Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × New Zealand
1 × Norway
1 × USA
2 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
A.Blouin ∅ J.Jézéquel B.Combemale B.Baudry M.Beaudouin-Lafon S.Loiseau O.Barais F.Jouault M.Brun M.Clavreul G.Savaton M.Yang M.Smati K.Khalifa S.Hammoudi O.Camp F.Saubion
Talks about:
model (7) transform (5) document (4) activ (3) map (3) toward (2) system (2) slicer (2) design (2) siec (2)
Person: Olivier Beaudoux
DBLP: Beaudoux:Olivier
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- ICEIS-v1-2013-YangSKHBCS #design #information management #towards
- Toward the Design of a Generic Model of Interoperability for SIEC — SIEC: Eco-design Information System (MY, MS, KK, SH, OB, OC, FS), pp. 329–333.
- MoDELS-2011-BlouinCBB #modelling
- Modeling Model Slicers (AB, BC, BB, OB), pp. 62–76.
- MoDELS-J-2011-BlouinCBB15 #generative #modelling #named
- Kompren: modeling and generating model slicers (AB, BC, BB, OB), pp. 321–337.
- DocEng-2010-BeaudouxB
- Linking data and presentations: from mapping to active transformations (OB, AB), pp. 107–110.
- DocEng-2010-BeaudouxBJ #authoring #modelling #using
- Using model driven engineering technologies for building authoring applications (OB, AB, JMJ), pp. 279–282.
- MoDELS-v1-2010-BeaudouxBBJ
- Active Operations on Collections (OB, AB, OB, JMJ), pp. 91–105.
- DocEng-2008-BlouinBL #named
- Malan: a mapping language for the data manipulation (AB, OB, SL), pp. 66–75.
- DocEng-2007-BlouinB #documentation #paradigm
- Mapping paradigm for document transformation (AB, OB), pp. 219–221.
- DocEng-2005-Beaudoux #documentation #interactive #xml
- XML active transformation (eXAcT): transforming documents within interactive systems (OB), pp. 146–148.
- DocEng-2005-Beaudoux05a #documentation #xml
- Event points: annotating XML documents for remote sharing (OB), pp. 159–161.
- ICEIS-v5-2005-BeaudouxB #named #tool support
- OPENDPI: A Toolkit for Developing Document-Centered Environments (OB, MBL), pp. 39–47.
- ICMT-2015-JouaultBBCS #functional #model transformation #ocl #towards
- Towards Functional Model Transformations with OCL (FJ, OB, MB, MC, GS), pp. 111–120.