Travelled to:
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
E.W.Thompson S.A.Szygenda E.W.Thomson R.Pierce
Talks about:
simul (3) digit (3) structur (2) system (2) data (2) multilevel (1) represent (1) implement (1) techniqu (1) softwar (1)
Person: N. Billawala
DBLP: Billawala:N=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICSE-1976-BillawalaST #data type #multi #simulation
- A Data Structure and Drive Mechanism for a Table-Driven Simulation System Employing Multilevel Structural Representations of Digital Systems (NB, SAS, EWT), pp. 151–157.
- DAC-1975-ThompsonB75a #implementation #logic #multi #re-engineering #simulation
- The software engineering technique of data hiding as applied to multi-level model implementation of logical devices in digital simulation (EWT, NB), pp. 195–201.
- DAC-1974-ThompsonSBP #analysis #fault #simulation #using
- Timing analysis for digital fault simulation using assignable delays (EWT, SAS, NB, RP), pp. 266–272.