Collaborated with:
Jing Huang 0025 J.Arinez G.Xiao Jing Zou N.Chakraborty Y.Qian
Talks about:
manufactur (3) product (3) system (3) perform (2) learn (2) reinforc (1) deterior (1) prevent (1) mainten (1) control (1)
Person: Qing Chang 0001
DBLP: 0001:Qing_Chang
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CASE-2018-Huang0ZAX #maintenance #realtime
- Real-time Control of Maintenance on Deteriorating Manufacturing System (JH0, QC0, JZ, JA, GX), pp. 211–216.
- CASE-2018-Zou0HAX #analysis #performance
- Analysis of End-of-State Impact on Manufacturing System Production Performance (JZ, QC0, JH0, JA, GX), pp. 823–828.
- CASE-2019-Huang0C #learning #policy
- Machine Preventive Replacement Policy for Serial Production Lines Based on Reinforcement Learning (JH0, QC0, NC), pp. 523–528.
- CASE-2019-QianAX0 #learning #performance
- Improved Production Performance Through Manufacturing System Learning (YQ, JA, GX, QC0), pp. 517–522.