Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Germany
1 × Sweden
1 × Switzerland
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
M.Goedicke ∅ M.Balz M.Kajko-Mattsson I.Jacobson I.Spence S.Huang P.McMahon B.MacIsaac B.Elvesæter A.J.Berre E.Seymour
Talks about:
autom (3) use (3) program (2) diagram (2) machin (2) assess (2) trace (2) state (2) time (2) code (2)
Person: Michael Striewe
DBLP: Striewe:Michael
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- ITiCSE-2014-StrieweG #assessment #automation #diagrams #process #uml
- Automated assessment of UML activity diagrams (MS, MG), p. 336.
- ITiCSE-2014-StrieweG14a #runtime #using
- Code reading exercises using run time traces (MS, MG), p. 346.
- ICSE-2012-Kajko-MattssonSGJSHMMEBS #re-engineering
- Refounding software engineering: The Semat initiative (MKM, MS, MG, IJ, IS, SH, PM, BM, BE, AJB, ES), pp. 1649–1650.
- ITiCSE-2011-StrieweG #automation #diagrams #uml
- Automated checks on UML diagrams (MS, MG), pp. 38–42.
- ITiCSE-2011-StrieweG11a #automation #programming #runtime #using
- Using run time traces in automated programming tutoring (MS, MG), pp. 303–307.
- ASE-2010-BalzSG #maintenance #modelling #state machine #tool support
- Tool support for continuous maintenance of state machine models in program code (MB, MS, MG), pp. 175–176.
- ICGT-2008-Striewe #graph grammar #implementation #state machine #using
- Using a Triple Graph Grammar for State Machine Implementations (MS), pp. 514–516.
- ECSA-2019-Striewe #component #design
- Components and Design Alternatives in E-Assessment Systems (MS), pp. 220–228.