Collaborated with:
∅ Alejandro Soler
Talks about:
game (3) design (2) journalist (1) disempower (1) perspect (1) particip (1) journal (1) creativ (1) analysi (1) player (1)
Person: Patrick Prax
DBLP: Prax:Patrick
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- DiGRA-2013-Prax #analysis #design #game studies
- Game Design and Business Model: an Analysis of Diablo 3 (PP).
- DiGRA-2015-Prax #design #game studies
- Co-Creative Game Design in MMORPGs (PP).
- DiGRA-FDG-2016-PraxS #game studies
- Critical Alternative Journalism from the Perspective of Game Journalists (PP, AS).
- DiGRA-2019-Prax #case study
- Is this still participation? A case study of the disempowerment of player labourers (PP).