1339 papers:
CASE-2015-NonakaSLNKK #analysis #simulation #statistics- The S-Model: A digital manufacturing system combined with autonomous statistical analysis and autonomous discrete-event simulation for smart manufacturing (YN, YS, AL, SN, KK, YK), pp. 1006–1011.
CASE-2015-ReisgenLMBW #modelling #process #quality- Process control of gas metal arc welding processes by optical weld pool observation with combined quality models (UR, PL, SM, GB, KW), pp. 407–410.
DATE-2015-Leger #adaptation #multi- Combining adaptive alternate test and multi-site (GL), pp. 1389–1394.
DATE-2015-WengCCHW #using- Using structural relations for checking combinationality of cyclic circuits (WCW, YCC, JHC, CYH, CYW), pp. 325–328.
DocEng-2015-WidlocherBLMR #information retrieval- Combining Advanced Information Retrieval and Text-Mining for Digital Humanities (AW, NB, JML, YM, JR), pp. 157–166.
DRR-2015-MiouletBCPB #architecture #multi #network #recognition- Exploring multiple feature combination strategies with a recurrent neural network architecture for off-line handwriting recognition (LM, GB, CC, TP, SB).
DRR-2015-PengCN #approach #using- Boost OCR accuracy using iVector based system combination approach (XP, HC, PN).
HT-2015-SongFGWCZ #graph #microblog #word- Build Emotion Lexicon from Microblogs by Combining Effects of Seed Words and Emoticons in a Heterogeneous Graph (KS, SF, WG, DW, LC, CZ), pp. 283–292.
PODS-2015-MartensNNS #named #xml- BonXai: Combining the simplicity of DTD with the expressiveness of XML Schema (WM, FN, MN, TS), pp. 145–156.
ESOP-2015-CastagnaI0B #calculus #pattern matching #xquery- A Core Calculus for XQuery 3.0 — Combining Navigational and Pattern Matching Approaches (GC, HI, KN, VB), pp. 232–256.
ICPC-2015-YanoKII #interactive #library #named #visualisation- VerXCombo: an interactive data visualization of popular library version combinations (YY, RGK, TI, KI), pp. 291–294.
ICSME-2015-IloGABG #repository- Combining software interrelationship data across heterogeneous software repositories (NI, JG, TA, MB, TG), pp. 571–575.
ICSME-2015-Yamashita #analysis #assessment #benchmark #case study #experience #metric #quality #visualisation- Experiences from performing software quality evaluations via combining benchmark-based metrics analysis, software visualization, and expert assessment (AY), pp. 421–428.
CHI-2015-JokelaOO #multi #process- A Diary Study on Combining Multiple Information Devices in Everyday Activities and Tasks (TJ, JO, TO), pp. 3903–3912.
DHM-EH-2015-CheffiRBBS #approach #cost analysis #feedback #optimisation- A Bi-level Optimization Approach to Get an Optimal Combination of Cost Functions for Pilot’s Arm Movement: The Case of Helicopter’s Flying Aid Functions with Haptic Feedback (SC, TR, LB, PB, JCS), pp. 248–257.
DHM-EH-2015-YamamotoBAKHJSO #music- The Transfer of Expertise in Conducting a Participatory Music Therapy During a Combined Rehabilitation-Recreational Program in an Elderly Care Facility (AY, HCBJ, TA, HK, KH, MJ, MS, TO, AG, NK, NK, HH), pp. 500–511.
DUXU-DD-2015-CamposBFNC #experience #guidelines #heuristic #industrial #multimodal- Combining Principles of Experience, Traditional Heuristics and Industry Guidelines to Evaluate Multimodal Digital Artifacts (FC, RB, WF, EVN, WC), pp. 130–137.
DUXU-DD-2015-XimenesAA #agile #design #project management- Software Project Management Combining Agile, Lean Startup and Design Thinking (BHX, INA, CCA), pp. 356–367.
HIMI-IKD-2015-AinoyaKT- Proposal of New Lighting Which Combined Functionality of Street Light and Outdoor Light (TA, KK, AT), pp. 491–499.
ICEIS-v1-2015-ConstantinonNS #heuristic- Combining Heuristic and Utility Function for Fair Train Crew Rostering (AAC, CFXdMN, AGN, AFdS), pp. 593–602.
ICEIS-v1-2015-NouriDG #algorithm #flexibility #multi #problem #scheduling #search-based- Genetic Algorithm Combined with Tabu Search in a Holonic Multiagent Model for Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem (HEN, OBD, KG), pp. 573–584.
SEKE-2015-GaoKN #set- Combining Feature Subset Selection and Data Sampling for Coping with Highly Imbalanced Software Data (KG, TMK, AN), pp. 439–444.
SEKE-2015-XuSZ #algorithm #policy #testing- Fault-Based Testing of Combining Algorithms in XACML3.0 Policies (DX, NS, YZ), pp. 433–438.
SIGIR-2015-SchamoniR #information retrieval #orthogonal #scalability- Combining Orthogonal Information in Large-Scale Cross-Language Information Retrieval (SS, SR), pp. 943–946.
PPDP-2015-Tarau #combinator #on the #representation- On a uniform representation of combinators, arithmetic, λ terms and types (PT), pp. 244–255.
SAC-2015-GomesBE #classification #data type #learning- Pairwise combination of classifiers for ensemble learning on data streams (HMG, JPB, FE), pp. 941–946.
SAC-2015-MongioviGFPT #analysis #approach #data flow #detection #hybrid #java- Combining static and dynamic data flow analysis: a hybrid approach for detecting data leaks in java applications (MM, GG, AF, GP, ET), pp. 1573–1579.
SAC-2015-SantosOCFTT #named #similarity- Combine-and-conquer: improving the diversity in similarity search through influence sampling (LFDS, WDO, LOC, MRPF, AJMT, CTJ), pp. 994–999.
ESEC-FSE-2015-Konopka #dependence #eye tracking #identification #navigation- Combining eye tracking with navigation paths for identification of cross-language code dependencies (MK), pp. 1057–1059.
ESEC-FSE-2015-ShiYGM #reduction #testing- Comparing and combining test-suite reduction and regression test selection (AS, TY, AG, DM), pp. 237–247.
ICSE-v1-2015-HenardPHT #configuration management #constraints #multi #product line #scalability #theorem proving- Combining Multi-Objective Search and Constraint Solving for Configuring Large Software Product Lines (CH, MP, MH, YLT), pp. 517–528.
ICSE-v1-2015-SuFPHS #data flow #execution #model checking #symbolic computation #testing- Combining Symbolic Execution and Model Checking for Data Flow Testing (TS, ZF, GP, JH, ZS), pp. 654–665.
ICSE-v2-2015-Imparato #android #testing #user interface- A Combined Technique of GUI Ripping and Input Perturbation Testing for Android Apps (GI), pp. 760–762.
ICSE-v2-2015-Jazayeri #case study #experience #learning #programming- Combining Mastery Learning with Project-Based Learning in a First Programming Course: An Experience Report (MJ), pp. 315–318.
SLE-2015-KuehnBGA #formal method #relational- A combined formal model for relational context-dependent roles (TK, SB, SG, UA), pp. 113–124.
PPoPP-2015-JinLMLLPCK #automation #benchmark #generative #identification #metric #modelling #parallel #statistics- Combining phase identification and statistic modeling for automated parallel benchmark generation (YJ, ML, XM, QL, JSL, NP, JYC, SK), pp. 269–270.
CADE-2015-ChocronFR #revisited- A Polite Non-Disjoint Combination Method: Theories with Bridging Functions Revisited (PC, PF, CR), pp. 419–433.
CADE-2015-ZulkoskiGC #algebra #named #satisfiability- MathCheck: A Math Assistant via a Combination of Computer Algebra Systems and SAT Solvers (EZ, VG, KC), pp. 607–622.
ICST-2015-HuuhtanenIL #algebra #algorithm #design #testing- Combining Algebraic and Domain Testing to Design Adequate Test Cases for Signal Processing Algorithms (TH, JI, CL), pp. 1–10.
LICS-2015-FigueiraL #graph #logic #performance #query- Path Logics for Querying Graphs: Combining Expressiveness and Efficiency (DF, LL), pp. 329–340.
ECSA-2014-GerdesLR #architecture #design #evolution #legacy- Combining Architectural Design Decisions and Legacy System Evolution (SG, SL, MR), pp. 50–57.
ASE-2014-CavalcantiMNAM #information retrieval #rule-based- Combining rule-based and information retrieval techniques to assign software change requests (YCC, IdCM, PAdMSN, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 325–330.
DATE-2014-Bautista-GomezCCDFGPRR #how #named #reliability- GPGPUs: How to combine high computational power with high reliability (LABG, FC, LC, ND, BF, SG, KP, PR, MSR), pp. 1–9.
DATE-2014-BeckerNI #named #sketching- SKETCHILOG: Sketching combinational circuits (AB, DN, PI), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-BiewerGH #novel #smt- A novel model for system-level decision making with combined ASP and SMT solving (AB, JG, CH), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-DasKVBM- Combined DVFS and mapping exploration for lifetime and soft-error susceptibility improvement in MPSoCs (AD, AK, BV, CB, AM), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-ParkKK #design #multi #synthesis- Mixed allocation of adjustable delay buffers combined with buffer sizing in clock tree synthesis of multiple power mode designs (KP, GK, TK), pp. 1–4.
SIGMOD-2014-OkcanR #pipes and filters- Anti-combining for MapReduce (AO, MR), pp. 839–850.
VLDB-2014-JayachandranTKN #execution #interactive #query- Combining User Interaction, Speculative Query Execution and Sampling in the DICE System (PJ, KT, NK, AN), pp. 1697–1700.
FoSSaCS-2014-ErbaturKMMNR #on the #problem #symmetry #unification- On Asymmetric Unification and the Combination Problem in Disjoint Theories (SE, DK, AMM, CM, PN, CR), pp. 274–288.
FoSSaCS-2014-RotB #algebra #equation #semantics- Combining Bialgebraic Semantics and Equations (JR, MMB), pp. 381–395.
TACAS-2014-LoweMW #analysis #contest- CPAchecker with Sequential Combination of Explicit-Value Analyses and Predicate Analyses — (Competition Contribution) (SL, MUM, PW), pp. 392–394.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-VidacsBTSG #approach #detection #fault #locality #reduction #testing- Test suite reduction for fault detection and localization: A combined approach (LV, ÁB, DT, IS, TG), pp. 204–213.
ICSME-2014-KevicFS #approach #named #navigation- CoMoGen: An Approach to Locate Relevant Task Context by Combining Search and Navigation (KK, TF, DCS), pp. 61–70.
ICSME-2014-XuanM #fault #learning #locality #metric #multi #ranking- Learning to Combine Multiple Ranking Metrics for Fault Localization (JX, MM), pp. 191–200.
ICSME-2014-ZhouTGG #classification #data mining #debugging #mining- Combining Text Mining and Data Mining for Bug Report Classification (YZ, YT, RG, HCG), pp. 311–320.
MSR-2014-RoblesRSVG #bibliography #challenge #dataset- FLOSS 2013: a survey dataset about free software contributors: challenges for curating, sharing, and combining (GR, LAR, AS, BV, JMGB), pp. 396–399.
PEPM-2014-KameyamaKS #code generation #combinator- Combinators for impure yet hygienic code generation (YK, OK, CcS), pp. 3–14.
PEPM-2014-PachecoHF #bidirectional #combinator #monad #programming- Monadic combinators for “Putback” style bidirectional programming (HP, ZH, SF), pp. 39–50.
SAS-2014-ToubhansCR #abstract domain #abstraction #combinator #memory management- An Abstract Domain Combinator for Separately Conjoining Memory Abstractions (AT, BYEC, XR), pp. 285–301.
SFM-2014-BoerG #monitoring #runtime- Combining Monitoring with Run-Time Assertion Checking (FSdB, SdG), pp. 217–262.
IFL-2014-LeF #functional #parallel- Combining Shared State with Speculative Parallelism in a Functional Language (ML, MF), p. 2.
CHI-2014-0002ACC #3d #animation #named- MotionMontage: a system to annotate and combine motion takes for 3D animations (AG, MA, BC, MFC), pp. 2017–2026.
CHI-2014-DontchevaMBG #crowdsourcing #learning #performance- Combining crowdsourcing and learning to improve engagement and performance (MD, RRM, JRB, EMG), pp. 3379–3388.
CHI-2014-SchwarzMLHM #gesture #interface- Combining body pose, gaze, and gesture to determine intention to interact in vision-based interfaces (JS, CCM, TL, SEH, JM), pp. 3443–3452.
CHI-2014-TanLS #case study #experience #game studies #video- Combining think-aloud and physiological data to understand video game experiences (CTT, TWL, SS), pp. 381–390.
HCI-TMT-2014-BuchholzF #design #modelling #smarttech- Combining Design of Models for Smart Environments with Pattern-Based Extraction (GB, PF), pp. 285–294.
LCT-NLE-2014-AguadoFDGS #design #education- Course Sprints: Combining Teacher Training, Design Thinking and Hackathons (GA, CFB, MGD, RG, AVS), pp. 3–12.
LCT-TRE-2014-Castro #case study #collaboration #learning #named- Mosca — A Case Study on Collaborative Work — Combining Dimensions while Learning (SC), pp. 388–396.
VISSOFT-2014-HomerN- Combining Tiled and Textual Views of Code (MH, JN), pp. 1–10.
EDOC-2014-VenebergISB #architecture #enterprise- Enterprise Architecture Intelligence: Combining Enterprise Architecture and Operational Data (RKMV, MEI, MvS, LB), pp. 22–31.
ICEIS-v1-2014-MamcenkoG #mobile #predict #using- Customer Churn Prediction in Mobile Operator Using Combined Model (JM, JG), pp. 233–240.
ICEIS-v2-2014-BassoPRF #agile #case study #information management #modelling #web- Study on Combining Model-driven Engineering and Scrum to Produce Web Information Systems (FPB, RMP, FRF, RZF), pp. 137–144.
ICEIS-v2-2014-SilvaTDO #process- Combining the Spray Technique with Routes to Improve the Routing Process in VANETS (MJdS, FAT, SED, RARO), pp. 583–590.
CIKM-2014-MaLG #collaboration #community #recommendation #trust- Improving Recommendation Accuracy by Combining Trust Communities and Collaborative Filtering (XM, HL, ZG), pp. 1951–1954.
ECIR-2014-BelloginSVS #challenge #dataset #evaluation #web- Challenges on Combining Open Web and Dataset Evaluation Results: The Case of the Contextual Suggestion Track (AB, TS, APdV, AS), pp. 430–436.
ICPR-2014-BylowOK #metric #robust- Robust Camera Tracking by Combining Color and Depth Measurements (EB, CO, FK), pp. 4038–4043.
ICPR-2014-HadjadjiCG #classification #multi- Multiple One-Class Classifier Combination for Multi-class Classification (BH, YC, YG), pp. 2832–2837.
ICPR-2014-PlanincK #modelling- Combining Spatial and Temporal Information for Inactivity Modeling (RP, MK), pp. 4234–4239.
ICPR-2014-SjolundJAKN #segmentation- Skull Segmentation in MRI by a Support Vector Machine Combining Local and Global Features (JS, AEJ, MTA, HK, HN), pp. 3274–3279.
ICPR-2014-SmedtBTG #combinator #detection #multi- The Combinator: Optimal Combination of Multiple Pedestrian Detectors (FDS, KVB, TT, TG), pp. 3522–3527.
ICPR-2014-UbukataSTMKMU #detection #image #performance #segmentation- Fast Human Detection Combining Range Image Segmentation and Local Feature Based Detection (TU, MS, KT, AM, TK, GM, KU), pp. 4281–4286.
ICPR-2014-WangSY #realtime #segmentation- Real-Time Tracking Combined with Object Segmentation (HW, NS, YY), pp. 4098–4103.
KDD-2014-XieGFTY- Class-distribution regularized consensus maximization for alleviating overfitting in model combination (SX, JG, WF, DST, PSY), pp. 303–312.
KDIR-2014-LiuF14a #analysis #classification #n-gram #sentiment #similarity #web- Combining N-gram based Similarity Analysis with Sentiment Analysis in Web Content Classification (SL, TF), pp. 530–537.
KDIR-2014-OliveiraBSC #automation #classification #clustering #twitter- Combining Clustering and Classification Approaches for Reducing the Effort of Automatic Tweets Classification (EO, HGB, MRS, PMC), pp. 465–472.
KDIR-2014-PlansangketG #evaluation #performance #query #retrieval #state of the art- Performance Evaluation of State-of-the-Art Ranked Retrieval Methods and Their Combinations for Query Suggestion (SP, JQG), pp. 141–148.
KR-2014-GottlobMP #polynomial- Polynomial Combined Rewritings for Existential Rules (GG, MM, AP).
MLDM-2014-SenkoD #multi- Multiple Regression Method Based on Unexpandable and Irreducible Convex Combinations (OVS, AD), pp. 43–57.
RecSys-2014-LingLK #approach #recommendation- Ratings meet reviews, a combined approach to recommend (GL, MRL, IK), pp. 105–112.
SEKE-2014-SalmanSD #clustering #feature model #information retrieval- Feature Location in a Collection of Product Variants: Combining Information Retrieval and Hierarchical Clustering (HES, AS, CD), pp. 426–430.
ICMT-2014-GonzalezC #analysis #constraints #generative #model transformation #testing- Test Data Generation for Model Transformations Combining Partition and Constraint Analysis (CAG, JC), pp. 25–41.
OOPSLA-2014-JonnalageddaCSRO #combinator #parsing #performance #staged- Staged parser combinators for efficient data processing (MJ, TC, SS, TR, MO), pp. 637–653.
PPDP-2014-Haemmerle #constraints #logic programming #on the- On Combining Backward and Forward Chaining in Constraint Logic Programming (RH), pp. 213–224.
PPDP-2014-SchrijversWDD #functional #heuristic #implementation #logic programming #specification- Heuristics Entwined with Handlers Combined: From Functional Specification to Logic Programming Implementation (TS, NW, BD, BD), pp. 259–270.
POPL-2014-CasinghinoSW #proving #source code- Combining proofs and programs in a dependently typed language (CC, VS, SW), pp. 33–46.
RE-2014-BhowmikNMS #automation #requirements- Automated support for combinational creativity in requirements engineering (TB, NN, AM, JS), pp. 243–252.
RE-2014-LiuSYM14a #feature model #reasoning #requirements- Combined goal and feature model reasoning with the User Requirements Notation and jUCMNav (YL, YS, XY, GM), pp. 321–322.
RE-2014-WohlrabGKB #experience #industrial #performance #requirements- Experience of pragmatically combining RE methods for performance requirements in industry (RW, TdG, AK, SB), pp. 344–353.
SAC-2014-ChenML #case study #education #research #testing- Combining research and education of software testing: a preliminary study (ZC, AM, BL), pp. 1179–1180.
SAC-2014-CostaTT #image #named #performance- MFS-Map: efficient context and content combination to annotate images (AFC, AJMT, CTJ), pp. 945–950.
SAC-2014-EngielCL #approach #concept #elicitation #using- Eliciting concepts from the Brazilian access law using a combined approach (PE, CC, JCSdPL), pp. 1001–1006.
SAC-2014-PessinOUWMV #evolution #learning #network #self- Self-localisation in indoor environments combining learning and evolution with wireless networks (GP, FSO, JU, DFW, RCM, PAV), pp. 661–666.
SLE-2014-Ridge #combinator #context-free grammar #parsing #performance #using- Simple, Efficient, Sound and Complete Combinator Parsing for All Context-Free Grammars, Using an Oracle (TR), pp. 261–281.
OSDI-2014-XieSK0YAM #database #distributed #named- Salt: Combining ACID and BASE in a Distributed Database (CX, CS, MK, YW, NY, LA, PM), pp. 495–509.
IJCAR-2014-ChocronFR #satisfiability- A Gentle Non-disjoint Combination of Satisfiability Procedures (PC, PF, CR), pp. 122–136.
LICS-CSL-2014-AlurFR #combinator #string- Regular combinators for string transformations (RA, AF, MR), p. 10.
TAP-2014-KosmatovS #analysis #runtime #tutorial- Runtime Assertion Checking and Its Combinations with Static and Dynamic Analyses — Tutorial Synopsis (NK, JS), pp. 165–168.
VMCAI-2014-Ferrara #abstract interpretation #analysis- Generic Combination of Heap and Value Analyses in Abstract Interpretation (PF), pp. 302–321.
VMCAI-2014-Fu #abstract domain #analysis #java #points-to #scalability- Modularly Combining Numeric Abstract Domains with Points-to Analysis, and a Scalable Static Numeric Analyzer for Java (ZF), pp. 282–301.
QoSA-2013-BerardinelliLM #analysis #execution #non-functional- Combining fUML and profiles for non-functional analysis based on model execution traces (LB, PL, TM), pp. 79–88.
DATE-2013-FarisiBCS #automation #implementation #multi- An automatic tool flow for the combined implementation of multi-mode circuits (BAF, KB, JMPC, DS), pp. 821–826.
DATE-2013-HameedBH #adaptation #multi- Adaptive cache management for a combined SRAM and DRAM cache hierarchy for multi-cores (FH, LB, JH), pp. 77–82.
DATE-2013-LorenteVSPCLD #power management #ram- Combining RAM technologies for hard-error recovery in L1 data caches working at very-low power modes (VL, AV, JS, SP, RC, PL, JD), pp. 83–88.
DRR-2013-LundKR #multi- Combining multiple thresholding binarization values to improve OCR output (WBL, DJK, EKR).
DRR-2013-NayefB #geometry- Combining geometric matching with SVM to improve symbol spotting (NN, TMB).
DRR-2013-SchusterHME #documentation #how #rule-based- Rule-based versus training-based extraction of index terms from business documents: how to combine the results (DS, MH, KM, DE).
DRR-2013-SrihariKTB #using #verification- Combining evidence using likelihood ratios in writer verification (SNS, DK, YT, GRB).
DRR-2013-ZhangZLT #modelling #recognition- Combining discriminative SVM models for the improved recognition of investigator names in medical articles (XZ, JZ, DXL, GRT).
HT-2013-AtzenbeckBAM #multi #named- TouchStory: combining hyperfiction and multitouch (CA, MB, MAAS, SM), pp. 189–195.
ICDAR-2013-DoTT #approach #recognition #representation- New Approach for Symbol Recognition Combining Shape Context of Interest Points with Sparse Representation (THD, ST, ORT), pp. 265–269.
ICDAR-2013-HebertNP #documentation #framework #image- Discrete CRF Based Combination Framework for Document Image Binarization (DH, SN, TP), pp. 1165–1169.
ICDAR-2013-HuC #classification #pseudo #using #verification- Offline Signature Verification Using Real Adaboost Classifier Combination of Pseudo-dynamic Features (JH, YC), pp. 1345–1349.
ICDAR-2013-MiyoshiNS #image #using- Moment-Based Character-Normalization Methods Using a Contour Image Combined with an Original Image (TM, TN, HS), pp. 1066–1070.
ICDAR-2013-NeumannM #multi #on the #recognition- On Combining Multiple Segmentations in Scene Text Recognition (LN, JM), pp. 523–527.
ICDAR-2013-ToyamaDSK #artificial reality #documentation #eye tracking #retrieval #smarttech- Wearable Reading Assist System: Augmented Reality Document Combining Document Retrieval and Eye Tracking (TT, AD, WS, KK), pp. 30–34.
ICDAR-2013-ZhuSSGN #2d #online #recognition #using #word- Online Handwritten Cursive Word Recognition Using Segmentation-Free MRF in Combination with P2DBMN-MQDF (BZ, AS, SS, VG, MN), pp. 349–353.
SIGMOD-2013-VartakM #named #recommendation- CHIC: a combination-based recommendation system (MV, SM), pp. 981–984.
VLDB-2014-HeiseQAJN13 #scalability- Scalable Discovery of Unique Column Combinations (AH, JAQR, ZA, AJ, FN), pp. 301–312.
FASE-2013-HaslingerLE #feature model #modelling #on the #set- On Extracting Feature Models from Sets of Valid Feature Combinations (ENH, RELH, AE), pp. 53–67.
TACAS-2013-Wendler #analysis #contest- CPAchecker with Sequential Combination of Explicit-State Analysis and Predicate Analysis — (Competition Contribution) (PW), pp. 613–615.
ICSM-2013-LabicheKM #analysis #diagrams- Combining Static and Dynamic Analyses to Reverse-Engineer Scenario Diagrams (YL, BK, HM), pp. 130–139.
WCRE-2013-BantelayZK #commit #interactive- Comparing and combining evolutionary couplings from interactions and commits (FB, MBZ, HHK), pp. 311–320.
PLDI-2013-ApinisSV #equation #how- How to combine widening and narrowing for non-monotonic systems of equations (KA, HS, VV), pp. 377–386.
CIAA-2013-BrzozowskiL #complexity- Universal Witnesses for State Complexity of Basic Operations Combined with Reversal (JAB, DL), pp. 72–83.
ICALP-v1-2013-DemaineILO- Combining Binary Search Trees (EDD, JI, SL, ÖÖ), pp. 388–399.
SEFM-2013-BennaceurCIJ #automation #behaviour #ontology #reasoning #synthesis- Automated Mediator Synthesis: Combining Behavioural and Ontological Reasoning (AB, CC, MI, BJ), pp. 274–288.
ICFP-2013-Chlipala #generative #hoare #logic #metaprogramming #verification- The bedrock structured programming system: combining generative metaprogramming and hoare logic in an extensible program verifier (AC), pp. 391–402.
GT-VMT-2013-WinetzhammerW #behaviour #emf #modelling #rule-based- ModGraph meets Xcore: Combining Rule-Based and Procedural Behavioral Modeling for EMF (SW, BW).
CHI-2013-CrossBCAT #education #named #online- TypeRighting: combining the benefits of handwriting and typeface in online educational videos (AC, MB, EC, AA, WT), pp. 793–796.
CHI-2013-HaraLF #artificial reality #crowdsourcing #identification #problem- Combining crowdsourcing and google street view to identify street-level accessibility problems (KH, VL, JF), pp. 631–640.
CHI-2013-ZadowBHBSD #education #interactive #named #simulation- SimMed: combining simulation and interactive tabletops for medical education (UvZ, SB, TH, FB, KS, RD), pp. 1469–1478.
CSCW-2013-Heck #network #social- Combining social information for academic networking (TH), pp. 1387–1398.
DHM-HB-2013-SchmuntzschYR #industrial #modelling- Combining Motion Capture and Digital Human Modeling for Creating Instructions in Industrial Settings (US, UY, MR), pp. 124–133.
DUXU-CXC-2013-MarcusPL #design #learning #mobile #persuasion #user interface- The Learning Machine: Mobile UX Design That Combines Information Design with Persuasion Design (AM, YP, NL), pp. 247–256.
DUXU-NTE-2013-MarcusA #design #mobile #persuasion #user interface- The Driving Machine: Mobile UX Design That Combines Information Design with Persuasion Design (AM, SA), pp. 140–149.
DUXU-PMT-2013-ThomasJ #sorting- Merging Methodologies: Combining Individual and Group Card Sorting (RLT, IJ), pp. 417–426.
DUXU-WM-2013-MarcusCNY #behaviour #design #mobile #persuasion #user interface- The Innovation Machine: Mobile UX Design Combining Information and Persuasion Design to Change Behavior (AM, MC, CN, AY), pp. 67–76.
DUXU-WM-2013-MarcusSC #design #mobile #persuasion #user interface- The Travel Machine: Mobile UX Design That Combines Information Design with Persuasion Design (AM, TKS, LC), pp. 696–705.
HCI-III-2013-ShojiOKO #case study- A Study on Combinative Value Creation in Songs Selection (HS, JO, KK, AO), pp. 372–380.
HCI-IMT-2013-RigasA13a #communication #interface #speech- Investigating the Impact of Combining Speech and Earcons to Communicate Information in E-government Interfaces (DR, BA), pp. 23–31.
ICEIS-J-2013-YaguinumaMSCR13a #fuzzy #ontology #reasoning- Combining Fuzzy Ontology Reasoning and Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System with HyFOM Reasoner (CAY, WCPMJ, MTPS, HAC, MR), pp. 174–189.
ECIR-2013-MiyanishiSU #microblog #topic- Combining Recency and Topic-Dependent Temporal Variation for Microblog Search (TM, KS, KU), pp. 331–343.
KDD-2013-HarpazDLS #empirical- Empirical bayes model to combine signals of adverse drug reactions (RH, WD, PL, NHS), pp. 1339–1347.
KDD-2013-ThorntonHHL #algorithm #classification #named #optimisation- Auto-WEKA: combined selection and hyperparameter optimization of classification algorithms (CT, FH, HHH, KLB), pp. 847–855.
KDD-2013-ZhangWF #recommendation- Combining latent factor model with location features for event-based group recommendation (WZ, JW, WF), pp. 910–918.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-CherichiF #microblog- Relevant Information Discovery in Microblogs — Combining Post’s Features and Author’s Features to Improve Search Results (SC, RF), pp. 128–135.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-RaafatZR #database #named #semantics- Arabase — A Database Combining Different Arabic Resources with Lexical and Semantic Information (HMR, MAZ, MR), pp. 233–240.
MLDM-2013-SappP #classification #clustering #predict- Accuracy-Based Classification EM: Combining Clustering with Prediction (SS, AP), pp. 458–465.
SEKE-2013-DengWH #algorithm #combinator #identification #multi #using- Combining multiple stress identification algorithms using combinatorial fusion (YD, ZW, DFH), pp. 421–428.
SEKE-2013-JanesMSS #analysis #problem #programming #requirements- Domain Analysis in Combination with Extreme Programming toAddress Requirements Volatility Problems (S) (AJ, SM, AS, GS), pp. 226–231.
SEKE-2013-MarcalGCJ #identification #mining #repository #using- Mining Software Repository to Identify Crosscutting Concerns Using Combined Techniques (S) (IM, REG, RCMC, COJ), pp. 338–343.
SIGIR-2013-LimsopathamMO #learning- Learning to combine representations for medical records search (NL, CM, IO), pp. 833–836.
ECOOP-2013-LernerELK #source code #static typing- Combining Form and Function: Static Types for JQuery Programs (BSL, LE, JL, SK), pp. 79–103.
OOPSLA-2013-BhattacharyaGN #detection #program analysis- Combining concern input with program analysis for bloat detection (SB, KG, MGN), pp. 745–764.
OOPSLA-2013-MillerHBO #combinator #generative #object-oriented #performance- Instant pickles: generating object-oriented pickler combinators for fast and extensible serialization (HM, PH, EB, MO), pp. 183–202.
SAC-2013-StevensonYDPMV #network #reasoning #resource management #self #semantics- Combining self-organisation, context-awareness and semantic reasoning: the case of resource discovery in opportunistic networks (GS, JY, SD, DP, SM, MV), pp. 1369–1376.
SAC-2013-WaflerH #analysis #approach #dependence #grid #modelling #smarttech- A combined structural and dynamic modelling approach for dependability analysis in smart grid (JW, PEH), pp. 660–665.
ICSE-2013-BellomoNO #agile #case study- A study of enabling factors for rapid fielding: combined practices to balance speed and stability (SB, RLN, IO), pp. 982–991.
ICSE-2013-CotroneoPR #testing- A learning-based method for combining testing techniques (DC, RP, SR), pp. 142–151.
ICSE-2013-GivensCSY #grammar inference #user interface- Exploring the internal state of user interfaces by combining computer vision techniques with grammatical inference (PG, AC, SS, TY), pp. 1165–1168.
LCTES-2013-HuberPP #analysis #control flow #graph #using- Combined WCET analysis of bitcode and machine code using control-flow relation graphs (BH, DP, PPP), pp. 163–172.
CADE-2013-ErbaturKMNR- Hierarchical Combination (SE, DK, AMM, PN, CR), pp. 249–266.
CAV-2013-ChagantyLNR #learning #relational #smt #using- Combining Relational Learning with SMT Solvers Using CEGAR (ATC, AL, AVN, SKR), pp. 447–462.
ICLP-J-2013-GottlobMP #decidability #paradigm- Combining decidability paradigms for existential rules (GG, MM, AP), pp. 877–892.
ISSTA-2013-GuiSLSDW #model checking #predict #reliability #testing- Combining model checking and testing with an application to reliability prediction and distribution (LG, JS, YL, YJS, JSD, XW), pp. 101–111.
RTA-2013-AvanziniM #complexity #framework- A Combination Framework for Complexity (MA, GM), pp. 55–70.
VMCAI-2013-ToubhansCR #abstract domain- Reduced Product Combination of Abstract Domains for Shapes (AT, BYEC, XR), pp. 375–395.
ASE-2012-NguyenNNLS #debugging #detection #information retrieval #modelling #topic- Duplicate bug report detection with a combination of information retrieval and topic modeling (ATN, TTN, TNN, DL, CS), pp. 70–79.
DAC-2012-Seshia #deduction #induction #named #synthesis #verification- Sciduction: combining induction, deduction, and structure for verification and synthesis (SAS), pp. 356–365.
DATE-2012-CongHLZZ #replication #source code #streaming- Combining module selection and replication for throughput-driven streaming programs (JC, MH, BL, PZ, YZ), pp. 1018–1023.
DRR-2012-ChengWAST #algorithm #classification #image #optimisation #visual notation- Graphical image classification combining an evolutionary algorithm and binary particle swarm optimization (BC, RW, SA, RJS, GRT).
DRR-2012-KimLT #classification #identification- Combining SVM classifiers to identify investigator name zones in biomedical articles (JK, DXL, GRT).
DRR-2012-SaldarriagaMV #ranking #word- Retrieving handwriting by combining word spotting and manifold ranking (SPS, EM, CVG).
DRR-2012-Silva #algorithm #detection #evaluation #using- Using specific evaluation for comparing and combining competing algorithms: applying it to table column detection (ACeS).
SIGMOD-2012-LuSLDWC #generative- Optimal top-k generation of attribute combinations based on ranked lists (JL, PS, CL, XD, SW, XC), pp. 409–420.
FASE-2012-RubinC #product line- Combining Related Products into Product Lines (JR, MC), pp. 285–300.
FoSSaCS-2012-BoveDS #automation #first-order #functional #interactive #reasoning #source code- Combining Interactive and Automatic Reasoning in First Order Theories of Functional Programs (AB, PD, ASR), pp. 104–118.
FoSSaCS-2012-MazzaR #abstraction #combinator #interactive #modelling #symmetry- Full Abstraction for Set-Based Models of the Symmetric Interaction Combinators (DM, NJR), pp. 316–330.
SCAM-2012-GethersAP #concept #database #dependence #detection- Combining Conceptual and Domain-Based Couplings to Detect Database and Code Dependencies (MG, AA, DP), pp. 144–153.
SAS-2012-HenryMM #abstract interpretation #algorithm #analysis #evaluation- Succinct Representations for Abstract Interpretation — Combined Analysis Algorithms and Experimental Evaluation (JH, DM, MM), pp. 283–299.
CIAA-2012-JahnKL- Regular Ideal Languages and Their Boolean Combinations (FJ, MK, AL), pp. 205–216.
ICALP-v2-2012-BojanczykP #infinity #regular expression #set- Regular Languages of Infinite Trees That Are Boolean Combinations of Open Sets (MB, TP), pp. 104–115.
ICFP-2012-Sheard #design #programming #reduction- Painless programming combining reduction and search: design principles for embedding decision procedures in high-level languages (TES), pp. 89–102.
ICFP-2012-Siederdissen #combinator #performance #programming- Sneaking around concatMap: efficient combinators for dynamic programming (CHzS), pp. 215–226.
HILT-2012-Kanig #ada #testing #verification- Leading-edge ada verification technologies: combining testing and verification with GNATTest and GNATProve — the hi-lite project (JK), pp. 5–6.
ICEIS-J-2012-RibeiroFBKE #algorithm #approach #learning #markov #process- Combining Learning Algorithms: An Approach to Markov Decision Processes (RR, FF, MACB, ALK, FE), pp. 172–188.
CIKM-2012-NguyenDTH #power of- Federated search in the wild: the combined power of over a hundred search engines (DN, TD, DT, DH), pp. 1874–1878.
ECIR-2012-Garcia-MoyaAL #modelling #probability #retrieval #sentiment- Combining Probabilistic Language Models for Aspect-Based Sentiment Retrieval (LGM, HAS, RBL), pp. 561–564.
ECIR-2012-GeraniZC #linear #multi #ranking- Score Transformation in Linear Combination for Multi-criteria Relevance Ranking (SG, CZ, FC), pp. 256–267.
ECIR-2012-TamFL #approach #automation #email- Automatic Foldering of Email Messages: A Combination Approach (TT, AF, AL), pp. 232–243.
ICPR-2012-AbdelmaseehBAE #recognition- Car Make and Model recognition combining global and local cues (MA, IB, MFA, MES), pp. 910–913.
ICPR-2012-AjmeraD #analysis #detection #word- Combining text and prosodic analysis for prominent word detection (JA, ODD), pp. 1534–1537.
ICPR-2012-AzeemA #online #recognition- Combining online and offline systems for Arabic handwriting recognition (SAA, HA), pp. 3725–3728.
ICPR-2012-BallanBBSSZ #category theory #generative #image #modelling #social- Combining generative and discriminative models for classifying social images from 101 object categories (LB, MB, ADB, AMS, GS, BFZ), pp. 1731–1734.
ICPR-2012-BergamascoATFZ #segmentation- Pairwise similarities for scene segmentation combining color and depth data (FB, AA, AT, MF, PZ), pp. 3565–3568.
ICPR-2012-DaiC #precise #segmentation- Combining contrast saliency and region discontinuity for precise hand segmentation in projector-camera system (JD, RC), pp. 2161–2164.
ICPR-2012-DornellesH #algorithm #approach #image #search-based- A genetic algorithm based approach for combining binary image operators (MMD, NSTH), pp. 3184–3187.
ICPR-2012-DuongDNLDLS #detection #eye tracking #locality #robust #video- Robust eye localization in video by combining eye detector and eye tracker (CND, TCPD, TDN, DDL, DAD, BHL, SS), pp. 242–245.
ICPR-2012-DuttaGLBP #documentation #graph #kernel #random #visual notation- Combination of product graph and random walk kernel for symbol spotting in graphical documents (AD, JG, JL, HB, UP), pp. 1663–1666.
ICPR-2012-FrouzeshPH #modelling #optimisation- A combined method for finding best starting points for optimisation in bernoulli mixture models (FF, SP, YH), pp. 1128–1131.
ICPR-2012-HongZPC #correlation- Combining local and global correlation for texture description (XH, GZ, MP, XC), pp. 2756–2759.
ICPR-2012-KockelkornSGRJVRSG #classification #interactive #simulation- Interactive classification of lung tissue in CT scans by combining prior and interactively obtained training data: A simulation study (TTJPK, CIS, JCG, RR, PAdJ, MAV, JR, CSP, BvG), pp. 105–108.
ICPR-2012-LiangYCJ #evaluation #representation- Evaluation of local feature descriptors and their combination for pedestrian representation (JL, QY, JC, JJ), pp. 2496–2499.
ICPR-2012-LiDL #classification #image #multi- Combining multi-scale dissimilarities for image classification (YL, RPWD, ML), pp. 1639–1642.
ICPR-2012-LiXLL #independence #recognition- Combination of global and local baseline-independent features for offline Arabic handwriting recognition (NL, XX, WL, KML), pp. 713–716.
ICPR-2012-MazinDG #geometry #image- Combining color and geometry for local image matching (BM, JD, YG), pp. 2667–2680.
ICPR-2012-OnofriS #recognition #sequence #video- Combining video subsequences for human action recognition (LO, PS), pp. 597–600.
ICPR-2012-PerezMMSV #recognition #using- Combining gradient histograms using orientation tensors for human action recognition (EdAP, VFM, LMM, DOS, MBV), pp. 3460–3463.
ICPR-2012-PighettiPP #algorithm #image #interactive #multi #retrieval #search-based- Hybdrid Content Based Image Retrieval combining multi-objective interactive genetic algorithm and SVM (RP, DP, FP), pp. 2849–2852.
ICPR-2012-YangLJ #2d #3d #estimation- Face pose estimation with combined 2D and 3D HOG features (JY, WL, YJ), pp. 2492–2495.
ICPR-2012-YeKC #classification #multi- Combining general multi-class and specific two-class classifiers for improved customized ECG heartbeat classification (CY, BVKVK, MTC), pp. 2428–2431.
ICPR-2012-Zografos #segmentation- Enhancing motion segmentation by combination of complementary affinities (VZ), pp. 2198–2201.
KEOD-2012-RiegenHR #ontology #reasoning- Combining Qualitative Spatial Reasoning and Ontological Reasoning for Supporting Robot Tasks (SvR, LH, PR), pp. 377–380.
KR-2012-LawryD #framework- A Bipolar Framework for Combining Beliefs about Vague Propositions (JL, DD).
MLDM-2012-HossainC #behaviour #identification- Combination of Physiological and Behavioral Biometric for Human Identification (EH, GC), pp. 380–393.
RecSys-2012-EkstrandR #algorithm #predict #recommendation- When recommenders fail: predicting recommender failure for algorithm selection and combination (MDE, JR), pp. 233–236.
SIGIR-2012-HeHV #topic- Combining implicit and explicit topic representations for result diversification (JH, VH, APdV), pp. 851–860.
SIGIR-2012-HuO #classification #dataset #using- Genre classification for million song dataset using confidence-based classifiers combination (YH, MO), pp. 1083–1084.
SIGIR-2012-TononDC #ad hoc #retrieval- Combining inverted indices and structured search for ad-hoc object retrieval (AT, GD, PCM), pp. 125–134.
ECMFA-2012-BriandLL #data flow #diagrams #integration #sequence #state machine #testing #uml- Combining UML Sequence and State Machine Diagrams for Data-Flow Based Integration Testing (LCB, YL, YL), pp. 74–89.
OOPSLA-2012-Anderson #fine-grained #parallel #policy #resource management #using- Efficiently combining parallel software using fine-grained, language-level, hierarchical resource management policies (ZRA), pp. 717–736.
LOPSTR-2012-SchrijversTWSS #combinator- An Introduction to Search Combinators (TS, GT, PW, HS, PJS), pp. 2–16.
RE-2012-Ott #fault #legacy #natural language #specification #using- Defects in natural language requirement specifications at Mercedes-Benz: An investigation using a combination of legacy data and expert opinion (DO), pp. 291–296.
RE-2012-VrbaskiPA #reasoning #rule-based #tool support- Tool support for combined rule-based and goal-based reasoning in Context-Aware systems (MV, DCP, DA), pp. 335–336.
SAC-2012-ChebaroKGJ #dynamic analysis #slicing #verification- Program slicing enhances a verification technique combining static and dynamic analysis (OC, NK, AG, JJ), pp. 1284–1291.
SAC-2012-NagarAB #functional #graph #similarity #using- Computing gene functional similarity using combined graphs (AN, HAM, SB), pp. 1381–1386.
ICSE-2012-PankratiusSG #empirical #functional #imperative #java #manycore #programming #scala- Combining functional and imperative programming for multicore software: An empirical study evaluating Scala and Java (VP, FS, GG), pp. 123–133.
ICSE-2012-Schwarz #development- Hot clones: Combining search-driven development, clone management, and code provenance (NS), pp. 1628–1629.
SPLC-2012-KircherH #agile #case study #development #experience #reuse- Combining systematic reuse with Agile development: experience report (MK, PH), pp. 215–219.
PPoPP-2012-FatourouK- Revisiting the combining synchronization technique (PF, NDK), pp. 257–266.
ICST-2012-ChoudharyPO #crawling #detection #difference #named #web- CrossCheck: Combining Crawling and Differencing to Better Detect Cross-browser Incompatibilities in Web Applications (SRC, MRP, AO), pp. 171–180.
ICST-2012-GhandehariLXKK #combinator #identification #testing- Identifying Failure-Inducing Combinations in a Combinatorial Test Set (LSGG, YL, TX, DRK, RK), pp. 370–379.
ICST-2012-PonsiniMR #abstract interpretation #analysis #constraints #float #programming #source code- Combining Constraint Programming and Abstract Interpretation for Value Analysis of Floating-point Programs (OP, CM, MR), pp. 775–776.
ICST-2012-ShakyaXLLKK #classification #combinator #testing #using- Isolating Failure-Inducing Combinations in Combinatorial Testing Using Test Augmentation and Classification (KS, TX, NL, YL, RK, DRK), pp. 620–623.
ICST-2012-VorobyovK #automation #constraints #generative #static analysis #testing #theorem proving- Combining Static Analysis and Constraint Solving for Automatic Test Case Generation (KV, PK), pp. 915–920.
IJCAR-2012-FontaineMW #decidability- Combination of Disjoint Theories: Beyond Decidability (PF, SM, CW), pp. 256–270.
ISSTA-2012-NguyenMT #combinator #effectiveness #generative #modelling #testing- Combining model-based and combinatorial testing for effective test case generation (CDN, AM, PT), pp. 100–110.
LICS-2012-BaeldeN #deduction #fixpoint #logic- Combining Deduction Modulo and Logics of Fixed-Point Definitions (DB, GN), pp. 105–114.
TAP-2012-Pasareanu #execution #model checking #symbolic computation #testing- Combining Model Checking and Symbolic Execution for Software Testing (CSP), p. 2.
QoSA-ISARCS-2011-DettenB #clustering #component #detection #re-engineering- Combining clustering and pattern detection for the reengineering of component-based software systems (MvD, SB), pp. 23–32.
ASE-2011-ChenG #automation #documentation #retrieval #traceability- Improving automated documentation to code traceability by combining retrieval techniques (XC, JCG), pp. 223–232.
ASE-2011-LeungwattanakitAHTY #distributed #model checking #process- Model checking distributed systems by combining caching and process checkpointing (WL, CA, MH, YT, MY), pp. 103–112.
ASE-2011-MalburgF #constraints #search-based #testing- Combining search-based and constraint-based testing (JM, GF), pp. 436–439.
CASE-2011-KumarSTS #fuzzy #modelling #on the- On the combination of fuzzy models (MK, NS, KT, RS), pp. 322–326.
DAC-2011-JooK #fine-grained #named- WaveMin: a fine-grained clock buffer polarity assignment combined with buffer sizing (DJ, TK), pp. 522–527.
DATE-2011-PavlenkoWSKDSG #algebra #named #problem #reasoning #smt #verification- STABLE: A new QF-BV SMT solver for hard verification problems combining Boolean reasoning with computer algebra (EP, MW, DS, WK, AD, FS, GMG), pp. 155–160.
DATE-2011-VasicekS #optimisation- A global postsynthesis optimization method for combinational circuits (ZV, LS), pp. 1525–1528.
DRR-2011-BockholtCM #documentation #image #retrieval #segmentation- Document image retrieval with morphology-based segmentation and features combination (TCB, GDCC, CABM), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2011-ChaabouniBKAA11a #feature model #identification #online- Combining of Off-line and On-line Feature Extraction Approaches for Writer Identification (AC, HB, MK, AMA, HEA), pp. 1299–1303.
ICDAR-2011-ChoSLK #multi- Scene Text Extraction by Superpixel CRFs Combining Multiple Character Features (MSC, JHS, SL, JHK), pp. 1034–1038.
ICDAR-2011-HasegawaT #correlation- A Shape Descriptor Combining Logarithmic-Scale Histogram of Radon Transform and Phase-Only Correlation Function (MH, ST), pp. 182–186.
ICDAR-2011-SuLT #documentation #image- Combination of Document Image Binarization Techniques (BS, SL, CLT), pp. 22–26.
ICDAR-2011-ZhuGN #design #online #recognition- Objective Function Design for MCE-Based Combination of On-line and Off-line Character Recognizers for On-line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition (BZ, JG, MN), pp. 594–598.
VLDB-2011-FunkeKN #query #transaction- HyPer-sonic Combined Transaction AND Query Processing (FF, AK, TN), pp. 1367–1370.
FoSSaCS-2011-CousotCM #abstract domain- The Reduced Product of Abstract Domains and the Combination of Decision Procedures (PC, RC, LM), pp. 456–472.
ICSM-2011-SampathBJM #reduction #testing- A tool for combination-based prioritization and reduction of user-session-based test suites (SS, RCB, SJ, SM), pp. 574–577.
PLDI-2011-AltidorHS- Taming the wildcards: combining definition- and use-site variance (JA, SSH, YS), pp. 602–613.
CIAA-J-2010-AllauzenCM11 #algorithm #coordination #kernel- A Dual Coordinate Descent Algorithm for SVMs Combined with Rational Kernels (CA, CC, MM), pp. 1761–1779.
CIAA-J-2010-CuiGKY11 #complexity- State Complexity of Two Combined Operations: Catenation-Union and Catenation-Intersection (BC, YG, LK, SY), pp. 1797–1812.
FM-2011-ZhangSPLD #on the #reduction- On Combining State Space Reductions with Global Fairness Assumptions (SJZ, JS, JP, YL, JSD), pp. 432–447.
SEFM-2011-EggersRNF #analysis #hybrid #satisfiability- Improving SAT Modulo ODE for Hybrid Systems Analysis by Combining Different Enclosure Methods (AE, NR, NSN, MF), pp. 172–187.
SEFM-2011-ErnstSR #analysis #empirical #interactive #proving #theorem proving #verification- Verification of B + Trees: An Experiment Combining Shape Analysis and Interactive Theorem Proving (GE, GS, WR), pp. 188–203.
SEFM-2011-TschannenFNM #object-oriented #source code #verification- Usable Verification of Object-Oriented Programs by Combining Static and Dynamic Techniques (JT, CAF, MN, BM), pp. 382–398.
ICFP-2011-AhnS #combinator #data type #induction #recursion- A hierarchy of mendler style recursion combinators: taming inductive datatypes with negative occurrences (KYA, TS), pp. 234–246.
GT-VMT-2011-GogollaHXZ #visual notation- Exploring (Meta-)Model Snapshots by Combining Visual and Textual Techniques (MG, LH, JX, JZ).
CHI-2011-ChauKHF #interactive #machine learning #named #network #scalability- Apolo: making sense of large network data by combining rich user interaction and machine learning (DHC, AK, JIH, CF), pp. 167–176.
CHI-2011-LatulipeCL- Evaluating longitudinal projects combining technology with temporal arts (CL, EAC, DML), pp. 1835–1844.
CHI-2011-LeitnerH #design #image #interactive #named- Geckos: combining magnets and pressure images to enable new tangible-object design and interaction (JL, MH), pp. 2985–2994.
CHI-2011-YuN- Cooks or cobblers?: crowd creativity through combination (LY, JVN), pp. 1393–1402.
DUXU-v2-2011-ChenL11a #2d #3d #design #evaluation #interface #using- Design and Evaluation of the Customized Product Color Combination Interfaces Using 3D Model and 2D Illustration Display (CYC, YJL), pp. 269–275.
DUXU-v2-2011-Marcus #design #health #mobile #persuasion #user interface- The Health Machine: Mobile UX Design That Combines Information Design with Persuasion Design (AM), pp. 598–607.
HCI-DDA-2011-HeL #graph #image #modelling #segmentation- An Image Segmentation Method for Chinese Paintings by Combining Deformable Models with Graph Cuts (NH, KL), pp. 571–579.
HCI-MIIE-2011-ZhanF #design #interactive #named #people- GoCoBa: Interactive Installation Design Applied on Combination of Context and People (JXZ, KKF), pp. 259–267.
ICEIS-v1-2011-ChagheriCRD #classification #documentation- Document Classification — Combining Structure and Content (SC, SC, CR, CD), pp. 95–100.
CIKM-2011-AbedjanN- Advancing the discovery of unique column combinations (ZA, FN), pp. 1565–1570.
CIKM-2011-QianHCZN #ambiguity #machine learning- Combining machine learning and human judgment in author disambiguation (YnQ, YH, JC, QZ, ZN), pp. 1241–1246.
ECIR-2011-DinhT #information retrieval #semantics- Combining Global and Local Semantic Contexts for Improving Biomedical Information Retrieval (DD, LT), pp. 375–386.
ECIR-2011-HerbertSG #information retrieval #query- Combining Query Translation Techniques to Improve Cross-Language Information Retrieval (BH, GS, IG), pp. 712–715.
ECIR-2011-NeumayerMN #categorisation #feature model- Combination of Feature Selection Methods for Text Categorisation (RN, RM, KN), pp. 763–766.
KDD-2011-ChauKHF #graph #interactive #machine learning #named #scalability #visualisation- Apolo: interactive large graph sensemaking by combining machine learning and visualization (DHC, AK, JIH, CF), pp. 739–742.
KDD-2011-YeLZZTGA #detection- Combining file content and file relations for cloud based malware detection (YY, TL, SZ, WZ, ET, UG, MA), pp. 222–230.
KDIR-2011-ArmengolP #case study #classification #information management #lazy evaluation #learning- Combining Two Lazy Learning Methods for Classification and Knowledge Discovery — A Case Study for Malignant Melanoma Diagnosis (EA, SP), pp. 200–207.
KDIR-2011-JeongY #approach #proximity #semantics #summary- An Approach for Combining Semantic Information and Proximity Information for Text Summarization (HJ, YY), pp. 427–432.
KDIR-2011-PrachuabsupakijS #classification #multi #set #using- Multi-class Data Classification for Imbalanced Data Set using Combined Sampling Approaches (WP, NS), pp. 166–171.
KDIR-2011-SanJuan #graph- Mapping Knowledge Domains — Combining Symbolic Relations with Graph Theory (ES), pp. 527–536.
SIGIR-2011-WuW #collaboration- Rating-based collaborative filtering combined with additional regularization (SW, SW), pp. 1195–1196.
ICMT-2011-BauerK #model transformation- Combining Specification-Based and Code-Based Coverage for Model Transformation Chains (EB, JMK), pp. 78–92.
MoDELS-2011-PalyartLOB #framework #maintenance #scalability- Improving Scalability and Maintenance of Software for High-Performance Scientific Computing by Combining MDE and Frameworks (MP, DL, IO, JMB), pp. 213–227.
PADL-2011-Brown #combinator #haskell #message passing- Combinators for Message-Passing in Haskell (NCCB), pp. 19–33.
PADL-2011-DevrieseP #combinator #domain-specific language #recursion #semiparsing- Explicitly Recursive Grammar Combinators — A Better Model for Shallow Parser DSLs (DD, FP), pp. 84–98.
POPL-2011-MadhusudanPQ #decidability #logic- Decidable logics combining heap structures and data (PM, GP, XQ), pp. 611–622.
SAC-2011-DinhT #concept #order #word- Biomedical concept extraction based on combining the content-based and word order similarities (DD, LT), pp. 1159–1163.
SAC-2011-HuangC #retrieval #video- An event-based video retrieval system by combining broadcasting baseball video and web-casting text (YFH, LWC), pp. 846–852.
SAC-2011-JeffersonMP #automation #constraints #generative #named- Combination: automated generation of puzzles with constraints (CJ, WM, KEP), pp. 907–912.
ICSE-2011-ChenHG #approach #automation #traceability- A combination approach for enhancing automated traceability (XC, JGH, JCG), pp. 912–915.
SLE-2011-Wider #bidirectional #combinator #model transformation #scala #towards- Towards Combinators for Bidirectional Model Transformations in Scala (AW), pp. 367–377.
LCTES-2011-GrayA #api #architecture #embedded #manycore- Targeting complex embedded architectures by combining the multicore communications API (mcapi) with compile-time virtualisation (IG, NCA), pp. 51–60.
ICLP-J-2011-AreiasR #evaluation #logic programming #on the #source code- On combining linear-based strategies for tabled evaluation of logic programs (MA, RR), pp. 681–696.
ISSTA-2011-ZhangSBE #automation #generative #testing- Combined static and dynamic automated test generation (SZ, DS, YB, MDE), pp. 353–363.
RTA-2011-Weirich #proving #source code- Combining Proofs and Programs (SW), p. 9.
TLCA-2011-Weirich #proving #source code- Combining Proofs and Programs (SW), p. 9.
DAC-2010-FayyaziK #performance #simulation- Efficient simulation of oscillatory combinational loops (MF, LK), pp. 777–780.
DATE-2010-ChoudhuryCMA #logic #performance- Analytical model for TDDB-based performance degradation in combinational logic (MRC, VC, KM, RCA), pp. 423–428.
DATE-2010-Krupp0 #approach- A systematic approach to the test of combined HW/SW systems (AK, WM), pp. 323–326.
DATE-2010-LiuTL #automation #design #optimisation #power management- Combining optimizations in automated low power design (QL, TT, WL), pp. 1791–1796.
DATE-2010-MischkallaH0 #modelling #simulation #synthesis #uml- Closing the gap between UML-based modeling, simulation and synthesis of combined HW/SW systems (FM, DH, WM), pp. 1201–1206.
DRR-2010-SaldarriagaVM #information retrieval #online- Combining approaches to on-line handwriting information retrieval (SPS, CVG, EM), pp. 1–10.
DRR-2010-ZhuL #online #recognition- A combined recognition system for online handwritten Pinyin input (MZ, CL), pp. 1–10.
ICSM-2010-GuzziPD #developer #ide #interactive- Combining micro-blogging and IDE interactions to support developers in their quests (AG, MP, AvD), pp. 1–5.
FLOPS-2010-ThiemannS #combinator #generative #polymorphism- Tag-Free Combinators for Binding-Time Polymorphic Program Generation (PT, MS), pp. 87–102.
CIAA-2010-CuiGKY #complexity- State Complexity of Catenation Combined with Union and Intersection (BC, YG, LK, SY), pp. 95–104.
ICFP-2010-Danielsson #combinator #parsing- Total parser combinators (NAD), pp. 285–296.
ICFP-2010-VoigtlanderHMW #bidirectional #semantics- Combining syntactic and semantic bidirectionalization (JV, ZH, KM, MW), pp. 181–192.
ICGT-2010-BisztrayH #termination- Combining Termination Criteria by Isolating Deletion (DB, RH), pp. 203–217.
CHI-2010-MoffattM #fault #named- Steadied-bubbles: combining techniques to address pen-based pointing errors for younger and older adults (KM, JM), pp. 1125–1134.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-EliceguiVM #data mining #mining #semantics- Combining Semantic Technologies and Data Mining to Endow BSS/OSS Systems with Intelligence — Particularization to an International Telecom Company Tariff System (JME, GTdV, MdFM), pp. 350–355.
CIKM-2010-ParameswaranGU #recommendation- Evaluating, combining and generalizing recommendations with prerequisites (AGP, HGM, JDU), pp. 919–928.
CIKM-2010-ShiZT #learning- Combining link and content for collective active learning (LS, YZ, JT), pp. 1829–1832.
ICPR-2010-AbedM #framework #recognition #word- A Framework for the Combination of Different Arabic Handwritten Word Recognition Systems (HEA, VM), pp. 1904–1907.
ICPR-2010-ChiaSN #linear #multimodal #towards- Towards a Best Linear Combination for Multimodal Biometric Fusion (CC, NS, LN), pp. 1176–1179.
ICPR-2010-CordellaSFMF #classification #performance- Combining Single Class Features for Improving Performance of a Two Stage Classifier (LPC, CDS, FF, CM, ASdF), pp. 4352–4355.
ICPR-2010-Debled-RennessonW- Combining Force Histogram and Discrete Lines to Extract Dashed Lines (IDR, LW), pp. 1574–1577.
ICPR-2010-ErdoganS #classification #framework #learning #linear- A Unifying Framework for Learning the Linear Combiners for Classifier Ensembles (HE, MUS), pp. 2985–2988.
ICPR-2010-FraundorferWP #locality #mobile #using #visual notation #word- Combining Monocular and Stereo Cues for Mobile Robot Localization Using Visual Words (FF, CW, MP), pp. 3927–3930.
ICPR-2010-Garcia-TubioWS #detection #geometry- Combining Geometry and Local Appearance for Object Detection (MPGT, HW, LS), pp. 4024–4027.
ICPR-2010-HadidNS #recognition- Recognition of Blurred Faces via Facial Deblurring Combined with Blur-Tolerant Descriptors (AH, MN, YS), pp. 1160–1163.
ICPR-2010-HanCR #categorisation #image #low level- Image Categorization by Learned Nonlinear Subspace of Combined Visual-Words and Low-Level Features (XHH, YWC, XR), pp. 3037–3040.
ICPR-2010-HanerG #visual notation- Combining Foreground / Background Feature Points and Anisotropic Mean Shift For Enhanced Visual Object Tracking (SH, IYHG), pp. 3488–3491.
ICPR-2010-HassanCG #documentation #image #kernel #retrieval #using- Document Image Retrieval Using Feature Combination in Kernel Space (EH, SC, MG), pp. 2009–2012.
ICPR-2010-HuWZW #classification #gender- Combining Spatial and Temporal Information for Gait Based Gender Classification (MH, YW, ZZ, YW), pp. 3679–3682.
ICPR-2010-IbbaDL #case study #set- A Study on Combining Sets of Differently Measured Dissimilarities (AI, RPWD, WJL), pp. 3360–3363.
ICPR-2010-KhreichGMS #classification- Boolean Combination of Classifiers in the ROC Space (WK, EG, AM, RS), pp. 4299–4303.
ICPR-2010-Kita #modelling- Background Modeling by Combining Joint Intensity Histogram with Time-sequential Data (YK), pp. 991–994.
ICPR-2010-KumarTG #symmetry- Combination of Symmetric Hash Functions for Secure Fingerprint Matching (GK, ST, VG), pp. 890–893.
ICPR-2010-Lei #distance #using #verification- Combining the Likelihood and the Kullback-Leibler Distance in Estimating the Universal Background Model for Speaker Verification Using SVM (ZL), pp. 4553–4556.
ICPR-2010-LettnerS #robust- Combining Spectral and Spatial Features for Robust Foreground-Background Separation (ML, RS), pp. 1969–1972.
ICPR-2010-LiS #kernel #multi- Nonlinear Combination of Multiple Kernels for Support Vector Machines (JL, SS), pp. 2889–2892.
ICPR-2010-LiZXCG #analysis #documentation #multi #sentiment- Exploiting Combined Multi-level Model for Document Sentiment Analysis (SL, HZ, WX, GC, JG), pp. 4141–4144.
ICPR-2010-LobranoTGR #decidability- A Score Decidability Index for Dynamic Score Combination (CL, RT, GG, FR), pp. 69–72.
ICPR-2010-MozaffariBA #classification #gender #geometry #image #using- Gender Classification Using Single Frontal Image Per Person: Combination of Appearance and Geometric Based Features (SM, HB, RA), pp. 1192–1195.
ICPR-2010-OrtegaGJV #configuration management #self #video- A Combined Self-Configuring Method for Object Tracking in Colour Video (JARO, GAG, ÁRJ, VLAV), pp. 2081–2084.
ICPR-2010-PrasadKBRMN #network #recognition- Consensus Network Based Hypotheses Combination for Arabic Offline Handwriting Recognition (RP, MK, DB, AVIR, SM, PN), pp. 2861–2864.
ICPR-2010-RicamatoT #effectiveness #question- AUC-based Combination of Dichotomizers: Is Whole Maximization also Effective for Partial Maximization? (MTR, FT), pp. 73–76.
ICPR-2010-SuLY #recognition- Symbol Recognition Combining Vectorial and Pixel-Level Features for Line Drawings (FS, TL, RY), pp. 1892–1895.
ICPR-2010-WangAYL #bottom-up #estimation #learning #top-down #using- Combined Top-Down/Bottom-Up Human Articulated Pose Estimation Using AdaBoost Learning (SW, HA, TY, SL), pp. 3670–3673.
ICPR-2010-WangLR #clustering #graph- Combining Real and Virtual Graphs to Enhance Data Clustering (LW, CL, KR), pp. 790–793.
ICPR-2010-ZhangWL #categorisation #kernel #learning- Learning the Kernel Combination for Object Categorization (DZ, XW, BL), pp. 2929–2932.
ICPR-2010-ZhaoLLY #visual notation- Sparse Embedding Visual Attention Systems Combined with Edge Information (CZ, CL, ZL, JY), pp. 3432–3435.
ICPR-2010-ZhouDM #image #retrieval #visual notation- Information Fusion for Combining Visual and Textual Image Retrieval (XZ, AD, HM), pp. 1590–1593.
KDD-2010-JahrerTL #predict #recommendation- Combining predictions for accurate recommender systems (MJ, AT, RAL), pp. 693–702.
KDD-2010-Lee #classification #learning- Learning to combine discriminative classifiers: confidence based (CHL), pp. 743–752.
KDD-2010-Sculley #ranking- Combined regression and ranking (DS), pp. 979–988.
KR-2010-KontchakovLTWZ #approach #query- The Combined Approach to Query Answering in DL-Lite (RK, CL, DT, FW, MZ).
SEKE-2010-WangXCC #combinator #effectiveness #testing- Cost-Effective Combinatorial Test Case Prioritization for Varying Combination Weights (ZW, BX, LC, ZC), pp. 273–278.
SIGIR-2010-AminiGU #categorisation #multi #self- Combining coregularization and consensus-based self-training for multilingual text categorization (MRA, CG, NU), pp. 475–482.
ECMFA-2010-Vallecillo #modelling #on the- On the Combination of Domain Specific Modeling Languages (AV), pp. 305–320.
MoDELS-v1-2010-SchrammPHV #agile #development #enterprise #modelling #user interface- Rapid UI Development for Enterprise Applications: Combining Manual and Model-Driven Techniques (AS, AP, MH, LV), pp. 271–285.
GPCE-J-2007-FrisbyKWA10 #algebra #combinator- Constructing language processors with algebra combinators (NF, GK, PW, PA), pp. 543–572.
PPDP-2010-Jeltsch #combinator #static typing #type checking- Generic record combinators with static type checking (WJ), pp. 143–154.
PADL-2010-HafizF #attribute grammar #combinator #execution #lazy evaluation #specification- Lazy Combinators for Executable Specifications of General Attribute Grammars (RH, RAF), pp. 167–182.
SAC-2010-BenaouichaTB #flexibility #probability #query- Flexible document-query matching based on a probabilistic content and structure score combination (MB, MT, MB), pp. 1728–1734.
SAC-2010-EtienMLB #independence #model transformation- Combining independent model transformations (AE, AM, TL, XB), pp. 2237–2243.
SAC-2010-JouaultVBDBB #coordination #megamodelling #weaving- Inter-DSL coordination support by combining megamodeling and model weaving (FJ, BV, HB, GD, YB, JB), pp. 2011–2018.
SAC-2010-OhCM #classification #information management- Combining global and local information for enhanced deep classification (HSO, YC, SHM), pp. 1760–1767.
SAC-2010-VoigtIR #automation #generative #metamodelling #named- MatchBox: combined meta-model matching for semi-automatic mapping generation (KV, PI, AR), pp. 2281–2288.
FSE-2010-YilmazP #hardware- Combining hardware and software instrumentation to classify program executions (CY, AAP), pp. 67–76.
ICSE-2010-KlasEMHG #case study #fault #industrial #metric #predict- Transparent combination of expert and measurement data for defect prediction: an industrial case study (MK, FE, JM, KH, OvG), pp. 119–128.
IJCAR-2010-IhlemannS #on the #reasoning- On Hierarchical Reasoning in Combinations of Theories (CI, VSS), pp. 30–45.
ISSTA-2010-GodefroidK #float #memory management #program analysis #proving #safety- Proving memory safety of floating-point computations by combining static and dynamic program analysis (PG, JK), pp. 1–12.
LICS-2010-EndrullisHK #combinator #composition #fixpoint- Modular Construction of Fixed Point Combinators and Clocked Bohm Trees (JE, DH, JWK), pp. 111–119.
TAP-2010-ChebaroKGJ #c #debugging #generative #static analysis #testing- Combining Static Analysis and Test Generation for C Program Debugging (OC, NK, AG, JJ), pp. 94–100.
TAP-2010-GladischTBY #generative #testing #using #verification- Generating Regression Unit Tests Using a Combination of Verification and Capture & Replay (CG, SST, BB, AY), pp. 61–76.
TAP-2010-Rusu #proving #specification #theorem proving- Combining Theorem Proving and Narrowing for Rewriting-Logic Specifications (VR), pp. 135–150.
DATE-2009-KimYK #online #runtime #scalability- Program phase and runtime distribution-aware online DVFS for combined Vdd/Vbb scaling (JK, SY, CMK), pp. 417–422.
DATE-2009-LukasiewyczSGHT #architecture #communication #synthesis- Combined system synthesis and communication architecture exploration for MPSoCs (ML, MS, MG, CH, JT), pp. 472–477.
DRR-2009-AbedM #question #recognition- Improvement of Arabic handwriting recognition systems — combination and/or reject ? (HEA, VM), pp. 1–10.
DRR-2009-Likforman-SulemS #classification #network #recognition- Combination of dynamic Bayesian network classifiers for the recognition of degraded characters (LLS, MS), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2009-HamdaniAKA #multi #online #recognition #using- Combining Multiple HMMs Using On-line and Off-line Features for Off-line Arabic Handwriting Recognition (MH, HEA, MK, AMA), pp. 201–205.
ICDAR-2009-HeH09a #classification #estimation #online #using- Affine Distortion Compensation for an Isolated Online Handwritten Chinese Character Using Combined Orientation Estimation and HMM-Based Minimax Classification (TH, QH), pp. 1226–1230.
ICDAR-2009-IndermuhleLB #analysis #documentation- Combining Alignment Results for Historical Handwritten Document Analysis (EI, ML, HB), pp. 1186–1190.
ICDAR-2009-LeungL #generative #recognition- Recognition of Handwritten Chinese Characters by Combining Regularization, Fisher’s Discriminant and Distorted Sample Generation (KCL, CHL), pp. 1026–1030.
ICDAR-2009-PirloITS #classification #normalisation- Combination of Measurement-Level Classifiers: Output Normalization by Dynamic Time Warping (GP, DI, CAT, ES), pp. 416–420.
ICDAR-2009-StefanoFFM #classification #evolution #learning #network- Learning Bayesian Networks by Evolution for Classifier Combination (CDS, FF, ASdF, AM), pp. 966–970.
PODS-2009-Parys #complexity #evaluation #linear #polynomial #xpath- XPath evaluation in linear time with polynomial combined complexity (PP), pp. 55–64.
SIGMOD-2009-ChenKM #analysis #multi- Exploiting context analysis for combining multiple entity resolution systems (ZC, DVK, SM), pp. 207–218.
SIGMOD-2009-ChuBCDN #ad hoc #database #keyword #query- Combining keyword search and forms for ad hoc querying of databases (EC, AB, XC, AD, JFN), pp. 349–360.
SIGMOD-2009-KoutrikaBG #flexibility #named #recommendation- FlexRecs: expressing and combining flexible recommendations (GK, BB, HGM), pp. 745–758.
WRLA-2008-Rodriguez09- Combining Techniques to Reduce State Space and Prove Strong Properties (DER), pp. 267–280.
TACAS-2009-NicoliniRR #integer #satisfiability- Satisfiability Procedures for Combination of Theories Sharing Integer Offsets (EN, CR, MR), pp. 428–442.
TACAS-2009-YuBI #analysis #string #verification- Symbolic String Verification: Combining String Analysis and Size Analysis (FY, TB, OHI), pp. 322–336.
ICPC-J-2008-VidacsBG09 #c #c++ #preprocessor #slicing- Combining preprocessor slicing with C/C++ language slicing (LV, ÁB, TG), pp. 399–413.
SCAM-2009-GutzmannKLL #analysis #points-to #towards- Towards Comparing and Combining Points-to Analyses (TG, AK, JL, WL), pp. 45–54.
LATA-2009-HanSY #complexity #regular expression- State Complexity of Combined Operations for Prefix-Free Regular Languages (YSH, KS, SY), pp. 398–409.
FM-2009-SeidlVV #alias #analysis #linear #polynomial- A Smooth Combination of Linear and Herbrand Equalities for Polynomial Time Must-Alias Analysis (HS, VV, VV), pp. 644–659.
CHI-2009-SongGFGKAK #mobile #named #visual notation- PenLight: combining a mobile projector and a digital pen for dynamic visual overlay (HS, TG, GWF, FG, AK, RA, GK), pp. 143–152.
DHM-2009-Weber #algorithm- Intelligent Motion Tracking by Combining Specialized Algorithms (MW), pp. 170–179.
HCD-2009-Blasko-DrabikBB #game studies #physics #testing #usability- Combining Fast-Paced Usability and Scientific Testing to Improve the Lunar Quest Physics Game (HBD, JB, CAB), pp. 23–26.
HCD-2009-RiversCT #collaboration #design #interface #process- Combining Activity Theory and Grounded Theory for the Design of Collaborative Interfaces (CR, JC, AT), pp. 312–321.
HCI-NIMT-2009-KasamatsuMIJ #effectiveness #feedback #visual notation- Effective Combination of Haptic, Auditory and Visual Information Feedback in Operation Feeling (KK, TM, KI, HJ), pp. 58–65.
HCI-NT-2009-TharangieMMY #design #interactive #user interface- Insight into Kansei Color Combinations in Interactive User Interface Designing (KGDT, SM, AM, KY), pp. 735–744.
HIMI-DIE-2009-LeeCW #design #evaluation #experience #interface- Design and Evaluation of the Customized Product Color Combination Interface Based on Scenario Experience (YJL, CYC, FGW), pp. 263–270.
HIMI-DIE-2009-SrinivasSPK #classification #feature model #performance #using- Efficient Text Classification Using Best Feature Selection and Combination of Methods (MS, KPS, EVP, SAK), pp. 437–446.
HIMI-II-2009-KimHPPPKH- An OWL-Based Knowledge Model for Combined-Process-and-Location Aware Service (GK, MH, JP, HP, SHP, LK, SH), pp. 159–167.
HIMI-II-2009-TakaoIS #keyword #web- A Coauthoring Method of Keyword Dictionaries for Knowledge Combination on Corporate Discussion Web Sites (ST, TI, AS), pp. 84–93.
AdaEurope-2009-BurnsWZ #ada #analysis #implementation #scheduling- Combining EDF and FP Scheduling: Analysis and Implementation in Ada 2005 (AB, AJW, FZ), pp. 119–133.
EDOC-2009-MietznerUTL #multitenancy- Combining Different Multi-tenancy Patterns in Service-Oriented Applications (RM, TU, RT, FL), pp. 131–140.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-ChampclauxDM #information retrieval #precise #similarity- Enhancing High Precision by Combining Okapi BM25 with Structural Similarity in an Information Retrieval System (YC, TD, JM), pp. 279–285.
CIKM-2009-MeloW #learning #towards- Towards a universal wordnet by learning from combined evidence (GdM, GW), pp. 513–522.
CIKM-2009-QiCKKW #learning- Combining labeled and unlabeled data with word-class distribution learning (YQ, RC, PPK, KK, JW), pp. 1737–1740.
ECIR-2009-BidokiT #documentation- Combination of Documents Features Based on Simulated Click-through Data (AMZB, JAT), pp. 538–545.
ECIR-2009-HauffAH #evaluation #performance #predict #query- The Combination and Evaluation of Query Performance Prediction Methods (CH, LA, DH), pp. 301–312.
ECIR-2009-PetkovaCD #keyword #query #retrieval #xml- Refining Keyword Queries for XML Retrieval by Combining Content and Structure (DP, WBC, YD), pp. 662–669.
ECIR-2009-Wan #image #retrieval- Combining Content and Context Similarities for Image Retrieval (XW), pp. 749–754.
KDD-2009-JamaliE #named #random #recommendation #trust- TrustWalker: a random walk model for combining trust-based and item-based recommendation (MJ, ME), pp. 397–406.
KDD-2009-LuoLXZS #case study #classification #information management #towards #web- Towards combining web classification and web information extraction: a case study (PL, FL, YX, YZ, ZS), pp. 1235–1244.
KDD-2009-MelvilleGL #analysis #classification #sentiment- Sentiment analysis of blogs by combining lexical knowledge with text classification (PM, WG, RDL), pp. 1275–1284.
KDD-2009-YangJCZ #approach #community #detection- Combining link and content for community detection: a discriminative approach (TY, RJ, YC, SZ), pp. 927–936.
KEOD-2009-ReinekingSH #classification #ontology #statistics- Evidential Combination of Ontological and Statistical Information for Active Scene Classification (TR, NS, JH), pp. 72–79.
KEOD-2009-RenaudZR #ontology- A Compound Strategy for Ontologies Combining (DR, CZM, FR), pp. 200–205.
MLDM-2009-AbdalaJ #approach #clustering- An Evidence Accumulation Approach to Constrained Clustering Combination (DDA, XJ), pp. 361–371.
MLDM-2009-Calliess #on the- On Fixed Convex Combinations of No-Regret Learners (JPC), pp. 494–504.
MLDM-2009-KurasovaM #visualisation- Combination of Vector Quantization and Visualization (OK, AM), pp. 29–43.
MLDM-2009-TronciGR- Dynamic Score Combination: A Supervised and Unsupervised Score Combination Method (RT, GG, FR), pp. 163–177.
MLDM-2009-WangZ #classification #kernel- Optimal Double-Kernel Combination for Classification (FW, HZ), pp. 107–122.
SEKE-2009-AlbuquerqueR #execution #process- A Real Execution of a Software Process Improvement: An Opportunity to Execute a Combination of Approaches (ABA, ARR), pp. 661–665.
SIGIR-2009-OlssonO #independence #retrieval #robust #speech- Combining LVCSR and vocabulary-independent ranked utterance retrieval for robust speech search (JSO, DWO), pp. 91–98.
SIGIR-2009-TurnbullBLY #music #semantics #social- Combining audio content and social context for semantic music discovery (DT, LB, GRGL, MY), pp. 387–394.
ECMDA-FA-2009-EspinozaCSG #challenge #design #embedded #modelling- Challenges in Combining SysML and MARTE for Model-Based Design of Embedded Systems (HE, DC, BS, SG), pp. 98–113.
ICMT-2009-BergmannHRV #model transformation #pattern matching #performance- Efficient Model Transformations by Combining Pattern Matching Strategies (GB, ÁH, IR, DV), pp. 20–34.
ECOOP-2009-SmansJP #logic- Implicit Dynamic Frames: Combining Dynamic Frames and Separation Logic (JS, BJ, FP), pp. 148–172.
POPL-2009-GulwaniLS #framework- A combination framework for tracking partition sizes (SG, TLA, MS), pp. 239–251.
SAC-2009-FodehPT #clustering #documentation #semantics #statistics- Combining statistics and semantics via ensemble model for document clustering (SJF, WFP, PNT), pp. 1446–1450.
SAC-2009-ImS #architecture #memory management- Storage architecture and software support for SLC/MLC combined flash memory (SI, DS), pp. 1664–1669.
CADE-2009-BaumgartnerW #evolution- Superposition and Model Evolution Combined (PB, UW), pp. 17–34.
CADE-2009-GoelKT- Ground Interpolation for Combined Theories (AG, SK, CT), pp. 183–198.
CADE-2009-MaLZ #constraints #linear- Volume Computation for Boolean Combination of Linear Arithmetic Constraints (FM, SL, JZ), pp. 453–468.
CADE-2009-NicoliniRR- Combinable Extensions of Abelian Groups (EN, CR, MR), pp. 51–66.
LICS-2009-Rossman #game studies- Combining Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé Games (BR), p. 331.
SAT-2009-BalintHG #approach #novel #problem #satisfiability- A Novel Approach to Combine a SLS- and a DPLL-Solver for the Satisfiability Problem (AB, MH, OG), pp. 284–297.
TAP-2009-CalvagnaG #combinator #heuristic #interactive #satisfiability #testing- Combining Satisfiability Solving and Heuristics to Constrained Combinatorial Interaction Testing (AC, AG), pp. 27–42.
TAP-2009-HerberFG #model checking #process #testing- Combining Model Checking and Testing in a Continuous HW/SW Co-verification Process (PH, FF, SG), pp. 121–136.
WICSA-2008-ZimmermannZGL #architecture #design #modelling #pattern matching #reuse- Combining Pattern Languages and Reusable Architectural Decision Models into a Comprehensive and Comprehensible Design Method (OZ, UZ, TG, FL), pp. 157–166.
ASE-2008-MooreS #analysis #design #layout- Combining the Analysis of Spatial Layout and Text to Support Design Exploration (JMM, FMSI), pp. 379–382.
ASE-2008-PostSKG #abstract interpretation #bound #model checking- Reducing False Positives by Combining Abstract Interpretation and Bounded Model Checking (HP, CS, AK, TG), pp. 188–197.
CASE-2008-RohPSYC0LC #flexibility #using- Flexible docking mechanism using combination of magnetic force with error-compensation capability (SgR, JHP, YKS, KY, MC, HSK, HL, HRC), pp. 697–702.
DAC-2008-GargNK #design #performance- A fast, analytical estimator for the SEU-induced pulse width in combinational designs (RG, CN, SPK), pp. 918–923.
DAC-2008-HanSE #3d #equation #modelling- Electric field integral equation combined with cylindrical conduction mode basis functions for electrical modeling of three-dimensional interconnects (KJH, MS, EE), pp. 421–424.
DATE-2008-AliWWB #approach #behaviour #modelling #performance- A New Approach for Combining Yield and Performance in Behavioural Models for Analogue Integrated Circuits (SA, RW, PRW, ADB), pp. 152–157.
DATE-2008-PenazziCDSSM #multi #safety- Cooperative Safety: a Combination of Multiple Technologies (RP, PC, MD, AS, MS, EM), pp. 959–961.
DRR-2008-KimLT #approach #hybrid #identification #statistics- Hybrid approach combining contextual and statistical information for identifying MEDLINE citation terms (ICK, DXL, GRT), p. 68150.
DRR-2008-ZavorinBDBS #classification #recognition #word- Combining different classification approaches to improve off-line Arabic handwritten word recognition (IZ, EB, ED, AB, KMS), p. 681504.
ESOP-2008-GulwaniM #algorithm- Cover Algorithms and Their Combination (SG, MM), pp. 193–207.
ICPC-2008-VidacsJBG #c #c++ #preprocessor #slicing- Combining Preprocessor Slicing with C/C++ Language Slicing (LV, JJ, ÁB, TG), pp. 163–171.
ICSM-2008-AntoniolHGP #cost analysis #reuse- Reuse or rewrite: Combining textual, static, and dynamic analyses to assess the cost of keeping a system up-to-date (GA, JHH, YGG, MDP), pp. 147–156.
CIAA-2008-Fujiyoshi #automaton #context-free grammar- Combination of Context-Free Grammars and Tree Automata for Unranked and Ranked Trees (AF), pp. 283–285.
ICALP-C-2008-FischlinLP #multi #revisited #robust- Robust Multi-property Combiners for Hash Functions Revisited (MF, AL, KP), pp. 655–666.
ICALP-C-2008-HochS #on the- On the Strength of the Concatenated Hash Combiner When All the Hash Functions Are Weak (JJH, AS), pp. 616–630.
ICALP-C-2008-PrzydatekW- Error-Tolerant Combiners for Oblivious Primitives (BP, JW), pp. 461–472.
GT-VMT-2008-MazanekM #combinator #graph #parsing- Parsing of Hyperedge Replacement Grammars with Graph Parser Combinators (SM, MM).
CHI-2008-PietrigaA #lens- Sigma lenses: focus-context transitions combining space, time and translucence (EP, CA), pp. 1343–1352.
SOFTVIS-2008-CarneiroMM #comprehension #paradigm #process #visualisation- Combining software visualization paradigms to support software comprehension activities (GdFC, RCM, MGM), pp. 201–202.
EDOC-2008-ScheiblerML #as a service #execution #power of- EAI as a Service — Combining the Power of Executable EAI Patterns and SaaS (TS, RM, FL), pp. 107–116.
EDOC-2008-SommestadEJ #analysis #architecture #enterprise #graph #modelling #security- Combining Defense Graphs and Enterprise Architecture Models for Security Analysis (TS, ME, PJ), pp. 349–355.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-KompaoreMT #information retrieval #query- Combining Indexing Methods and Query Sizes in Information Retrieval in French (DK, JM, LT), pp. 149–154.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-CabreroGP #predict- Combining Different Change Prediction Techniques (DCM, JG, MP), pp. 57–63.
CIKM-2008-ChemuduguntaSS #concept #modelling #statistics #topic- Combining concept hierarchies and statistical topic models (CC, PS, MS), pp. 1469–1470.
ICML-2008-HyvarinenSH #modelling- Causal modelling combining instantaneous and lagged effects: an identifiable model based on non-Gaussianity (AH, SS, POH), pp. 424–431.
ICML-2008-WangZ #learning #multi #on the- On multi-view active learning and the combination with semi-supervised learning (WW, ZHZ), pp. 1152–1159.
ICPR-2008-AgrisBK #adaptation #agile #approach #recognition #using- Rapid signer adaptation for continuous sign language recognition using a combined approach of eigenvoices, MLLR, and MAP (UvA, CB, KFK), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-AlliliZ #approach #bound #segmentation- An approach for dynamic combination of region and boundary information in segmentation (MSA, DZ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-Arevalillo-HerraezFD #image #learning #metric #retrieval #similarity- Learning combined similarity measures from user data for image retrieval (MAH, FJF, JD), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-BarratT #effectiveness #image #network #retrieval #semantics #using #visual notation- Visual features with semantic combination using Bayesian network for a more effective image retrieval (SB, ST), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ChouaibTTCV #algorithm #classification #feature model #search-based- Feature selection combining genetic algorithm and Adaboost classifiers (HC, ORT, ST, FC, NV), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-FakihZ- Structure from Motion: Combining features correspondences and optical flow (AHF, JSZ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-GaoL #classification #polynomial #recognition- Combining quadratic classifier and pair discriminators by pairwise coupling for handwritten Chinese character recognition (TFG, CLL), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-GatosPP #adaptation #documentation #image #multi #using- Improved document image binarization by using a combination of multiple binarization techniques and adapted edge information (BG, IP, SJP), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-GhoshM #classification #documentation #kernel #similarity #using #xml- Combining content and structure similarity for XML document classification using composite SVM kernels (SG, PM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HadidP #classification #gender #sequence #video- Combining motion and appearance for gender classification from video sequences (AH, MP), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HainesW #random #using- Combining shape-from-shading and stereo using Gaussian-Markov random fields (TSFH, RCW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-KuhlTV #modelling- Model-based combined tracking and resolution enhancement (AK, TT, SV), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LinW #3d #re-engineering- 3D reconstruction by combining shape from silhouette with stereo (HYL, JRW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MilanovaRKTK #sequence #video #visual notation- Combined visual attention model for video sequences (MGM, SHR, RK, VT, RK), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MirzaeiR #clustering #transitive #using- Combining hierarchical clusterings using min-transitive closure (AM, MR), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-Salgian #3d #categorisation #recognition- Combining local descriptors for 3D object recognition and categorization (AS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TranTJ #anti #linear #network #probability- An adjustable combination of linear regression and modified probabilistic neural network for anti-spam filtering (TPT, PT, TJ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-UchidaA #classification #recognition- Early recognition of sequential patterns by classifier combination (SU, KA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-UlgesB #parametricity #segmentation- Segmentation by combining parametric optical flow with a color model (AU, TMB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WangI #classification #image #markov #modelling #multi #semantics- Combining multiple spatial hidden Markov models in image semantic classification and annotation (LW, HHSI), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WangQ #3d #correlation #performance #recognition- 3D object recognition by fast spherical correlation between combined view EGIs and PFT (DW, HQ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WangWCW #algorithm #clustering #learning- A clustering algorithm combine the FCM algorithm with supervised learning normal mixture model (WW, CW, XC, AW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WattuyaRPJ #approach #multi #random- A random walker based approach to combining multiple segmentations (PW, KR, JSP, XJ), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-ChenZC #collaboration #community #personalisation #recommendation- Combinational collaborative filtering for personalized community recommendation (WC, DZ, EYC), pp. 115–123.
KR-2008-BruijnET #logic #ontology- Embedding Approaches to Combining Rules and Ontologies into Autoepistemic Logic (JdB, TE, HT), pp. 485–495.
SEKE-2008-HerrLSTW #automation #process- Combining SOA and BPM Technologies for Cross-System Process Automation (SH, KL, JS, GKT, GW), pp. 339–344.
SIGIR-2008-Meij #documentation #navigation #towards- Towards a combined model for search and navigation of annotated documents (EM), p. 898.
SIGIR-2008-RodeSH #ranking- Combining document- and paragraph-based entity ranking (HR, PS, DH), pp. 851–852.
SIGIR-2008-SkobeltsynJPB #named #web- ResIn: a combination of results caching and index pruning for high-performance web search engines (GS, FJ, VP, RABY), pp. 131–138.
SIGIR-2008-TanWC #detection #sentiment #using- Combining learn-based and lexicon-based techniques for sentiment detection without using labeled examples (ST, YW, XC), pp. 743–744.
OOPSLA-2008-GopinathanR #analysis #protocol #runtime- Enforcing object protocols by combining static and runtime analysis (MG, SKR), pp. 245–260.
PADL-2008-FrostHC #ambiguity #combinator #parsing #recursion- Parser Combinators for Ambiguous Left-Recursive Grammars (RAF, RH, PC), pp. 167–181.
RE-2008-KaindlCPSZ #design #how #interactive #question #requirements- How to Combine Requirements Engineering and Interaction Design? (HK, LLC, OP, AGS, DZ), pp. 299–301.
SAC-2008-Djelloul #constraints #first-order- Combination of decomposability and propagation for solving first-order constraints in decomposable theories (KD), pp. 1728–1732.
SAC-2008-FabreS- Combining symbolic and numerical solvers to simplify indecomposable systems solving (AF, PS), pp. 1838–1842.
SAC-2008-TarauL #synthesis- Revisiting exact combinational circuit synthesis (PT, BL), pp. 1758–1759.
HPDC-2008-SotomayorKF #execution #using #virtual machine- Combining batch execution and leasing using virtual machines (BS, KK, ITF), pp. 87–96.
SMT-2007-ConchonCKL08 #congruence #semantics- CC(X): Semantic Combination of Congruence Closure with Solvable Theories (SC, EC, JK, SL), pp. 51–69.
SMT-2007-MouraB08 #modelling- Model-based Theory Combination (LMdM, NB), pp. 37–49.
ICST-2008-SenBM #model transformation #modelling #multi #on the #testing- On Combining Multi-formalism Knowledge to Select Models for Model Transformation Testing (SS, BB, JMM), pp. 328–337.
ISSTA-2008-PasareanuMBGLPP #execution #symbolic computation #testing- Combining unit-level symbolic execution and system-level concrete execution for testing NASA software (CSP, PCM, DHB, KGB, MRL, SP, MP), pp. 15–26.
LICS-2008-GacekMN #recursion- Combining Generic Judgments with Recursive Definitions (AG, DM, GN), pp. 33–44.
RTA-2008-HendrixO #automaton #equation- Combining Equational Tree Automata over AC and ACI Theories (JH, HO), pp. 142–156.
RTA-2008-MazanekM #combinator #functional #graph #parsing- Functional-Logic Graph Parser Combinators (SM, MM), pp. 261–275.
RTA-2008-Stratulat #induction- Combining Rewriting with Noetherian Induction to Reason on Non-orientable Equalities (SS), pp. 351–365.
ASE-2007-ArtziKGE #analysis- Combined static and dynamic mutability analysis (SA, AK, DG, MDE), pp. 104–113.
ASE-2007-TkachukR #composition #generative #model checking #slicing- Combining environment generation and slicing for modular software model checking (OT, SPR), pp. 401–404.
DAC-2007-ChatterjeeMBK #equivalence #on the #proving- On Resolution Proofs for Combinational Equivalence (SC, AM, RKB, AK), pp. 600–605.
DAC-2007-WangYBVVLC #performance- The Impact of NBTI on the Performance of Combinational and Sequential Circuits (WW, SY, SB, RV, SBKV, FL, YC), pp. 364–369.
DATE-2007-BorremansLWR #analysis #multi #using- Nonlinearity analysis of Analog/RF circuits using combined multisine and volterra analysis (JB, LDL, PW, YR), pp. 261–266.
DATE-2007-HaastregtK #interactive #optimisation #performance #random #using- Interactive presentation: Feasibility of combined area and performance optimization for superscalar processors using random search (SvH, PMWK), pp. 606–611.
DATE-2007-MoonBP #approach #composition #equivalence- A compositional approach to the combination of combinational and sequential equivalence checking of circuits without known reset states (IHM, PB, CP), pp. 1170–1175.
DATE-2007-NepalBMPZ #design #interactive #multi- Interactive presentation: Techniques for designing noise-tolerant multi-level combinational circuits (KN, RIB, JLM, WRP, AZ), pp. 576–581.
DATE-2007-ZhouB #approach #reduction #scheduling #testing #using- Test cost reduction for SoC using a combined approach to test data compression and test scheduling (QZ, KJB), pp. 39–44.
DocEng-2007-DejeanM #documentation #functional #logic- Logical document conversion: combining functional and formal knowledge (HD, JLM), pp. 135–143.
DocEng-2007-PuginI #semantics- Combination of transformation and schema languages described by a complete formal semantics (CP, RI), pp. 222–224.
DRR-2007-AndraNLZBBHST #effectiveness- Frequency coding: an effective method for combining dichotomizers (SA, GN, CLL, IZ, EB, AB, LH, KMS, MT).
DRR-2007-HeD #adaptation #clustering #corpus #retrieval- Combining text clustering and retrieval for corpus adaptation (FH, XD).
ICDAR-2007-Al-HajjML #classification #recognition #word- Combination of HMM-Based Classifiers for the Recognition of Arabic Handwritten Words (RAHM, CM, LLS), pp. 959–963.
ICDAR-2007-FerrerV #evaluation #performance #segmentation- Combination of OCR Engines for Page Segmentation Based on Performance Evaluation (MF, EV), pp. 784–788.
ICDAR-2007-LiwickiB #online #recognition- Combining On-Line and Off-Line Systems for Handwriting Recognition (ML, HB), pp. 372–376.
ICDAR-2007-MengZSZ #documentation #image #multi #retrieval- Document Images Retrieval Based on Multiple Features Combination (GM, NZ, YS, YZ), pp. 143–147.
ICDAR-2007-SunHHFN #classification #recognition- Degraded Character Recognition by Complementary Classifiers Combination (JS, KH, YH, KF, SN), pp. 579–583.
TACAS-2007-AmlaM #abstraction #model checking #refinement #satisfiability- Combining Abstraction Refinement and SAT-Based Model Checking (NA, KLM), pp. 405–419.
TACAS-2007-KrsticGGT #parametricity #satisfiability- Combined Satisfiability Modulo Parametric Theories (SK, AG, JG, CT), pp. 602–617.
ICPC-2007-PoshyvanykM #concept analysis #information retrieval #source code- Combining Formal Concept Analysis with Information Retrieval for Concept Location in Source Code (DP, AM), pp. 37–48.
MSR-2007-KagdiM #dependence #predict- Combining Single-Version and Evolutionary Dependencies for Software-Change Prediction (HHK, JIM), p. 17.
PLDI-2007-LiZ #concurrent #evaluation #implementation #monad #network #scalability #thread- Combining events and threads for scalable network services implementation and evaluation of monadic, application-level concurrency primitives (PL, SZ), pp. 189–199.
CIAA-J-2006-SalomaaY07 #complexity #estimation #on the- On the State Complexity of Combined Operations and their Estimation (KS, SY), pp. 683–698.
ICALP-2007-IshaiMSW #approximate #multi- Private Multiparty Sampling and Approximation of Vector Combinations (YI, TM, MJS, RNW), pp. 243–254.
LATA-2007-LiuMSY #complexity- State Complexity of Basic Operations Combined with Reversal (GL, CMV, AS, SY), pp. 355–366.
IFM-2007-KarkinskyST- Combining Mobility with State (DK, SAS, HT), pp. 373–392.
IFL-2007-MazanekM #combinator #graph #parsing- Graph Parser Combinators (SM, MM), pp. 1–18.
IFL-2007-Wallace #parsing- Partial Parsing: Combining Choice with Commitment (MW), pp. 93–110.
AGTIVE-2007-KoehlerGKPRVV #assurance #development #model transformation #quality- Combining Quality Assurance and Model Transformations in Business-Driven Development (JK, TG, JMK, CP, KR, JV, HV), pp. 1–16.
HCI-AS-2007-Yeh #3d- The Practice of Combining Cinematic Narrative with 3D Gameplay (CSIY), pp. 381–390.
HCI-IDU-2007-DuarteCG #interface #usability #visual notation- Evaluating Usability Improvements by Combining Visual and Audio Modalities in the Interface (CD, LC, NG), pp. 428–437.
HCI-IPT-2007-ChenLWS #layout- Screen Layout on Color Search Task for Customized Product Color Combination Selection (CYC, YJL, FGW, CFS), pp. 32–40.
CIKM-2007-HlaouaBP #feedback #retrieval #xml- Combination of evidences in relevance feedback for xml retrieval (LH, MB, KPS), pp. 893–896.
ECIR-2007-BloehdornM #classification #kernel #semantics- Combined Syntactic and Semantic Kernels for Text Classification (SB, AM), pp. 307–318.
ECIR-2007-KongL #documentation #modelling #multi #network #xml- Combining Multiple Sources of Evidence in XML Multimedia Documents: An Inference Network Incorporating Element Language Models (ZK, ML), pp. 716–719.
ECIR-2007-PengO #documentation #information retrieval #web- Combination of Document Priors in Web Information Retrieval (JP, IO), pp. 732–736.
ECIR-2007-TsikrikaL #framework #retrieval #web- Combining Evidence for Relevance Criteria: A Framework and Experiments in Web Retrieval (TT, ML), pp. 481–493.
ECIR-2007-ZhaoV- Authorship Attribution Via Combination of Evidence (YZ, PV), pp. 661–669.
ICML-2007-GellyS #online- Combining online and offline knowledge in UCT (SG, DS), pp. 273–280.
ICML-2007-WoznicaKH #learning- Learning to combine distances for complex representations (AW, AK, MH), pp. 1031–1038.
KDD-2007-ShigaTM #approach #clustering #composition #network- A spectral clustering approach to optimally combining numericalvectors with a modular network (MS, IT, HM), pp. 647–656.
MLDM-2007-CuiL #sequence- A New Combined Fractal Scale Descriptor for Gait Sequence (LC, HL), pp. 616–627.
MLDM-2007-HulsmannF #algorithm #comparison #multi #novel #optimisation #parametricity- Comparison of a Novel Combined ECOC Strategy with Different Multiclass Algorithms Together with Parameter Optimization Methods (MH, CMF), pp. 17–31.
MLDM-2007-SzepannekBW #classification #on the- On the Combination of Locally Optimal Pairwise Classifiers (GS, BB, CW), pp. 104–116.
MLDM-2007-ZagorisPK #algorithm #fuzzy #reduction #self #using- Color Reduction Using the Combination of the Kohonen Self-Organized Feature Map and the Gustafson-Kessel Fuzzy Algorithm (KZ, NP, IK), pp. 703–715.
SEKE-2007-AlencarRSF #classification #modelling #probability #project management- Combining Decorated Classification Trees with RCPS Stochastic Models to Gain New Valuable Insights into Software Project Management (AJA, GGR, EAS, ALF), pp. 151–156.
SIGIR-2007-AlmeidaGCC #adaptation #approach #component #programming #ranking #search-based- A combined component approach for finding collection-adapted ranking functions based on genetic programming (HMdA, MAG, MC, PC), pp. 399–406.
SIGIR-2007-ShahKF #algorithm #case study #feedback- Making mind and machine meet: a study of combining cognitive and algorithmic relevance feedback (CS, DK, XF), pp. 877–878.
SIGIR-2007-TanW #categorisation- Combining error-correcting output codes and model-refinement for text categorization (ST, YW), pp. 699–700.
SIGIR-2007-WiegandLK- Combining term-based and event-based matching for question answering (MW, JLL, DK), pp. 715–716.
SIGIR-2007-ZhuYCG #classification #matrix #using- Combining content and link for classification using matrix factorization (SZ, KY, YC, YG), pp. 487–494.
GPCE-2007-WeaverKFA #algebra #combinator- Constructing language processors with algebra combinators (PW, GK, NF, PA), pp. 155–164.
LOPSTR-2007-AbdennadherS #approach #constraints #generative #rule-based #theorem proving- Generation of Rule-Based Constraint Solvers: Combined Approach (SA, IS), pp. 106–120.
PADL-2007-MeraLPCH #execution #profiling #static analysis- Combining Static Analysis and Profiling for Estimating Execution Times (EM, PLG, GP, MC, MVH), pp. 140–154.
POPL-2007-Lammel #combinator #scrap your boilerplate- Scrap your boilerplate with XPath-like combinators (RL), pp. 137–142.
SAC-2007-RosenkranzH #concept #modelling- Combining cybernetics and conceptual modeling: the concept of variety in organizational engineering (CR, RH), pp. 1228–1233.
HPDC-2007-BudatiSCW #grid #named #performance #reliability- Ridge: combining reliability and performance in open grid platforms (KB, JDS, AC, JBW), pp. 55–64.
LCTES-2007-BennettMFT #automation #embedded #set #text-to-text- Combining source-to-source transformations and processor instruction set extensions for the automated design-space exploration of embedded systems (RVB, ACM, BF, NPT), pp. 83–92.
LCTES-2007-ZhuM #feedback #named #reduction #scalability #scheduling- DVSleak: combining leakage reduction and voltage scaling in feedback EDF scheduling (YZ, FM), pp. 31–40.
SMT-J-2006-SeshiaSB07 #constraints #on the- On Solving Boolean Combinations of UTVPI Constraints (SAS, KS, REB), pp. 67–90.
AMOST-2007-Benz #component #generative #integration #testing- Combining test case generation for component and integration testing (SB), pp. 23–33.
CADE-2007-GhilardiNRZ #infinity #model checking #satisfiability- Combination Methods for Satisfiability and Model-Checking of Infinite-State Systems (SG, EN, SR, DZ), pp. 362–378.
CADE-2007-LynchT #automation #decidability #revisited- Automatic Decidability and Combinability Revisited (CL, DKT), pp. 328–344.
ICLP-2007-TarauL #framework #logic programming #synthesis- A Logic Programming Framework for Combinational Circuit Synthesis (PT, BL), pp. 180–194.
RTA-2007-Vaux #linear #on the- On Linear Combinations of λ-Terms (LV), pp. 374–388.
SAT-2007-LiWZ #adaptation #satisfiability- Combining Adaptive Noise and Look-Ahead in Local Search for SAT (CML, WW, HZ), pp. 121–133.
TAP-2007-BeckertG #black box #specification #testing- White-Box Testing by Combining Deduction-Based Specification Extraction and Black-Box Testing (BB, CG), pp. 207–216.
TAP-2007-SmaragdakisC #debugging #detection #reasoning- Combining Static and Dynamic Reasoning for Bug Detection (YS, CC), pp. 1–16.
TLCA-2007-Mazza #abstraction #combinator #interactive #symmetry- Edifices and Full Abstraction for the Symmetric Interaction Combinators (DM), pp. 305–320.
VMCAI-2007-BeyerHMR #invariant #synthesis- Invariant Synthesis for Combined Theories (DB, TAH, RM, AR), pp. 378–394.
CBSE-2006-SuveeFV #approach #aspect-oriented #component #development #symmetry #towards- A Symmetric and Unified Approach Towards Combining Aspect-Oriented and Component-Based Software Development (DS, BDF, WV), pp. 114–122.
ASE-2006-PontissoC #automation #formal method #modelling- TOPCASED Combining Formal Methods with Model-Driven Engineering (NP, DC), pp. 359–360.
DAC-2006-FengH #equivalence #verification- Early cutpoint insertion for high-level software vs. RTL formal combinational equivalence verification (XF, AJH), pp. 1063–1068.
DAC-2006-MishchenkoCB #fresh look #logic #synthesis- DAG-aware AIG rewriting a fresh look at combinational logic synthesis (AM, SC, RKB), pp. 532–535.
DAC-2006-Miskov-ZivanovM #fault #modelling #named #reduction- MARS-C: modeling and reduction of soft errors in combinational circuits (NMZ, DM), pp. 767–772.
DATE-2006-GrossschadlIPTV #algorithm #case study #design #encryption #set- Combining algorithm exploration with instruction set design: a case study in elliptic curve cryptography (JG, PI, LP, ST, AKV), pp. 218–223.
DATE-2006-GuptaJL #automaton #generative #quantum #testing- Test generation for combinational quantum cellular automata (QCA) circuits (PG, NKJ, LL), pp. 311–316.
DATE-2006-KunzliPBT #analysis #formal method #performance #simulation- Combining simulation and formal methods for system-level performance analysis (SK, FP, LB, LT), pp. 236–241.
DATE-2006-RaoCBS #algorithm #fault #performance- An efficient static algorithm for computing the soft error rates of combinational circuits (RRR, KC, DB, DS), pp. 164–169.
DocEng-2006-Witschel #information retrieval #modelling- Carrot and stick: combining information retrieval models (HFW), p. 32.
DocEng-2006-ZeridaLC #mining- Combining linguistic and structural descriptors for mining biomedical literature (NZ, NL, BC), pp. 62–64.
DRR-2006-ChellapillaSS #classification- Optimally combining a cascade of classifiers (KC, MS, PYS).
DRR-2006-ChenS #2d #recognition #verification- Combining one- and two-dimensional signal recognition approaches to off-line signature verification (SC, SNS).
PODS-2006-Cohen #equivalence #query #semantics #set- Equivalence of queries combining set and bag-set semantics (SC), pp. 70–79.
ESOP-2006-GulwaniT #abstraction #linear- Assertion Checking over Combined Abstraction of Linear Arithmetic and Uninterpreted Functions (SG, AT), pp. 279–293.
FASE-2006-LavazzaB #problem #requirements #uml- Combining Problem Frames and UML in the Description of Software Requirements (LL, VDB), pp. 199–213.
TACAS-2006-FontaineMMNT #automation #interactive #proving #smt #towards- Expressiveness + Automation + Soundness: Towards Combining SMT Solvers and Interactive Proof Assistants (PF, JYM, SM, LPN, AFT), pp. 167–181.
ICPC-2006-PoshyvanykMRGA #identification #probability #ranking #semantics- Combining Probabilistic Ranking and Latent Semantic Indexing for Feature Identification (DP, AM, VR, YGG, GA), pp. 137–148.
PLDI-2006-GulwaniT- Combining abstract interpreters (SG, AT), pp. 376–386.
SAS-2006-GonnordH #analysis #linear- Combining Widening and Acceleration in Linear Relation Analysis (LG, NH), pp. 144–160.
FLOPS-2006-CasasCH #approach #evaluation #functional #higher-order #lazy evaluation- A Syntactic Approach to Combining Functional Notation, Lazy Evaluation, and Higher-Order in LP Systems (AC, DC, MVH), pp. 146–162.
CIAA-2006-Yu #complexity #on the- On the State Complexity of Combined Operations (SY), pp. 11–22.
EDOC-2006-HauserFKV #analysis #workflow- Combining Analysis of Unstructured Workflows with Transformation to Structured Workflows (RH, MF, JMK, JV), pp. 129–140.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-GollerHS #algorithm #data mining #mining- Beneficial Sequential Combination of Data Mining Algorithms (MG, MH, MS), pp. 135–143.
ICEIS-J-2006-ShishkovQ06a #modelling #process #refinement- Combining SDBC and ISDL in the Modeling and Refinement of Business Processes (BS, DACQ), pp. 322–335.
CIKM-2006-OlssonO #classification- Combining feature selectors for text classification (JSO, DWO), pp. 798–799.
CIKM-2006-TerrovitisPVS- A combination of trie-trees and inverted files for the indexing of set-valued attributes (MT, SP, PV, TKS), pp. 728–737.
ECIR-2006-ZhangDC #detection- Combining Short and Long Term Audio Features for TV Sports Highlight Detection (BZ, WD, LC), pp. 472–475.
ICML-2006-Cesa-BianchiGZ #classification- Hierarchical classification: combining Bayes with SVM (NCB, CG, LZ), pp. 177–184.
ICML-2006-Garcke- Regression with the optimised combination technique (JG), pp. 321–328.
ICML-2006-LeeGW #classification #using- Using query-specific variance estimates to combine Bayesian classifiers (CHL, RG, SW), pp. 529–536.
ICML-2006-LewisJN #kernel- Nonstationary kernel combination (DPL, TJ, WSN), pp. 553–560.
ICML-2006-LuV #clustering- Combined central and subspace clustering for computer vision applications (LL, RV), pp. 593–600.
ICML-2006-RossOZ- Combining discriminative features to infer complex trajectories (DAR, SO, RSZ), pp. 761–768.
ICPR-v1-2006-BouterucheA #fuzzy #gesture #online #recognition- Fuzzy Point of View Combination for Contextual Shape Recognition: Application to On-line Graphic Gesture Recognition (FB, ÉA), pp. 1088–1091.
ICPR-v1-2006-CarterYF #approach #behaviour #markov #recognition- A Combined Bayesian Markovian Approach for Behaviour Recognition (NLC, DPY, JMF), pp. 761–764.
ICPR-v1-2006-OgataCKI #detection #multi #process- Improving human activity detection by combining multi-dimensional motion descriptors with boosting (TO, WJC, JK, SI), pp. 295–298.
ICPR-v2-2006-BertolamiB #classification #integration #multi #recognition- Early feature stream integration versus decision level combination in a multiple classifier system for text line recognition (RB, HB), pp. 845–848.
ICPR-v2-2006-HuD #classification #multi #theorem- A “No Panacea Theorem” for Multiple Classifier Combination (RH, RID), pp. 1250–1253.
ICPR-v2-2006-KelmPM #classification #generative #learning #multi- Combining Generative and Discriminative Methods for Pixel Classification with Multi-Conditional Learning (BMK, CP, AM), pp. 828–832.
ICPR-v2-2006-TerradesTV #adaptation #using- Combination of shape descriptors using an adaptation of boosting (ORT, ST, EV), pp. 764–767.
ICPR-v3-2006-ChoiAB #segmentation #using- Face Alignment Using Segmentation and a Combined AAM in a PTZ Camera (KC, JHA, HB), pp. 1191–1194.
ICPR-v3-2006-MakhloufiZBB- QIM watermarking combined to JPEG2000 part I and II (AM, AOZ, RB, AB), pp. 746–749.
ICPR-v3-2006-MatosC #classification #network- Combining global and local classifiers with Bayesian network (LNM, JMdC), pp. 1212–1215.
ICPR-v3-2006-WuR #adaptation #image- Combining Adaptive PDE and Wavelet Shrinkage in Image Denoising with Edge Enhancing Property (JW, QR), pp. 718–721.
ICPR-v3-2006-YangB #detection #generative- A Combination of Generative and Discriminative Approaches to Object Detection (JY, HB), pp. 249–253.
ICPR-v3-2006-ZhangLG #kernel #memory management #recognition- Face Recognition by Combining Kernel Associative Memory and Gabor Transforms (BZ, CL, YG), pp. 465–468.
ICPR-v3-2006-ZhongW #detection #markov #random- Object Detection Based on Combination of Conditional Random Field and Markov Random Field (PZ, RW), pp. 160–163.
ICPR-v3-2006-ZouariHL #comparison #using- Experimental Comparison of Combination Rules using Simulated Data (HZ, LH, YL), pp. 152–155.
ICPR-v4-2006-AndraN #classification- Combining Dichotomizers for MAP Field Classification (SA, GN), pp. 210–214.
ICPR-v4-2006-DhandraHHM #analysis #image #segmentation #using- Analysis of Abnormality in Endoscopic images using Combined HSI Color Space and Watershed Segmentation (BVD, RH, MH, VSM), pp. 695–698.
ICPR-v4-2006-KumarZ #authentication- Combining Fingerprint, Palmprint and Hand-Shape for User Authentication (AK, DZ), pp. 549–552.
ICPR-v4-2006-MatosC06a #classification #network- Combining global and local classifiers with Bayesian network (LNM, JMdC), p. 952.
ICPR-v4-2006-ShaZT #set #using- Minutiae-based Fingerprint Matching Using Subset Combination (LS, FZ, XT), pp. 566–569.
ICPR-v4-2006-TaxD #linear #optimisation- Linear model combining by optimizing the Area under the ROC curve (DMJT, RPWD), pp. 119–122.
ICPR-v4-2006-YinAC #identification- Combining Cepstral and Prosodic Features in Language Identification (BY, EA, FC), pp. 254–257.
KDD-2006-SuchanekIW #analysis #documentation #statistics #web- Combining linguistic and statistical analysis to extract relations from web documents (FMS, GI, GW), pp. 712–717.
SEKE-2006-BittencourtTC #rule-based- Rule-Based Systems Combining AI Techniques into a Legal Agent-based Intelligent Tutoring System (IIB, MT, EdBC), pp. 35–40.
SIGIR-2006-MacdonaldO #email- Combining fields in known-item email search (CM, IO), pp. 675–676.
SIGIR-2006-WangO #bidirectional #information retrieval- Combining bidirectional translation and synonymy for cross-language information retrieval (JW, DWO), pp. 202–209.
SIGIR-2006-YanH #analysis #multi #probability #query #retrieval- Probabilistic latent query analysis for combining multiple retrieval sources (RY, AGH), pp. 324–331.
LOPSTR-2006-MantelSK #data flow #proving #security #verification- Combining Different Proof Techniques for Verifying Information Flow Security (HM, HS, TK), pp. 94–110.
PPDP-2006-RooverBD #behaviour #fuzzy #logic #similarity #strict #validation- Combining fuzzy logic and behavioral similarity for non-strict program validation (CDR, JB, TD), pp. 15–26.
PPDP-2006-SilvaC #algorithm #debugging #slicing- Combining algorithmic debugging and program slicing (JS, OC), pp. 157–166.
SAC-2006-ChenJUY #detection #distributed #fault #monitoring- Combining supervised and unsupervised monitoring for fault detection in distributed computing systems (HC, GJ, CU, KY), pp. 705–709.
SAC-2006-DoyleB #effectiveness #interactive #mobile #speech- Combining speech and pen input for effective interaction in mobile geospatial environments (JD, MB), pp. 1182–1183.
SAC-2006-LejdforsO #embedded #generative #gpu #implementation- Implementing an embedded GPU language by combining translation and generation (CL, LO), pp. 1610–1614.
SAC-2006-ShapiraTM- Study of the usefulness of known and new implicit indicators and their optimal combination for accurate inference of users interests (BS, MTM, AM), pp. 1118–1119.
SAC-2006-ZuoP #evaluation #trust- Information trustworthiness evaluation based on trust combination (YZ, BP), pp. 1880–1885.
LDTA-2006-Helin- Combining Deep and Shallow Embeddings (JH), pp. 61–79.
SPLC-2006-LeeKKP #analysis #aspect-oriented #development #feature model #product line #programming- Combining Feature-Oriented Analysis and Aspect-Oriented Programming for Product Line Asset Development (KL, KCK, MK, SP), pp. 103–112.
CC-2006-NandivadaP #named #stack- SARA: Combining Stack Allocation and Register Allocation (VKN, JP), pp. 232–246.
ICLP-2006-MeraLPCH #estimation #execution #logic programming #profiling #static analysis #using- Using Combined Static Analysis and Profiling for Logic Program Execution Time Estimation (EM, PLG, GP, MC, MVH), pp. 431–432.
ICLP-2006-OrtizV #combinator #logic #natural language #using- Natural Language Processing Using Lexical and Logical Combinators (JFO, JV), pp. 444–446.
IJCAR-2006-Brown #set #type system- Combining Type Theory and Untyped Set Theory (CEB), pp. 205–219.
IJCAR-2006-UrbanB #combinator #data type #higher-order #recursion- A Recursion Combinator for Nominal Datatypes Implemented in Isabelle/HOL (CU, SB), pp. 498–512.
RTA-2006-ChevalierR- Hierarchical Combination of Intruder Theories (YC, MR), pp. 108–122.
VMCAI-2006-ArnoldMSS #abstraction #analysis- Combining Shape Analyses by Intersecting Abstractions (GA, RM, MS, RS), pp. 33–48.
ASE-2005-Grov #algorithm #approach #correctness #deduction #reasoning #source code #verification- Verifying the correctness of hume programs: an approach combining deductive and algorithmic reasoning (GG), pp. 444–447.
ASE-2005-ShepherdPPC #analysis #automation #framework #mining #named- Timna: a framework for automatically combining aspect mining analyses (DCS, JP, LLP, MCC), pp. 184–193.
CASE-2005-GuschinskayaDGL #approach #heuristic #optimisation- A combined heuristic approach for optimization of a class of machining lines (OG, AD, NG, GL), pp. 154–159.
DAC-2005-DingV #megamodelling #performance- A combined feasibility and performance macromodel for analog circuits (MD, RV), pp. 63–68.
DAC-2005-GuWDZ #behaviour #design #incremental #physics- Incremental exploration of the combined physical and behavioral design space (Z(G, JW, RPD, HZ), pp. 208–213.
DAC-2005-KimK #array #design #embedded #memory management #optimisation #scheduling- Memory access optimization through combined code scheduling, memory allocation, and array binding in embedded system design (JK, TK), pp. 105–110.
DRR-2005-NamaneAGSMB #network #recognition- Sequential neural network combination for degraded machine-printed character recognition (AN, MA, AG, EHS, PM, MB), pp. 101–110.
ICDAR-2005-BhattacharyaC #classification #recognition- Fusion of Combination Rules of an Ensemble of MLP Classifiers for Improved Recognition Accuracy of Handprinted Bangla Numerals (UB, BBC), pp. 322–326.
ICDAR-2005-CecottiB05a #approach #documentation #hybrid- Hybrid OCR combination approach complemented by a specialized ICR applied on ancient documents (HC, AB), pp. 1045–1049.
ICDAR-2005-HottaTSN #recognition #word- Accuracy Improvement for Handwritten Japanese Word Recognition by Combination of Character and Word Recognizer (YH, HT, MS, SN), pp. 685–689.
ICDAR-2005-KboubiCA #evaluation #recognition- Table Recognition Evaluation and Combination Methods (FK, AHC, MBA), pp. 1237–1241.
ICDAR-2005-MethasateMST #recognition- The feature Combination Technique for Off-line Thai Character Recognition System (IM, SM, SSt, TT), pp. 1006–1009.
ICDAR-2005-SalmonWT #metric- Automatical Definition of Measures from the Combination of Shape Descriptors (JPS, LW, ST), pp. 986–990.
ICDAR-2005-TulyakovG #identification- Combining Matching Scores in Identification Model (ST, VG), pp. 1151–1155.
ICALP-2005-ChevalierR- Combining Intruder Theories (YC, MR), pp. 639–651.
FM-2005-ButlerL #csp #specification #verification- Combining CSP and B for Specification and Property Verification (MJB, ML), pp. 221–236.
ICFP-2005-ChenX #programming #proving #theorem proving- Combining programming with theorem proving (CC, HX), pp. 66–77.
VISSOFT-2005-ClearyGEB #eclipse #plugin #static analysis #visualisation- A Combined Software Reconnaissance & Static Analysis Eclipse Visualisation Plug-in (BC, ALG, CE, JB), pp. 121–122.
VISSOFT-2005-TermeerLTC #architecture #metric #visual notation- Visual Exploration of Combined Architectural and Metric Information (MT, CFJL, ACT, MRVC), pp. 21–26.
ICEIS-v2-2005-KianmehrZNOA #approach #data mining #mining #network- Combining Neural Network and Support Vector Machine into Integrated Approach for Biodata Mining (KK, HZ, KN, TÖ, RA), pp. 182–187.
CIKM-2005-CarinoJLWY #machine learning #mining #web- Mining officially unrecognized side effects of drugs by combining web search and machine learning (CC, YJ, BL, PMW, CTY), pp. 365–372.
CIKM-2005-TorresFZFFGC #framework #image #retrieval- A new framework to combine descriptors for content-based image retrieval (RdST, AXF, BZ, WF, EAF, MAG, PC), pp. 335–336.
CIKM-2005-YuZS #set #towards- Towards estimating the number of distinct value combinations for a set of attributes (XY, CZ, KCS), pp. 656–663.
ECIR-2005-Belkhatir #automation #image #retrieval #semantics #visual notation- Combining Visual Semantics and Texture Characterizations for Precision-Oriented Automatic Image Retrieval (MB), pp. 457–474.
ECIR-2005-RuchPS- Features Combination for Extracting Gene Functions from MEDLINE (PR, LP, JS), pp. 112–126.
ICML-2005-CalinonB #framework #gesture #probability #recognition #using- Recognition and reproduction of gestures using a probabilistic framework combining PCA, ICA and HMM (SC, AB), pp. 105–112.
ICML-2005-DriessensD #first-order #learning #modelling- Combining model-based and instance-based learning for first order regression (KD, SD), pp. 193–200.
ICML-2005-GeurtsW #modelling- Closed-form dual perturb and combine for tree-based models (PG, LW), pp. 233–240.
ICML-2005-NatarajanTADFR #first-order #learning #modelling #probability- Learning first-order probabilistic models with combining rules (SN, PT, EA, TGD, AF, ACR), pp. 609–616.
ICML-2005-ZhuL #graph #induction #learning #modelling #scalability- Harmonic mixtures: combining mixture models and graph-based methods for inductive and scalable semi-supervised learning (XZ, JDL), pp. 1052–1059.
KDD-2005-HershkopS #email #modelling #reduction- Combining email models for false positive reduction (SH, SJS), pp. 98–107.
KDD-2005-JinZM #collaboration #recommendation #web- A maximum entropy web recommendation system: combining collaborative and content features (XJ, YZ, BM), pp. 612–617.
KDD-2005-LangeB #probability- Combining partitions by probabilistic label aggregation (TL, JMB), pp. 147–156.
KDD-2005-YangWZ #data type #predict- Combining proactive and reactive predictions for data streams (YY, XW, XZ), pp. 710–715.
MLDM-2005-LeHS #ambiguity #approach #classification #reasoning #word- An Evidential Reasoning Approach to Weighted Combination of Classifiers for Word Sense Disambiguation (CAL, VNH, AS), pp. 516–525.
SEKE-2005-KrishnaG #concept #diagrams #modelling #sequence chart #uml- Combining Agent-oriented Conceptual Modelling and the UML Sequence Diagram (AK, AKG), pp. 205–210.
SEKE-2005-SalimCKG #execution #specification #towards- Towards Executable Specification: Combining i* and AgentSpeak(L) (FS, CFC, AK, AG), pp. 739–742.
SIGIR-2005-PuolamakiSSSK #collaboration #eye tracking #information retrieval- Combining eye movements and collaborative filtering for proactive information retrieval (KP, JS, ES, JS, SK), pp. 146–153.
OOPSLA-2005-DoorenS #exception #flexibility #robust #using- Combining the robustness of checked exceptions with the flexibility of unchecked exceptions using anchored exception declarations (MvD, ES), pp. 455–471.
POPL-2005-FosterGMPS #approach #combinator #problem- Combinators for bi-directional tree transformations: a linguistic approach to the view update problem (JNF, MBG, JTM, BCP, AS), pp. 233–246.
SAC-2005-BustosKS- A pivot-based index structure for combination of feature vectors (BB, DAK, TS), pp. 1180–1184.
SAC-2005-Casale #analysis #mining #network #performance #web- Combining queueing networks and web usage mining techniques for web performance analysis (GC), pp. 1699–1703.
SAC-2005-FradkinK #classification #learning- Methods for learning classifier combinations: no clear winner (DF, PBK), pp. 1038–1043.
SAC-2005-KaminaT #composition #mixin- Selective method combination in mixin-based composition (TK, TT), pp. 1269–1273.
SAC-OOPS-J-2005-KaminaT #flexibility #mixin #type system- Flexible Method Combination based on Mixin Subtyping (TK, TT), pp. 95–115.
ESEC-FSE-2005-HochsteinBZHC #automation #metric #programming #self- Combining self-reported and automatic data to improve programming effort measurement (LH, VRB, MVZ, JKH, JC), pp. 356–365.
ICSE-2005-CsallnerS #static analysis #testing- Check’n’crash: combining static checking and testing (CC, YS), pp. 422–431.
CGO-2005-ChenCH #empirical #memory management #modelling #multi- Combining Models and Guided Empirical Search to Optimize for Multiple Levels of the Memory Hierarchy (CC, JC, MWH), pp. 111–122.
SAT-J-2004-ArmandoCGM05 #constraints #difference #satisfiability- A SAT-Based Decision Procedure for the Boolean Combination of Difference Constraints (AA, CC, EG, MM), pp. 16–29.
CADE-2005-YorshM #generative- A Combination Method for Generating Interpolants (GY, MM), pp. 353–368.
CAV-2005-BozzanoBCJRRS #modulo theories #performance #satisfiability- Efficient Satisfiability Modulo Theories via Delayed Theory Combination (MB, RB, AC, TAJ, SR, PvR, RS), pp. 335–349.
ASE-2004-ChoiH #approach #case study #model checking- Combination Model Checking: Approach and a Case Study (YC, MPEH), pp. 354–357.
ASE-2004-HopcroftB #csp #development- Combining the Box Structure Development Method and CSP (PJH, GHB), pp. 340–345.
DAC-2004-JeongN #detection #performance- Fast hazard detection in combinational circuits (CJ, SMN), pp. 592–595.
DAC-2004-SunKV #taxonomy #testing- Combining dictionary coding and LFSR reseeding for test data compression (XS, LLK, BV), pp. 944–947.
DATE-v1-2004-RaudvereSSJ #abstraction #polynomial #verification- Polynomial Abstraction for Verification of Sequentially Implemented Combinational Circuits (TR, AKS, IS, AJ), pp. 690–691.
DATE-v2-2004-CheungPHC #equivalence #named #using- MINCE: Matching INstructions Using Combinational Equivalence for Extensible Processor (NC, SP, JH, JC), pp. 1020–1027.
VLDB-2004-NeumannM #framework #optimisation #order- A Combined Framework for Grouping and Order Optimization (TN, GM), pp. 960–971.
VLDB-2004-SuRM #algebra #optimisation #query #semantics #xml #xquery- Semantic Query Optimization in an Automata-Algebra Combined XQuery Engine over XML Streams (HS, EAR, MM), pp. 1293–1296.
CSMR-2004-MaqboolB #algorithm #clustering- The Weighted Combined Algorithm: A Linkage Algorithm for Software Clustering (OM, HAB), pp. 15–24.
WCRE-2004-RocheC #comprehension #hardware #reverse engineering- Combined Software and Hardware Comprehension in Reverse Engineering (PLR, AC), pp. 234–243.
SAS-2004-ThompsonM #abstract interpretation- Abstract Interpretation of Combinational Asynchronous Circuits (ST, AM), pp. 181–196.
CIAA-2004-FrishertW #automaton #regular expression- Combining Regular Expressions with (Near-)Optimal Brzozowski Automata (MF, BWW), pp. 319–320.
AFP-2004-Pardo04 #data type- Combining Datatypes and Effects (AP), pp. 171–209.
CHI-2004-ToryMAK #2d #3d- Combining 2D and 3D views for orientation and relative position tasks (MT, TM, MSA, AEK), pp. 73–80.
AdaEurope-2004-MasmanoRRC #linux #realtime- Extending the Capabilities of Real-Time Applications by Combining MaRTE-OS and Linux (MM, JR, IR, AC), pp. 144–155.
CAiSE-2004-BerkumBM #development #runtime #web- A Combined Runtime Environment and Web-Based Development Environment for Web Application Engineering (MvB, SB, AM), pp. 307–321.
ICEIS-v2-2004-KooptiwootS #mining #set #using- Mining the Relationships in the Form of the Predisposing Factors and Coincident Factors Among Numerical Dynamic Attributes in Time Series Data Set by Using the Combination of Some Existing Techniques (SK, MAS), pp. 327–334.
ICEIS-v2-2004-KooptiwootS04a #idea #mining #set #using- Mining the Relationships in the Form of Predisposing Factor and Coincident Factor in Time Series Data Set by Using the Combination of some Existing Ideas with a new Idea from the Fact in the Chemical Reaction (SK, MAS), pp. 531–534.
ICEIS-v2-2004-TagarelliTG #clustering #linear #mining #programming- Mining Scientific Results Through the Combined Use of Clustering and Linear Programming Techniques (AT, IT, SG), pp. 84–91.
ICEIS-v3-2004-KrishnaVG #case study #framework- A Case Study of Combining I* Framework and the Z Notation (AK, SAV, AKG), pp. 192–200.
ICEIS-v4-2004-MazhelisP #classification #detection- Combining One-Class Classifiers for Mobile-User Substitution Detection (OM, SP), pp. 130–137.
CIKM-2004-LiOM #clustering #multi #on the- On combining multiple clusterings (TL, MO, SM), pp. 294–303.
CIKM-2004-SiJ #collaboration #exponential- Unified filtering by combining collaborative filtering and content-based filtering via mixture model and exponential model (LS, RJ), pp. 156–157.
CIKM-2004-ZhangGFCFCC #classification- Combining structural and citation-based evidence for text classification (BZ, MAG, WF, YC, EAF, PC, MC), pp. 162–163.
ECIR-2004-NottelmannF #approach- Combining CORI and the Decision-Theoretic Approach for Advanced Resource Selection (HN, NF), pp. 138–153.
ICML-2004-MoralesS #behaviour #learning- Learning to fly by combining reinforcement learning with behavioural cloning (EFM, CS).
ICML-2004-RudarySP #adaptation #constraints #learning #reasoning- Adaptive cognitive orthotics: combining reinforcement learning and constraint-based temporal reasoning (MRR, SPS, MEP).
ICPR-v1-2004-FanWLT #null #recognition- Combining Null Space-based Gabor Features for Face Recognition (WF, YW, WL, TT), pp. 330–333.
ICPR-v1-2004-KangD #approximate #bound #classification #fault- Product Approximation by Minimizing the Upper Bound of Bayes Error Rate for Bayesian Combination of Classifiers (HJK, DSD), pp. 252–255.
ICPR-v1-2004-MilgramSC #classification #modelling- Two-Stage Classification System combining Model-Based and Discriminative Approaches (JM, RS, MC), pp. 152–155.
ICPR-v1-2004-YiKZ #classification #learning- Classifier Combination based on Active Learning (XY, ZK, CZ), pp. 184–187.
ICPR-v2-2004-KherfiBZ #effectiveness #image #retrieval #semantics #visual notation- Combining Visual Features with Semantics for a More Effective Image Retrieval (MLK, DB, DZ), pp. 961–964.
ICPR-v2-2004-KimBSCCKC #image #using #verification- Scene Text Extraction in Natural Scene Images using Hierarchical Feature Combining and Verification (KCK, HRB, YJS, YWC, SYC, KKK, YC), pp. 679–682.
ICPR-v3-2004-AiLZ #analysis #automation- Combination of Wavelet Analysis and Color Applied to Automatic Color Grading of Ceramic Tiles (JA, DL, XZ), pp. 235–238.
ICPR-v3-2004-CastelanH #constraints #fourier- Combining Data-Closeness and Fourier Domain Integrability Constraints in Shape-from-Shading (MC, ERH), pp. 115–118.
ICPR-v3-2004-DeguchiKO #algorithm- Object Tracking by the Mean-Shift of Regional Color Distribution Combined with the Particle-Filter Algorithm (KD, OK, TO), pp. 506–509.
ICPR-v3-2004-FritschHS #gesture #recognition- Combining Sensory and Symbolic Data for Manipulative Gesture Recognition (JF, NH, GS), pp. 930–933.
ICPR-v3-2004-FujimuraOT #3d #algorithm #re-engineering- Improved 3D Head Reconstruction System based on Combining Shape-From-Silhouette with Two-Stage Stereo Algorithm (KF, YO, TT), pp. 127–130.
ICPR-v3-2004-GimelfarbFE #linear- Expectation-Maximization for a Linear Combination of Gaussians (GLG, AAF, AEB), pp. 422–425.
ICPR-v3-2004-KapoorPI #detection #multi #probability- Probabilistic Combination of Multiple Modalities to Detect Interest (AK, RWP, YI), pp. 969–972.
ICPR-v4-2004-DebiollesOA #network- Combined Use of Partial Least Squares Regression and Neural Network for Diagnosis Tasks (AD, LO, PA), pp. 573–576.
ICPR-v4-2004-ParkJZK #clustering #graph- Support Vector Clustering Combined with Spectral Graph Partitioning (JHP, XJ, HZ, RK), pp. 581–584.
ICPR-v4-2004-SongN- Combined Face-body Tracking in Indoor Environment (XS, RN), pp. 159–162.
ICPR-v4-2004-WangJ #detection #multi- Multi-View Face Detection under Complex Scene based on Combined SVMs (PW, QJ), pp. 179–182.
KDD-2004-CohenS #integration #markov #process- Exploiting dictionaries in named entity extraction: combining semi-Markov extraction processes and data integration methods (WWC, SS), pp. 89–98.
KDD-2004-ShavlikS #detection #effectiveness #evaluation- Selection, combination, and evaluation of effective software sensors for detecting abnormal computer usage (JWS, MS), pp. 276–285.
KDD-2004-TanJ #multi- Ordering patterns by combining opinions from multiple sources (PNT, RJ), pp. 695–700.
KDD-2004-ZhengPZ #approach- A DEA approach for model combination (Z(Z, BP, HZ), pp. 755–760.
KR-2004-EiterLST #logic #programming #semantics #set #web- Combining Answer Set Programming with Description Logics for the Semantic Web (TE, TL, RS, HT), pp. 141–151.
KR-2004-QiLG #consistency #knowledge base- A Split-Combination Method for Merging Inconsistent Possibilistic Knowledge Bases (GQ, WL, DHG), pp. 348–356.
SIGIR-2004-FanLWXF #feedback #ranking #retrieval #robust- Tuning before feedback: combining ranking discovery and blind feedback for robust retrieval (WF, ML, LW, WX, EAF), pp. 138–145.
SIGIR-2004-Ogilvie #comprehension #generative #information retrieval #modelling #probability #using- Understanding combination of evidence using generative probabilistic models for information retrieval (abstract only) (PO), p. 603.
SIGIR-2004-Zhang #adaptation #classification #using- Using bayesian priors to combine classifiers for adaptive filtering (YZ0), pp. 345–352.
GPCE-2004-LohmannBS #aspect-oriented #generative #programming- Generic Advice: On the Combination of AOP with Generative Programming in AspectC++ (DL, GB, OS), pp. 55–74.
SAC-2004-KampsR #effectiveness #information retrieval- The effectiveness of combining information retrieval strategies for European languages (JK, MdR), pp. 1073–1077.
SAC-2004-LimaLS #category theory #combinator #haskell #multi- A back-end for GHC based on categorical multi-combinators (RMFL, RDL, ALMS), pp. 1482–1489.
SAC-2004-WebbW #analysis #biology #synthesis- Combining analysis and synthesis in a model of a biological cell (KW, TW), pp. 185–190.
IJCAR-2004-BaaderGT #decidability #logic #problem #word- A New Combination Procedure for the Word Problem That Generalizes Fusion Decidability Results in Modal Logics (FB, SG, CT), pp. 183–197.
SAT-2004-ArmandoCGM #constraints #difference #satisfiability- A SAT-based Decision Procedure for the Boolean Combination of Difference Constraints (AA, CC, EG, MM), pp. 166–173.
SAT-2004-SangBBKP #component #effectiveness #learning- Combining Component Caching and Clause Learning for Effective Model Counting (TS, FB, PB, HAK, TP), pp. 20–28.
DAC-2003-RiedelB #synthesis- The synthesis of cyclic combinational circuits (MDR, JB), pp. 163–168.
DATE-2003-EbendtGD #bound- Combination of Lower Bounds in Exact BDD Minimization (RE, WG, RD), pp. 10758–10763.
DATE-2003-Grivet-TalociaSMC #megamodelling #simulation- Combined FDTD/Macromodel Simulation of Interconnected Digital Devices (SGT, ISS, IAM, FGC), pp. 10536–10541.
DATE-2003-IchiharaI #fault #generative #testing- Test Generation for Acyclic Sequential Circuits with Single Stuck-at Fault Combinational ATPG (HI, TI), pp. 11180–11181.
DATE-2003-PastorP #concurrent #simulation #traversal #verification- Combining Simulation and Guided Traversal for the Verification of Concurrent Systems (EP, MAP), pp. 11158–11159.
HT-2003-ShipmanGW #editing- Combining spatial and navigational structure in the hyper-hitchcock hypervideo editor (FMSI, AG, LW), pp. 124–125.
ICDAR-2003-FeldbachT #documentation #segmentation #semantics #word- Word Segmentation of Handwritten Dates in Historical Documents by Combining Semantic A-Priori-Knowledge with Local Features (MF, KDT), pp. 333–337.
ICDAR-2003-HaoLS #classification #evaluation- Confidence Evaluation for Combining Diverse Classifiers (HH, CLL, HS), pp. 760–764.
ICDAR-2003-KangD #classification #dependence #higher-order #multi- Combining Multiple Classifiers based on Third-Order Dependency (HJK, DSD), pp. 21–25.
ICDAR-2003-Likforman-SulemVY #image- Proper Names Extraction from Fax Images Combining Textual and Image Features (LLS, PV, FY), pp. 545–549.
ICDAR-2003-MezghaniCM #online #recognition- Combination of Pruned Kohonen Maps for On-line Arabic Characters Recognition (NM, MC, AM), p. 900–?.
ICDAR-2003-PrevostMMOM #classification #modelling #recognition- Combining model-based and discriminative classifiers : application to handwritten character recognition (LP, CMS, AM, LO, MM), p. 31–?.
ICDAR-2003-TomaiS #using- Combination of Type III Digit Recognizers using the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence (CIT, SNS), pp. 854–858.
ICDAR-2003-VinciarelliP #online #recognition- Combining Online and Offline Handwriting Recognition (AV, MPP), pp. 844–848.
ICDAR-2003-ZouariHLA #classification #parallel- A New Classifier Simulator for Evaluating Parallel Combination Methods (HZ, LH, YL, AMA), pp. 26–30.
TACAS-2003-ConchonK- Strategies for Combining Decision Procedures (SC, SK), pp. 537–552.
CSMR-2003-SaeedMBHS #algorithm #clustering- Software Clustering Techniques and the Use of Combined Algorithm (MS, OM, HAB, SZH, SMS), pp. 301–306.
ICALP-2003-Peled #model checking #testing- Model Checking and Testing Combined (DP), pp. 47–63.
FME-2003-Schafer #analysis #fault #model checking #realtime- Combining Real-Time Model-Checking and Fault Tree Analysis (AS), pp. 522–541.
IFL-2003-WeeldenP #functional- A Functional Shell That Dynamically Combines Compiled Code (AvW, RP), pp. 36–52.
ICEIS-v2-2003-SalemSH #approach #fuzzy #hybrid #recognition #self- A Hybrid Approach for Handwritten Arabic Character Recognition: Combining Self-Organizing Maps (SOMS) and Fuzzy Rules (ABMS, MMS, MKH), pp. 529–532.
ICEIS-v2-2003-WuCX #grid #knowledge base #semantics #web- Knowledge Base Grid: Relize Global Knowledge Sharing By Combining Grid and Semantic Web (ZW, HC, JX), pp. 258–265.
ICEIS-v4-2003-HampelB #documentation #web- Combining Web Based Document Management and Event-Based Systems — Integrating MUDS and MOOS Together with DMS to Form a Cooperative Knowledge Space (TH, TB), pp. 218–223.
CIKM-2003-CaladoCMZRG #classification #documentation #web- Combining link-based and content-based methods for web document classification (PC, MC, ESdM, NZ, BARN, MAG), pp. 394–401.
ECIR-2003-PengS #classification #modelling #n-gram #naive bayes- Combining Naive Bayes and n-Gram Language Models for Text Classification (FP, DS), pp. 335–350.
ICML-2003-Mesterharm #algorithm #multi #using- Using Linear-threshold Algorithms to Combine Multi-class Sub-experts (CM), pp. 544–551.
ICML-2003-RivestP #network- Combining TD-learning with Cascade-correlation Networks (FR, DP), pp. 632–639.
MLDM-2003-MiteranBB #approximate #bound #classification #image #realtime #segmentation #using- Classification Boundary Approximation by Using Combination of Training Steps for Real-Time Image Segmentation (JM, SB, EBB), pp. 141–155.
SEKE-2003-AstesianoMMR #execution #multi #prototype #specification- From Requirement Specification to Prototype Execution: a Combination of Multiview Use-Case Driven Methods and Agent-Oriented Techniques (EA, MM, VM, GR), pp. 578–585.
SIGIR-2003-OgilvieC #documentation- Combining document representations for known-item search (PO, JPC), pp. 143–150.
SAC-2003-GeorgousopoulosR #mobile #modelling- Combining State and Model-based Approaches for Mobile Agent Load Balancing (CG, OFR), pp. 878–885.
LDTA-J-2001-DohM #programming language #semantics- Composing programming languages by combining action-semantics modules (KGD, PDM), pp. 3–36.
CC-2003-JohnsonM #dependence #graph #using- Combined Code Motion and Register Allocation Using the Value State Dependence Graph (NJ, AM), pp. 1–16.
CADE-2003-Ringeissen- Matching in a Class of Combined Non-disjoint Theories (CR), pp. 212–227.
CAV-2003-Drusinsky #monitoring- Monitoring Temporal Rules Combined with Time Series (DD), pp. 114–117.
ASE-2002-AzarPBKS #adaptation #algorithm #modelling #predict #quality #search-based- Combining and Adapting Software Quality Predictive Models by Genetic Algorithms (DA, DP, SB, BK, HAS), pp. 285–288.
DAC-2002-AnderssonBCH #approach #automation #design #problem #proving- A proof engine approach to solving combinational design automation problems (GA, PB, BC, ZH), pp. 725–730.
DAC-2002-ChoiK #code generation #scheduling- Address assignment combined with scheduling in DSP code generation (YC, TK), pp. 225–230.
DAC-2002-GanaiAGZM #algorithm #satisfiability- Combining strengths of circuit-based and CNF-based algorithms for a high-performance SAT solver (MKG, PA, AG, LZ, SM), pp. 747–750.
DAC-2002-SchrikM #modelling- Combined BEM/FEM substrate resistance modeling (ES, NPvdM), pp. 771–776.
DATE-2002-BuchenriederPS #concept #design- A Powerful System Design Methodology Combining OCAPI and Handel-C for Concept Engineering (KB, AP, AS), pp. 870–874.
DATE-2002-GoossensWPM #network- Networks on Silicon: Combining Best-Effort and Guaranteed Services (KGWG, PW, AMGP, JLvM), pp. 423–425.
VLDB-2002-DoR #flexibility #named- COMA — A System for Flexible Combination of Schema Matching Approaches (HHD, ER), pp. 610–621.
CSMR-2002-RivaR #architecture #re-engineering- Combining Static and Dynamic Views for Architecture Reconstruction (CR, JVR), p. 47–?.
ICSM-2002-BouktifSK #approach #modelling #predict #quality- Combining Software Quality Predictive Models: An Evolutionary Approach (SB, HAS, BK), pp. 385–392.
ICSM-2002-EisenbarthKS #incremental #scalability #source code- Incremental Location of Combined Features for Large-Scale Programs (TE, RK, DS), pp. 273–282.
IWPC-2002-DeursenV #combinator #comprehension #tool support #using #visitor- Building Program Understanding Tools Using Visitor Combinators (AvD, JV), pp. 137–146.
PASTE-2002-Eng #visualisation- Combining static and dynamic data in code visualization (DE), pp. 43–50.
SCAM-2002-BischofBLRV #matlab #source code- Combining Source Transformation and Operator Overloading Techniques to Compute Derivatives for MATLAB Programs (CHB, HMB, BL, AR, AV), pp. 65–72.
PLDI-2002-HallenbergET #garbage collection- Combining Region Inference and Garbage Collection (NH, ME, MT), pp. 141–152.
FME-2002-GaravelH #evaluation #functional #on the #performance #using #verification- On Combining Functional Verification and Performance Evaluation Using CADP (HG, HH), pp. 410–429.
IFM-2002-HoenickeO #process #specification- Combining Specification Techniques for Processes, Data and Time (JH, ERO), pp. 245–266.
IFM-2002-JohnsenZOA #development #distributed #visual notation- Combining Graphical and Formal Development of Open Distributed Systems (EBJ, WZ, OO, DBA), pp. 319–338.
CIKM-2002-Al-KhalifaJ #multi #query #xml- Multi-level operator combination in XML query processing (SAK, HVJ), pp. 134–141.
ECIR-2002-HeeschR #comparative #evaluation #performance #retrieval #sketching- Combining Features for Content-Based Sketch Retrieval — A Comparative Evaluation of Retrieval Performance (DH, SMR), pp. 41–52.
ECIR-2002-RajapakseD #adaptation #concept #encoding #information retrieval #representation #using- Concept Based Adaptive IR Model Using FCA-BAM Combination for Concept Representation and Encoding (RKR, MJD), pp. 150–168.
ECIR-2002-TsikrikaL #documentation #network #using #web- Combining Web Document Representations in a Bayesian Inference Network Model Using Link and Content-Based Evidence (TT, ML), pp. 53–72.
ICML-2002-DzeroskiZ #classification- Is Combining Classifiers Better than Selecting the Best One (SD, BZ), pp. 123–130.
ICML-2002-Ghani #categorisation #multi- Combining Labeled and Unlabeled Data for MultiClass Text Categorization (RG), pp. 187–194.
ICML-2002-Langford #bound #testing- Combining Trainig Set and Test Set Bounds (JL), pp. 331–338.
ICML-2002-LebanonL #modelling #named #permutation #probability #ranking #using- Cranking: Combining Rankings Using Conditional Probability Models on Permutations (GL, JDL), pp. 363–370.
ICPR-v1-2002-KatoPQ #image #multi #segmentation- Multicue MRF Image Segmentation: Combining Texture and Color Features (ZK, TCP, SGQ), pp. 660–663.
ICPR-v1-2002-MitaniYKUMH- Combining the Gabor and Histogram Features for Classifying Diffuse Lung Opacities in Thin-Section Computed Tomography (YM, HY, SK, KU, NM, YH), pp. 53–56.
ICPR-v1-2002-RibeiroSH #approach- An Evidence Combining Approach to Shape-from-Shading (ER, FS, ERH), pp. 624–627.
ICPR-v1-2002-SablatnigTK #estimation- Combining Shape from Silhouette and Shape from Structured Light for Volume Estimation of Archaeological Vessels (RS, ST, MK), pp. 364–367.
ICPR-v2-2002-BaggaHZR #multi #summary #video- Multi-Source Combined-Media Video Tracking for Summarization (AB, JH, JZ, GR), pp. 818–821.
ICPR-v2-2002-CzyzKV #verification- Combining Face Verification Experts (JC, JK, LV), pp. 28–31.
ICPR-v2-2002-Duin #classification #question- The Combining Classifier: To Train or Not to Train? (RPWD), pp. 765–770.
ICPR-v2-2002-GuangmingJMHX #algorithm #data type #fault #metric- A New Mesh Simplification Algorithm Combining Half-Edge Data Structure with Modified Quadric Error Metric (GL, JT, MZ, HH, XZ), pp. 659–658.
ICPR-v2-2002-GuunterB #classification #recognition- A New Combination Scheme for HMM-Based Classififiers and its Application to Handwriting Recognition (SG, HB), pp. 332–337.
ICPR-v2-2002-IqbalA #evaluation #image #performance #retrieval- Combining Structure, Color and Texture for Image Retrieval: A Performance Evaluation (QI, JKA), pp. 438–443.
ICPR-v2-2002-KovacsS #animation #detection #probability- Creating Animations Combining Stochastic Paintbrush Transformation and Motion Detection (LK, TS), p. 1090–?.
ICPR-v2-2002-MassadBM #image- Perceptual Grouping in Grey-Level Images by Combination of Gabor Filtering and Tensor Voting (AM, MB, BM), pp. 677–680.
ICPR-v2-2002-Paletta #classification #detection #using- Detection of Traffic Signs Using Posterior Classifier Combination (LP), pp. 705–708.
ICPR-v2-2002-PolatYS #multi #using- Multiple Complex Object Tracking Using A Combined Technique (EP, MY, RS), pp. 717–720.
ICPR-v2-2002-RoliFV #analysis #classification #trade-off- Analysis of Error-Reject Trade-off in Linearly Combined Classifiers (FR, GF, GV), pp. 120–125.
ICPR-v2-2002-SirlantzisFG #algorithm #classification #multi- An Evolutionary Algorithm for Classifier and Combination Rule Selection in Multiple Classifier Systems (KS, MCF, RMG), pp. 771–774.
ICPR-v2-2002-StefanoCM #adaptation #classification #multi- An Adaptive Weighted Majority Vote Rule for Combining Multiple Classifiers (CDS, ADC, AM), pp. 192–195.
ICPR-v2-2002-TweedM #analysis #automation #detection- Automatic Detection of Regions of Interest in Mammographies Based on a Combined Analysis of Texture and Histogram (TT, SM), pp. 448–452.
ICPR-v2-2002-ZollerHB #clustering #parametricity #segmentation- Combined Color And Texture Segmentation by Parametric Distributional Clustering (TZ, LH, JMB), pp. 627–630.
ICPR-v3-2002-GorgevikC #classification #recognition- Combining SVM Classifiers for Handwritten Digit Recognition (DG, DC), pp. 102–105.
ICPR-v3-2002-WangBR #classification #recognition #word- Combining HMM-Based Two-Pass Classifiers for Off-Line Word Recognition (WW, AB, GR), pp. 151–154.
ICPR-v3-2002-XueG #classification #performance #predict #word- Performance Prediction for Handwritten Word Recognizers and Its Application to Classifier Combination (HX, VG), pp. 241–244.
ICPR-v3-2002-ZhouZ #algorithm #recognition- Face Recognition by Combining Several Algorithms (JZ, DZ), p. 497–?.
ICPR-v4-2002-ZhuJFL #eye tracking #information retrieval #realtime- Combining Kalman Filtering and Mean Shift for Real Time Eye Tracking under Active IR Illumination (ZZ, QJ, KF, KL), p. 318–?.
KDD-2002-RaskuttiFK #classification #clustering #using- Combining clustering and co-training to enhance text classification using unlabelled data (BR, HLF, AK), pp. 620–625.
KR-2002-PetrickL #equivalence- Knowledge Equivalence in Combined Action Theories (RPAP, HJL), pp. 303–314.
SEKE-2002-GrutznerAP #approach #information management #learning- A systematic approach to produce small courseware modules for combined learning and knowledge management environements (IG, NA, DP), pp. 533–539.
SEKE-2002-JorgensenM #development #how #predict #question #why- Combination of software development effort prediction intervals: why, when and how? (MJ, KM), pp. 425–428.
SEKE-2002-RusBH #analysis #development #empirical #process #simulation- Systematically combining process simulation and empirical data in support of decision analysis in software development (IR, SB, MH), pp. 827–833.
SIGIR-2002-BennettDH #classification #modelling #probability #reliability #using- Probabilistic combination of text classifiers using reliability indicators: models and results (PNB, STD, EH), pp. 207–214.
LOPSTR-2002-FioravantiPP #higher-order #logic #logic programming #monad #program transformation #source code- Combining Logic Programs and Monadic Second Order Logics by Program Transformation (FF, AP, MP), pp. 160–181.
PPDP-2002-SchrijversD #analysis- Combining an improvement to PARMA trailing with trailing analysis (TS, BD), pp. 88–98.
PADL-2002-LammelV #combinator #traversal- Typed Combinators for Generic Traversal (RL, JV), pp. 137–154.
SAC-2002-BillhardtBM #algorithm #retrieval #search-based #using- Using genetic algorithms to find suboptimal retrieval expert combinations (HB, DB, VM), pp. 657–662.
ASPLOS-2002-AshokCM #energy #memory management #named #performance- Cool-Mem: combining statically speculative memory accessing with selective address translation for energy efficiency (RA, SC, CAM), pp. 133–143.
CADE-2002-FordS #verification- Formal Verification of a Combination Decision Procedure (JF, NS), pp. 347–362.
CADE-2002-Larchey-Wendling #logic- Combining Proof-Search and Counter-Model Construction for Deciding Gödel-Dummett Logic (DLW), pp. 94–110.
CADE-2002-WhalenSF #automation #certification #named #synthesis- AutoBayes/CC — Combining Program Synthesis with Automatic Code Certification — System Description (MWW, JS, BF), pp. 290–294.
CADE-2002-Zarba #integer #multi- Combining Multisets with Integers (CGZ), pp. 363–376.
CAV-2002-BarnerG #approximate #model checking #reduction #symmetry- Combining Symmetry Reduction and Under-Approximation for Symbolic Model Checking (SB, OG), pp. 93–106.
CAV-2002-Jacobi #model checking #pipes and filters #verification- Formal Verification of Complex Out-of-Order Pipelines by Combining Model-Checking and Theorem-Proving (CJ0), pp. 309–323.
RTA-2002-BaaderT- Combining Decision Procedures for Positive Theories Sharing Constructors (FB, CT), pp. 352–366.
RTA-2002-ShankarR- Combining Shostak Theories (NS, HR), pp. 1–18.
TestCom-2002-BorodayPGQ #fault #generative #specification #testing- Test Generation for CEFSM Combining Specification and Fault Coverage (SB, AP, RG, YMQ), pp. 355–372.
TestCom-2002-CastanetR #analysis #proving #reachability #testing #theorem proving- Generate Certified Test Cases by Combining Theorem Proving and Reachability Analysis (RC, DR), pp. 249–266.
VMCAI-2002-BernardeschiF #abstract interpretation #bytecode #java #model checking #security- Combining Abstract Interpretation and Model Checking for Analysing Security Properties of Java Bytecode (CB, NDF), pp. 1–15.
VMCAI-2002-GenaimCGL #termination- Combining Norms to Prove Termination (SG, MC, JPG, VL), pp. 126–138.
ASE-2001-BratV #model checking #static analysis- Combining Static Analysis and Model Checking for Software Analysis (GPB, WV), p. 262–?.
DAC-2001-ChandraC #power management #testing- Combining Low-Power Scan Testing and Test Data Compression for System-on-a-Chip (AC, KC), pp. 166–169.
DATE-2001-GoldbergPB #equivalence #satisfiability #using- Using SAT for combinational equivalence checking (EIG, MRP, RKB), pp. 114–121.
DATE-2001-RedaS #diagrams #equivalence #satisfiability #using- Combinational equivalence checking using Boolean satisfiability and binary decision diagrams (SR, AS), pp. 122–126.
ICDAR-2001-GauthierAGD #online #recognition- Strategies for Combining On-line and Off-line Information in an On-line Handwriting Recognition System (NG, TA, PG, BD), pp. 412–416.
FASE-2001-ReedS #independence #specification- Combining Independent Specifications (JNR, JS), pp. 45–59.
TACAS-2001-Carvajal-SchiaffinoDC #bound #petri net #validation- Combining Structural and Enumerative Techniques for the Validation of Bounded Petri Nets (RCS, GD, GC), pp. 435–449.
TACAS-2001-CimattiRB #automaton #model checking #set- Searching Powerset Automata by Combining Explicit-State and Symbolic Model Checking (AC, MR, PB), pp. 313–327.
WCRE-2001-HarmanHMZ #named #slicing- GUSTT: An Amorphous Slicing System which Combines Slicing and Transformation (MH, LH, MM, XZ), pp. 271–280.
FME-2001-BellegardeDJK #named #refinement- Reformulation: A Way to Combine Dynamic Properties and B Refinement (FB, CD, JJ, OK), pp. 2–19.
FME-2001-SharyginaP #approach #reliability #testing #verification- A Combined Testing and Verification Approach for Software Reliability (NS, DP), pp. 611–628.
CHI-2001-TanRC #3d #navigation- Exploring 3D navigation: combining speed-coupled flying with orbiting (DST, GGR, MC), pp. 418–425.
ICEIS-v2-2001-ShishkovD #analysis #case study #diagrams #modelling #process- Analysis of Suitability, Appropriateness and Adequacy of Use Cases Combined with Activity Diagram for Business Systems Modelling (BS, JLGD), pp. 854–858.
CIKM-2001-Al-KofahiTVTJ #categorisation #classification #multi- Combining Multiple Classifiers for Text Categorization (KAK, AT, AV, TT, PJ), pp. 97–104.
KDD-2001-YamanishiT- Discovering outlier filtering rules from unlabeled data: combining a supervised learner with an unsupervised learner (KY, JiT), pp. 389–394.
SEKE-2001-AlonsoCGM #data mining #mining- Combining Expert Knowledge and Data Mining in a Medical Diagnosis Domain (FA, JPCV, ÁLG, CM), pp. 412–419.
SEKE-2001-BarberGH #architecture #correctness #model checking #simulation #using- Evaluating Dynamic Correctness Properties of Domain Reference Architectures Using a Combination of Simulation and Model Checking (KSB, TJG, JH), pp. 19–28.
SIGIR-2001-ChowdhuryFGM #analysis #multi #retrieval- Analyses of Multiple-Evidence Combinations for Retrieval Strategies (AC, OF, DAG, MCM), pp. 394–395.
SIGIR-2001-DrewL #classification #using- Construction of a Hierarchical Classifier Schema Using a Combination of Text-Based and Image-Based Approaches (MSD, CL), pp. 438–439.
SIGIR-2001-DumaisJ #probability- Probabilistic Combination of Content and Links (STD, RJ), pp. 402–403.
SIGIR-2001-ManmathaRF #modelling- Modeling Score Distributions for Combining the Outputs of Search Engines (RM, TMR, FF), pp. 267–275.
SIGIR-2001-StokesC #classification #detection #documentation #semantics- Combining Semantic and Syntactic Document Classifiers to Improve First Story Detection (NS, JC), pp. 424–425.
OOPSLA-2001-Visser #traversal #visitor- Visitor Combination and Traversal Control (JV), pp. 270–282.
SAIG-2001-HerrmannL #approach #optimisation- A Transformational Approach which Combines Size Inference and Program Optimization (CAH, CL), pp. 199–218.
POPL-2001-Vouillon #calculus- Combining subsumption and binary methods: an object calculus with views (JV), pp. 290–303.
SAC-2001-Zhang #automation #satisfiability #symmetry- Automatic symmetry breaking method combined with SAT (JZ0), pp. 17–21.
ESEC-FSE-2001-LavazzaQV #modelling #realtime #uml- Combining UML and formal notations for modelling real-time systems (LL, GQ, MV), pp. 196–206.
ICSE-2001-TruyenVJVJ #component- Dynamic and Selective Combination of Extensions in Component-Based Applications (ET, BV, WJ, PV, BNJ), pp. 233–242.
ICSE-2001-TvedtTG #education #re-engineering- The Software Factory: Combining Undergraduate Computer Science and Software Engineering Education (JDT, RT, KAG), pp. 633–642.
LDTA-2001-DohM #programming language #semantics- Composing Programming Languages by Combining Action-Semantics Modules (KGD, PDM), pp. 87–109.
LCTES-OM-2001-SutterBBD- Combining Global Code and Data Compaction (BDS, BDB, KDB, SKD), pp. 29–38.
CAV-2001-MoondanosSHK #divide and conquer #equivalence #logic #named #verification- CLEVER: Divide and Conquer Combinational Logic Equivalence VERification with False Negative Elimination (JM, CJHS, ZH, DK), pp. 131–143.
IJCAR-2001-Bonacina #distributed #multi- Combination of Distributed Search and Multi-search in Peers-mcd.d (MPB), pp. 448–452.
RTA-2001-BoudetC #algorithm- Combining Pattern E-Unification Algorithms (AB, EC), pp. 63–76.
SAT-2001-Gelder #satisfiability- Combining Preorder and Postorder Resolution in a Satisfiability Solver (AVG), pp. 115–128.
ASE-2000-FeatherCL #risk management #tool support- Combining the Best Attributes of Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Management Tool Support (MSF, SLC, TWL), pp. 309–312.
DAC-2000-HuangC #composition #constraints- Assertion checking by combined word-level ATPG and modular arithmetic constraint-solving techniques (CYH, KTC), pp. 118–123.
DATE-2000-HoffmannK #fault #multi- Exploiting Hierarchy for Multiple Error Correction in Combinational Circuits (DWH, TK), p. 758.
DATE-2000-JantschB- Composite Signal Flow: A Computational Model Combining Events, Sampled Streams, and Vectors (AJ, PB), pp. 154–160.
DATE-2000-SugiharaYD #analysis #approach- Analysis and Minimization of Test Time in a Combined BIST and External Test Approach (MS, HY, HD), pp. 134–140.
HT-2000-Hascoet #navigation #user interface- A user interface combining navigation aids (MH), pp. 224–225.
SIGMOD-2000-AgrawalW #framework- A Framework for Expressing and Combining Preferences (RA, ELW), pp. 297–306.
SIGMOD-2000-GoldmanW #approach #database #named #query #web- WSQ/DSQ: A Practical Approach for Combined Querying of Databases and the Web (RG, JW), pp. 285–296.
FASE-2000-DondossolaB #fault tolerance #formal method #specification- System Fault Tolerance Specification: Proposal of a Method Combining Semi-formal and Formal Approaches (GD, OB), pp. 82–96.
TACAS-2000-BharadwajS #automation #constraints #invariant #named #theorem proving- Salsa: Combining Constraint Solvers with BDDs for Automatic Invariant Checking (RB, SS), pp. 378–394.
CSMR-2000-SystaYM #java #metric #visualisation- Analyzing Java Software by Combining Metrics and Program Visualization (TS, PY, HAM), pp. 199–208.
STOC-2000-GoelMP #multi #online #throughput- Combining fairness with throughput: online routing with multiple objectives (AG, AM, SAP), pp. 670–679.
CIAA-2000-Watson #algorithm- Directly Constructing Minimal DFAs: Combining Two Algorithms by Brzozowski (BWW), pp. 311–317.
IFM-2000-Bowen #animation #hardware #logic programming #semantics #specification- Combining Operational Semantics, Logic Programming and Literate Programming in the Specification and Animation of the Verilog Hardware Description Language (JPB), pp. 277–296.
ICFP-2000-Seger #functional #hardware #programming #verification- Combining functional programming and hardware verification (abstract of invited talk) (CJHS), p. 244.
CHI-2000-DennerleinMH #performance- Force-feedback improves performance for steering and combined steering-targeting tasks (JTD, DBM, CJH), pp. 423–429.
ICEIS-2000-Laleau #database #formal method #on the #specification #uml- On the Interest of Combining UML with the B Formal Method for the Specification of Database Applications (RL), pp. 56–63.
ICML-2000-BanerjeeDS #multi- Combining Multiple Perspectives (BB, SD, SS), pp. 33–40.
ICML-2000-RandlovBR #algorithm #learning- Combining Reinforcement Learning with a Local Control Algorithm (JR, AGB, MTR), pp. 775–782.
ICML-2000-YangAP #effectiveness #learning #multi #validation- Combining Multiple Learning Strategies for Effective Cross Validation (YY, TA, TP), pp. 1167–1174.
ICPR-v1-2000-BukerH #representation- Object Representation: On Combining Viewer-Centered and Object-Centered Elements (UB, GH), pp. 1956–1959.
ICPR-v1-2000-ClarkM #image #metric #statistics- Combining Statistical Measures to Find Image Text Regions (PC, MM), pp. 1450–1453.
ICPR-v1-2000-ClavierTLDL #classification #sorting- Classifiers Combination for Forms Sorting (EC, ÉT, ML, SD, JL), pp. 1932–1935.
ICPR-v1-2000-FernandezA #image #segmentation- Image Segmentation Combining Region Depth and Object Features (JF, JA), pp. 1618–1621.
ICPR-v1-2000-KnightR #self- Self-Calibration of a Stereo Rig in a Planar Scene by Data Combination (JK, IDR), pp. 1411–1414.
ICPR-v2-2000-AlexandreCK #classification #independence #using- Combining Independent and Unbiased Classifiers Using Weighted Average (LAA, ACC, MSK), pp. 2495–2498.
ICPR-v2-2000-KimKNS #classification #recognition #word- A Methodology of Combining HMM and MLP Classifiers for Cursive Word Recognition (JHK, KKK, CPN, CYS), pp. 2319–2322.
ICPR-v2-2000-KunchevaWSD #classification #independence #question- Is Independence Good For Combining Classifiers? (LIK, CJW, CAS, RPWD), pp. 2168–2171.
ICPR-v2-2000-LiG #detection #network #optimisation- Combining Feature Optimization into Neural Network Based Face Detection (SZL, QG), pp. 2814–2817.
ICPR-v2-2000-MascarillaF #classification- Another Look at Combining Rejection-Based Pattern Classifiers (LM, CF), pp. 2156–2159.
ICPR-v2-2000-QianS #clustering- Clustering Combination Method (YQ, CYS), pp. 2732–2735.
ICPR-v2-2000-SaranliD- A Unified View of Rank-Based Decision Combination (AS, MD), pp. 2479–2482.
ICPR-v2-2000-XiaoWD #adaptation #classification #recognition- Adaptive Combination of Classifiers and its Application to Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition (BX, CHW, RD), pp. 2327–2330.
ICPR-v2-2000-YuJB #classification #recognition #visual notation- Combining Acoustic and Visual Classifiers for the Recognition of Spoken Sentences (KY, XJ, HB), pp. 2491–2494.
ICPR-v3-2000-DufauxK #estimation #video- Combined Spline- and Block-Based Motion Estimation for Video Coding (FD, SBK), pp. 3071–3074.
ICPR-v3-2000-JiangK #3d #adaptation #algorithm #image #search-based- 3D MR Image Restoration by Combining Local Genetic Algorithm with Adaptive Pre-Conditioning (TJ, FK), pp. 3302–3305.
ICPR-v3-2000-LuJ #approach #image- A New Bayesian Approach to Image Denoising with a Combination of MRFs and Pixon Method (QL, TJ), pp. 3734–3737.
ICPR-v3-2000-PaschalakisL #geometry #image #invariant #recognition- Combined Geometric Transformation and Illumination Invariant Object Recognition in RGB Color Images (SP, PL), pp. 3588–3591.
ICPR-v3-2000-ShimadaKSK #2d #3d #estimation #modelling- Hand Posture Estimation by Combining 2-D Appearance-Based and 3-D Model-Based Approaches (NS, KK, YS, YK), pp. 3709–3712.
ICPR-v4-2000-CordellaTV #clustering- Combining Experts with Different Features for Classifying Clustered Microcalcifications in Mammograms (LPC, FT, MV), pp. 4324–4327.
ICPR-v4-2000-NakajimaIPP #correlation #detection #invariant #recognition- Object Recognition and Detection by a Combination of Support Vector Machine and Rotation Invariant Phase Only Correlation (CN, NI, MP, TP), pp. 4787–4790.
ICPR-v4-2000-YangY #documentation #image #robust #segmentation- A Robust Document Processing System Combining Image Segmentation with Content-Based Document Compression (YY, HY), pp. 4519–4522.
KR-2000-Konieczny #difference #knowledge base #on the- On the Difference between Merging Knowledge Bases and Combining them (SK), pp. 135–144.
KR-2000-Yelland #logic #network- An Alternative Combination of Bayesian Networks and Description Logics (PMY), pp. 225–234.
SIGIR-2000-AslamM #probability- Bayes optimal metasearch: a probabilistic model for combining the results (JAA, MHM), pp. 379–381.
SIGIR-2000-AslandoganY #image #multi #people #retrieval #web- Multiple evidence combination in image retrieval: diogenes searches for people on the Web (YAA, CTY), pp. 88–95.
SIGIR-2000-Ounis #image #ranking #using- Ranking digital images using combination if evidences (IO), pp. 348–350.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-Meyer00a #functional #programming- Programming with Agents: Combining O-O and Functional Techniques (BM), p. 460.
PADL-2000-Schulte #combinator #concurrent #constraints #programming- Programming Deep Concurrent Constraint Combinators (CS), pp. 215–229.
POPL-2000-HeintzeJV #analysis #framework #verification- A Framework for Combining Analysis and Verification (NH, JJ, RV), pp. 26–39.
SAC-2000-LenartSG #analysis #constant- SSA-based Flow-sensitive Type Analysis: Combining Constant and Type Propagation (AL, CS, SKSG), pp. 813–817.
HPCA-2000-PatilE #alias #branch #predict- Combining Static and Dynamic Branch Prediction to Reduce Destructive Aliasing (HP, JSE), pp. 251–262.
CAV-2000-WilliamsBCG #diagrams #model checking #performance #satisfiability- Combining Decision Diagrams and SAT Procedures for Efficient Symbolic Model Checking (PFW, AB, EMC, AG), pp. 124–138.
CL-2000-EchahedS #declarative #mobile #process #programming- Combining Mobile Processes and Declarative Programming (RE, WS), pp. 300–314.
RTA-2000-Statman #combinator #on the #problem #word- On the Word Problem for Combinators (RS), pp. 203–213.
ASE-1999-MiliCXA #fault tolerance- Combining Fault Avoidance, Fault Removal and Fault Tolerance: An Integrated Model (AM, BC, TX, RBA), p. 137–?.
DATE-1999-KaulV #clustering #design #latency #runtime- Temporal Partitioning combined with Design Space Exploration for Latency Minimization of Run-Time Reconfigured Designs (MK, RV), pp. 202–209.
DATE-1999-Marques-SilvaG #equivalence #learning #recursion #satisfiability #using- Combinational Equivalence Checking Using Satisfiability and Recursive Learning (JPMS, TG), pp. 145–149.
DATE-1999-MukherjeeJTFAF #approach #performance #verification- An Efficient Filter-Based Approach for Combinational Verification (RM, JJ, KT, MF, JAA, DSF), pp. 132–137.
DATE-1999-RanjanSSB #using #verification- Using Combinational Verification for Sequential Circuits (RKR, VS, FS, RKB), pp. 138–144.
DATE-1999-RiusF #energy #testing- Exploring the Combination of IDDQ and iDDt Testing: Energy Testing (JR, JF), pp. 543–548.
DATE-1999-SilvaSM #algorithm #satisfiability- Algorithms for Solving Boolean Satisfiability in Combinational Circuits (LGeS, LMS, JPMS), pp. 526–530.
DATE-1999-VercauterenSV #constraints #generative #hardware #interface #realtime #synthesis- Combining Software Synthesis and Hardware/Software Interface Generation to Meet Hard Real-Time Constraints (SV, JvdS, DV), pp. 556–561.
ICDAR-1999-AtukoraleS #classification- Combining Classifiers based on Confidence Values (ASA, PNS), pp. 37–40.
ICDAR-1999-ImpedovoS #evaluation- Evaluation of Combination Methods (SI, AS), pp. 394–397.
ICDAR-1999-KangL #classification #fault- Combining Classifiers based on Minimization of a Bayes Error Rate (HJK, SWL), pp. 398–401.
ICDAR-1999-Kawatani #classification #recognition #using- Handwritten Kanji Recognition using Combined Complementary Classifiers in a Cascade Arrangement (TK), pp. 503–506.
VLDB-1999-KonigW #estimation #parametricity #query- Combining Histograms and Parametric Curve Fitting for Feedback-Driven Query Result-size Estimation (ACK, GW), pp. 423–434.
WCRE-1999-DemeyerDL #approach #hybrid #metric #reverse engineering #visualisation- A Hybrid Reverse Engineering Approach Combining Metrics and Program Visualization (SD, SD, ML), pp. 175–186.
PEPM-1999-ChirokoffC- Combining Program and Data Specialization (SC, CC), pp. 45–59.
SAS-1999-RuthingKS #detection #performance #precise- Detecting Equalities of Variables: Combining Efficiency with Precision (OR, JK, BS), pp. 232–247.
DLT-1999-CarpiLV- Special factors in some combinational structures (AC, AdL, SV), pp. 3–13.
FM-v1-1999-Butler #approach #csp #named- csp2B: A Practical Approach to Combining CSP and B (MJB), pp. 490–508.
FM-v1-1999-KestenKPR #analysis #deduction #model checking #verification- A Perfect Verification: Combining Model Checking with Deductive Analysis to Verify Real-Life Software (YK, AK, AP, GR), pp. 173–194.
FM-v2-1999-Nadjm-TehraniA #design #modelling #proving #theorem proving- Combining Theorem Proving and Continuous Models in Synchronous Design (SNT, OÅ), pp. 1384–1399.
IFM-1999-Deiss #approach- An Approach to the Combination of Formal Description Techniques: Statecharts and TLA (TD), pp. 231–250.
ICFP-1999-WallaceR #combinator #haskell #question #type system #xml- Haskell and XML: Generic Combinators or Type-Based Translation? (MW, CR), pp. 148–159.
AGTIVE-1999-Gruner #approach #consistency #distributed #graph grammar #modelling- A Combined Graph Schema and Graph Grammar Approach to Consistency in Distributed Data Modeling (SG), pp. 247–254.
CHI-1999-HollandO- Direct Combination (SH, DO), pp. 262–269.
CHI-1999-KunoINS #behaviour #human-computer #interactive- Combining Observations of Intentional and Unintentional Behaviors for Human-Computer Interaction (YK, TI, SN, YS), pp. 238–245.
HCI-CCAD-1999-HorneckerR- Vocational training with combined real/virtual environments (EH, BR), pp. 730–734.
HCI-EI-1999-AtkinsonW #approach #database #industrial #information retrieval #legacy #scalability- Exploiting Knowledge in Large Industrial Companies: A Combined Approach to Information Retrieval from Legacy Databases (MA, OMW), pp. 1177–1181.
HCI-EI-1999-JorgensenGLJ- Mental Workload in IT Work: Combining Cognitive and Physiological Perspectives (AHJ, AHG, BL, BRJ), pp. 97–101.
HCI-EI-1999-MyrhaugMW #design #information management- Combining Knowledge Acquisition with User Centred Design (HIM, NBM, OMW), pp. 666–670.
HCI-EI-1999-NikovP #adaptation #modelling- Combining User and Usage Modelling for User-Adaptivity Systems (AN, WP), pp. 336–340.
HCI-EI-1999-SmithD #design #evaluation #metric #user interface- Combined Metric for User Interface Design and Evaluation (AS, LD), pp. 651–655.
HCI-EI-1999-ZhangRD #comparison #multi- A Comparison of Multi-modal Combination Modes for The Map System (GZ, XR, GD), pp. 750–754.
ICEIS-1999-CarvalhoCNKKBGB #heuristic #object-oriented #reasoning- Expert System Object-Oriented Combining Systematic and Heuristic Reasoning (LFdC, HJTdC, JCN, CAAK, CK, CTB, RZG, VSB), p. 763.
ICEIS-1999-CorreiaL #java- Combining Graphic and Alphanumeric Information in Java Applications (RJCC, JPL), pp. 606–611.
ICML-1999-CardieMP #classification #parsing- Combining Error-Driven Pruning and Classification for Partial Parsing (CC, SM, DRP), pp. 87–96.
ICML-1999-KimuraK #linear #performance- Efficient Non-Linear Control by Combining Q-learning with Local Linear Controllers (HK, SK), pp. 210–219.
ICML-1999-MorikBJ #approach #case study #knowledge-based #learning #monitoring #statistics- Combining Statistical Learning with a Knowledge-Based Approach — A Case Study in Intensive Care Monitoring (KM, PB, TJ), pp. 268–277.
KDD-T-1999-ElderR #performance- Combining Estimators to Improve Performance (JFEI, GR), pp. 237–265.
SIGIR-1999-MandalaTT #multi #query- Combining Multiple Evidence from Different Types of Thesaurus for Query Expansion (RM, TT, HT), pp. 191–197.
ECOOP-1999-Ernst- Propagating Class and Method Combination (EE), pp. 67–91.
ECOOP-1999-ThorupT- Unifying Genericity — Combining the Benefits of Virtual Types and Parameterized Classes (KKT, MT), pp. 186–204.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Telea #data flow #modelling #object-oriented #simulation- Combining Object Orientation and Dataflow Modelling in the Vission Simulation System (ACT), pp. 56–65.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Farfarakis #named #realtime #uml- Octopus/UML: Combining Objects with Real-Time (RF), pp. 479–489.
LOPSTR-1999-PueblaBH #constraints #debugging #logic programming #source code- Combined Static and Dynamic Assertion-Based Debugging of Constraint Logic Programs (GP, FB, MVH), pp. 273–292.
PADL-1999-Kahl #combinator #concept #documentation #pretty-printing- Beyond Pretty-Printing: Galley Concepts in Document Formatting Combinators (WK), pp. 76–90.
ESEC-FSE-1999-BrabermanF #automation #design #realtime #scheduling #verification- Verification of Real-Time Designs: Combining Scheduling Theory with Automatic Formal Verification (VAB, MF), pp. 494–510.
HPCA-1999-TanakaMH #distributed #hardware #lightweight #memory management- Lightweight Hardware Distributed Shared Memory Supported by Generalized Combining (KT, TM, KH), pp. 90–99.
CAV-1999-AbdullaABBHL #abstraction #analysis #infinity #reachability #verification- Verification of Infinite-State Systems by Combining Abstraction and Reachability Analysis (PAA, AA, SB, AB, PH, YL), pp. 146–159.
ICLP-1999-CaseauJL #algorithm #named #set- CLAIRE: Combining Sets, Search, and Rules to Better Express Algorithms (YC, FXJ, FL), pp. 245–259.
RTA-1999-KepserR #algorithm #equation #named #unification- UNIMOK: A System for Combining Equational Unification Algorithm (SK, JR), pp. 248–251.
DAC-1998-AagaardJS #evaluation #industrial #proving #theorem proving- Combining Theorem Proving and Trajectory Evaluation in an Industrial Environment (MA, RBJ, CJHS), pp. 538–541.
DATE-1998-Cheng #multi #on the- On Removing Multiple Redundancies in Combinational Circuits (DIC), pp. 738–742.
DATE-1998-GoldbergKB #functional #specification #verification- Combinational Verification based on High-Level Functional Specifications (EIG, YK, RKB), pp. 803–808.
DATE-1998-KimuraI #analysis #design- A Unified Technique for PCB/MCM Design by Combining Electromagnetic Field Analysis with Circuit Simulator (HK, NI), pp. 951–952.
DATE-1998-PullelaPDV- CMOS Combinational Circuit Sizing by Stage-wise Tapering (SP, RP, AD, GV), pp. 985–986.
HT-1998-KaindlKA #web- Combining Structure Search and Content Search for the World-Wide Web (HK, SK, LMA), pp. 217–224.
TACAS-1998-Grahlmann #automaton #finite #parallel #petri net #source code #using- Combining Finite Automata, Parallel Programs and SDL Using Petri Nets (BG), pp. 102–117.
PASTE-1998-ZhangRL #alias #analysis #pointer- Experiments with Combined Analysis for Pointer Aliasing (SZ, BGR, WL), pp. 11–18.
AFP-1998-SwierstraAS98 #combinator #design #implementation- Designing and Implementing Combinator Languages (SDS, PRAA, JS), pp. 150–206.
ICFP-1998-Haiming #context-free grammar #recursion- Combining CFG and Recursive Functions to Get a New Language (HC), p. 351.
ICFP-1998-Scholz #combinator #imperative #library #monad #programming- Imperative Streams — A Monadic Combinator Library for Synchronous Programming (ES), pp. 261–272.
IFL-1998-KoopmanP #combinator #parsing #performance- Efficient Combinator Parsers (PWMK, MJP), pp. 120–136.
ACIR-1998-Lazarinis #information management #information retrieval #performance- Combining Information Retrieval with Information Extraction for Efficient Retrieval of Calls for Papers (FL).
ICML-1998-BaxterTW #named- KnightCap: A Chess Programm That Learns by Combining TD(λ) with Game-Tree Search (JB, AT, LW), pp. 28–36.
ICML-1998-Bay #classification #multi #nearest neighbour #set- Combining Nearest Neighbor Classifiers Through Multiple Feature Subsets (SDB), pp. 37–45.
ICML-1998-FreundISS #algorithm #performance- An Efficient Boosting Algorithm for Combining Preferences (YF, RDI, RES, YS), pp. 170–178.
ICML-1998-Heskes #approach #learning #multi- Solving a Huge Number of Similar Tasks: A Combination of Multi-Task Learning and a Hierarchical Bayesian Approach (TH), pp. 233–241.
ICPR-1998-BreukelenD #classification #network- Neural network initialization by combined classifiers (MvB, RPWD), pp. 215–218.
ICPR-1998-HojjatoleslamiK #classification- Strategies for weighted combination of classifiers employing shared and distinct representations (AH, JK), pp. 338–340.
ICPR-1998-HuberM #adaptation #named #parallel #set- ERC — evolutionary resample and combine for adaptive parallel training data set selection (RH, HAM), pp. 882–885.
ICPR-1998-HwangYTY #3d #linear #using- A factorization method using 3D linear combination for shape and motion recovery (KCH, NY, HT, KY), pp. 959–963.
ICPR-1998-LazarescuVWC #query #video- Combining NL processing and video data to query American Football (ML, SV, GAWW, TC), pp. 1238–1240.
ICPR-1998-LiLCLW #linear #recognition- Hierarchical linear combinations for face recognition (SZL, JL, KLC, JL, LW), pp. 1191–1193.
ICPR-1998-OhLS #analysis #using- Using class separation for feature analysis and combination of class-dependent features (ISO, JSL, CYS), pp. 453–455.
ICPR-1998-PeixotoBA- A surveillance system combining peripheral and foveated motion tracking (PP, JB, HA), pp. 574–577.
ICPR-1998-SinhaM #multi #optimisation #recognition #word- Combining multiple OCRs for optimizing word recognition (PS, JM), pp. 436–438.
ICPR-1998-ToepferWBN #detection #navigation- Robot navigation by combining central and peripheral optical flow detection on a space-variant map (CT, MW, GB, HN), pp. 1804–1807.
KR-1998-McCarthyC- Combining Narratives (JM, TC), pp. 48–59.
SIGIR-1998-Larson #probability #retrieval- Cheshire II: Combining Probabilistic and Boolean Retrieval (RRL), p. 385.
SIGIR-1998-OunisP #named- RELIEF: Combining Expressiveness and Rapidity into a Single System (IO, MP), pp. 266–274.
SIGIR-1998-Picard #documentation #modelling #probability #using- Modeling and Combining Evidence Provided by Document Relationships Using Probabilistic Argumentation Systems (JP), pp. 182–189.
SIGIR-1998-VogtC #information retrieval #performance #predict- Predicting the Performance of Linearly Combined IR Systems (CCV, GWC), pp. 190–196.
REFSQ-1998-RegnellR #requirements #testing #verification- Combining Scenario-based Requirements with Static Verification and Dynamic Testing (BR, PR), pp. 195–206.
ICSE-1998-HostW #case study- An Experimental Study of Individual Subjective Effort Estimations and Combinations of the Estimates (MH, CW), pp. 332–339.
ISMM-1998-AzaguryKPY #how #set- Combining Card Marking with Remembered Sets: How to Save Scanning Time (AA, EKK, EP, ZY), pp. 10–19.
CADE-1998-FleuriotP #analysis #geometry #proving #standard #theorem proving- A Combination of Nonstandard Analysis and Geometry Theorem Proving, with Application to Newton’s Principia (JDF, LCP), pp. 3–16.
CADE-1998-Ohlbach #framework #reasoning #semantics- Combining Hilbert Style and Semantic Reasoning in a Resolution Framework (HJO), pp. 205–219.
RTA-1998-Akama #algebra #combinator- SN Combinators and Partial Combinatory Algebras (YA), pp. 302–316.
DAC-1997-HasteerMB #performance- An Efficient Assertion Checker for Combinational Properties (GH, AM, PB), pp. 734–739.
EDTC-1997-BhattacharyaDS #testing- An RTL methodology to enable low overhead combinational testing (SB, SD, BS), pp. 146–152.
EDTC-1997-ChoiH #estimation- Improving the accuracy of support-set finding method for power estimation of combinational circuits (HC, SHH), pp. 526–530.
EDTC-1997-CortadellaKKLY #composition #independence- Technology mapping of speed-independent circuits based on combinational decomposition and resynthesis (JC, MK, AK, LL, AY), pp. 98–105.
EDTC-1997-ManichF #process- Maximizing the weighted switching activity in combinational CMOS circuits under the variable delay model (SM, JF), pp. 597–602.
EDTC-1997-WahbaB #fault- Connection error location and correction in combinational circuits (AMW, DB), pp. 235–241.
ICDAR-1997-AlimogluA #classification #multi- Combining Multiple Representations and Classifiers for Pen-based Handwritten Digit Recognitio (FA, EA), pp. 637–640.
ICDAR-1997-AnisimovichRST #classification #recognition #using- Using Combination of Structural, Feature and Raster Classifiers for Recognition of Handprinted Characters (KA, VR, AS, VT), pp. 881–885.
ICDAR-1997-IshideraNY #recognition #using #word- Unconstrained Japanese Address Recognition Using a Combination of Spatial Information and Word Knowledge (EI, DN, KY), p. 1016–?.
ICDAR-1997-KangK #classification #framework #multi #probability- Probabilistic Framework for Combining Multiple Classifiers at Abstract Level (HJK, JHK), pp. 870–874.
ICDAR-1997-KimSC #approach #classification #multi #recognition- A systematic approach to classifier selection on combining multiple classifiers for handwritten digit recognition (JK, KS, KC), pp. 459–462.
ICDAR-1997-LinDW #multi #recognition #using- Handwritten Numeral Recognition Using MFNN Based Multiexpert Combination Strategy (XL, XD, YW), pp. 471–474.
ICDAR-1997-RahmanF #case study #multi #recognition #using- Introducing New Multiple Expert Decision Combination Topologies: A Case Study using Recognition of Handwritten Characters (AFRR, MCF), p. 886–?.
TACAS-1997-EmersonJP #partial order #reduction #symmetry- Combining Partial Order and Symmetry Reductions (EAE, SJ, DP), pp. 19–34.
SAS-1997-Jones #abstract interpretation #bibliography #partial evaluation- Combining Abstract Interpretation and Partial Evaluation (Brief Overview) (NDJ), pp. 396–405.
STOC-1997-FreundSSW #predict #using- Using and Combining Predictors That Specialize (YF, RES, YS, MKW), pp. 334–343.
HCI-CC-1997-EbinaI #approach #user interface- A New Approach to Providing GUI Access for Blind People-Combined Tactile/Voice GUI Access (TE, SI), pp. 405–408.
HCI-CC-1997-FunadaYIN #analysis #effectiveness #evaluation #how #human-computer #performance- How Efficient are Combined Tasks for Effective HCI?: An Objective Evaluation Through AR Analysis of EEG (MFF, YY, KI, SPN), pp. 579–582.
HCI-CC-1997-HolmL #abstraction #communication #modelling #multi- Combining Multiple Abstraction Mechanisms in Communication Modeling (PH, JL), pp. 93–96.
TRI-Ada-1997-Balfour #ada #distributed #java- Combining Ada 95, Java Byte Code, and the Distributed Systems Annex (BB), pp. 247–260.
CAiSE-1997-PastorIPRM #formal method #named #object-oriented- OO-METHOD: An OO Software Production Environment Combining Conventional and Formal Methods (OP, EI, VP, JRR, JM), pp. 145–158.
ACIR-1997-Wilkinson #using- Using Combination of Evidence for Term Expansion (RW).
ICML-1997-BalujaD #optimisation #using- Using Optimal Dependency-Trees for Combinational Optimization (SB, SD), pp. 30–38.
ICML-1997-BottaGP #first-order #learning #logic #named- FONN: Combining First Order Logic with Connectionist Learning (MB, AG, RP), pp. 46–56.
SIGIR-1997-Lee #analysis #multi- Analyses of Multiple Evidence Combination (JHL), pp. 267–276.
RE-1997-Sutcliffe #approach #requirements- A Technique Combination Approach to Requirements Engineering (AGS), p. 65–?.
SAC-1997-TsaurHC #approach #authentication #data access #distributed #geometry #using- An authentication-combined access control scheme using a geometric approach in distributed systems (WJT, SJH, CHC), pp. 361–365.
ESEC-FSE-1997-WoodRBM #detection #empirical #fault- Comparing and Combining Software Defect Detection Techniques: A Replicated Empirical Study (MW, MR, AB, JM), pp. 262–277.
CADE-1997-BaaderT #approach #problem #word- A New Approach for Combining Decision Procedure for the Word Problem, and Its Connection to the Nelson-Oppen Combination Method (FB, CT), pp. 19–33.
CADE-1997-Fuchs #combinator #evolution- Evolving Combinators (MF), pp. 416–430.
CAV-1997-ChanABN #constraints #model checking #theorem proving- Combining Constraint Solving and Symbolic Model Checking for a Class of a Systems with Non-linear Constraints (WC, RJA, PB, DN), pp. 316–327.
CAV-1997-YuanSAA #on the #verification- On Combining Formal and Informal Verification (JY, JS, JAA, AA), pp. 376–387.
ICLP-1997-AjiliK #composition #constraints #framework #unification- A Modular Framework for the Combination of Unification and Built-In Constraints (FA, CK), pp. 331–345.
LICS-1997-Baader #order #reduction- Combination of Compatible Reduction Orderings that are Total on Ground Terms (FB), pp. 2–13.
RTA-1997-Dershowitz- Innocuous Constructor-Sharing Combinations (ND), pp. 202–216.
RTA-1997-Ringeissen #algorithm #programming language #prototype #rule-based #unification- Prototyping Combination of Unification Algorithms with the ELAN Rule-Based Programming Language (CR), pp. 323–326.
RTA-1997-Schulz #algorithm- A Criterion for Intractability of E-unification with Free Function Symbols and Its Relevance for Combination Algorithms (KUS), pp. 284–298.
RTA-1997-Statman #combinator #effectiveness #reduction- Effective Reduction and Conversion Strategies for Combinators (RS), pp. 299–307.
DAC-1996-BerrebiKVTHFJB #control flow #data flow #synthesis- Combined Control Flow Dominated and Data Flow Dominated High-Level Synthesis (EB, PK, SV, SDT, JCH, JF, AAJ, IB), pp. 573–578.
DAC-1996-ChenG #fault #generative #satisfiability- A Satisfiability-Based Test Generator for Path Delay Faults in Combinational Circuts (CAC, SKG), pp. 209–214.
DAC-1996-LimSPS #approach #estimation #process #statistics- A Statistical Approach to the Estimation of Delay Dependent Switching Activities in CMOS Combinational Circuits (YJL, KIS, HJP, MS), pp. 445–450.
DAC-1996-LinMCL #logic- Test Point Insertion: Scan Paths through Combinational Logic (CCL, MMS, KTC, MTCL), pp. 268–273.
DAC-1996-Matsunaga #equivalence #performance- An Efficient Equivalence Checker for Combinational Circuits (YM), pp. 629–634.
PODS-1996-Fagin #fuzzy #multi- Combining Fuzzy Information from Multiple Systems (RF), pp. 216–226.
RWLW-1996-Eker #equation #performance- Fast matching in combinations of regular equational theories (SE), pp. 90–109.
WCRE-1996-Davis #flexibility #reverse engineering- Combining a Flexible Data Model and Phase Schema Translation in Data Model Reverse Engineering (KHD), p. 141–?.
SAS-1996-Snelting #constraints #metric #slicing #theorem proving #validation- Combining Slicing and Constraint Solving for Validation of Measurement Software (GS), pp. 332–348.
FME-1996-FrohlichL #c++ #specification- Combining VDM-SL Specifications with C++ Code (BF, PGL), pp. 179–194.
FME-1996-Weber #design #safety- Combining Statecharts and Z for the Design of Safety-Critical Control Systems (MW), pp. 307–326.
AFP-1996-SwierstraD96 #combinator #parsing- Deterministic, Error-Correcting Combinator Parsers (SDS, LD), pp. 184–207.
ICML-1996-Ting #predict- The Characterisation of Predictive Accuracy and Decision Combination (KMT), pp. 498–506.
ICPR-1996-AchermannB #classification #identification- Combination of face classifiers for person identification (BA, HB), pp. 416–420.
ICPR-1996-ChenHW #feature model #geometry #image #modelling #recognition #using- Model-based object recognition using range images by combining morphological feature extraction and geometric hashing (CSC, YPH, JLW), pp. 565–569.
ICPR-1996-EigenmannN #robust- Constructive and robust combination of perceptrons (RE, JAN), pp. 195–199.
ICPR-1996-HeutteMPLO #recognition #statistics- Combining structural and statistical features for the recognition of handwritten characters (LH, JVM, TP, YL, CO), pp. 210–214.
ICPR-1996-KittlerHD #classification- Combining classifiers (JK, MH, RPWD), pp. 897–901.
ICPR-1996-PaikCLL #multi #using- Multiple recognizers system using two-stage combination (JP, SBC, KL, YL), pp. 581–585.
ICPR-1996-RamelVE #comprehension #documentation- Combining global and local vision for technical document understanding (JYR, NV, HE), pp. 773–777.
ICPR-1996-RebuffelS #estimation #framework #predict- Estimation of depth-from-motion combining iterative prediction scheme and regularization framework (VR, JLS), pp. 466–470.
ICPR-1996-TumerG #classification #fault- Estimating the Bayes error rate through classifier combining (KT, JG), pp. 695–699.
ICPR-1996-WangF96a #algorithm #detection #geometry #search-based- Detection of geometric shapes by the combination of genetic algorithm and subpixel accuracy (YW, NF), pp. 535–539.
KDD-1996-FawcettP #data mining #effectiveness #machine learning #mining #profiling- Combining Data Mining and Machine Learning for Effective User Profiling (TF, FJP), pp. 8–13.
SIGIR-1996-HullPS #documentation- Method Combination For Document Filtering (DAH, JOP, HS), pp. 279–287.
SIGIR-1996-JonesFJY #documentation #multi- Retrieving Spoken Documents by Combining Multiple Index Sources (GJFJ, JTF, KSJ, SJY), pp. 30–38.
SIGIR-1996-LarkeyC #categorisation #classification- Combining Classifiers in Text Categorization (LSL, WBC), pp. 289–297.
ICRE-1996-KostersSV #analysis #requirements #user interface- Combined Analysis of User Interface and Domain Requirements (GK, HWS, JV), pp. 199–207.
ICSE-1996-MitchellZ #reliability #testing- A Reliability Model Combining Representative and Directed Testing (BM, SJZ), pp. 506–514.
CADE-1996-CyrlukLS #on the- On Shostak’s Decision Procedure for Combinations of Theories (DC, PL, NS), pp. 463–477.
CADE-1996-HermannK #algorithm #polynomial #unification- Unification Algorithms Cannot be Combined in Polynomial Time (MH, PGK), pp. 246–260.
CAV-1996-OwreRRSS #model checking #named #proving #specification- PVS: Combining Specification, Proof Checking, and Model Checking (SO, SR, JMR, NS, MKS), pp. 411–414.
CAV-1996-PnueliS #algorithm #deduction #framework #verification- A Platform for Combining Deductive with Algorithmic Verification (AP, ES), pp. 184–195.
DAC-1995-MehtaBOI #estimation #process- Accurate Estimation of Combinational Circuit Activity (HM, MB, RMO, MJI), pp. 618–622.
DAC-1995-PomeranzR #logic #on the- On Synthesis-for-Testability of Combinational Logic Circuits (IP, SMR), pp. 126–132.
DAC-1995-ReddyKP #framework #novel #synthesis #verification- Novel Verification Framework Combining Structural and OBDD Methods in a Synthesis Environment (SMR, WK, DKP), pp. 414–419.
DAC-1995-RudnickP #generative #search-based #testing- Combining Deterministic and Genetic Approaches for Sequential Circuit Test Generation (EMR, JHP), pp. 183–188.
ICDAR-v1-1995-JoeL #recognition- A combined method on the handwritten character recognition (MJJ, HJL), pp. 112–115.
ICDAR-v1-1995-LeeS #approach #classification #formal method #network- A theory of classifier combination: the neural network approach (DSL, SNS), pp. 42–45.
ICDAR-v1-1995-PowalkaSW95a #recognition #word- Recognizer characterisation for combining handwriting recognition results at word level (RKP, NS, RJW), pp. 68–73.
ICDAR-v1-1995-RoosliM #constraints #metric #quality- A high quality vectorization combining local quality measures and global constraints (MR, GM), pp. 243–248.
ICDAR-v1-1995-SabourinG #approach #classification #evaluation #multi #verification- An extended-shadow-code based approach for off-line signature verification. II. Evaluation of several multi-classifier combination strategies (RS, GG), pp. 197–201.
ICDAR-v2-1995-MadhvanathG #classification #recognition #word- Serial classifier combination for handwritten word recognition (SM, VG), pp. 911–914.
SIGMOD-1995-Team95b #file system #named- SHORE: Combining the Best Features of OODBMS and File Systems, p. 486.
TACAS-1995-MullerN #deduction #model checking- Combining Model Checking and Deduction for I/O-Automata (OM, TN), pp. 1–16.
AdaEurope-1995-Matthewman #ada #empirical #named- ECLIPS — A Successful Experiment Combining CCSDS SFDUs, X/Motif, HOOD and Ada (AM), pp. 311–330.
KDD-1995-ChanS #machine learning #scalability- Learning Arbiter and Combiner Trees from Partitioned Data for Scaling Machine Learning (PKC, SJS), pp. 39–44.
SEKE-1995-OussalahP #constraints- Combining Constraints and Objects (MCO, VP), pp. 64–71.
SIGIR-1995-Finch #documentation #partial order #representation- Partial Orders for Document Representation: A New Methodology for Combining Document Features (SF), pp. 264–272.
SIGIR-1995-Lee #multi- Combining Multiple Evidence from Different Properties of Weighting Schemes (JHL), pp. 180–188.
SAC-1995-HartensteinS #compilation #programming- Combining structural and procedural programming by parallelizing compilation (RWH, KS), pp. 130–134.
ICLP-1995-BelleghemDS #calculus- Combining Situation Calculus and Event Calculus (KVB, MD, DDS), pp. 83–97.
ILPS-1995-LevyR #bibliography #logic- Combining Rules and Description Logics: An Overview of CARIN (AYL, MCR), p. 635.
ILPS-1995-TseWL #concurrent #logic programming #object-oriented #programming language #prolog- P&P: A Combined Parlog and Prolog Concurrent Object-Oriented Logic Programming Language (MlT, WhW, HfL), p. 640.
RTA-1995-BaaderS #algebra #constraints #perspective #theorem proving- Combination of Constraint Solving Techniques: An Algebraic POint of View (FB, KUS), pp. 352–366.
TLCA-1995-Dowek #combinator #comprehension #λ-calculus- λ-calculus, Combinators and the Comprehension Scheme (GD), pp. 154–170.
EDAC-1994-AbderrahmanKS #estimation- Estimation of Simultaneous Switching Power and Ground Noise of Static CMOS Combinational Circuits (AA, BK, YS), p. 658.
EDAC-1994-BaharCHMS #analysis #using- Timing Analysis of Combinational Circuits using ADD’s (RIB, HC, GDH, EM, FS), pp. 625–629.
EDAC-1994-KarkkainenTW #bound #monitoring #power management #testing- Boundary Scan Testing Combined with Power Supply Current Monitoring (MK, KT, MW), pp. 232–235.
ICSM-1994-AngerRY #concurrent #dynamic analysis #source code- Combining Static and Dynamic Analysis of Concurrent Programs (FDA, RVR, MY), pp. 89–98.
ICSM-1994-KinlochM #c #comprehension #graph #representation #source code #using- Understanding C Programs Using the Combined C Graph Representation (DAK, MM), pp. 172–180.
ICALP-1994-CosmoK #algebra #first-order #recursion #term rewriting #λ-calculus- Combining First Order Algebraic Rewriting Systems, Recursion and Extensional λ Calculi (RDC, DK), pp. 462–472.
FME-1994-CuellarWB #design #effectiveness #industrial #verification- Combining the Design of Industrial Systems with Effective Verification Techniques (JC, IW, DB), pp. 639–658.
CHI-1994-McDanielOO94a #human-computer #object-oriented- Methods in search of methodology — combining HCI and object orientation (SEM, GMO, JSO), pp. 145–151.
CSCW-1994-Shapiro #social- The Limits of Ethnography: Combining Social Sciences for CSCW (DS), pp. 417–428.
ICML-1994-ZelleMK #bottom-up #induction #logic programming #top-down- Combining Top-down and Bottom-up Techniques in Inductive Logic Programming (JMZ, RJM, JBK), pp. 343–351.
KDD-1994-HeckermanGC #learning #network #statistics- Learning Bayesian Networks: The Combination of Knowledge and Statistical Data (DH, DG, DMC), pp. 85–96.
SEKE-1994-Alexander #generative #specification- Combining transformational and derivational analogy in Larch specification generation (PA), pp. 131–138.
SEKE-1994-ShiHB #named- Belief: updating vs. combining (SS, MECH, DAB), pp. 344–351.
SIGIR-1994-BartellCB #automation #multi #retrieval- Automatic Combination of Multiple Ranked Retrieval Systems (BTB, GWC, RKB), pp. 173–181.
ECOOP-1994-MoreiraC #analysis #object-oriented- Combining Object-Oriented Analysis and Formal Description Techniques (AMDM, RGC), pp. 344–364.
OOPSLA-1994-LortzS #contract #programming- Combining Contracts and Exemplar-Based Programming for Class Hiding and Customization (VBL, KGS), pp. 453–467.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-Graham #analysis #case study #object-oriented #process #re-engineering #requirements- Beyond the Use Case: Combining Task Analysis and Scripts in Object-Oriented Requirements Capture and Business Process Re-engineering (IMG), pp. 203–215.
PLILP-1994-Arenas-SanchezGL #constraints #lazy evaluation- Combining Lazy Narrowing with Disequality Constraints (PAS, AGL, FJLF), pp. 385–399.
PLILP-1994-CodognetD #constraints #performance #theorem proving- clp(B): Combining Simplicity and Efficiency in Boolean Constraint Solving (PC, DD), pp. 244–260.
PLILP-1994-Hanus #lazy evaluation- Combining Lazy Narrowing and Simplification (MH), pp. 370–384.
POPL-1994-CortesiCH #abstract domain #logic programming- Combinations of Abstract Domains for Logic Programming (AC, BLC, PVH), pp. 227–239.
CADE-1994-ClarkeZ #problem #proving #symbolic computation #theorem proving- Combining Symbolic Computation and Theorem Proving: Some Problems of Ramanujan (EMC, XZ), pp. 758–763.
CADE-1994-DomenjoudKR #equation- Combination Techniques for Non-Disjoint Equational Theories (ED, FK, CR), pp. 267–281.
CADE-1994-McPheeCG #geometry #proving #theorem #using- Mechanically Proving Geometry Theorems Using a Combination of Wu’s Method and Collins’ Method (NFM, SCC, XSG), pp. 401–415.
CAV-1994-Peled #model checking #on the fly #partial order #reduction- Combining Partial Order Reductions with On-the-fly Model-Checking (DP), pp. 377–390.
ICLP-1994-KirchnerR #algebra #constraints #theorem proving- Constraint Solving by Narrowing in Combined Algebraic Domains (HK, CR), pp. 617–631.
ILPS-1994-Lloyd #functional #logic programming #programming language- Combining Functional and Logic Programming Languages (JWL), pp. 43–57.
DAC-1993-ChakravartyG #algorithm #fault- An Algorithm for Diagnosing Two-Line Bridging Faults in Combinational Circuits (SC, YG), pp. 520–524.
DAC-1993-DamianiYM #logic #optimisation- Optimization of Combinational Logic Circuits Based on Compatible Gates (MD, JCYY, GDM), pp. 631–636.
DAC-1993-GanapathyA #pseudo- Selective Pseudo Scan: Combinational ATPG with Reduced Scan in a Full Custom RISC Microprocessor (GG, JAA), pp. 550–555.
DAC-1993-KajiharaPKR #effectiveness #fault #generative #logic #testing- Cost-Effective Generation of Minimal Test Sets for Stuck-at Faults in Combinational Logic Circuits (SK, IP, KK, SMR), pp. 102–106.
DAC-1993-KriplaniNYH #correlation- Resolving Signal Correlations for Estimating Maximum Currents in CMOS Combinational Circuits (HK, FNN, PY, INH), pp. 384–388.
DAC-1993-PomeranzRU #fault #generative #named #testing- NEST: A Non-Enumerative Test Generation Method for Path Delay Faults in Combinational Circuits (IP, SMR, PU), pp. 439–445.
ICDAR-1993-ChhabraABCLSSW #geometry #higher-order #recognition #statistics- High-order statistically derived combinations of geometric features for handprinted character recognition (AKC, ZA, DB, GC, KL, PS, RS, BW), pp. 397–401.
ICDAR-1993-FrankeO #classification #detection #statistics- Writing style detection by statistical combination of classifiers in form reader applications (JF, MFO), pp. 581–584.
ICDAR-1993-Ho #independence #learning #recognition- Recognition of handwritten digits by combining independent learning vector quantizations (TKH), pp. 818–821.
ICDAR-1993-HuangS #classification #metric #multi- Combination of multiple classifiers with measurement values (YSH, CYS), pp. 598–601.
ICDAR-1993-KwonKPK #online #recognition- A cursive on-line Hangul recognition system based on the combination of line segments (OSK, MKK, MKP, YBK), pp. 200–203.
ICDAR-1993-LeeS #design #modelling #using- Optimal design of reference models using simulated annealing combined with an improved LVQ3 (SWL, HHS), pp. 244–249.
ICDAR-1993-PaikJL #automation #multi #recognition- Multiple combined recognition system for automatic processing of credit card slip applications (JP, SJ, YL), pp. 520–523.
ICDAR-1993-PlessisSHMLDM #classification #multi #recognition #word- A multi-classifier combination strategy for the recognition of handwritten cursive words (BP, AS, LH, EM, EL, OD, JVM), pp. 642–645.
ICDAR-1993-SabourinMTN #classification #recognition- Classifier combination for hand-printed digit recognition (MS, AM, DST, GN), pp. 163–166.
SIGMOD-1993-AnanthanarayananGKLP #approach #object-oriented #relational #using- Using the Co-existence Approach to Achieve Combined Functionality of Object-Oriented and Relational Systems (RA, VG, WK, TJL, HP), pp. 109–118.
VLDB-1993-Grefen #approach #declarative #specification #theory and practice #transaction- Combining Theory and Practice in Integrity Control: A Declarative Approach to the Specification of a Transaction Modification Subsystem (PWPJG), pp. 581–591.
PEPM-1993-CodishMBBH #abstract interpretation- Improving Abstract Interpretations by Combining Domains (MC, AM, MB, MJGdlB, MVH), pp. 194–205.
WSA-1993-MaffeisG #architecture #dependence- Combining Dependability with Architectural Adatability by Means of the SIGNAL Language (OM, PLG), pp. 99–110.
ICALP-1993-BarbaneraF #composition #confluence #term rewriting #termination- Modularity of Termination and Confluence in Combinations of Rewrite Systems with λω (FB, MF), pp. 657–668.
HCI-ACS-1993-TeegeB #collaboration- Combining Asynchronous and Synchronous Collaborative Systems (GT, UMB), pp. 516–521.
HCI-SHI-1993-MoriiKT #animation #detection #evaluation #eye tracking #realtime #using- Evaluation of a Gaze Using Real-Time CG Eye-Animation Combined with Eye Movement Detector (KM, FK, NT), pp. 1103–1108.
ICML-1993-NortonH #learning #probability- Learning DNF Via Probabilistic Evidence Combination (SWN, HH), pp. 220–227.
ICML-1993-Quinlan #learning #modelling- Combining Instance-Based and Model-Based Learning (JRQ), pp. 236–243.
TOOLS-USA-1993-AckermannE #2d #3d #component #interactive #user interface- Combining 2D User Interface Components and Interactive 3D Graphics in ET++ (PA, DE), pp. 291–302.
LOPSTR-1993-Vargas-VeraRI #editing #prolog #source code- Combining Prolog Programs in a Techniques Editing System (Abstract) (MVV, DSR, RI), pp. 82–84.
SAC-1993-RankinW #combinator #fixpoint #prolog #using- Finding Fixed Point Combinators Using Prolog (RR, RWW), pp. 604–608.
CAV-1993-Hungar #model checking #parallel #process #proving #theorem proving #verification- Combining Model Checking and Theorem Proving to Verify Parallel Processes (HH), pp. 154–165.
CSL-1993-BergstraBP #algebra #combinator #process- Process Algebra with Combinators (JAB, IB, AP), pp. 36–65.
ILPS-1993-Hanus #lazy evaluation #normalisation- Combining Lazy Narrowing and Normalization (MH), p. 673.
RTA-1993-BaaderS #problem- Combination Techniques and Decision Problems for Disunification (FB, KUS), pp. 301–315.
TLCA-1993-BarbaneraF #higher-order #term rewriting- Combining First and Higher Order Rewrite Systems with Type Assignment Systems (FB, MF), pp. 60–74.
TLCA-1993-Leiss #recursion- Combining Recursive and Dynamic Types (HL), pp. 258–273.
DAC-1992-GhoshDKW #estimation #process- Estimation of Average Switching Activity in Combinational and Sequential Circuits (AG, SD, KK, JW), pp. 253–259.
DAC-1992-LeeNB #generative #named #testing- SWiTEST: A Switch Level Test Generation System for CMOS Combinational Circuits (KJL, CN, MAB), pp. 26–29.
DAC-1992-MajumdarS #fault #on the #random testing #testing- On the Distribution of Fault Coverage and Test length in Random Testing of Combinational Circuits (AM, SS), pp. 341–346.
HT-ECHT-1992-Quint #documentation #hypermedia- Combining Hypertext and Structured Documents in GRIF (Demonstration) (VQ), p. 290.
HT-ECHT-1992-QuintV #documentation #hypermedia- Combining Hypertext and Structured Documents in Grif (VQ, IV), pp. 23–32.
CHI-1992-Rubine #gesture- Combining Gestures and Direct Manipulation (DR), pp. 659–660.
ML-1992-Janikow #contest #induction #learning- Combining Competition and Cooperation in Supervised Inductive Learning (CZJ), pp. 241–248.
ML-1992-Segre #multi #on the- On Combining Multiple Speedup Techniques (AMS), pp. 400–405.
ECOOP-1992-Uustalu #approach #logic programming #object-oriented #paradigm- Combining Object-Oriented and Logic Paradigms: A Modal Logic Programming Approach (TU), pp. 98–113.
OOPSLA-1992-OssherH #inheritance- Combination of Inheritance Hierarchies (HO, WHH), pp. 25–40.
CC-1992-Weber #compilation #component #product line #reuse #runtime- Creation of a Family of Compilers and Runtime Environments by Combining Reusable Components (CW), pp. 110–124.
CADE-1992-BaaderS #equation #unification- Unification in the Union of Disjoint Equational Theories: Combining Decision Procedures (FB, KUS), pp. 50–65.
CADE-1992-FegarasSS #combinator #traversal- Uniform Traversal Combinators: Definition, Use and Properties (LF, TS, DWS), pp. 148–162.
JICSLP-1992-KirchnerR #algebra #algorithm #constraints #finite #theorem proving #unification- A Constraint Solver in Finite Algebras and Its Combination with Unification Algorithms (HK, CR), pp. 225–239.
DAC-1991-SastryM #analysis #branch #process- A Branching Process Model for Observability Analysis of Combinational Circuits (SS, AM), pp. 452–457.
STOC-1991-KedemPRS #parallel #performance- Combining Tentative and Definite Executions for Very Fast Dependable Parallel Computing (Extended Abstract) (ZMK, KVP, AR, PGS), pp. 381–390.
VDME-1991-1-Clement #development- Combining Transformation and Posit-and Prove in a VDM Development (TC), pp. 63–80.
CAiSE-1991-KrogstieMOS #development #information management #process #rule-based #using- Information Systems Development Using a Combination of Process and Rule Based Approaches (JK, PM, RO, AHS), pp. 319–335.
ML-1991-FisherY #similarity- Combining Evidence of Deep and Surface Similarity (DHF, JPY), pp. 46–50.
ML-1991-MartinSC #information management- Knowledge Acquisition Combining Analytical and Empirrcal Techniques (MM, RS, UC), pp. 657–661.
ML-1991-MaW #consistency #knowledge base #optimisation #performance- Improving the Performance of Inconsistent Knowledge Bases via Combined Optimization Method (YM, DCW), pp. 23–27.
ML-1991-Thompson #approach #information retrieval #machine learning- Machine Learning in the Combination of Expert Opinion Approach to IR (PT), pp. 270–274.
SIGIR-1991-FuhrP #probability- Combining Model-Oriented and Description-Oriented Approaches for Probabilistic Indexing (NF, UP), pp. 46–56.
ESEC-1991-Berzins #modelling #source code- Software Merge: Models and Methods for Combining Changes to Programs (VB), pp. 229–250.
CSL-1991-Meinke #combinator #data type #equation #specification- Equational Specification of Abstract Types and Combinators (KM), pp. 257–271.
ICLP-1991-MuthukumarH #abstract interpretation- Combined Determination of Sharing and Freeness of Program Variables through Abstract Interpretation (KM, MVH), pp. 49–63.
LICS-1991-Statman #combinator #monad- Freyd’s Hierarchy of Combinator Monoids (RS), pp. 186–190.
RTA-1991-MiddeldorpT- Completeness of Combinations of Constructor Systems (AM, YT), pp. 188–199.
DAC-1990-Chakravarty #identification #on the- On Synthesizing and Identifying Stuck-Open Testable CMOS Combinational Circuits (extended abstract) (SC), pp. 736–739.
DAC-1990-Chan #algorithm #logic- Algorithms for Library-Specific Sizing of Combinational Logic (PKC), pp. 353–356.
DAC-1990-ChenM #multi #network #optimisation- Timing Optimization for Multi-Level Combinational Networks (KCC, SM), pp. 339–344.
DAC-1990-CloutierT #algorithm #scheduling- The Combination of Scheduling, Allocation, and Mapping in a Single Algorithm (RJC, DET), pp. 71–76.
DAC-1990-DevadasK #logic #optimisation #robust #synthesis- Synthesis and Optimization Procedures for Robustly Delay-Fault Testable Combinational Logic Circuits (SD, KK), pp. 221–227.
DAC-1990-Fishburn #heuristic #how #logic- A Depth-Decreasing Heuristic for Combinational Logic: Or How To Convert a Ripple-Carry Adder Into A Carry-Lookahead Adder Or Anything in-between (JPF), pp. 361–364.
DAC-1990-LeeH #automation #fault #generative #named #performance- SOPRANO: An Efficient Automatic Test Pattern Generator for Stuck-Open Faults in CMOS Combinational Circuits (HKL, DSH), pp. 660–666.
DAC-1990-ParkM #generative #logic #performance #testing- An Efficient Delay Test Generation System for Combinational Logic Circuits (ESP, MRM), pp. 522–528.
CAiSE-1990-SmolanderTL #case study #how #tool support- How to Combine Tools and Methods in Practice — a Field Study (KS, VPT, KL), pp. 195–214.
POPL-1990-DemersWHBBS #framework #garbage collection #implementation- Combining Generational and Conservative Garbage Collection: Framework and Implementations (AJD, MW, BH, HJB, DGB, SS), pp. 261–269.
CADE-1990-Boudet #algorithm #equation #performance #unification- Unification in a Combination of Equational Theories: an Efficient Algorithm (AB), pp. 292–307.
DAC-1989-LeeHK #fault #generative #testing #using- Test Generation of Stuck-open Faults Using Stuck-at Test Sets in CMOS Combinational Circuits (HKL, DSH, KK), pp. 345–350.
DAC-1989-McGeerB89a #algorithm #network #performance- Efficient Algorithms for Computing the Longest Viable Path in a Combinational Network (PCM, RKB), pp. 561–567.
DAC-1989-WangKL #approach #fault #logic #robust #set- A New Approach to Derive Robust Sets for Stuck-open Faults in CMOS Combinational Logic Circuits (JFW, TYK, JYL), pp. 726–729.
SIGMOD-1989-Swami #combinator #heuristic #optimisation #query #scalability- Optimization of Large Join Queries: Combining Heuristic and Combinatorial Techniques (ANS), pp. 367–376.
PLDI-1989-KoopmanL #combinator #fresh look #graph #reduction- A Fresh Look at Combinator Graph Reduction (PJKJ, PL), pp. 110–119.
KR-1989-Sandewall #difference #equation #logic- Combining Logic and Differential Equations for Describing Real-World Systems (ES), pp. 412–420.
ML-1989-Hirsh #empirical #learning- Combining Empirical and Analytical Learning with Version Spaces (HH), pp. 29–33.
ML-1989-Redmond #learning #reasoning- Combining Case-Based Reasoning, Explanation-Based Learning, and Learning form Instruction (MR), pp. 20–22.
ML-1989-ShavlikT #learning #network- Combining Explanation-Based Learning and Artificial Neural Networks (JWS, GGT), pp. 90–93.
OOPSLA-1989-MullerRKS #interface #multi- The Use of Multimethods and Method Combination in a CLOS Based Window System Interface (HM, JRR, JK, TS), pp. 239–253.
NACLP-1989-GuptaJ #memory management #parallel- Combined And-Or Parallelism on Shared Memory Multiprocessors (GG, BJ), pp. 332–349.
RTA-1989-Nipkow #algorithm- Combining Matching Algorithms: The Rectangular Case (TN), pp. 343–358.
DAC-1988-LiRS #logic #on the- On Path Selection in Combinational Logic Circuits (WNL, SMR, SS), pp. 142–147.
LFP-1988-Norman #combinator #hardware #performance #reduction #using- Faster Combinator Reduction Using stock Hardware (ACN), pp. 235–243.
SIGIR-1988-FoxNL #concept- Coefficients for Combining Concept Classes in a Collection (EAF, GLN, WCL), pp. 291–307.
CADE-1988-Schmidt-Schauss #equation #unification- Unification in a Combination of Arbitrary Disjoint Equational Theories (MSS), pp. 378–396.
LICS-1988-Breazu-Tannen88a #algebra #higher-order- Combining Algebra and Higher-Order Types (VT), pp. 82–90.
DAC-1987-HofmannK #logic #optimisation- Delay Optimization of Combinational Static CMOS Logic (MH, JKK), pp. 125–132.
PLDI-1987-Pittman #execution #hybrid #interpreter #performance- Two-level hybrid interpreter/native code execution for combined space-time program efficiency (TP), pp. 150–152.
FPCA-1987-Lins #category theory #combinator #multi- Categorical multi-combinators (RDL), pp. 60–79.
OOPSLA-1987-AndrewsH #database #development #object-oriented- Combining Language and Database Advances in an Object-Oriented Development Environment (TA, CH), pp. 430–440.
ICSE-1987-Kramer #data type #distributed #named #petri net #specification- SEGRAS — A Formal and Semigraphical Language Combining Petri Nets and Abstract Data Types for the Specification of Distributed Systems (BJK), pp. 116–125.
CSL-1987-BohmP #combinator #finite #reduction #set- Surjectivity for Finite Sets of Combinators by Weak Reduction (CB, AP), pp. 27–43.
ICLP-1987-Yamamoto87- A Theoretical Combination of SLD-Resolution and Narrowing (AY), pp. 470–487.
LICS-1987-AlpernS #proving- Proving Boolean Combinations of Deterministic Properties (BA, FBS), pp. 131–137.
SLP-1987-WestphalRCS87 #backtracking- The PEPSys Model: Combining Backtracking, AND- and OR-Parallelism (HW, PR, JCdK, JCS), pp. 436–448.
DAC-1986-GregoryBGH #automation #logic #named #optimisation- SOCRATES: a system for automatically synthesizing and optimizing combinational logic (DG, KAB, AJdG, GDH), pp. 79–85.
ESOP-1986-Bellot #combinator #functional #named #programming #reduction- GRAAL: A Functional Programming System with Uncurryfied Combinators and its Reduction Machine (PB), pp. 82–98.
ESOP-1986-GeserH #case study #experience #interpreter #specification #term rewriting- Experiences with the RAP System — A Specification Interpreter Combining Term Rewriting and Resolution (AG, HH), pp. 339–350.
ESOP-1986-HankinBJ #approach #combinator #parallel #reduction- A Safe Approach to Parallel Combinator Reduction (Extended Abstract) (CH, GLB, SLPJ), pp. 99–110.
LFP-1986-LemaitreCDDL #combinator #multi #performance #reduction- Mechanisms for Efficient Multiprocessor Combinator Reduction (ML, MC, MHD, GD, BL), pp. 113–121.
CADE-1986-Gibert #combinator #functional #programming- The J-Machine: Functional Programming with Combinators (JG), pp. 683–684.
CADE-1986-Herold #algorithm #unification- Combination of Unification Algorithms (AH), pp. 450–469.
CADE-1986-Lins #combinator #execution- A New Formula for the Execution of Categorial Combinators (RDL), pp. 89–98.
CADE-1986-PoratF #equation #term rewriting- Full-Commutation and Fair-Termination in Equational (and Combined) Term-Rewriting Systems (SP, NF), pp. 21–41.
CADE-1986-Tiden #set #unification- Unification in Combinations of Collapse-Free Theories with Disjoint Sets of Function Symbols (ET), pp. 431–449.
LICS-1986-Statman #combinator #on the #problem- On Translating λ Terms into Combinators; The Basis Problem (RS), pp. 378–382.
FPCA-1985-Brownbridge85 #combinator- Cyclic Reference Counting for Combinator Machines (DRB), pp. 273–288.
FPCA-1985-HankinOS85 #architecture #combinator #named #reduction- COBWEB — A Combinator Reduction Architecture (CH, PO, MJS), pp. 99–112.
FPCA-1985-HudakG85 #combinator #parallel- Serial Combinators: “Optimal” Grains of Parallelism (PH, BG), pp. 382–399.
RTA-1985-Yelick #algorithm #equation #unification- Combining Unification Algorithms for Confined Regular Equational Theories (KAY), pp. 365–380.
DAC-1984-KozawaMT #algorithm #layout #logic #top-down- Combine and top down block placement algorithm for hierarchical logic VLSI layout (TK, CM, HT), pp. 667–669.
DAC-1984-ReddyAJ #detection #fault #logic- A gate level model for CMOS combinational logic circuits with application to fault detection (SMR, VDA, SKJ), pp. 504–509.
DAC-1984-ShinshaKHAI #algorithm #logic #named #synthesis- Polaris: Polarity propagation algorithm for combinational logic synthesis (TS, TK, MH, KA, KI), pp. 322–328.
DAC-1984-WardleWWMN #approach #declarative #design- A declarative design approach for combining macrocells by directed placement and constructive routing (CLW, CRW, CAW, JCM, BJN), pp. 594–601.
SIGMOD-1984-ChenK #network #relational #retrieval- Combining Relational and Network Retrieval Methods (HHC, SMK), pp. 131–142.
LFP-1984-HudakG #combinator #reduction- Experiments in Diffused Combinator Reduction (PH, BG), pp. 167–176.
LFP-1984-StoyeCN #agile #combinator #reduction- Some Practical Methods for Rapid Combinator Reduction (WRS, TJWC, ACN), pp. 159–166.
SIGIR-1984-Schek #architecture #transaction- Nested Transactions in a Combined IRS-DBMS Architecture (HJS), pp. 55–70.
POPL-1984-HudakK #combinator #compilation #functional- A Combinator-Based Compiler for a Functional Language (PH, DAK), pp. 122–132.
DAC-1983-MayoO #layout- Pictures with parentheses: Combining graphics and procedures in a VLSI layout tool (RNM, JKO), pp. 270–276.
SIGIR-1983-FraenkelM #clustering #scalability- Combinational Compression and Partitioning of Large Dictionaries: Theory and Experiments (ASF, MM), pp. 205–219.
POPL-1983-Wand #combinator #compilation- Loops in Combinator-Based Compilers (MW), pp. 190–196.
DAC-1982-WipflerWM #algorithm #layout- A combined force and cut algorithm for hierarchical VLSI layout (GJW, MW, DAM), pp. 671–677.
ICALP-1982-RaoultS- Properties of a Notation for Combining Functions (JCR, RS), pp. 429–441.
LFP-1982-Hughes #combinator #implementation- Super Combinators: A New Implementation Method for Applicative Languages (RJMH), pp. 1–10.
LFP-1982-Jones #combinator- An Investigation of the Relative Efficiencies of Combinators and λ Expressions (SLPJ), pp. 150–158.
LFP-1982-MuchnickJ #combinator #evaluation- A Fixed-Program Machine for Combinator Expression Evaluation (SSM, NDJ), pp. 11–20.
POPL-1982-Sandberg #flexibility #named #syntax- Lithe: A Language Combining a Flexible Syntax, Classes (DS), pp. 142–145.
CADE-1982-Shostak- Deciding Combinations of Theories (RES), pp. 209–222.
DAC-1981-Trimberger #interactive #layout- Combining graphics and a layout language in a single interactive system (ST), pp. 234–239.
DAC-1980-Shiva #logic #synthesis- Combinational logic synthesis from an HDL description (SGS), pp. 550–555.
DAC-1979-Cha #fault #multi #network- Multiple fault diagnosis in combinational networks (CWC), pp. 149–155.
DAC-1979-El-Ziq #fault #generative #network #performance #simulation #testing- Testing of MOS combinational networks a procedure for efficient fault simulation and test generation (YMEZ), pp. 162–170.
DAC-1978-El-Ziq #automation #constraints #design #logic #network- Logic design automation of MOS combinational networks with fan-in, fan-out constraints (YMEZ), pp. 240–249.
DAC-1977-El-ZiqS #automation #design #logic #network- Logic design automation of diagnosable MOS combinational logic networks (YMEZ, SYHS), pp. 205–215.
DAC-1975-Fike #design #detection #fault #predict #question- Predicting fault detectability in combinational circuits — a new design tool? (JLF), pp. 290–295.
DAC-1974-Kjelkerud #generative #performance #source code #testing- A system of computer programs for efficient test generation for combinational switching circuits (EK), pp. 166–168.
STOC-1974-Kedem #bound #multi- Combining Dimensionality and Rate of Growth Arguments for Establishing Lower Bounds on the Number of Multiplications (ZMK), pp. 334–341.
ICALP-1974-BohmD #combinator #equation #normalisation #problem- Combinatorial Problems, Combinator Equations and Normal Forms (CB, MDC), pp. 185–199.
ICALP-1974-Fischer #algorithm #matrix- Further Schemes for Combining Matrix Algorithms (PCF), pp. 428–436.
DAC-1972-Grant #architecture #design #problem #proximity #using- Combining proximity criteria with nature-of-the-spot criteria in architectural and urban design space planning problems using a computer-aided space allocation technique: A proposed technique and an example of its application (DPG), pp. 197–202.
DAC-1972-Oishi #problem #specification- Problem areas and the combination of wall-units to satisfy room relation specification between rooms (IO), pp. 239–249.
DAC-1972-Schmidt #composition #network- Gate for gate modular replacement of combinational switching networks (DCS), pp. 331–340.
SIGFIDET-1972-Stonebraker #performance #retrieval #using- Retrieval Efficiency Using Combined Indexes (MS), pp. 243–256.
DAC-1971-VishnubhotlaC #analysis #approach- A path analysis approach to the diagnosis of combinational circuits (SRV, YHC), pp. 222–230.