Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × Japan
1 × Portugal
2 × The Netherlands
3 × Italy
4 × France
Collaborated with:
S.Limet J.Chabin Y.Boichut H.Seidl J.Amavi B.Lecland J.Vuotto ∅ V.Gouranton M.H.F.Alves C.Kirchner H.Kirchner P.Lescanne
Talks about:
synchron (4) rewrit (4) tree (4) languag (3) narrow (3) applic (3) weak (3) new (3) approxim (2) regular (2)
Person: Pierre Réty
DBLP: R=eacute=ty:Pierre
Contributed to:
Wrote 14 papers:
- LATA-2015-BoichutCR #approximate #precise #towards
- Towards More Precise Rewriting Approximations (YB, JC, PR), pp. 652–663.
- RTA-2013-BoichutCR #approximate
- Over-approximating Descendants by Synchronized Tree Languages (YB, JC, PR), pp. 128–142.
- CIAA-2012-AmaviCR #recursion #xml
- Weak Inclusion for Recursive XML Types (JA, JC, PR), pp. 78–89.
- CIAA-2011-AmaviCAR #xml
- Weak Inclusion for XML Types (JA, JC, MHFA, PR), pp. 30–41.
- RTA-2002-LeclandR #implementation #named
- TTSLI: An Implementation of Tree-Tuple Synchronized Languages (BL, PR), pp. 376–379.
- RTA-2002-RetyV #set
- Regular Sets of Descendants by Some Rewrite Strategies (PR, JV), pp. 129–143.
- FoSSaCS-2001-GourantonRS
- Synchronized Tree Languages Revisited and New Applications (VG, PR, HS), pp. 214–229.
- RTA-2001-LimetRS
- Weakly Regular Relations and Applications (SL, PR, HS), pp. 185–200.
- RTA-1999-LimetR #decidability
- A New Result about the Decidability of the Existential One-Step Rewriting Theory (SL, PR), pp. 118–132.
- RTA-1998-LimetR #equation #term rewriting
- Solving Disequations Modulo Some Class of Rewrite Systems (SL, PR), pp. 121–135.
- RTA-1991-ChabinR #graph
- Narrowing Directed by a Graph of Terms (JC, PR), pp. 112–123.
- RTA-1987-Rety
- Improving Basic Narrowing Techniques (PR), pp. 228–241.
- RTA-1985-RetyKKL #algorithm #logic programming #named #unification
- NARROWER: A New Algorithm for Unification and Its Application to Logic Programming (PR, CK, HK, PL), pp. 141–157.
- TAPSOFT-1997-LimetR #tuple
- E-Unification by Means of Tree Tuple Synchronized Grammars (SL, PR), pp. 429–440.