CHI-2002-IsaacsWR #interactive #mobile #named- Hubbub: a sound-enhanced mobile instant messenger that supports awareness and opportunistic interactions (EI, AW, DR), pp. 179–186.
CHI-2002-VoidaNM- When conventions collide: the tensions of instant messaging attributed (AV, WN, EDM), pp. 187–194.
CSCW-2002-GrinterP- Instant messaging in teen life (REG, LP), pp. 21–30.
CSCW-2002-IsaacsWWSK- The character, functions, and styles of instant messaging in the workplace (EI, AW, SW, DJS, CAK), pp. 11–20.
VLDB-2001-SadriZZA #data mining #mining #query- A Sequential Pattern Query Language for Supporting Instant Data Mining for e-Services (RS, CZ, AMZ, JA), pp. 653–656.
CSCW-2000-NardiWB #interactive- Interaction and outeraction: instant messaging in action (BAN, SW, EB), pp. 79–88.
CSCW-2000-TangBRI- Instant messaging: products meet workplace users (JCT, AdB, MBR, EI), p. 363.
SIGMOD-1993-SuLRD #estimation- An Instant and Accurate Estimation Method for Joins and Selection in a Retrieval-Intensive Environment (WS, YL, NR, YD), pp. 79–88.