Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × Finland
1 × Germany
1 × Hungary
1 × Poland
2 × USA
3 × France
3 × Italy
Collaborated with:
∅ H.Fecher J.H.Kuo N.Charlton P.Godefroid R.Heckmann M.Z.Kwiatkowska N.Piterman R.Jagadeesan D.A.Schmidt A.Jung K.Keimel A.Antonik K.G.Larsen U.Nyman A.Wasowski
Talks about:
model (6) check (6) abstract (3) transit (3) analysi (3) system (3) modal (3) quantit (2) semant (2) logic (2)
Person: Michael Huth
DBLP: Huth:Michael
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 14 papers:
- TACAS-2014-HuthK #automation #named #reasoning #trust
- PEALT: An Automated Reasoning Tool for Numerical Aggregation of Trust Evidence (MH, JHPK), pp. 109–123.
- FoSSaCS-2013-HuthKP #game studies
- Fatal Attractors in Parity Games (MH, JHPK, NP), pp. 34–49.
- FoSSaCS-2008-AntonikHLNW #complexity #problem #specification
- Complexity of Decision Problems for Mixed and Modal Specifications (AA, MH, KGL, UN, AW), pp. 112–126.
- VMCAI-2008-FecherH #abstraction #model checking
- Model Checking for Action Abstraction (HF, MH), pp. 112–126.
- CAV-2007-CharltonH #analysis #model checking #named #plugin
- Hector: Software Model Checking with Cooperating Analysis Plugins (NC, MH), pp. 168–172.
- VMCAI-2007-FecherH #abstraction #precise
- More Precise Partition Abstractions (HF, MH), pp. 167–181.
- LICS-2005-GodefroidH #logic #model checking #semantics
- Model Checking Vs. Generalized Model Checking: Semantic Minimizations for Temporal Logics (PG, MH), pp. 158–167.
- LICS-2004-Huth #lts
- Beyond Image-Finiteness: Labelled Transition Systems as a Stone Space (MH), pp. 222–231.
- QAPL-2004-Huth05 #abstraction #hybrid #logic
- Abstraction and Probabilities for Hybrid Logics (MH), pp. 61–76.
- VMCAI-2002-Huth #model checking #using
- Model Checking Modal Transition Systems Using Kripke Structures (MH), pp. 302–316.
- ESOP-2001-HuthJS #program analysis
- Modal Transition Systems: A Foundation for Three-Valued Program Analysis (MH, RJ, DAS), pp. 155–169.
- CSL-1997-HeckmannH #semantics
- A Duality Theory for Quantitative Semantics (RH, MH), pp. 255–274.
- LICS-1997-HuthK #analysis #model checking
- Quantitative Analysis and Model Checking (MH, MZK), pp. 111–122.
- LICS-1994-HuthJK #approximate #linear
- Linear Types, Approximation, and Topology (MH, AJ, KK), pp. 110–114.