Travelled to:
1 × Czech Republic
2 × France
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
F.Giannotti F.Pinelli D.Pedreschi R.Trasarti M.Berlingerio G.Manco
Talks about:
mine (4) tempor (3) nondeterminist (1) trajectori (1) nonmonoton (1) workflow (1) interact (1) sequenc (1) pattern (1) databas (1)
Person: Mirco Nanni
DBLP: Nanni:Mirco
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- KDD-2011-TrasartiPNG #mining
- Mining mobility user profiles for car pooling (RT, FP, MN, FG), pp. 1190–1198.
- KDD-2009-BerlingerioPNG #data analysis #interactive #mining #workflow
- Temporal mining for interactive workflow data analysis (MB, FP, MN, FG), pp. 109–118.
- KDD-2007-GiannottiNPP #mining
- Trajectory pattern mining (FG, MN, FP, DP), pp. 330–339.
- SAC-2006-GiannottiNPP #mining #sequence
- Mining sequences with temporal annotations (FG, MN, DP, FP), pp. 593–597.
- CSL-1998-GiannottiMNP #database #effectiveness #logic #nondeterminism #on the #semantics
- On the Effective Semantics of Nondeterministic, Nonmonotonic, Temporal Logic Databases (FG, GM, MN, DP), pp. 58–72.