124 papers:
CASE-2015-YuWZ- From passive demand response to proactive demand participation (NY, TW, QZ), pp. 1300–1306.
SIGMOD-2015-SheT0 #social- Utility-Aware Social Event-Participant Planning (JS, YT, LC), pp. 1629–1643.
ITiCSE-2015-Cukierman #learning #predict #process #student- Predicting Success in University First Year Computing Science Courses: The Role of Student Participation in Reflective Learning Activities and in I-clicker Activities (DC), pp. 248–253.
ICSME-2015-KononenkoBGCG #bibliography #code review #matter #people #quality #question- Investigating code review quality: Do people and participation matter? (OK, OB, LG, YC, MWG), pp. 111–120.
CHI-2015-KuznetsovDWMHP #biology #hybrid #open source #tool support- DIYbio Things: Open Source Biology Tools as Platforms for Hybrid Knowledge Production and Scientific Participation (SK, CD, NW, SM, SEH, EP), pp. 4065–4068.
CHI-2015-ShihBHC- Unequal Time for Unequal Value: Implications of Differing Motivations for Participation in Timebanking (PCS, VB, KH, JMC), pp. 1075–1084.
CSCW-2015-AsadD #community- Illegitimate Civic Participation: Supporting Community Activists on the Ground (MA, CALD), pp. 1694–1703.
CSCW-2015-BiehlAD #communication #comprehension- Not Really There: Understanding Embodied Communication Affordances in Team Perception and Participation (JTB, DA, AD), pp. 1567–1575.
CSCW-2015-JafarinaimiM- Collective Intelligence or Group Think?: Engaging Participation Patterns in World without Oil (NJ, EMM), pp. 1872–1881.
CSCW-2015-MaYFD #design #feedback #online- Exiting the Design Studio: Leveraging Online Participants for Early-Stage Design Feedback (XM, LY, JLF, SPD), pp. 676–685.
CSCW-2015-SemaanFRMD #navigation #online- Navigating Imagined Audiences: Motivations for Participating in the Online Public Sphere (BS, HAF, SPR, MM, SKD), pp. 1158–1169.
HCI-DE-2015-AlenljungS #design #perspective- Designing Simulation-Based Training for Prehospital Emergency Care: Participation from a Participant Perspective (BA, HMS), pp. 297–306.
HCI-DE-2015-ChynalS #testing #usability- Web-Systems Remote Usability Tests and Their Participant Recruitment (PC, JS), pp. 175–183.
HIMI-IKC-2015-AoyagiKYW- Hand-Raising Robot for Promoting Active Participation in Classrooms (SA, RK, MY, TW), pp. 275–284.
SCSM-2015-Lopez-OrnelasZ #social #social media- Social Media Participation: A Narrative Way to Help Urban Planners (ÉLO, NMZ), pp. 48–54.
ICSE-v2-2015-Rastogi #performance- Contributor’s Performance, Participation Intentions, Its Influencers and Project Performance (AR), pp. 919–922.
HT-2014-WenLTP #network #twitter- Twitter in academic conferences: usage, networking and participation over time (XW, YRL, CT, DP), pp. 285–290.
ITiCSE-2014-EllisH #learning #open source #re-engineering- Structuring software engineering learning within open source software participation (HJCE, GWH), p. 326.
ITiCSE-2014-PatitsasCE #social- A historical examination of the social factors affecting female participation in computing (EP, MC, SME), pp. 111–116.
MSR-2014-McIntoshKAH #bibliography #case study #code review #quality- The impact of code review coverage and code review participation on software quality: a case study of the qt, VTK, and ITK projects (SM, YK, BA, AEH), pp. 192–201.
CHI-2014-FioreCTM #online #research- Incentives to participate in online research: an experimental examination of “surprise” incentives (ATF, CC, LST, GAM), pp. 3433–3442.
CHI-2014-LaureyssensCCMCM #approach #component #composition #game studies #named #network- ZWERM: a modular component network approach for an urban participation game (TL, TC, LC, PM, JC, AVM), pp. 3259–3268.
CHI-2014-ShamiNC #performance #social #social media- Social media participation and performance at work: a longitudinal study (NSS, JN, JC), pp. 115–118.
CSCW-2014-HanSRC #community #mobile- Enhancing community awareness of and participation in local heritage with a mobile application (KH, PCS, MBR, JMC), pp. 1144–1155.
CSCW-2014-HuangWY #comprehension #online #social- De-virtualizing social events: understanding the gap between online and offline participation for event invitations (AJH, HCW, CWY), pp. 436–448.
CSCW-2014-MugarOHCJ #online- Planet hunters and seafloor explorers: legitimate peripheral participation through practice proxies in online citizen science (GM, CSØ, KDH, KC, CBJ), pp. 109–119.
DUXU-DI-2014-ShinKKJS #design #game studies #interactive #process- A New Design Process for Viewer Participation in Interactive TV Program: Focused on the Interactive TV Game Show Hae-un-dae (JS, HJK, JIK, BGJ, CS), pp. 763–772.
DUXU-TMT-2014-LeeL #3d #design #generative #research- Experimental Research in Applying Generative Design and 3D Printers in User Participating Design (LCJL, MHL), pp. 296–307.
HIMI-DE-2014-KawabeYAW #metric #student- Measurement of Hand Raising Actions to Support Students’ Active Participation in Class (RK, MY, SA, TW), pp. 199–207.
CIKM-2014-ZhangHSWHH #evaluation- Generalized Bias-Variance Evaluation of TREC Participated Systems (PZ, LH, DS, JW, YH, BH), pp. 1911–1914.
ICPR-2014-IiyamaMFM #3d- 3D Acquisition of Occluded Surfaces from Scattering in Participating Media (MI, SM, TF, MM), pp. 2095–2100.
SEKE-2014-CostaFM #collaboration #development #distributed #question- Collaborative Merge in Distributed Software Development: Who Should Participate? (CC, JJCF, LM), pp. 268–273.
SIGIR-2014-BianYC #microblog #network #predict- Predicting trending messages and diffusion participants in microblogging network (JB, YY, TSC), pp. 537–546.
CHI-2013-DalsgardE #approach #case study #library #scalability- Large-scale participation: a case study of a participatory approach to developing a new public library (PD, EE), pp. 399–408.
CHI-2013-NovALB #design #online #social #user interface- Exploring personality-targeted UI design in online social participation systems (ON, OA, CL, PB), pp. 361–370.
CHI-2013-VinesCWMO #configuration management #design #how #people- Configuring participation: on how we involve people in design (JV, RC, PCW, JCM, PO), pp. 429–438.
CSCW-2013-GeigerH #using #wiki- Using edit sessions to measure participation in wikipedia (RSG, AH), pp. 861–870.
CSCW-2013-HalfakerKT #wiki- Making peripheral participation legitimate: reader engagement experiments in wikipedia (AH, OK, DT), pp. 849–860.
DHM-SET-2013-GiabbanelliDASF #game studies #health #self- Supporting a Participant-Centric Management of Obesity via a Self-improving Health Game (PJG, PD, LA, TS, DTF), pp. 189–196.
DUXU-PMT-2013-KitamuraKNSYM #community #using- Community Participation Support Using an ICF-Based Community Map (SK, KK, YN, KIS, JY, HM), pp. 516–524.
HCI-UC-2013-KobayashiYOO #community #people #problem- The Present Condition and Problems for Elderly People Participating in Communities (NK, SY, KO, AO), pp. 307–313.
HIMI-D-2013-ChamberlainCDGRTJ #community #design #named #ubiquitous- Placebooks: Participation, Community, Design, and Ubiquitous Data Aggregation “In the Wild” (AC, AC, MD, KG, SR, PT, MJ), pp. 411–420.
HIMI-D-2013-ShiozuYS #community #process- Incentive Structure of Participation in Community Activity (YS, KY, KS), pp. 259–268.
OCSC-2013-AdlerA #network #social- The Influence of Social Networking Sites on Participation in the 2012 Presidential Election (RFA, WDA), pp. 233–239.
SEKE-2013-WangWMX #analysis #how #performance- How Does Acquirer’s Participation Influence Performance of Software Projects: A Quantitative Analysis (S) (YW, JW, JM, BX), pp. 537–541.
CHI-2012-Dantec #community- Participation and publics: supporting community engagement (CALD), pp. 1351–1360.
CHI-2012-DellVMCT #bias #exclamation #human-computer #quote- “Yours is better!”: participant response bias in HCI (ND, VV, IM, EC, WT), pp. 1321–1330.
CHI-2012-JohnsonRLB #challenge #research- Being in the thick of in-the-wild studies: the challenges and insights of researcher participation (RMGJ, YR, JvdL, NBB), pp. 1135–1144.
CHI-2012-MasliT #community #online- Evaluating compliance-without-pressure techniques for increasing participation in online communities (MM, LGT), pp. 2915–2924.
CHI-2012-MorrisonMRSC #approach #hybrid #mobile- A hybrid mass participation approach to mobile software trials (AM, DM, SR, SS, MC), pp. 1311–1320.
CHI-2012-WohnVBL #community #online- Habit as an explanation of participation in an online peer-production community (DYW, AV, TB, CL), pp. 2905–2914.
CSCW-2012-FugelstadDMKMTS #community #online #predict #what- What makes users rate (share, tag, edit...)?: predicting patterns of participation in online communities (PF, PD, JFM, JK, CAM, LGT, MS), pp. 969–978.
CSCW-2012-LiaoPZG #community- Your space or mine?: community management and user participation in a chinese corporate blogging community (QL, YP, MXZ, TG), pp. 315–324.
CSCW-2012-TausczikP #community #online- Participation in an online mathematics community: differentiating motivations to add (YRT, JWP), pp. 207–216.
CSCW-2012-ZubeVOLO #wiki- Classroom Wikipedia participation effects on future intentions to contribute (PZ, AV, EO, CL, JO), pp. 403–406.
ICML-2012-ChambersJ #learning- Learning the Central Events and Participants in Unlabeled Text (NC, DJ), p. 3.
SAC-2012-SalomoniMPM #named #protocol- S2S: a peer to peer protocol for participative sensing (PS, LAM, GP, MM), pp. 634–635.
ITiCSE-2011-EllisHM #comparison #re-engineering #student- A comparison of software engineering knowledge gained from student participation in humanitarian foss projects (HJCE, GWH, RAM), p. 360.
CHI-2011-EllingLJ #eye tracking #using- Retrospective think-aloud method: using eye movements as an extra cue for participants’ verbalizations (SE, LL, MdJ), pp. 1161–1170.
CHI-2011-SukumaranVMN #online- Normative influences on thoughtful online participation (AS, SV, MM, CN), pp. 3401–3410.
CSCW-2011-JohriNM #community #online- Environmental jolts: impact of exogenous factors on online community participation (AJ, ON, RM), pp. 649–652.
HCI-DDA-2011-Shneiderman #challenge #human-computer #social- Technology-Mediated Social Participation: The Next 25 Years of HCI Challenges (BS), pp. 3–14.
KMIS-2011-KolfschotenDMA #collaboration #community- Tipping the Balance — Drivers and Barriers for Participation in a Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration Community (GLK, DAD, DDM, VDA), pp. 114–122.
KMIS-2011-MajidMSH #student- Students’ Perceptions of Knowledge Sharing through Class Participation (SM, AAM, CMS, SMH), pp. 250–257.
SIGIR-2011-SmuckerJ #case study #comparison- Measuring assessor accuracy: a comparison of nist assessors and user study participants (MDS, CPJ), pp. 1231–1232.
SIGIR-2011-ZhengGYXBSHY #community #mining #topic- Mining topics on participations for community discovery (GZ, JG, LY, SX, SB, ZS, DH, YY), pp. 445–454.
ECSA-2010-KamalA #design pattern #mining- Mining Relationships between the Participants of Architectural Patterns (AWK, PA), pp. 401–408.
DocEng-2010-BalinskyS #difference #documentation #multi #workflow- Differential access for publicly-posted composite documents with multiple workflow participants (HB, SJS), pp. 115–124.
CHI-2010-DownsHSC #game studies- Are your participants gaming the system?: screening mechanical turk workers (JSD, MBH, SS, LFC), pp. 2399–2402.
CHI-2010-Lackaff #network- Propitious aggregation: reducing participant burden in ego-centric network data collection (DL), pp. 1467–1470.
CHI-2010-LampeWVO #community #online- Motivations to participate in online communities (CL, RW, AV, EO), pp. 1927–1936.
CSCW-2010-AntinC #wiki- Readers are not free-riders: reading as a form of participation on wikipedia (JA, CC), pp. 127–130.
CSCW-2010-Dickey-KurdziolekSTR #coordination #lessons learnt- Lessons from thoughtswap-ing: increasing participants’ coordinative agency in facilitated discussions (MDK, MS, DGT, IPR), pp. 81–90.
CSEET-2009-Bourque #feedback- SWEBOK Refresh and Continuous Update: A Call for Feedback and Participation (PB), pp. 288–289.
ITiCSE-2009-DoerschukLM #experience #lessons learnt- INSPIRED broadening participation: first year experience and lessons learned (PID, JL, JM), pp. 238–242.
WCRE-1999-TangHZ99a #identification- Techniques for Identifying the Country Origin of Mailing List Participants (RT, AEH, YZ), pp. 36–40.
CHI-2009-BachDC #design #development #experience #open source #user interface- Designers wanted: participation and the user experience in open source software development (PMB, RD, JMC), pp. 985–994.
CHI-2009-HeathLLYK- Enhancing remote participation in live auctions: an “intelligent” gavel (CH, PL, DvL, JY, HK), pp. 1427–1436.
HCD-2009-LinO #analysis #information management- The Method of User’s Requirement Analysis by Participation of the User: Constructing an Information System for Travelers (CYL, MO), pp. 862–868.
IDGD-2009-ZhongLL #learning #similarity- Exploring the Influences of Individualism-Collectivism on Individual’s Perceived Participation Equality in Virtual Learning Teams (YZ, NL, JL), pp. 207–216.
ICEIS-J-2009-Barjis #collaboration #enterprise #interactive #modelling- Collaborative, Participative and Interactive Enterprise Modeling (JB), pp. 651–662.
KDIR-2009-ValiatiTGGBT #multi #taxonomy #visualisation- Multidimensional Information Visualization Techniques — Evaluating a Taxonomy of Tasks with the Participation of the Users (ERdAV, JT, AFG, MAG, LLB, JRT), pp. 311–314.
ITiCSE-2008-ApplinH #library #multi #research- Computing research methods multi-perspective digital library: a call for participation (AGA, HJH), p. 337.
CHI-2008-ChengET #source code #towards- Participant and interviewer attitudes toward handheld computers in the context of HIV/AIDS programs in sub-Saharan Africa (KGC, FE, KNT), pp. 763–766.
CHI-2008-FarzanDMDGB #enterprise- Results from deploying a participation incentive mechanism within the enterprise (RF, JMD, DRM, CD, WG, EB), pp. 563–572.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-FurtadoSFC #case study #communication #design #interactive #requirements #validation- Promoting Communication and Participation through Enactments of Interaction Design Solutions — A Study Case for Validating Requirements for Digital TV (EF, AS, FF, LC), pp. 268–275.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-MacielRG #online #process- Measuring the e-Participation in Decision-Making Processes through Online Surveys (CM, LR, ACBG), pp. 426–434.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-BrockeTW #e-commerce #mobile- Making Use of Mobile Devices in E-Commerce — Overcoming Organizational Barriers through User Participation (JvB, BT, DW), pp. 168–173.
RE-2008-LohmannHL #distributed #elicitation #requirements- Web-based Stakeholder Participation in Distributed Requirements Elicitation (SL, PH, KL), pp. 323–324.
ICSE-2008-Krogstie #community #open source #re-engineering #student- Power through brokering: open source community participation in software engineering student projects (BRK), pp. 791–800.
ITiCSE-2007-PeckhamHSSMS #challenge- Broadening participation in computing: issues and challenges (JP, LLH, DAS, BS, HM, PDS), pp. 9–13.
CHI-2007-PalenL #future of- Citizen communications in crisis: anticipating a future of ICT-supported public participation (LP, SBL), pp. 727–736.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Quraishy #case study #design #health #how #implementation #information management- How Participation at Different Hierarchical Levels Can Have an Impact on the Design and Implementation of Health Information Systems at the Grass Root Level — A Case Study from India (ZBQ), pp. 128–136.
HIMI-IIE-2007-YajimaWS #evaluation #information management #multi- Evaluation of the Participant-Support Method for Information Acquisition in the “Multiplex Risk Communicator” (HY, TW, RS), pp. 195–203.
CAiSE-2007-StirnaPS #case study #enterprise #experience #modelling #recommendation- Participative Enterprise Modeling: Experiences and Recommendations (JS, AP, KS), pp. 546–560.
RE-2007-Rashid #collaboration #named #requirements #specification #towards #visual notation- OpenProposal: Towards Collaborative End-User Participation in Requirements Management By Usage of Visual Requirement Specifications (AR), pp. 371–374.
CHI-2006-RashidLTRKR #game studies- Motivating participation by displaying the value of contribution (AMR, KSL, RDT, PR, REK, JR), pp. 955–958.
MSR-2005-HuangL #learning #mining #process #verification #version control- Mining version histories to verify the learning process of Legitimate Peripheral Participants (SKH, KmL), pp. 21–25.
CHI-2005-CarterM- When participants do the capturing: the role of media in diary studies (SC, JM), pp. 899–908.
CHI-2005-LambertyK- Camera talk: making the camera a partial participant (KKL, JLK), pp. 839–848.
ESEC-FSE-2005-ErfurthR #named- UPEX: user participation by example (IE, WR), pp. 374–376.
CHI-2004-LudfordCFT #community #difference #online #using- Think different: increasing online community participation using uniqueness and group dissimilarity (PJL, DC, DF, LGT), pp. 631–638.
CSCW-2004-DiMiccoPB- Influencing group participation with a shared display (JMD, AP, WB), pp. 614–623.
ICEIS-v5-2004-Rohrbaugh #distributed- Managerial Openness and the Adoption of Distributed Group Support Systems: The Case of Webwide Participation (JR), pp. 115–120.
HPDC-2004-GilburdSW #data mining #mining #privacy- Privacy-Preserving Data Mining on Data Grids in the Presence of Malicious Participants (BG, AS, RW), pp. 225–234.
ITiCSE-2003-BarkerG #source code #women- The effect of institutional characteristics on participation of women in computer science bachelors degree programs (LJB, KGD), p. 242.
CHI-2002-KellySF #community #design #online #social- Designing for improved social responsibility, user participation and content in on-line communities (SUK, CS, SF), pp. 391–398.
ICEIS-2002-Olive #concept #modelling- Specific Relationship Types in Conceptual Modeling: The Cases of Generic and with Common Participants (AO), p. 9.
ASE-1999-Kreuer #automation #case study #network #testing- Applying Test Automation to Type Acceptance Testing of Telecom Networks: A Case Study with Customer Participation (DK), pp. 216–223.
HCI-CCAD-1999-HickeyKA #distributed #mobile #using- Mobile virtual participation in a distributed meeting using an omni-directional camera system (SH, KK, SA), pp. 533–537.
HCI-CCAD-1999-YamashitaKYMYKS #multi #named- Agora: supporting multi-participant telecollaboration (JY, HK, KY, HM, AY, HK, HS), pp. 543–547.
SAC-1999-JacksonTW #artificial reality #collaboration #education #multi- Peer Collaboration and Virtual Environments: A Preliminary Investigation of Multi-Participant Virtual Reality Applied in Science Education (RLJ, WT, WW), pp. 121–125.
ITiCSE-1998-Jenkins #approach #education #programming- A participative approach to teaching programming (TJ), pp. 125–129.
CSEET-1997-Harrison #development #industrial- Enhancing Software Development Project Courses Via Industry Participation (JVH), pp. 192–203.
ITiCSE-1997-BifflG #education #project management #quality #re-engineering- Teaching software engineering and project management to 300 participants without drain of quality or intensity (SB, TG), pp. 51–53.
CHI-1997-Walker- A Computer Participant in Musical Improvisation (WFW), pp. 123–130.
HCI-CC-1997-BambaNL #agile- A Participation of Mental Factors in Agile Manufacturing Systems (EB, WN, RL), pp. 339–342.
HCI-CC-1997-KirveennummiT- From Participation in ISD to Improvements in Organization (MK, AT), pp. 817–820.
HCI-ACS-1993-Beck #case study #design- User Participation in systems Design — Results of a Field Study (AB), pp. 534–539.
HCI-ACS-1993-BollenS #automation #case study #how #process- How to Survive Process Control Automation: A Case Study of Integral User Participation (LAAB, TWvdS), pp. 121–126.
HCI-ACS-1993-Kirsch #communication #evaluation #modelling- Evaluation of Communication Methods for User Participation in Data Modelling (CK), pp. 558–563.
SEKE-1993-Sandahl #knowledge-based- Developing Knowledge-Based Systems with Active Expert Participation (KS), pp. 589–595.
CAiSE-1990-Koch #industrial- ESPRIT at the Age of Seven — Its Industrial Impact Seen from a Participant’s Viewpoint (GRK), p. 284.
CAiSE-1989-Medri #development #information management #knowledge base #process- The Role of Knowledge Based Systems to Enhance User Participation in the System Development Process (GMM).