Travelled to:
1 × Spain
1 × USA
2 × France
2 × Portugal
Collaborated with:
M.P.Cuéllar M.d.C.P.Jiménez W.Fajardo A.B.Bailón J.Garrido J.Gómez-Romero I.Requena R.Pérez-Pérez E.L.G.Galindo J.M.d.l.Torre M.J.Martín-Bautista D.Sánchez M.A.V.Miranda
Talks about:
problem (2) network (2) recurr (2) neural (2) method (2) applic (2) train (2) evolutionari (1) connexionist (1) environment (1)
Person: Miguel Delgado
DBLP: Delgado:Miguel
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- KEOD-2010-GarridoGDR #assessment
- Knowledge Mobilization to Support Environmental Impact Assessment — A Model and an Application (JG, JGR, MD, IR), pp. 193–199.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-CuellarDP #algorithm #hybrid #network #problem
- Problems and Features of Evolutionary Algorithms to Build Hybrid Training Methods for Recurrent Neural Networks (MPC, MD, MdCPJ), pp. 204–211.
- ICEIS-v2-2005-CuellarDFP #information management #web
- An Information System to Perform Services Remotely from a Web Browser (MPC, MD, WF, RPP), pp. 91–99.
- ICEIS-v2-2005-CuellarDJ #network #predict #problem #programming
- An Application of Non-Linear Programming to Train Recurrent Neural Networks in Time Series Prediction Problems (MPC, MD, MdCPJ), pp. 35–42.
- ICEIS-v2-2004-BailonDGT #approach #reasoning
- A Connexionist Approach for Case Based Reasoning (ABB, MD, ELGG, JMdlT), pp. 369–374.
- ICEIS-v2-2003-BailonDF #fuzzy
- Extension of the Box-Counting Method to Measure the Fractal Dimension of Fuzzy Data (ABB, MD, WF), pp. 185–190.
- ICEIS-v3-2003-DelgadoMSM
- Aggregating Expert Profiles for Ser Quering Aid (MD, MJMB, DS, MAVM), pp. 278–285.