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Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Greece
1 × New Zealand
1 × The Netherlands
3 × Germany
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Ekstedt P.Närman R.Lagerström E.Johansson M.Simonsson T.Sommestad J.König U.Franke J.Ullberg L.Nordström J.Andersson M.Chenine M.Buschle D.Höök I.Jacobson I.Spence M.Kajko-Mattsson P.Gustafsson M.Välja M.Österlind M.Iacob M.v.Sinderen M.Schönherr Å.Lindström J.Grundbäck O.Wijnbladh
Talks about:
enterpris (11) architectur (9) analysi (8) model (7) system (5) assess (4) softwar (3) qualiti (3) tool (3) use (3)

Person: Pontus Johnson

DBLP DBLP: Johnson:Pontus

Contributed to:

EDOC 20132013
ASE 20122012
EDOC 20102010
CSMR 20092009
EDOC 20092009
CAiSE 20082008
CSMR 20082008
EDOC 20082008
EDOC 20072007
EDOC 20062006
EDOC 20052005
ICEIS v1 20052005
EDOC 20012001

Wrote 17 papers:

EDOC-2013-ValjaOISJ #modelling #predict
Modeling and Prediction of Monetary and Non-monetary Business Values (MV, , MEI, MvS, PJ), pp. 153–158.
ASE-2012-JacobsonSJK #re-engineering
Re-founding software engineering — SEMAT at the age of three (IJ, IS, PJ, MKM), pp. 15–19.
EDOC-2010-NarmanBKJ #analysis #hybrid #modelling #probability #quality #relational
Hybrid Probabilistic Relational Models for System Quality Analysis (PN, MB, JK, PJ), pp. 57–66.
CSMR-2009-EkstedtFJLSUB #analysis #architecture #enterprise #maintenance
A Tool for Enterprise Architecture Analysis of Maintainability (ME, UF, PJ, RL, TS, JU, MB), pp. 327–328.
CSMR-2009-FrankeJLUHEK #assessment #metric #network #using
A Method for Choosing Software Assessment Measures Using Bayesian Networks and Diagnosis (UF, PJ, RL, JU, DH, ME, JK), pp. 241–246.
EDOC-2009-GustafssonHFJ #modelling
Modeling the IT Impact on Organizational Structure (PG, DH, UF, PJ), pp. 14–23.
EDOC-2009-NarmanJECK #analysis #architecture #enterprise
Enterprise Architecture Analysis for Data Accuracy Assessments (PN, PJ, ME, MC, JK), pp. 24–33.
CAiSE-2008-SimonssonJE #assessment #modelling
The IT Organization Modeling and Assessment Tool for IT Governance Decision Support (MS, PJ, ME), pp. 258–261.
CSMR-2008-LagerstromJ #architecture #enterprise #maintenance #modelling #predict #using
Using Architectural Models to Predict the Maintainability of Enterprise Systems (RL, PJ), pp. 248–252.
EDOC-2008-NarmanSJEC #analysis #architecture #enterprise #modelling #quality #using
Using Enterprise Architecture Models for System Quality Analysis (PN, MS, PJ, ME, MC), pp. 14–23.
EDOC-2008-SommestadEJ #analysis #architecture #enterprise #graph #modelling #security
Combining Defense Graphs and Enterprise Architecture Models for Security Analysis (TS, ME, PJ), pp. 349–355.
EDOC-2007-JohnsonJSU #analysis #architecture #enterprise
A Tool for Enterprise Architecture Analysis (PJ, EJ, TS, JU), pp. 142–156.
EDOC-2007-NarmanJN #analysis #architecture #enterprise #framework #quality
Enterprise Architecture: A Framework Supporting System Quality Analysis (PN, PJ, LN), pp. 130–141.
EDOC-2006-JohnsonLNS #analysis #architecture #diagrams #enterprise
Extended Influence Diagrams for Enterprise Architecture Analysis (PJ, RL, PN, MS), pp. 3–12.
EDOC-2005-JohanssonJ #assessment #enterprise #security
Assessment of Enterprise Information Security — The Importance of Prioritization (EJ, PJ), pp. 207–218.
ICEIS-v1-2005-SimonssonLJNGW #approach #enterprise #evaluation #top-down
Scenario-based Evaluation of Enterprise — a Top-Down Approach for Chief Information Officer Decision Making (MS, ÅL, PJ, LN, JG, OW), pp. 130–137.
EDOC-2001-AnderssonJ #architecture #enterprise #integration #scalability
Architectural Integration Styles for Large-Scale Enterprise Software Systems (JA, PJ), pp. 224–236.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.