Collaborated with:
B.R.Barkstrom M.Finch C.Mackey G.Boeshaar K.Bush J.Hertz
Talks about:
librari (3) digit (3) atmospher (1) scientif (1) continu (1) context (1) collect (1) scienc (1) radiat (1) experi (1)
Person: Michelle Ferebee
DBLP: Ferebee:Michelle
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- JCDL-2002-BarkstromFFM #adaptation #evolution #library
- Adapting digital libraries to continual evolution (BRB, MF, MF, CM), pp. 242–243.
- JCDL-2003-FerebeeBBH #empirical #library
- A Scientific Digital Library in Context: An Earth Radiation Budget Experiment Collection in the Atmospheric Sciences Data Center Digital Library (MF, GB, KB, JH), pp. 256–257.