Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Hungary
1 × Portugal
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Canada
3 × Germany
9 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Møller J.Palsberg N.Klarlund C.Brabrand ∅ A.Sandholm J.Winther M.Vanggaard A.S.Christensen J.Elgaard N.Damgaard J.Koistinen O.Agesen D.Kozen N.Oxhøj J.L.Jensen M.E.Jørgensen
Talks about:
type (9) program (5) infer (4) analysi (3) system (3) logic (3) graph (3) pars (3) constraint (2) transform (2)
♂ Person: Michael I. Schwartzbach
DBLP: Schwartzbach:Michael_I=
Facilitated 9 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 26 papers:
- ECOOP-2011-WintherS
- Related Types (JW, MIS), pp. 434–458.
- CC-2008-Schwartzbach #compilation #design #how
- Design Choices in a Compiler Course or How to Make Undergraduates Love Formal Notation (MIS), pp. 1–15.
- PEPM-2007-MollerS #graph #program analysis #xml
- XML graphs in program analysis (AM, MIS), pp. 1–10.
- PEPM-J-2007-MollerS11 #graph #program analysis #xml
- XML graphs in program analysis (AM, MIS), pp. 492–515.
- LDTA-2003-BrabrandSV #parsing
- The metafront System: Extensible Parsing and Transformation (CB, MIS, MV), pp. 592–611.
- LDTA-J-2003-BrabrandS #parsing
- The metafront system: Safe and extensible parsing and transformation (CB, MIS), pp. 2–20.
- SAS-2003-ChristensenMS #analysis #precise #string
- Precise Analysis of String Expressions (ASC, AM, MIS), pp. 1–18.
- PEPM-2002-BrabrandS #metaprogramming #syntax
- Growing languages with metamorphic syntax macros (CB, MIS), pp. 31–40.
- PASTE-2001-BrabandMS #html #validation
- Static validation of dynamically generated HTML (CB, AM, MIS), pp. 38–45.
- PLDI-2001-MollerS #logic #pointer
- The Pointer Assertion Logic Engine (AM, MIS), pp. 221–231.
- CIAA-2000-KlarlundMS #implementation
- MONA Implementation Secrets (NK, AM, MIS), pp. 182–194.
- ESOP-2000-ElgaardMS #c #debugging #source code
- Compile-Time Debugging of C Programs Working on Trees (JE, AM, MIS), pp. 119–134.
- POPL-2000-SandholmS #documentation #type system #web
- A Type System for Dynamic Web Documents (AS, MIS), pp. 290–301.
- DLT-1999-KlarlundDS #constraints #logic #named #parsing
- Yakyak: parsing with logical side constraints (NK, ND, MIS), pp. 286–301.
- FASE-1998-SandholmS #distributed #safety #web #web service
- Distributed Safety Controllers for Web Services (AS, MIS), pp. 270–284.
- PLDI-1997-JensenJKS #automation #higher-order #logic #monad #pointer #source code #using #verification
- Automatic Verification of Pointer Programs using Monadic Second-Order Logic (JLJ, MEJ, NK, MIS), pp. 226–236.
- OOPSLA-1996-KlarlundKS #constraints #design
- Formal Design Constraints (NK, JK, MIS), pp. 370–383.
- ECOOP-1993-AgesenPS #type inference
- Type Inference of SELF (OA, JP, MIS), pp. 247–267.
- POPL-1993-KlarlundS #graph
- Graph Types (NK, MIS), pp. 196–205.
- POPL-1993-KozenPS #performance #recursion #type system
- Efficient Recursive Subtyping (DK, JP, MIS), pp. 419–428.
- ECOOP-1992-OxhojPS #type inference
- Making Type Inference Practical (NO, JP, MIS), pp. 329–349.
- ECOOP-1991-PalsbergS #question #reuse #type safety #what
- What is Type-Safe Code Reuse? (JP, MIS), pp. 325–341.
- OOPSLA-1991-PalsbergS #object-oriented #type inference
- Object-Oriented Type Inference (JP, MIS), pp. 146–161.
- ICALP-1990-Schwartzbach #correctness
- Static Correctness of Hierarchical Procedures (MIS), pp. 32–45.
- OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-PalsbergS #object-oriented #programming
- Type Substitution for Object-Oriented Programming (JP, MIS), pp. 151–160.
- CAAP-1991-Schwartzbach #type inference
- Type Inference with Inequalities (MIS), pp. 441–455.