Stem environment$ (all stems)
91 papers:
CASE-2015-Qiu- Environmental impact of sharing inland transportation in a dry port system (XQ), pp. 261–263.
CHI-2015-GaverMKWBOP #community #energy #internet- Energy Babble: Mixing Environmentally-Oriented Internet Content to Engage Community Groups (WWG, MM, TK, AW, AB, LO, MPF), pp. 1115–1124.
CHI-2015-SutherlandHY #automation #predict- The Role of Environmental Predictability and Costs in Relying on Automation (SCS, CH, MEY), pp. 2535–2544.
DUXU-IXD-2015-KurdiAAAAA #design #implementation #mobile- Design and Implementation of a Mobile Cloud Environmental Application for Riyadh City (HK, AAF, AAT, HAM, MAM, SAK), pp. 380–389.
HIMI-IKD-2015-FujinawaSINHTH #behaviour #induction- Induction of Human Behavior by Presentation of Environmental Acoustics (EF, SS, MI, TN, OH, TT, MH), pp. 582–594.
CHI-2014-BatesHFMC #energy #towards- Towards an holistic view of the energy and environmental impacts of domestic media and IT (OB, MH, AF, JM, AKC), pp. 1173–1182.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-VilarDRNV #artificial reality #case study #using- A Pilot Study Using Virtual Reality to Investigate the Effects of Emergency Egress Signs Competing with Environmental Variables on Route Choices (EV, ED, FR, PN, EV), pp. 369–377.
HCI-AS-2014-Kawecka-EndlerM #enterprise #process- Humanization of Work and Environmental Protection in Activity of Enterprise (AKE, BM), pp. 700–709.
HCI-TMT-2014-BurkhardtNERK #adaptation #visualisation- Visualization Adaptation Based on Environmental Influencing Factors (DB, KN, JDE, WR, JK), pp. 411–422.
HIMI-DE-2014-MatsuyamaNKYI #crowdsourcing #development #mobile- Development of a Mobile Application for Crowdsourcing the Data Collection of Environmental Sounds (MM, RN, HK, JY, TI), pp. 514–524.
ICEIS-v2-2014-RoumelisLV #database #design #information management- Database Design of a Geo-environmental Information System (GR, TL, MV), pp. 375–382.
ICEIS-v3-2014-CarreiraDAD #perspective- Environmental Disclosure — From the Accounting to the Report Perspective (FC, AD, RA, FD), pp. 496–501.
ICPR-2014-FerisBPS #detection- Appearance-Based Object Detection Under Varying Environmental Conditions (RF, LMGB, SP, MTS), pp. 166–171.
ICPR-2014-YangLTSG #classification- Shape-Based Classification of Environmental Microorganisms (CY, CL, OT, KS, MG), pp. 3374–3379.
KDD-2014-XuWCGSKDL #data mining #mining #network #social- Improving management of aquatic invasions by integrating shipping network, ecological, and environmental data: data mining for social good (JX, TLW, NVC, EKG, KS, RPK, JMD, DML), pp. 1699–1708.
KEOD-2014-MinhasB #information management #ontology- Ontology Based Environmental Knowledge Management — A System to Support Decisions in Manufacturing Planning (SUHM, UB), pp. 397–404.
CASE-2013-RoyS #constraints #generative #process- Generative process planning with environmental constraints (UR, SS), pp. 534–539.
CHI-2013-Cottman-FieldsBR- Virtual birding: extending an environmental pastime into the virtual world for citizen science (MCF, MB, PR), pp. 2029–2032.
CHI-2013-GaverBBBCHJP #approach #human-computer #prototype- Indoor weather stations: investigating a ludic approach to environmental HCI through batch prototyping (WWG, JB, KB, AB, DWTC, MH, NJ, SP), pp. 3451–3460.
CHI-2013-MassungCCJP #community #crowdsourcing #using- Using crowdsourcing to support pro-environmental community activism (EM, DC, KFC, MJ, CP), pp. 371–380.
DUXU-CXC-2013-ThinG #behaviour #case study #experience #game studies #integration #interactive- Game-Based Interactive Media in Behavioral Medicine: Creating Serious Affective-Cognitive-Environmental-Social Integration Experiences (AGT, MG), pp. 470–479.
DUXU-NTE-2013-VilarRNTDF #question- Are Emergency Egress Signs Strong Enough to Overlap the Influence of the Environmental Variables? (EV, FR, PN, LT, ED, EF), pp. 205–214.
HCI-AMTE-2013-FedericiBM #assessment #evaluation #framework #interactive #process- Environmental Evaluation of a Rehabilitation Aid Interaction under the Framework of the Ideal Model of Assistive Technology Assessment Process (SF, SB, MLM), pp. 203–210.
HCI-AMTE-2013-HoroldMK- Analyzing Varying Environmental Contexts in Public Transport (SH, CM, HK), pp. 85–94.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-GirdauskieneS #what- Assessing Environmental Dimensions for Creativity and Knowledge Creation — What Features of Task, Group and Time do make an Impact on Creativity and Knowledge Creation in a Creative Organization (LG, AS), pp. 532–538.
SAC-2013-LarizgoitiaTBLM #semantics- Environmental service discovery based on semantically annotated OGC service descriptions (IL, IT, AB, AL, PM), pp. 303–310.
DAC-2012-Lauwereins #physics- Biomedical electronics serving as physical environmental and emotional watchdogs (RL), pp. 1–5.
CIKM-2012-DragutOMMBS- Lonomics Atlas: a tool to explore interconnected ionomic, genomic and environmental data (ECD, MO, AM, NM, PB, DES), pp. 2680–2682.
ICPR-2012-TsuruKO #using- Mixed-reality snapshot system using environmental depth sensors (HT, IK, YO), pp. 97–100.
KEOD-2012-MunozCLCP #enterprise #framework #ontology- Ontological Framework for Integrating Environmental Issues within Sustainable Enterprise — Enhancing Enterprise Decision-making (EM, ECG, JML, AEC, LP), pp. 385–388.
ASPLOS-2012-ChangMRSSB #design #lifecycle- Totally green: evaluating and designing servers for lifecycle environmental impact (JC, JM, PR, AS, RS, CB), pp. 25–36.
DAC-2011-SonkusaleD #integration- Heterogeneous integration of carbon nanotubes and graphene microassemblies for environmental and breath sensing (SRS, MRD), pp. 723–728.
ICDAR-2011-KunishigeFU #detection- Scenery Character Detection with Environmental Context (YK, YF, SU), pp. 1049–1053.
CSCW-2011-JohriNM #community #online- Environmental jolts: impact of exogenous factors on online community participation (AJ, ON, RM), pp. 649–652.
CSCW-2011-WinterboerMPGE #collaboration #monitoring #named- DIADEM: a system for collaborative environmental monitoring (AW, MAM, GP, FCAG, VE), pp. 589–590.
DUXU-v1-2011-VilarRNT #design #game studies- Environmental Affordances as a Way to Help in the Design of Videogame Worlds (EV, FR, PN, LT), pp. 323–331.
HCD-2011-IharaKY #simulation- Human Affordance as Life-Log for Environmental Simulations (MI, MK, TY), pp. 235–242.
HCI-MIIE-2011-AoyagiOIS #behaviour #communication- Proposal of a Method for Promotion of Continuous Pro-Environmental Behavior with Easy Communication (SA, TO, HI, HS), pp. 465–473.
HCI-MIIE-2011-MattheijSBRS #named #towards- GooGreen: Towards Increasing the Environmental Awareness of Households (RM, LS, LdB, KR, SS), pp. 500–509.
ICSE-2011-HolmesN #behaviour #identification- Identifying program, test, and environmental changes that affect behaviour (RH, DN), pp. 371–380.
DATE-2010-VergariBSDZRC- A Smart Space application to dynamically relate medical and environmental information (FV, SB, FS, AD, GZ, LR, TSC), pp. 1542–1547.
DATE-2010-WangT #novel #physics #process- Novel Physical Unclonable Function with process and environmental variations (XW, MT), pp. 1065–1070.
CHI-2010-MaFC #named- SoundNet: investigating a language composed of environmental sounds (XM, CF, PRC), pp. 1945–1954.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-MokotoffGP #multi #normalisation #problem- Normalization Procedures on Multicriteria Decision Making — An Example on Environmental Problems (EM, EG, JP), pp. 206–211.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-LibourelLMPD #framework- A Platform Dedicated to Share and Mutualize Environmental Applications (TL, YL, IM, CP, JCD), pp. 50–57.
ICEIS-J-2010-LinPMDL #framework #information management- A Framework to Assist Environmental Information Processing (YL, CP, IM, JCD, TL), pp. 76–89.
KEOD-2010-GarridoGDR #assessment- Knowledge Mobilization to Support Environmental Impact Assessment — A Model and an Application (JG, JGR, MD, IR), pp. 193–199.
ICLP-J-2010-GavanelliRMC #assessment- Logic-based decision support for strategic environmental assessment (MG, FR, MM, PC), pp. 643–658.
CASE-2009-BorgstromJBSK- Field-tests of a redundantly actuated cable-driven robot for environmental sampling applications (PHB, BLJ, MAB, GSS, WJK), pp. 615–620.
CHI-2009-AokiHMMPSW #community #research #using- A vehicle for research: using street sweepers to explore the landscape of environmental community action (PMA, RJH, AMM, CM, EP, SS, AW), pp. 375–384.
ICEIS-HCI-2009-FanSTD #evolution #simulation- Simulation of Forest Evolution — Effects of Environmental Factors to Trees Growth (JF, XyS, YT, TyD), pp. 66–71.
KEOD-2009-GarridoR #assessment #information management #representation #requirements #validation- Knowledge Representation in Environmental Impact Assessment — A Case of Study with High Level Requirements in Validation (JG, IR), pp. 412–415.
MoDELS-2009-ChengSBW #adaptation #approach #modelling #nondeterminism #requirements- A Goal-Based Modeling Approach to Develop Requirements of an Adaptive System with Environmental Uncertainty (BHCC, PS, NB, JW), pp. 468–483.
MoDELS-2009-ChengSBW #adaptation #approach #modelling #nondeterminism #requirements- A Goal-Based Modeling Approach to Develop Requirements of an Adaptive System with Environmental Uncertainty (BHCC, PS, NB, JW), pp. 468–483.
SAC-2009-MoserCT #embedded- Optimal service level allocation in environmentally powered embedded systems (CM, JJC, LT), pp. 1650–1657.
HCI-IDU-2007-Rintel- Maximizing Environmental Validity: Remote Recording of Desktop Videoconferencing (ESR), pp. 911–920.
HIMI-IIE-2007-ZhangYIS #analysis #case study #development #energy- A Study on Analysis Support System of Energy and Environmental System for Sustainable Development Based on MFM and GIS (QZ, HY, HI, HS), pp. 1148–1157.
HIMI-MTT-2007-MooneyW #interface- Evaluating Interfaces to Publicly Available Environmental Information (PM, ACW), pp. 107–114.
CAiSE-2007-PijpersG #comprehension #named- e3forces: Understanding Strategies of Networked e 3 value Constellations by Analyzing Environmental Forces (VP, JG), pp. 188–202.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-SokolovaF #architecture #assessment #data mining #mining #multi- A Multi-Agent Architecture for Environmental Impact Assessment: Information Fusion, Data Mining and Decision Making (MVS, AFC), pp. 219–224.
MLDM-2007-RaudysM #approach #multi- Multi-agent System Approach to React to Sudden Environmental Changes (SR, AM), pp. 810–823.
RE-2007-MaidenNKSG #requirements- Exploring Scenario Forms and Ways of Use to Discover Requirements on Airports that Minimize Environmental Impact (NAMM, CN, SK, NS, PG), pp. 29–38.
HPDC-2007-MeeheanL #behaviour #component #distributed #middleware- Environmentally responsible middleware: : an altruistic behavior model for distributed middleware components (JM, ML), pp. 209–210.
LICS-2007-SangiorgiKS #bisimulation #higher-order- Environmental Bisimulations for Higher-Order Languages (DS, NK, ES), pp. 293–302.
ICPR-v1-2006-Al-ZubiS #adaptation #learning- Learning to Imitate Human Movement to Adapt to Environmental Changes (SAZ, GS), pp. 191–194.
SEKE-2006-Chang- AAIEPESE Keynote: Artificial Intelligence and Environmental Systems Engineering (NBC), pp. 613–618.
SAC-2006-HeDZ #estimation #grid #modelling #parametricity #scalability- Service-oriented grid computation for large-scale parameter estimation in complex environmental modeling (KH, SD, LZ), pp. 741–745.
POPL-2005-CobbeF #revisited- Environmental acquisition revisited (RC, MF), pp. 14–25.
SAC-2004-MarkWC #automation #code generation #modelling #using- Using semi-lagrangian formulations with automatic code generation for environmental modeling (PvdM, LW, GC), pp. 229–234.
DRR-2003-YangL #image #mining #retrieval #semantics- Semantics-based image retrieval by text mining on environmental texts (HCY, CHL), pp. 266–277.
ICEIS-v2-2003-CastroSS #collaboration #named- Decisio: A Collaborative Decision Support System for Environmental Planning (MdC, JMdS, JCMS), pp. 217–222.
ICSM-2002-NandaM #evolution #requirements- The Impact of Environmental Evolution on Requirements Changes (VN, NHM), pp. 452–461.
SEKE-2002-Micucci #architecture #industrial #knowledge-based #monitoring- Exploiting the kaleidoscope architecture in an industrial environmental monitoring system with heterogeneous devices and a knowledge-based supervisor (DM), pp. 685–688.
SAC-2002-CavalcantiMCLS #modelling- Sharing scientific models in environmental applications (MCC, MM, MLMC, FL, ES), pp. 453–457.
ICPR-v4-2000-OhbaOTRDTKK #artificial reality #realtime- Real-Time Micro Environmental Observation with Virtual Reality (KO, JCPO, KT, GR, RD, YT, TK, NK), pp. 4487–4490.
SAC-2000-RennieLW #database #network #query #web- Web Access to Environmental Databases: a Database Query and Presentation System for the UK Environmental Change Network (SCR, AMJL, MW), pp. 894–897.
MLDM-1999-Scaringella #data mining #mining #monitoring #risk management- A Data Mining Application for Monitoring Environmental Risks (AS), pp. 209–215.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-SoulieBM #multi- Coupling Multiagent Systems and Environmental Data (JCS, SB, PM), pp. 265–273.
CSMR-1998-LamL #approach #evolution #requirements- Requirements Evolution in the Midst of Environmental Change: A Managed Approach (WL, ML), pp. 121–127.
CSCW-1998-HouseBS #information management #set #trust- Cooperative Knowledge Work and Practices of Trust: Sharing Environmental Planning Data Sets (NAVH, MHB, LRS), pp. 335–343.
VLDB-1997-BaumannFRW #data transformation- Geo/Environmental and Medical Data Management in the RasDaMan System (PB, PF, RR, NW), pp. 548–552.
SEKE-1996-LongMRW #named #realtime- REINAS: A Real-time System for Managing Environmental Data (DDEL, PEM, ECR, CMW), pp. 293–300.
OOPSLA-1996-GilL #abstraction- Environmental Acquisition — A New Inheritance-Like Abstraction Mechanism (JYG, DHL), pp. 214–231.
EDAC-1994-YangMD #automaton #constraints #scheduling- Scheduling with Environmental Constraints based on Automata Representations (JCYY, GDM, MD), pp. 495–501.
SEKE-1994-ChengBG #development #distributed #information management #multi #object-oriented- The object-oriented development of a distributed multimedia environmental information system (BHCC, RHB, GCG), pp. 70–77.
ECOOP-1994-BrueggeR #framework #modelling #object-oriented #towards- A Geographic Environmental Modeling System: Towards an Object-Oriented Framework (BB, ER), pp. 474–492.
HCI-ACS-1993-Cook #correlation #performance- Teleoperation of Heavy Equipment: Individual and Environmental Correlates of Operator Performance (TMC), pp. 278–282.
HCI-ACS-1993-EikeFD- User-Centered Guidance for Environmental Mangagement (DRE, JAF, RD), pp. 564–569.
HT-ECHT-1992-Cesareni #education #hypermedia #prototype- Ecoland, a Hypermedia Prototype for Environmental Education (Demonstration) (DC), p. 293.
ILPC-1982-PereiraSO82 #evaluation #named #natural language- ORBI — An Expert System for Environmental Resource Evaluation through Natural Language (LMP, PS, EO), pp. 200–209.
ICSE-1976-MohanG- An Environmental Simulator for the FDNY Computer Aided Dispatch System (JM, MG), pp. 577–584.