Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × South Korea
Collaborated with:
Z.Zhang R.McNaney I.Poliakov J.Vines M.Balaam P.Olivier D.Roggen
Talks about:
parkinson (2) peopl (2) googl (2) glass (2) distribut (1) algorithm (1) research (1) everyday (1) speech (1) search (1)
Person: Pengfei Zhang
DBLP: Zhang:Pengfei
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CHI-2015-McNaneyPVBZO #named #people #speech
- LApp: A Speech Loudness Application for People with Parkinson’s on Google Glass (RM, IP, JV, MB, PZ, PO), pp. 497–500.
- CHI-2014-McNaneyVRBZPO #people
- Exploring the acceptability of google glass as an everyday assistive device for people with parkinson’s (RM, JV, DR, MB, PZ, IP, PO), pp. 2551–2554.
- ICEIS-v2-2011-ZhangZ #algorithm #optimisation #research
- Research on the Route Optimization of Book Distribution based on the Tabu Search Algorithm (PZ, ZZ), pp. 125–130.