Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.Kimmell N.Frisby P.Alexander
Talks about:
processor (2) construct (2) languag (2) algebra (2) combin (2) interpreterlib (1) program (1) modular (1) generic (1)
Person: Philip Weaver
DBLP: Weaver:Philip
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ASE-2007-WeaverKFA #composition #programming
- Modular and generic programming with interpreterlib (PW, GK, NF, PA), pp. 473–476.
- GPCE-2007-WeaverKFA #algebra #combinator
- Constructing language processors with algebra combinators (PW, GK, NF, PA), pp. 155–164.
- GPCE-J-2007-FrisbyKWA10 #algebra #combinator
- Constructing language processors with algebra combinators (NF, GK, PW, PA), pp. 543–572.