Travelled to:
1 × USA
2 × Portugal
2 × Spain
3 × Italy
Collaborated with:
V.Nebot J.Ruiz-Shulcloper S.Kudama L.García-Moya I.Sanz M.J.Aramburu H.Anaya-Sánchez M.P.Catalán R.Dánger A.Pons-Porrata J.M.Pérez T.B.Pedersen D.M.Llidó
Talks about:
sentiment (2) toward (2) build (2) data (2) xml (2) infrastructur (1) probabilist (1) objectmin (1) hierarchi (1) warehous (1)
Person: Rafael Berlanga Llavori
DBLP: Llavori:Rafael_Berlanga
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- KDIR-2014-KudamaL #random #semantics #using
- Semantic Annotation of UMLS using Conditional Random Fields (SK, RBL), pp. 335–341.
- KDIR-2014-NebotL #linked data #open data #towards
- Towards Analytical MD Stars from Linked Data (VN, RBL), pp. 117–125.
- KDIR-KMIS-2013-LlavoriLGNAS #analysis #framework #named #sentiment #towards
- i-SLOD: Towards an Infrastructure for Enabling the Dissemination and Analysis of Sentiment Data (RBL, DML, LGM, VN, MJA, IS), pp. 214–219.
- ECIR-2012-Garcia-MoyaAL #modelling #probability #retrieval #sentiment
- Combining Probabilistic Language Models for Aspect-Based Sentiment Retrieval (LGM, HAS, RBL), pp. 561–564.
- SIGMOD-2010-PerezSL #flexibility #generative #named #xml
- XTaGe: a flexible XML collection generator (MPC, IS, RBL), pp. 1139–1142.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-NebotL #ontology #scalability
- Building Tailored Ontologies from Very Large Knowledge Resources (VN, RBL), pp. 144–151.
- ECIR-2005-PerezPLA #documentation #information retrieval #xml
- IR and OLAP in XML Document Warehouses (JMP, TBP, RBL, MJA), pp. 536–539.
- ICEIS-v2-2004-DangerRB #approach #mining #named
- Objectminer: A New Approach for Mining Complex Objects (RD, JRS, RBL), pp. 42–47.
- ECIR-2003-Pons-PorrataLR #library #topic
- Building a Hierarchy of Events and Topics for Newspaper Digital Libraries (APP, RBL, JRS), pp. 588–596.