430 papers:
DocEng-2015-WangLWWPBSWBG #concept- Concept Hierarchy Extraction from Textbooks (SW, CL, ZW, KW, BP, BB, SS, HW, KB, CLG), pp. 147–156.
SIGMOD-2015-BeedkarG #mining #named #scalability #sequence- LASH: Large-Scale Sequence Mining with Hierarchies (KB, RG), pp. 491–503.
FoSSaCS-2015-SchubertUZ #first-order #logic #on the- On the Mints Hierarchy in First-Order Intuitionistic Logic (AS, PU, KZ), pp. 451–465.
CIAA-2015-CaronMM #on the- On the Hierarchy of Block Deterministic Languages (PC, LM, CM), pp. 63–75.
DLT-2015-AlmeidaBKK #decidability #on the- On Decidability of Intermediate Levels of Concatenation Hierarchies (JA, JB, OK, MK), pp. 58–70.
ICALP-v1-2015-KurpiszLM #on the #problem- On the Hardest Problem Formulations for the 0/1 0 / 1 Lasserre Hierarchy (AK, SL, MM), pp. 872–885.
LATA-2015-LeupoldH- A Hierarchy of Transducing Observer Systems (PL, NH), pp. 727–738.
LATA-2015-Zinoviadis #2d #finite- Hierarchy and Expansiveness in 2D Subshifts of Finite Type (CZ), pp. 365–377.
HCI-IT-2015-KabilK #named #navigation- RICHIE: A Step-by-step Navigation Widget to Enhance Broad Hierarchy Exploration on Handheld Tactile Devices (AK, SK), pp. 196–207.
ICEIS-v1-2015-SchusterEMS #documentation #flexibility #information management #named- Modelspace — Cooperative Document Information Extraction in Flexible Hierarchies (DS, DE, KM, AS), pp. 321–329.
KDD-2015-WangLSH #approach #composition #interactive #recursion #topic #towards- Towards Interactive Construction of Topical Hierarchy: A Recursive Tensor Decomposition Approach (CW, XL, YS, JH), pp. 1225–1234.
SAC-2015-RaniseTV #analysis #automation #constraints #policy- Automated analysis of RBAC policies with temporal constraints and static role hierarchies (SR, ATT, LV), pp. 2177–2184.
HPCA-2015-BeckmannTS #distributed #scalability- Scaling distributed cache hierarchies through computation and data co-scheduling (NB, PAT, DS), pp. 538–550.
HPCA-2015-JaleelNMSE #latency- High performing cache hierarchies for server workloads: Relaxing inclusion to capture the latency benefits of exclusive caches (AJ, JN, AM, SCSJ, JSE), pp. 343–353.
HPCA-2015-RosDK #classification #clustering #performance- Hierarchical private/shared classification: The key to simple and efficient coherence for clustered cache hierarchies (AR, MD, SK), pp. 186–197.
CSL-2015-LehtinenQ- Deciding the First Levels of the Modal μ Alternation Hierarchy by Formula Construction (KL, SQ), pp. 457–471.
VMCAI-2015-GhorbalSP #algebra #difference #proving #set- A Hierarchy of Proof Rules for Checking Differential Invariance of Algebraic Sets (KG, AS, AP), pp. 431–448.
DAC-2014-FattahPLPT #manycore #named #runtime- SHiFA: System-Level Hierarchy in Run-Time Fault-Aware Management of Many-Core Systems (MF, MP, PL, JP, HT), p. 6.
DAC-2014-HameedBH #architecture #latency #novel- Reducing Latency in an SRAM/DRAM Cache Hierarchy via a Novel Tag-Cache Architecture (FH, LB, JH), p. 6.
DATE-2014-NawinneSJP #performance- Hardware-based fast exploration of cache hierarchies in application specific MPSoCs (IN, JS, HJ, SP), pp. 1–6.
SIGMOD-2014-DyresonBG #query #using- Querying virtual hierarchies using virtual prefix-based numbers (CED, SSB, RG), pp. 791–802.
ICSME-2014-BhattacharyaNF #approach #developer #graph- Determining Developers’ Expertise and Role: A Graph Hierarchy-Based Approach (PB, IN, MF), pp. 11–20.
DLT-2014-Weil #algebra #logic- From Algebra to Logic: There and Back Again The Story of a Hierarchy — (Invited Paper) (PW), pp. 275–278.
ICALP-v2-2014-PlaceZ #first-order #quantifier #word- Going Higher in the First-Order Quantifier Alternation Hierarchy on Words (TP, MZ), pp. 342–353.
LATA-2014-FormentiHKP #complexity- ω-rational Languages: High Complexity Classes vs. Borel Hierarchy (EF, MH, MK, JP), pp. 372–383.
HIMI-DE-2014-HoriguchiASN #dependence #generative- Menu Hierarchy Generation Based on Syntactic Dependency Structures in Item Descriptions (YH, SA, TS, HN), pp. 157–166.
CIKM-2014-ZhuMHZC #social #social media #topic #using- Customized Organization of Social Media Contents using Focused Topic Hierarchy (XZ, ZM, YH, XZ, TSC), pp. 1509–1518.
ICPR-2014-AlemdarKNME #behaviour #modelling #using- A Unified Model for Human Behavior Modeling Using a Hierarchy with a Variable Number of States (HÖA, TvK, MEN, AM, CE), pp. 3804–3809.
ICPR-2014-DominguesMMSR #information management #recommendation #topic #using- Using Contextual Information from Topic Hierarchies to Improve Context-Aware Recommender Systems (MAD, MGM, RMM, CVS, SOR), pp. 3606–3611.
ICPR-2014-ManzatoDMR #feedback #personalisation #ranking #recommendation #topic- Improving Personalized Ranking in Recommender Systems with Topic Hierarchies and Implicit Feedback (MGM, MAD, RMM, SOR), pp. 3696–3701.
KDD-2014-HanWE #mining #topic- Bringing structure to text: mining phrases, entities, topics, and hierarchies (JH, CW, AEK), p. 1968.
SKY-2014-Ben-Av #algebra #generative #multi #ontology #using- Ontology Hierarchy Self Generation using Algebraic Multi-Grid (AMG) (RBA), pp. 79–85.
MoDELS-2014-RabiserVGDSL #case study #experience #lessons learnt #modelling #multi- Supporting Multiplicity and Hierarchy in Model-Based Configuration: Experiences and Lessons Learned (RR, MV, PG, DD, HS, ML), pp. 320–336.
MoDELS-2014-RabiserVGDSL #case study #experience #lessons learnt #modelling #multi- Supporting Multiplicity and Hierarchy in Model-Based Configuration: Experiences and Lessons Learned (RR, MV, PG, DD, HS, ML), pp. 320–336.
RE-2014-SlavinLNB #diagrams #feature model #requirements #security #using- Managing security requirements patterns using feature diagram hierarchies (RS, JML, JN, TDB), pp. 193–202.
SAC-2014-YangDZYZN #scalability #visualisation- Visualizing large hierarchies with drawer trees (YY, ND, SZ, ZY, KZ, QVN), pp. 951–956.
CC-2014-SrinivasanR #composition- Recovery of Class Hierarchies and Composition Relationships from Machine Code (VS, TWR), pp. 61–84.
LICS-CSL-2014-ChenM #classification #complexity #graph #query- One hierarchy spawns another: graph deconstructions and the complexity classification of conjunctive queries (HC, MM), p. 10.
LICS-CSL-2014-Haase #subclass- Subclasses of presburger arithmetic and the weak EXP hierarchy (CH), p. 10.
DATE-2013-HameedBH #adaptation #multi- Adaptive cache management for a combined SRAM and DRAM cache hierarchy for multi-cores (FH, LB, JH), pp. 77–82.
DATE-2013-SampaioZSABH #energy #estimation #memory management #multi #video- Energy-efficient memory hierarchy for motion and disparity estimation in multiview video coding (FS, BZ, MS, LVA, SB, JH), pp. 665–670.
FASE-2013-LasseterC #design pattern #invariant #runtime- Design Pattern-Based Extension of Class Hierarchies to Support Runtime Invariant Checks (JL, JC), pp. 163–178.
ICALP-v1-2013-BauerCRW- Search-Space Size in Contraction Hierarchies (RB, TC, IR, DW), pp. 93–104.
ICALP-v1-2013-CheriyanGGS #on the #symmetry- On Integrality Ratios for Asymmetric TSP in the Sherali-Adams Hierarchy (JC, ZG, KG, SS), pp. 340–351.
ICALP-v2-2013-KobeleS #revisited- The IO and OI Hierarchies Revisited (GMK, SS), pp. 336–348.
LATA-2013-BalaJ #automaton #nondeterminism- Limited Non-determinism Hierarchy of Counter Automata (SB, DJ), pp. 92–103.
LATA-2013-ZakS #distance #turing machine- A Turing Machine Distance Hierarchy (SZ, JS), pp. 570–578.
ICEIS-v1-2013-BentayebK #adaptation #analysis #constraints #semantics- Adapting OLAP Analysis to User’s Constraints through Semantic Hierarchies (FB, RK), pp. 193–200.
CIKM-2013-MullangiR #named #performance #query #reachability #scalability- SCISSOR: scalable and efficient reachability query processing in time-evolving hierarchies (PRM, LR), pp. 799–804.
KDD-2013-DanilevskyWTNCDWH #mining #named #semistructured data #topic- AMETHYST: a system for mining and exploring topical hierarchies of heterogeneous data (MD, CW, FT, SN, GC, ND, LW, JH), pp. 1458–1461.
KDD-2013-WangDDZNTH #framework #mining #recursion #topic- A phrase mining framework for recursive construction of a topical hierarchy (CW, MD, ND, YZ, PN, TT, JH), pp. 437–445.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-SaxenaBW #composition #learning- A Cognitive Reference based Model for Learning Compositional Hierarchies with Whole-composite Tags (ABS, AB, AW), pp. 119–127.
KEOD-2013-NagiH #documentation- Creating Facets Hierarchy for Unstructured Arabic Documents (KN, DH), pp. 109–119.
SIGIR-2013-ZhuMZC #multi #topic- Topic hierarchy construction for the organization of multi-source user generated contents (XZ, ZM, XZ, TSC), pp. 233–242.
OOPSLA-2013-BalatsourasS #graph- Class hierarchy complementation: soundly completing a partial type graph (GB, YS), pp. 515–532.
HPCA-2013-AgrawalJAT #multi #named- Refrint: Intelligent refresh to minimize power in on-chip multiprocessor cache hierarchies (AA, PJ, AA, JT), pp. 400–411.
HPCA-2013-BeuPHC #performance #verification- High-speed formal verification of heterogeneous coherence hierarchies (JGB, JAP, ERH, TMC), pp. 566–577.
CADE-2013-Mayer #hybrid #logic #proving #transitive- A Proof Procedure for Hybrid Logic with Binders, Transitivity and Relation Hierarchies (MCM), pp. 76–90.
CSL-2013-BerkholzKV #bound #logic #quantifier- Bounds for the quantifier depth in finite-variable logics: Alternation hierarchy (CB, AK, OV), pp. 61–80.
CSL-2013-GallianiHK #independence #logic- Hierarchies in independence logic (PG, MH, JK), pp. 263–280.
SAT-2013-Johannsen #exponential #learning #proving- Exponential Separations in a Hierarchy of Clause Learning Proof Systems (JJ), pp. 40–51.
DAC-2012-CongZZ #memory management #optimisation #synthesis- Optimizing memory hierarchy allocation with loop transformations for high-level synthesis (JC, PZ, YZ), pp. 1233–1238.
DATE-2012-Mancini #kernel #memory management #synthesis- Enhancing non-linear kernels by an optimized memory hierarchy in a High Level Synthesis flow (SM, FR), pp. 1130–1133.
FLOPS-2012-TanakaK #call-by #continuation- A Call-by-Name CPS Hierarchy (AT, YK), pp. 260–274.
DLT-2012-FlickK #on the- On a Hierarchy of Languages with Catenation and Shuffle (NEF, MK), pp. 452–458.
CSCW-2012-Gilbert- Phrases that signal workplace hierarchy (EG), pp. 1037–1046.
ICEIS-v2-2012-ReichelR #process #requirements #using- Prioritization of Product Requirements using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (TR, GR), pp. 70–76.
CIKM-2012-BannourH #image #semantics #using- Hierarchical image annotation using semantic hierarchies (HB, CH), pp. 2431–2434.
CIKM-2012-KimKKO #modelling #process #recursion #topic- Modeling topic hierarchies with the recursive chinese restaurant process (JHK, DK, SK, AHO), pp. 783–792.
CIKM-2012-WeningerBH #documentation #graph #topic- Document-topic hierarchies from document graphs (TW, YB, JH), pp. 635–644.
CIKM-2012-ZhengFY #concept- Exploiting concept hierarchy for result diversification (WZ, HF, CY), pp. 1844–1848.
CIKM-2012-ZhouCLZ #automation #topic- Exploring the existing category hierarchy to automatically label the newly-arising topics in cQA (GZ, LC, KL, JZ), pp. 1647–1651.
ICPR-2012-RubioSLP #graph #higher-order #image #representation- Image contextual representation and matching through hierarchies and higher order graphs (JCR, JS, AML, NP), pp. 2664–2667.
SIGIR-2012-AdeyanjuSAKRF #adaptation #concept #query #recommendation- Adaptation of the concept hierarchy model with search logs for query recommendation on intranets (IAA, DS, MDA, UK, ANDR, MF), pp. 5–14.
SIGIR-2012-YuanCSLM #approach #data-driven #maintenance- Category hierarchy maintenance: a data-driven approach (QY, GC, AS, CYL, NMT), pp. 791–800.
CGO-2012-JangLSL #automation #memory management #multi- An automatic code overlaying technique for multicores with explicitly-managed memory hierarchies (CJ, JL, SS, JL), pp. 219–229.
PPoPP-2012-BaghsorkhiGDH #evaluation #memory management #parallel #performance #thread- Efficient performance evaluation of memory hierarchy for highly multithreaded graphics processors (SSB, IG, MD, WmWH), pp. 23–34.
CSL-2012-KufleitnerW #decidability- The FO2 alternation hierarchy is decidable (MK, PW), pp. 426–439.
DAC-2011-BroedersL #behaviour #modelling- Extracting behavior and dynamically generated hierarchy from SystemC models (HB, RvL), pp. 357–362.
DocEng-2011-RossiR #representation #topic #using- Building a topic hierarchy using the bag-of-related-words representation (RGR, SOR), pp. 195–204.
SCAM-2011-SawinR #algorithm #graph- Assumption Hierarchy for a CHA Call Graph Construction Algorithm (JS, AR), pp. 35–44.
DLT-J-2010-BordihnKM11 #automaton #communication #finite #parallel- Undecidability and Hierarchy Results for Parallel Communicating Finite Automata (HB, MK, AM), pp. 1577–1592.
CIAA-2011-BechetDF #strict- Categorial Grammars with Iterated Types form a Strict Hierarchy of k-Valued Languages (DB, AJD, AF), pp. 42–52.
ICFP-2011-AhnS #combinator #data type #induction #recursion- A hierarchy of mendler style recursion combinators: taming inductive datatypes with negative occurrences (KYA, TS), pp. 234–246.
CHI-2011-DixonLF #interface #reverse engineering- Content and hierarchy in pixel-based methods for reverse engineering interface structure (MD, DL, JF), pp. 969–978.
HCI-DDA-2011-DjamasbiST #behaviour #eye tracking #visual notation- Visual Hierarchy and Viewing Behavior: An Eye Tracking Study (SD, MS, TT), pp. 331–340.
ICEIS-v3-2011-WangCLX #evaluation #process- Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process on Calculating the Weights of Economic Model Evaluation (DW, DC, NL, JX), pp. 108–116.
CIKM-2011-QiD #classification #evolution- Hierarchy evolution for improved classification (XQ, BDD), pp. 2193–2196.
ICML-2011-BiK #classification #multi- MultiLabel Classification on Tree- and DAG-Structured Hierarchies (WB, JTK), pp. 17–24.
KDD-2011-KotaA #multi- Temporal multi-hierarchy smoothing for estimating rates of rare events (NK, DA), pp. 1361–1369.
KDD-2011-MenonCGAK #collaboration #predict #using- Response prediction using collaborative filtering with hierarchies and side-information (AKM, KPC, SG, DA, NK), pp. 141–149.
SEKE-2011-CorreiaGF #ontology- Extracting Ontology Hierarchies From Text(S) (JC, RG, CGdF), pp. 398–401.
PPDP-2011-BiernackaBL #continuation #type system- Typing control operators in the CPS hierarchy (MB, DB, SL), pp. 149–160.
ESEC-FSE-2011-Hall #generative #state machine- Search based hierarchy generation for reverse engineered state machines (MH), pp. 392–395.
CC-2011-MaKA #memory management #multi- Practical Loop Transformations for Tensor Contraction Expressions on Multi-level Memory Hierarchies (WM, SK, GA), pp. 266–285.
CGO-2011-LiuZDK #manycore #scheduling- On-chip cache hierarchy-aware tile scheduling for multicore machines (JL, YZ, WD, MTK), pp. 161–170.
HPCA-2011-SrikantaiahKZKIX #adaptation #configuration management #multi #named- MorphCache: A Reconfigurable Adaptive Multi-level Cache hierarchy (SS, EK, TZ, MTK, MJI, YX), pp. 231–242.
PPoPP-2011-BauerCSA #memory management #parallel #programming- Programming the memory hierarchy revisited: supporting irregular parallelism in sequoia (MB, JC, ES, AA), pp. 13–24.
CSL-2011-Straubing #algebra #finite #word- Algebraic Characterization of the Alternation Hierarchy in FO2[<] on Finite Words (HS), pp. 525–537.
LICS-2011-BarrasJSW #decidability #first-order #higher-order #named #type system- CoQMTU: A Higher-Order Type Theory with a Predicative Hierarchy of Universes Parametrized by a Decidable First-Order Theory (BB, JPJ, PYS, QW), pp. 143–151.
VLDB-2010-ZhangS #memory management- The HV-tree: a Memory Hierarchy Aware Version Index (RZ, MS), pp. 397–408.
FoSSaCS-2010-Saurin #call-by #continuation- A Hierarchy for Delimited Continuations in Call-by-Name (AS), pp. 374–388.
CSMR-2010-FokinTC #c++ #decompiler #re-engineering #source code- Reconstruction of Class Hierarchies for Decompilation of C++ Programs (AF, KT, AC), pp. 240–243.
ICPC-2010-Mihancea #named #polymorphism #visualisation- Patrools: Visualizing the Polymorphic Usage of Class Hierarchies (PFM), pp. 36–37.
STOC-2010-Aaronson #polynomial- BQP and the polynomial hierarchy (SA), pp. 141–150.
STOC-2010-DellM #polynomial #satisfiability- Satisfiability allows no nontrivial sparsification unless the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses (HD, DvM), pp. 251–260.
DLT-J-2008-KlimaP10- Hierarchies of Piecewise Testable Languages (OK, LP), pp. 517–533.
DLT-2010-BordihnKM #automaton #communication #finite #parallel- Undecidability and Hierarchy Results for Parallel Communicating Finite Automata (HB, MK, AM), pp. 88–99.
DLT-2010-Schluter #automaton #lookahead #on the- On Lookahead Hierarchies for Monotone and Deterministic Restarting Automata with Auxiliary Symbols (Extended Abstract) (NS), pp. 440–441.
ICALP-v2-2010-BraudC #automaton #linear #order- Linear Orders in the Pushdown Hierarchy (LB, AC), pp. 88–99.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-VegettiLH #abstraction- A Three Level Abstraction Hierarchy to Represent Product Structural Information (MV, HPL, GPH), pp. 299–308.
KDD-2010-AgarwalAKK #modelling #multi #scalability- Estimating rates of rare events with multiple hierarchies through scalable log-linear models (DA, RA, RK, NK), pp. 213–222.
SEKE-2010-MarcaciniR #clustering #incremental #topic #using- Incremental Construction of Topic Hierarchies using Hierarchical Term Clustering (RMM, SOR), p. 553.
SIGIR-2010-MingWC #categorisation #clustering #navigation #prototype #web- Prototype hierarchy based clustering for the categorization and navigation of web collections (ZM, KW, TSC), pp. 2–9.
POPL-2010-SchaferM #datalog #type inference- Type inference for datalog with complex type hierarchies (MS, OdM), pp. 145–156.
SAC-2010-DrumondG #concept #logic #markov #ontology #using- Extracting ontology concept hierarchies from text using Markov logic (LD, RG), pp. 1354–1358.
SAC-2010-NaceraHAM #ad hoc #clustering #network- A new two level hierarchy structuring for node partitioning in ad hoc networks (BN, HG, HA, MM), pp. 719–726.
SAC-2010-Volz #metamodelling #representation- A meta model for representing arbitrary meta model hierarchies (BV), pp. 2371–2372.
SPLC-2010-BagheriAGS #process- Stratified Analytic Hierarchy Process: Prioritization and Selection of Software Features (EB, MA, DG, SS), pp. 300–315.
HPDC-2010-KandemirMKS #multi- Computation mapping for multi-level storage cache hierarchies (MTK, SPM, MK, SWS), pp. 179–190.
LICS-2010-He #finite #first-order #on the #quantifier #strict- On the Strictness of the First-Order Quantifier Structure Hierarchy over Finite Structures (YH), pp. 170–178.
ASE-2009-WongCVSS #design #development #parallel- Design Rule Hierarchies and Parallelism in Software Development Tasks (SW, YC, GV, GS, KS), pp. 197–208.
DATE-2009-GuoS #bound #design #distributed #optimisation #using- Optimizing the HW/SW boundary of an ECC SoC design using control hierarchy and distributed storage (XG, PS), pp. 454–459.
DATE-2009-MarongiuB #memory management #performance- Efficient OpenMP support and extensions for MPSoCs with explicitly managed memory hierarchy (AM, LB), pp. 809–814.
CSMR-2009-MihanceaM #comprehension- Discovering Comprehension Pitfalls in Class Hierarchies (PFM, RM), pp. 7–16.
WCRE-1999-BernardiL99a #analysis #identification #named #object-oriented- ConAn: A Tool for the Identification of Crosscutting Concerns in Object Oriented Systems Based on Type Hierarchy Analysis (MLB, GADL), pp. 319–320.
STOC-2009-Tulsiani #csp #reduction- CSP gaps and reductions in the lasserre hierarchy (MT), pp. 303–312.
LATA-2009-Onodera #locality #using- New Morphic Characterizations of Languages in Chomsky Hierarchy Using Insertion and Locality (KO), pp. 648–659.
HIMI-II-2009-ZhouH #3d #multi #research #visualisation- Multi-hierarchy Information Visualization Research Based on Three-Dimensional Display of Products System (HZ, WH), pp. 287–294.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-DronavajjalaNS #analysis #enterprise #identification #process #project management #relational- Identification of Critical Success Factors to ERP Project Management — An Application of Grey Relational Analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process (CSD, SN, RS), pp. 187–192.
CIKM-2009-DewriRRW #identification #named- POkA: identifying pareto-optimal k-anonymous nodes in a domain hierarchy lattice (RD, IR, IR, DW), pp. 1037–1046.
ECIR-2009-KarimzadehganWR #using- Enhancing Expert Finding Using Organizational Hierarchies (MK, RWW, MR), pp. 177–188.
ECIR-2009-StathopoulosJ #automation #image- Bayesian Mixture Hierarchies for Automatic Image Annotation (VS, JMJ), pp. 138–149.
SIGIR-2009-PascaA #concept #information retrieval #web- Web-derived resources for web information retrieval: from conceptual hierarchies to attribute hierarchies (MP, EA), pp. 596–603.
HPCA-2009-MadanZMUBIMN #3d #capacity #communication #configuration management #optimisation- Optimizing communication and capacity in a 3D stacked reconfigurable cache hierarchy (NM, LZ, NM, ANU, RB, RI, SM, DN), pp. 262–274.
HPDC-2009-LiSDZ #parallel #performance #predict- Performance prediction based on hierarchy parallel features captured in multi-processing system (JL, FS, ND, QZ), pp. 63–64.
PPoPP-2009-SchneiderYRLSN #comparison #memory management #modelling #multi #programming- A comparison of programming models for multiprocessors with explicitly managed memory hierarchies (SS, JSY, BR, JCL, AS, DSN), pp. 131–140.
CSL-2009-DuparcFM #automaton #decidability #game studies #linear #problem- Linear Game Automata: Decidable Hierarchy Problems for Stripped-Down Alternating Tree Automata (JD, AF, FM), pp. 225–239.
ICST-2009-KaminskiA09a #fault #logic #mutation testing #performance #testing #using- Using a Fault Hierarchy to Improve the Efficiency of DNF Logic Mutation Testing (GKK, PA), pp. 386–395.
DATE-2008-RoxE #modelling- Modeling Event Stream Hierarchies with Hierarchical Event Models (JR, RE), pp. 492–497.
SIGMOD-2008-BansalGK #ad hoc- Ad-hoc aggregations of ranked lists in the presence of hierarchies (NB, SG, NK), pp. 67–78.
VLDB-2008-SoundararajanCSA #clustering- Dynamic partitioning of the cache hierarchy in shared data centers (GS, JC, MAS, CA), pp. 635–646.
ICPC-2008-DenierG #metric #named- Mendel: A Model, Metrics, and Rules to Understand Class Hierarchies (SD, YGG), pp. 143–152.
SCAM-2008-Mihancea #approach #re-engineering #visual notation- Type Highlighting: A Client-Driven Visual Approach for Class Hierarchies Reengineering (PFM), pp. 207–216.
DLT-J-2007-Selivanov08- Fine Hierarchy of Regular Aperiodic ω-Languages (VLS), pp. 649–675.
DLT-2008-KlimaP- Hierarchies of Piecewise Testable Languages (OK, LP), pp. 479–490.
ICALP-B-2008-ColcombetL #automaton #nondeterminism- The Non-deterministic Mostowski Hierarchy and Distance-Parity Automata (TC, CL), pp. 398–409.
SIGAda-2008-Moore #ada #using- A buffer container class hierarchy using Ada 2005 (BJM), pp. 57–74.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-SalemGB #concept #modelling #multi #specification #verification- Multi-Dimensional Modeling — Formal Specification and Verification of the Hierarchy Concept (AS, FG, HBA), pp. 317–322.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-PivetaMPAGP #process #ranking #refactoring #using- Ranking Refactoring Patterns Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (EKP, AMDM, MSP, JA, PG, RTP), pp. 195–200.
CIKM-2008-ChemuduguntaSS #concept #modelling #statistics #topic- Combining concept hierarchies and statistical topic models (CC, PS, MS), pp. 1469–1470.
ICML-2008-MehtaRTD #automation- Automatic discovery and transfer of MAXQ hierarchies (NM, SR, PT, TGD), pp. 648–655.
ICPR-2008-ScalzoBNLT #classification #gender- Feature Fusion Hierarchies for gender classification (FS, GB, MN, LAL, AT), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-CaroCS #using- Using tagflake for condensing navigable tag hierarchies from tag clouds (LDC, KSC, MLS), pp. 1069–1072.
SIGIR-2008-XueXYY #classification #scalability- Deep classification in large-scale text hierarchies (GRX, DX, QY, YY), pp. 619–626.
POPL-2008-AlaviGG #encoding- Extensible encoding of type hierarchies (HSA, SG, RG), pp. 349–358.
SAC-2008-JermannH #approach #constraints #geometry #sketching- A constraint hierarchies approach to geometric constraints on sketches (CJ, HH), pp. 1843–1844.
SAC-2008-SchroederM #logic #xml- Conversion of generalization hierarchies and union types from extended entity-relationship model to an XML logical model (RS, RdSM), pp. 1036–1037.
HPDC-2008-YouseffSYDW #algebra #kernel #linear #memory management- The impact of paravirtualized memory hierarchy on linear algebra computational kernels and software (LY, KS, HY, JD, RW), pp. 141–152.
PPoPP-2008-HoustonPRKFADH #interface #memory management #multi #runtime- A portable runtime interface for multi-level memory hierarchies (MH, JYP, MR, TJK, KF, AA, WJD, PH), pp. 143–152.
PPoPP-2008-TanFZRG #architecture #experience #manycore #memory management #optimisation- Experience on optimizing irregular computation for memory hierarchy in manycore architecture (GT, DF, JZ, AR, GRG), pp. 279–280.
DATE-2007-GeWL #configuration management #embedded #memory management #named #power management- DRIM: a low power dynamically reconfigurable instruction memory hierarchy for embedded systems (ZG, WFW, HBL), pp. 1343–1348.
DATE-2007-MilidonisAPMKG #architecture #interactive #memory management- Interactive presentation: A decoupled architecture of processors with scratch-pad memory hierarchy (AM, NA, VP, HM, AK, CEG), pp. 612–617.
MSR-2007-RysselbergheD #inheritance #version control- Studying Versioning Information to Understand Inheritance Hierarchy Changes (FVR, SD), p. 16.
DLT-2007-Selivanov- Fine Hierarchy of Regular Aperiodic ω-Languages (VLS), pp. 399–410.
GT-VMT-2007-SheehanGQ #graph- Imposing Hierarchy on a Graph (BS, BG, AJQ).
HCI-IPT-2007-LeeP #mobile- An Improved Model to Evaluate Menu Hierarchies for Mobile Phones (JL, DP), pp. 401–407.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-FavreBB #approach- Dimension hierarchies updates in data warehouses — a user-driven approach (CF, FB, OB), pp. 206–211.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-MalinowskiZ #implementation- Implementing spatial datawarehouse hierarchies in object-relational DBMSs (EM, EZ), pp. 186–191.
CIKM-2007-EavisT #named #performance- Mapgraph: efficient methods for complex olap hierarchies (TE, AT), pp. 465–474.
KDD-2007-FungYLY- Time-dependent event hierarchy construction (GPCF, JXY, HL, PSY), pp. 300–309.
PPoPP-2007-KnightPRHEFADH #compilation #memory management- Compilation for explicitly managed memory hierarchies (TJK, JYP, MR, MH, ME, KF, AA, WJD, PH), pp. 226–236.
CSL-2007-WeisI #strict #theorem #word- Structure Theorem and Strict Alternation Hierarchy for FO2 on Words (PW, NI), pp. 343–357.
CBSE-2006-CangussuCW #component #multi #process #using- Multi Criteria Selection of Components Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (JWC, KMLC, WEW), pp. 67–81.
DAC-2006-IsseninBDD #analysis #memory management #multi #reuse- Multiprocessor system-on-chip data reuse analysis for exploring customized memory hierarchies (II, EB, BD, ND), pp. 49–52.
DAC-2006-LoiASLSB #3d #analysis #performance- A thermally-aware performance analysis of vertically integrated (3-D) processor-memory hierarchy (GLL, BA, NS, SCL, TS, KB), pp. 991–996.
DATE-2006-PatelSB #behaviour #design- Heterogeneous behavioral hierarchy for system level designs (HDP, SKS, RAB), pp. 565–570.
DATE-2006-SehgalGMC #design #framework- Hierarchy-aware and area-efficient test infrastructure design for core-based system chips (AS, SKG, EJM, KC), pp. 285–290.
DATE-2006-ThornbergO #memory management #realtime #specification #video- Impact of bit-width specification on the memory hierarchy for a real-time video processing system (BT, MO), pp. 752–753.
ICPC-2006-Mihancea #towards- Towards a Client Driven Characterization of Class Hierarchies (PFM), pp. 285–294.
DLT-2006-GlasserTW #polynomial- Perfect Correspondences Between Dot-Depth and Polynomial-Time Hierarchy (CG, SDT, KWW), pp. 408–419.
DLT-2006-Maletti #revisited- Hierarchies of Tree Series Transformations Revisited (AM), pp. 215–225.
ICALP-v2-2006-Murlak- The Wadge Hierarchy of Deterministic Tree Languages (FM), pp. 408–419.
EDOC-2006-SunMY #approach #flexibility #novel #workflow- A Novel Approach for Role Hierarchies in Flexible RBAC Workflow (YS, XM, FY), pp. 488–491.
ICPR-v1-2006-YousfiACC #database #image #learning- Supervised Learning for Guiding Hierarchy Construction: Application to Osteo-Articular Medical Images Database (KY, CA, JPC, JC), pp. 484–487.
SEKE-2006-TylerS #automation #control flow #inheritance #monitoring- Automatic Monitoring of Control-flow Through Inheritance Hierarchies (BT, NS), pp. 355–358.
SEKE-2006-YinW #programming- Organizational Programming: Hierarchy Software Construction (ZY, JW), pp. 182–187.
CGO-2006-SuL- Dynamic Class Hierarchy Mutation (LS, MHL), pp. 98–110.
HPDC-2006-SilbersteinGSL #execution #grid #multi #scheduling- Scheduling Mixed Workloads in Multi-grids: The Grid Execution Hierarchy (MS, DG, AS, ML), pp. 291–302.
LICS-2006-PanV #parametricity- Fixed-Parameter Hierarchies inside PSPACE (GP, MYV), pp. 27–36.
VMCAI-2006-LogozzoC #abstract interpretation #refactoring #semantics- Semantic Hierarchy Refactoring by Abstract Interpretation (FL, AC), pp. 313–331.
DATE-2005-WehmeyerM #embedded #memory management #predict- nfluence of Memory Hierarchies on Predictability for Time Constrained Embedded Software (LW, PM), pp. 600–605.
CSMR-2005-ArevaloDN #dependence- Discovering Unanticipated Dependency Schemas in Class Hierarchies (GA, SD, ON), pp. 62–71.
CSMR-2005-GirbaLD #evolution- Characterizing the Evolution of Class Hierarchies (TG, ML, SD), pp. 2–11.
STOC-2005-AlekhnovichAT #towards- Towards strong nonapproximability results in the Lovasz-Schrijver hierarchy (MA, SA, IT), pp. 294–303.
STOC-2005-FortnowST #semantics- Hierarchies for semantic classes (LF, RS, LT), pp. 348–355.
DLT-J-2004-BorchertLSTT05 #polynomial- The dot-depth and the polynomial hierarchies correspond on the delta levels (BB, KJL, FS, PT, DT), pp. 625–644.
DLT-J-2004-DassowH05 #problem #product line- Language families defined by a ciliate bio-operation: hierarchies and decision problems (JD, MH), pp. 645–662.
ICALP-2005-DiehlM #bound #polynomial #random- Time-Space Lower Bounds for the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy on Randomized Machines (SD, DvM), pp. 982–993.
CAiSE-2005-CabibboC #inheritance #relational #tool support- Managing Inheritance Hierarchies in Object/Relational Mapping Tools (LC, AC), pp. 135–150.
CIKM-2005-BotWCL #automation #classification #concept #documentation #generative #using- Generating better concept hierarchies using automatic document classification (RSB, YfBW, XC, QL), pp. 281–282.
MLDM-2005-ScalzoP #learning #visual notation- Unsupervised Learning of Visual Feature Hierarchies (FS, JHP), pp. 243–252.
SEKE-2005-GuanG #constraints #using #web #web service- Dealing with Web Service QoS factors using Constraint Hierarchy (YG, AKG), pp. 578–583.
ECOOP-2005-LamP #consistency #diagrams #statechart- Consistency Checking of Statechart Diagrams of a Class Hierarchy (VSWL, JAP), pp. 412–427.
SAC-2005-KatayamaKN #learning #process- Reinforcement learning agents with primary knowledge designed by analytic hierarchy process (KK, TK, HN), pp. 14–21.
CGO-2005-ChenCH #empirical #memory management #modelling #multi- Combining Models and Guided Empirical Search to Optimize for Multiple Levels of the Memory Hierarchy (CC, JC, MWH), pp. 111–122.
HPCA-2005-HallnorR #memory management- A Unified Compressed Memory Hierarchy (EGH, SKR), pp. 201–212.
DATE-DF-2004-DaglioIRRS #component #performance #simulation- Building the Hierarchy from a Flat Netlist for a Fast and Accurate Post-Layout Simulation with Parasitic Components (PD, DI, DR, CR, SS), pp. 336–337.
DATE-v1-2004-IsseninBMD #analysis #memory management #reuse- Data Reuse Analysis Technique for Software-Controlled Memory Hierarchies (II, EB, MM, ND), pp. 202–207.
DATE-v1-2004-VianaBRAA #design #memory management #modelling #simulation- Modeling and Simulating Memory Hierarchies in a Platform-Based Design Methodology (PV, EB, SR, RA, GA), pp. 734–735.
DATE-v1-2004-ZhangV #memory management #using- Using a Victim Buffer in an Application-Specific Memory Hierarchy (CZ, FV), pp. 220–227.
SIGMOD-2004-JagadishLSSW #xml- Colorful XML: One Hierarchy Isn’t Enough (HVJ, LVSL, MS, DS, NW), pp. 251–262.
ICSM-2004-SalahM- A Hierarchy of Dynamic Software Views: From Object-Interactions to Feature-Interactions (MS, SM), pp. 72–81.
PEPM-2004-LawallMD #design #implementation #process #scheduling- Invited application paper: language design for implementing process scheduling hierarchies (JLL, GM, HD), pp. 80–91.
DLT-2004-BorchertLSTT #polynomial- The Dot-Depth and the Polynomial Hierarchy Correspond on the Delta Levels (BB, KJL, FS, PT, DT), pp. 89–101.
DLT-2004-BordihnHK #automaton #geometry- Input Reversals and Iterated Pushdown Automata: A New Characterization of Khabbaz Geometric Hierarchy of Languages (HB, MH, MK), pp. 102–113.
ICALP-2004-Toftdal #analysis #effectiveness #logic #theorem- A Calibration of Ineffective Theorems of Analysis in a Hierarchy of Semi-classical Logical Principles: (Extended Abstract) (MT), pp. 1188–1200.
CHI-2004-BaudischPB #usability #user interface- Flat volume control: improving usability by hiding the volume control hierarchy in the user interface (PB, JP, SB), pp. 255–262.
CAiSE-2004-MalinowskiZ #concept #perspective- OLAP Hierarchies: A Conceptual Perspective (EM, EZ), pp. 477–491.
ICEIS-v2-2004-FotzoG #documentation #information management #topic- Information Access via Topic Hierarchies and Thematic Annotations from Document Collections (HNF, PG), pp. 69–76.
CIKM-2004-ChuangC #approach #generative #topic- A practical web-based approach to generating topic hierarchy for text segments (SLC, LFC), pp. 127–136.
KR-2004-KaneiwaM #knowledge base #ontology #reasoning- Ontological Knowledge Base Reasoning with Sort-Hierarchy and Rigidity (KK, RM), pp. 278–288.
OOPSLA-2004-FactorSS #approach #library #object-oriented #standard- Instrumentation of standard libraries in object-oriented languages: the twin class hierarchy approach (MF, AS, KS), pp. 288–300.
OOPSLA-2004-StreckenbachS #refactoring- Refactoring class hierarchies with KABA (MS, GS), pp. 315–330.
SAC-2004-ChenC #database #graph #object-oriented- Signature file hierarchies and signature graphs: a new index method for object-oriented databases (YC, YC), pp. 724–728.
SAC-2004-KatsarosM #memory management #web- Caching in Web memory hierarchies (DK, YM), pp. 1109–1113.
CSL-2004-Kameyama #axiom #continuation- Axioms for Delimited Continuations in the CPS Hierarchy (YK), pp. 442–457.
LICS-2004-AkamaBHK- An Arithmetical Hierarchy of the Law of Excluded Middle and Related Principles (YA, SB, SH, UK), pp. 192–201.
FoSSaCS-2003-ArnoldS #ambiguity #calculus #game studies #μ-calculus- Ambiguous Classes in the Games μ-Calculus Hierarchy (AA, LS), pp. 70–86.
CIAA-2003-KellyC #finite #state machine- Computational Linguistic Motivations for a Finite-State Machine Hierarchy (RK, JCB), pp. 301–303.
DLT-2003-Otto #automaton- Restarting Automata and Their Relations to the Chomsky Hierarchy (FO), pp. 55–74.
ICALP-2003-Cachat #automaton #game studies #graph #higher-order- Higher Order Pushdown Automata, the Caucal Hierarchy of Graphs and Parity Games (TC), pp. 556–569.
CIKM-2003-ChengC #image #topic #web- Auto-generation of topic hierarchies for web images from users’ perspectives (PJC, LFC), pp. 544–547.
CIKM-2003-Sifer #coordination #interface #visual notation- A visual interface technique for exploring OLAP data with coordinated dimension hierarchies (MS), pp. 532–535.
ECIR-2003-Pons-PorrataLR #library #topic- Building a Hierarchy of Events and Topics for Newspaper Digital Libraries (APP, RBL, JRS), pp. 588–596.
SEKE-2003-Agren #concept #database #named #performance- CHiC: A Fast Concept Hierarchy Constructor for Discrete or Mixed Mode Databases (OÅ), pp. 250–258.
SIGIR-2003-ChoiK #concept #topic #using- Topic distillation using hierarchy concept tree (IC, MK), pp. 371–372.
SIGIR-2003-LiZO #generative #linear #topic- Topic hierarchy generation via linear discriminant projection (TL, SZ, MO), pp. 421–422.
SIGIR-2003-NanasUR #concept #representation- Building and applying a concept hierarchy representation of a user profile (NN, VSU, ANDR), pp. 198–204.
ECOOP-2003-Ernst #higher-order- Higher-Order Hierarchies (EE), pp. 303–328.
CGO-2003-MaratheMMSMY #memory management #metric #named- METRIC: Tracking Down Inefficiencies in the Memory Hierarchy via Binary Rewriting (JM, FM, TM, BRdS, SAM, AY), pp. 289–300.
CSL-2003-ChenF- Machine Characterization of the Classes of the W-Hierarchy (YC, JF), pp. 114–127.
LICS-2003-Hunter- Spectrum Hierarchies and Subdiagonal Functions (AH), pp. 281–290.
RTA-2003-MoserW- Relating Derivation Lengths with the Slow-Growing Hierarchy Directly (GM, AW), pp. 296–310.
DAC-2002-KandemirC #design #memory management- Compiler-directed scratch pad memory hierarchy design and management (MTK, ANC), pp. 628–633.
ICALP-2002-Bala #regular expression- Intersection of Regular Languages and Star Hierarchy (SB), pp. 159–169.
ICALP-2002-FantozziPP #integration #memory management #parallel- Seamless Integration of Parallelism and Memory Hierarchy (CF, AP, GP), pp. 856–867.
CHI-2002-RobertsonCCR #multi #visualisation- Polyarchy visualization: visualizing multiple intersecting hierarchies (GGR, KC, MC, DCR), pp. 423–430.
ICML-2002-Hengst #learning- Discovering Hierarchy in Reinforcement Learning with HEXQ (BH), pp. 243–250.
ICML-2002-Ryan #automation #behaviour #learning #modelling #using- Using Abstract Models of Behaviours to Automatically Generate Reinforcement Learning Hierarchies (MRKR), pp. 522–529.
ICPR-v3-2002-TsujiZH #modelling- Surface Models Based on Face Hierarchies and Dynamic Control of the Model LODs (TT, HZ, TH), pp. 684–687.
SEKE-2002-Lozano-TelloG #component #how #named #process #using- BAREMO: how to choose the appropriate software component using the analytic hierarchy process (ALT, AGP), pp. 781–788.
UML-2002-FrohlichHS #industrial #modelling #multi #uml #using- Using UML for Information Modeling in Industrial Systems with Multiple Hierarchies (PF, ZH, MS), pp. 63–72.
ECOOP-2002-Filman #encoding- Polychotomic Encoding: A Better Quasi-Optimal Bit-Vector Encoding of Tree Hierarchies (REF), pp. 545–561.
ECOOP-2002-SneltingT #composition #semantics- Semantics-Based Composition of Class Hierarchies (GS, FT), pp. 562–584.
SAC-2002-ChanLMLHL #concept #documentation #mobile #multi #navigation #summary #using- Multiple related document summary and navigation using concept hierarchies for mobile clients (DLC, RWPL, WKM, HVL, EKSH, QL), pp. 627–632.
CAV-2002-AlurMY #behaviour #model checking #performance- Exploiting Behavioral Hierarchy for Efficient Model Checking (RA, MM, ZY), pp. 338–342.
CSL-2002-BerwangerGL #calculus #on the #μ-calculus- On the Variable Hierarchy of the Modal μ-Calculus (DB, EG, GL), pp. 352–366.
WCRE-2001-AlhajjP #database #migration #object-oriented #re-engineering #relational- Reengineering Relational Databases to Object-Oriented: Constructing the Class Hierarchy and Migrating the Data (RA, FP), pp. 335–344.
DLT-2001-BeaudryHNO #on the #product line- On the Relationship between the McNaughton Families of Languages and the Chomsky Hierarchy (MB, MH, GN, FO), pp. 340–348.
DLT-2001-EngelfrietM #string #transducer- Hierarchies of String Languages Generated by Deterministic Tree Transducers (JE, SM), pp. 228–238.
DLT-2001-GlasserS- Level 5/2 of the Straubing-Thérien Hierarchy for Two-Letter Alphabets (CG, HS), pp. 251–261.
ICALP-2001-BilardiP #locality #memory management- A Characterization of Temporal Locality and Its Portability across Memory Hierarchies (GB, EP), pp. 128–139.
ICALP-2001-CaiJ #algorithm- Subexponential Parameterized Algorithms Collapse the W-Hierarchy (LC, DWJ), pp. 273–284.
IFL-2001-Kreye #array #compilation- A Compilation Scheme for a Hierarchy of Array Types (DK), pp. 18–54.
SEKE-2001-Marcos #inheritance #multi #taxonomy- Defining taxonomic hierarchies: their implications for multiple inheritance (EM), pp. 336–340.
ECOOP-2001-RaynaudT #encoding #performance #testing- A Quasi Optimal Bit-Vector Encoding of Tree Hierarchies. Application to Efficient Type Inclusion Tests (OR, ET), pp. 165–180.
HPCA-2001-LinRB #design #memory management- Reducing DRAM Latencies with an Integrated Memory Hierarchy Design (WFL, SKR, DB), pp. 301–312.
HPCA-2001-QiuD #memory management #towards- Towards Virtually-Addressed Memory Hierarchies (XQ, MD), pp. 51–62.
CSL-2001-Finkel #automaton #effectiveness- An Effective Extension of the Wagner Hierarchy to Blind Counter Automata (OF), pp. 369–383.
LICS-2001-ArnoldLM #infinity #monad- The Hierarchy inside Closed Monadic Σ₁ Collapses on the Infinite Binary Tree (AA, GL, JM), pp. 157–166.
LICS-2001-JaninL #calculus #monad #μ-calculus- Relating Levels of the μ-Calculus Hierarchy and Levels of the Monadic Hierarchy (DJ, GL), pp. 347–356.
DATE-2000-HoffmannK #fault #multi- Exploiting Hierarchy for Multiple Error Correction in Combinational Circuits (DWH, TK), p. 758.
VLDB-2000-PedersenJD #reuse- The TreeScape System: Reuse of Pre-Computed Aggregates over Irregular OLAP Hierarchies (TBP, CSJ, CED), pp. 595–598.
PLDI-2000-YiAK #memory management #multi #recursion- Transforming loops to recursion for multi-level memory hierarchies (QY, VSA, KK), pp. 169–181.
ICML-2000-Talavera #concept #feature model #incremental #learning #probability- Feature Selection and Incremental Learning of Probabilistic Concept Hierarchies (LT), pp. 951–958.
ICML-2000-ZupanBBD #concept #induction #semistructured data- Induction of Concept Hierarchies from Noisy Data (BZ, IB, MB, JD), pp. 1199–1206.
ICPR-v1-2000-AyersC #network #recognition #using #video- Scenario Recognition from Video Using a Hierarchy of Dynamic Belief Networks (DA, RC), pp. 1835–1838.
KR-2000-HaarslevM #reasoning #strict #transitive- Expressive ABox Reasoning with Number Restrictions, Role Hierarchies, and Transitively Closed Roles (VH, RM), pp. 273–284.
SAC-2000-AlhajjP- Maximizing Reuseability: Seeking Appropriate Positions for Derived Classes Within the Class Hierarchy (RA, FP), pp. 351–355.
SAC-2000-PsailaL #mining- Hierarchy-based Mining of Association Rules in Data Warehouses (GP, PLL), pp. 307–312.
SPLC-2000-YacoubMKD #certification #off the shelf- A hierarchy of COTS certification criteria (SMY, AM, CK, MD), pp. 397–412.
VLDB-1999-CarinoOBS #database- Active Storage Hierarchy, Database Systems and Applications — Socratic Exegesis (FC, WO, JGB, JHS), pp. 611–614.
VLDB-1999-JagadishLS #question #what- What can Hierarchies do for Data Warehouses? (HVJ, LVSL, DS), pp. 530–541.
ITiCSE-1999-CabezaCR #behaviour #education #memory management #named- CacheSim: a cache simulator for teaching memory hierarchy behaviour (MLCC, MIGC, MLR), p. 181.
ESOP-1999-DanvyY #continuation- An Operational Investigation of the CPS Hierarchy (OD, ZY), pp. 224–242.
STOC-1999-CaiNS #probability #theorem- Hardness and Hierarchy Theorems for Probabilistic Quasi-Polynomial Time (JyC, AN, DS), pp. 726–735.
STOC-1999-KlivansM #graph #morphism #polynomial #proving- Graph Nonisomorphism has Subexponential Size Proofs Unless the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy Collapses (AK, DvM), pp. 659–667.
STOC-1999-Schaefer #graph #polynomial- Graph Ramsey Theory and the Polynomial Hierarchy (MS), pp. 592–601.
HCI-EI-1999-Nyssen #learning #towards- Training Simulators in Anesthesia: Towards a Hierarchy of Learning Situations (ASN), pp. 890–894.
HCI-EI-1999-Risden #towards #web- Towards Usable Browse Hierarchies for the Web (KR), pp. 1098–1102.
ICEIS-1999-NishiokaKKON #data type #inheritance- A High Speed Access Method to Data Structures with Inheritance Hierarchy (SN, FK, JK, MO, JN), pp. 509–516.
CIKM-1999-BommelB #encoding #incremental #inheritance #multi- Incremental Encoding of Multiple Inheritance Hierarchies (MFvB, TJB), pp. 507–513.
CIKM-1999-GeffnerAAS #classification #library #scalability #using- Browsing Large Digital Library Collections Using Classification Hierarchies (SG, DA, AEA, TRS), pp. 195–201.
SIGIR-1999-SandersonC #concept- Deriving Concept Hierarchies from Text (MS, WBC), pp. 206–213.
HPCA-1999-GatlinC #memory management #performance- Memory Hierarchy Considerations for Fast Transpose and Bit-Reversals (KSG, LC), pp. 33–42.
ICLP-1999-KaneiwaT #logic #order- Event, Property, and Hierarchy in Order-Sorted Logic (KK, ST), pp. 94–108.
HT-1998-DurandK #named #visualisation- MAPA: A System for Inducing and Visualizing Hierarchy in Websites (DGD, PK), pp. 66–76.
SIGMOD-1998-ShintaniK #algorithm #classification #mining #parallel- Parallel Mining Algorithms for Generalized Association Rules with Classification Hierarchy (TS, MK), pp. 25–36.
FoSSaCS-1998-AlbayrakN #infinity- The WHILE Hierarchy of Program Schemes Is Infinite (CAA, TN), pp. 35–47.
TACAS-1998-AlurHR- Symbolic Exploration of transition Hierarchies (RA, TAH, SKR), pp. 330–344.
STOC-1998-Thathachar #branch #on the- On Separating the Read-k-Times Branching Program Hierarchy (JST), pp. 653–662.
ICALP-1998-FournetG #calculus- A Hierarchy of Equivalences for Asynchronous Calculi (CF, GG), pp. 844–855.
ICALP-1998-Pin- Bridges for Concatenation Hierarchies (JÉP), pp. 431–442.
CIKM-1998-LukF #database #object-oriented- Triple-Node Hierarchies for Object-Oriented Database Indexing (FHWL, AWCF), pp. 386–397.
ICML-1998-McCallumRMN #classification- Improving Text Classification by Shrinkage in a Hierarchy of Classes (AM, RR, TMM, AYN), pp. 359–367.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-McDonaldS #framework #inheritance #testing- Testing Inheritance Hierarchies in the ClassBench Framework (JM, PAS), p. 229–?.
LOPSTR-1998-GluckHJ #online- Generalization in Hierarchies of Online Program Specialization Systems (RG, JH, JJ), pp. 179–198.
FSE-1998-SneltingT #concept analysis #re-engineering #using- Reengineering Class Hierarchies Using Concept Analysis (GS, FT), pp. 99–110.
ASPLOS-1998-MachanickSP #implementation #memory management #trade-off- Hardware-Software Trade-Offs in a Direct Rambus Implementation of the RAMpage Memory Hierarchy (PM, PS, LP), pp. 105–114.
LICS-1998-JohannsenP #on the #proving- On Proofs about Threshold Circuits and Counting Hierarchies (JJ, CP), pp. 444–452.
ASE-1997-WangPS #automation #c++ #inheritance #object-oriented #testing- An Automated Object-Oriented Testing for C++ Inheritance Hierarchy (CCW, WCP, TKS), pp. 315–316.
DAC-1997-FangW #clustering #design #multi- Multi-Way FPGA Partitioning by Fully Exploiting Design Hierarchy (WJF, ACHW), pp. 518–521.
DAC-1997-KrupnovaAS #clustering- A Hierarchy-Driven FPGA Partitioning Method (HK, AA, GS), pp. 522–525.
ICSM-1997-GirardK #architecture #component #comprehension #towards- Finding Components in a Hierarchy of Modules: a Step towards Architectural Understanding (JFG, RK), pp. 58–65.
STOC-1997-LoH #robust- All of Us are Smarter Than Any of Us: Wait-Free Hierarchies are not Robust (WKL, VH), pp. 579–588.
DLT-1997-RahonisS #algebra- Hierarchies of synchronized and algebraic forests (GR, KS), pp. 447–460.
ICALP-1997-CartonP #set- The Wadge-Wagner Hierarchy of ω-Rational Sets (OC, DP), pp. 17–35.
CIKM-1997-SinghSC #concept #documentation #generative #using- Generating Association Rules from Semi-Structured Documents Using an Extended Concept Hierarchy (LS, PS, BC), pp. 193–200.
KDD-1997-AdomaviciusT #approach #database- Discovery of Actionable Patterns in Databases: The Action Hierarchy Approach (GA, AT), pp. 111–114.
SIGIR-1997-HearstK #interactive #interface #named #retrieval #scalability #specification #using- Cat-a-Cone: An Interactive Interface for Specifying Searches and Viewing Retrieval Results using a Large Category Hierarchy (MAH, CK), pp. 246–255.
OOPSLA-1997-TipS- Class Hierarchy Specialization (FT, PFS), pp. 271–285.
TOOLS-USA-1997-FrigoNZ #generative #robust- Mechanical Generation of Robust Class Hierarchies (JF, RN, WZ), p. 282–?.
HPCA-1997-YangT #memory management #multi- Speeding up the Memory Hierarchy in Flat COMA Multiprocessors (LY, JT), pp. 4–13.
CSL-1997-KupfermanKY #reduction- Existence of Reduction Hierarchies (OK, RPK, MY), pp. 327–340.
CSL-1997-Schweikardt #monad #quantifier- The Monadic Quantifier Alternation Hierarchy over Grids and Pictures (NS), pp. 441–460.
LICS-1997-MatzT #graph #infinity #monad #quantifier- The Monadic Quantifier Alternation Hierarchy over Graphs is Infinite (OM, WT), pp. 236–244.
DAC-1996-KuoLC #clustering #network- Network Partitioning into Tree Hierarchies (MTK, LTL, CKC), pp. 477–482.
VLDB-1996-ShuklaDNR #estimation #multi- Storage Estimation for Multidimensional Aggregates in the Presence of Hierarchies (AS, PD, JFN, KR), pp. 522–531.
ESOP-1996-Rose #functional #linear- Linear Time Hierarchies for a Functional Language Machine Model (ER), pp. 311–325.
STOC-1996-Ogihara- The PL Hierarchy Collapses (MO), pp. 84–88.
ICALP-1996-Lenzi #calculus #theorem #μ-calculus- A Hierarchy Theorem for the μ-Calculus (GL), pp. 87–97.
CAiSE-1996-LammariLJC #constraints #normalisation #using- Deriving Normalized Is_a Hierarchies by Using Applicability Constraints (NL, RL, MJ, XC), pp. 562–580.
ICPR-1996-WeingesselBH- Hierarchies of autoassociators (AW, HB, KH), pp. 200–204.
KR-1996-LeeG #parallel #reasoning #relational #transitive- Parallel Transitive Reasoning in Mixed Relational Hierarchies (YL, JG), pp. 576–587.
SEKE-1996-Hassanein- Class Hierarchy Management System (EH), pp. 38–44.
OOPSLA-1996-Moore #automation #inheritance #refactoring- Automatic Inheritance Hierarchy Restructuring and Method Refactoring (IM), pp. 235–250.
OOPSLA-1996-TipCFR #c++ #slicing- Slicing Class Hierarchies in C++ (FT, JDC, JF, GR), pp. 179–197.
ALP-1996-FagesG #constraints #logic programming #semantics #source code- A Hierarchy of Semantics for Normal Constraint Logic Programs (FF, RG), pp. 77–91.
PLILP-1996-Mateos-LagoR #algebra #inheritance #specification- GOTA Algebras: A Specification Formalism for Inheritance and Object Hierarchies (JML, MRA), pp. 62–76.
CSL-1996-Imhof #aspect-oriented- Computational Aspects of Arity Hierarchies (HI), pp. 211–225.
LICS-1996-EtessamiW #logic- An Until Hierarchy for Temporal Logic (KE, TW), pp. 108–117.
VLDB-1995-GravanoG #database- Generalizing GlOSS to Vector-Space Databases and Broker Hierarchies (LG, HGM), pp. 78–89.
DLT-1995-TipleaE #normalisation #petri net- Hierarchies of Petri Net Languages and a Super-Normal Form (FLT, CE), pp. 396–405.
CHI-1995-LampingRP #geometry #scalability #visualisation- A Focus+Context Technique Based on Hyperbolic Geometry for Visualizing Large Hierarchies (JL, RR, PP), pp. 401–408.
ICML-1995-YamazakiPM #ambiguity #learning #natural language- Learning Hierarchies from Ambiguous Natural Language Data (TY, MJP, CJM), pp. 575–583.
SEKE-1995-ChungWS #object-oriented #testing- A Hierarchy Testing of Object-Oriented Program Structure (CMC, CCW, TKS), pp. 320–327.
ECOOP-1995-DeanGC #analysis #object-oriented #optimisation #source code #using- Optimization of Object-Oriented Programs Using Static Class Hierarchy Analysis (JD, DG, CC), pp. 77–101.
LOPSTR-1995-Gluck #on the #program transformation- On the Mechanics of Metasystem Hierarchies in Program Transformation (RG), pp. 234–251.
VLDB-1994-ChawatheCY #on the- On Index Selection Schemes for Nested Object Hierarchies (SSC, MSC, PSY), pp. 331–341.
VLDB-1994-XieH #database #object-oriented #performance- Join Index Hierarchies for Supporting Efficient Navigations in Object-Oriented Databases (ZX, JH), pp. 522–533.
STOC-1994-BodlaenderFH #bound #problem- Beyond NP-completeness for problems of bounded width: hardness for the W hierarchy (HLB, MRF, MTH), pp. 449–458.
CIKM-1994-LehmannC #integration #prototype #reliability #semantics #using- The EGG/YOLK Reliability Hierarchy : Semantic Data Integration Using Sorts with Prototypes (FL, AGC), pp. 272–279.
KDD-1994-HanF #concept #database #generative #information management #refinement- Dynamic Generation and Refinement of Concept Hierarchies for Knowledge Discovery in Databases (JH, YF), pp. 157–168.
KDD-1994-TroxelSZZ #concept- From Law-Like Knowledge to Concept Hierarchies in Data (MT, KS, RZ, JMZ), pp. 193–204.
KR-1994-PadghamL #framework #logic- A Framework for Part-of Hierarchies in Terminological Logics (LP, PL), pp. 485–496.
CIKM-1993-AzarbodP #concept #incremental #integration #using- Building Concept Hierarchies for Schema Integration in HDDBS Using Incremental Concept Formation (CA, WP), pp. 732–734.
CIKM-1993-HalperGP #database #object-oriented- Value Propagation in Object-Oriented Database Part Hierarchies (MH, JG, YP), pp. 606–614.
ICML-1993-Ellman #abstraction #approximate #clustering #constraints #synthesis- Synthesis of Abstraction Hierarchies for Constraint Satisfaction by Clustering Approximately Equivalent Objects (TE), pp. 104–111.
OOPSLA-1993-Caseau #inheritance #multi #performance- Efficient Handling of Multiple Inheritance Hierarchies (YC), pp. 271–287.
OOPSLA-1993-GodinM #maintenance #using- Building and Maintaining Analysis-Level Class Hierarchies Using Galois Lattices (RG, HM), pp. 394–410.
TOOLS-USA-1993-MinginsDS #analysis #eiffel #metric- Collection and Analysis of Software Metrics from the Eiffel Class Hierarchy (CM, BD, GS), pp. 427–435.
RE-1993-Easterbrook #domain model #modelling- Domain modelling with hierarchies of alternative viewpoints (SME), pp. 65–72.
CSL-1993-Grohe #bound #fixpoint #logic- Bounded-Arity Hierarchies in Fixed-Point Logics (MG), pp. 150–164.
ICALP-1992-SheuL- UP and the Low and High Hierarchies: A Relativized Separation (MJS, TJL), pp. 174–185.
ECOOP-1992-McCue #object-oriented #transaction- Developing a Class Hierarchy for Object-Oriented Transaction Processing (DLM), pp. 413–426.
OOPSLA-1992-OssherH #inheritance- Combination of Inheritance Hierarchies (HO, WHH), pp. 25–40.
LICS-1992-Hella #logic- Logical Hierarchies in PTIME (LH), pp. 360–368.
KR-1991-DavisC #clustering- Clustering Temporal Intervals To Generate Reference Hierarchies (WSD, JRC), pp. 111–117.
ECOOP-1991-WolinskiP #multi #representation- Representation of Complex Objects: Multiple Facets with Part-Whole Hierarchies (FW, JFP), pp. 288–306.
TOOLS-USA-1991-PaulaN #design- Designing a Class Hierarchy (EGdP, MLN), pp. 203–218.
CSL-1991-Seibert #quantifier #word- Quantifier Hierarchies over Word Relations (SS), pp. 329–352.
LICS-1991-Statman #combinator #monad- Freyd’s Hierarchy of Combinator Monoids (RS), pp. 186–190.
DAC-1990-Marple- A Hierarchy Preserving Hierarchical Compactor (DM), pp. 375–381.
ECHT-1990-StottsF #composition #hypermedia #scripting language- Hierarchy, Composition, Scripting Languages, and Translators for Structured Hypertext (PDS, RF), pp. 180–193.
VLDB-1990-NodineZ #design #transaction- Cooperative Transaction Hierarchies: A Transaction Model to Support Design Applications (MHN, SBZ), pp. 83–94.
OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-Berlin #case study #experience #multi #reuse- When Objects Collide: Experiences with Reusing Multiple Class Hierarchies (LMB), pp. 181–193.
WAGA-1990-AkkerMT #attribute grammar- The Hierarchy of LR-Attributed Grammars (RodA, BM, JT), pp. 13–28.
NACLP-1990-BugliesiLM #logic #partial evaluation- Partial Evaluation for Hierarchies of Logic Theories (MB, EL, PM), pp. 359–376.
HT-1989-CrouchCA #clustering #hypermedia #information retrieval- The Use of Cluster Hierarchies in Hypertext Information Retrieval (DBC, CJC, GA), pp. 225–237.
PODS-1989-Borgida #inheritance #query #strict #type system- Type Systems for Querying Class Hierarchies with Non-strict Inheritance (AB), pp. 394–400.
PODS-1989-DublishM #bound #fixpoint #query- Expressibility of Bounded-Arity Fixed-Point Query Hierarchies (PD, SNM), pp. 324–335.
SIGMOD-1989-Jagadish #relational- Incorporating Hierarchy in a Relational Model of Data (HVJ), pp. 78–87.
ICALP-1989-AllenderH #bound- Lower Bounds for the Low Hierarchy (Extended Abstract) (EA, LAH), pp. 31–45.
ML-1989-AllenL #concept #using- Using Concept Hierarchies to Organize Plan Knowledge (JAA, PL), pp. 229–231.
ML-1989-Knoblock #abstraction #learning- Learning Hierarchies of Abstraction Spaces (CAK), pp. 241–245.
ECOOP-1989-MadanyCRL #file system- A Class Hierarchy for Building Stream-Oriented File Systems (PM, RHC, VFR, DEL), pp. 311–328.
NACLP-1989-WilsonB #comparison #constraints #logic programming- Extending Hierarchical Constraint Logic Programming: Nonmonotonicity and Inter-Hierarchy Comparison (MW, AB), pp. 3–19.
DAC-1988-BeattyB #analysis #incremental #performance #using- Fast Incremental Circuit Analysis Using Extracted Hierarchy (DLB, REB), pp. 495–500.
SIGMOD-1988-Borgida #modelling- Modeling Class Hierarchies with Contradictions (AB), pp. 434–443.
STOC-1988-Ko- Relativized Polynominal Time Hierarchies Having Exactly K Levels (KIK), pp. 245–253.
ML-1988-Kerber #using- Using a Generalization Hierarchy to Learn from Examples (RK), pp. 1–7.
ECOOP-1988-Knudsen #classification #multi- Name Collision in Multiple Classification Hierarchies (JLK), pp. 93–109.
DAC-1987-RosenthalH #approach #knowledge-based #query- Querying Part Hierarchies: A Knowledge-Based Approach (AR, SH), pp. 328–334.
STOC-1987-Hemachandra #exponential- The Strong Exponential Hierarchy Collapses (LAH), pp. 110–122.
ICALP-1987-LangeJK- The Logarithmic Alternation Hierarchy Collapses: AΣᴸ₂=AΠᴸ₂ (KJL, BJ, BK), pp. 531–541.
ECOOP-1987-BlakeC #implementation #object-oriented #on the #smalltalk- On Including Part Hierarchies in Object-Oriented Languages with an Implementation in Smalltalk (EHB, SC), pp. 41–50.
ECOOP-1987-WilliamsWH #memory management #object-oriented- Dynamic Grouping in an Object-Oriented Virtual Memory Hierarchy (IW, MW, TH), pp. 79–88.
OOPSLA-1987-BorningDFKW #constraints- Constraint Hierarchies (AB, RD, BNFB, AK, MW), pp. 48–60.
LICS-1987-KfouryTU #functional #source code- The Hierarchy of Finitely Typed Functional Programs (Short Version) (AJK, JT, PU), pp. 225–235.
DAC-1986-LukTW #design- Hierarchial global wiring for custom chip design (WKL, DTT, CKW), pp. 481–489.
SIGMOD-1986-DadamKABEGLPW #prototype- A DBMS Prototype to Support Extended NF2 Relations: An Integrated View on Flat Tables and Hierarchies (PD, KK, FA, HMB, RE, JG, VYL, PP, GW), pp. 356–367.
STOC-1986-Cai #polynomial #probability #random- With Probability One, A Random Oracle Separates PSPACE from the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy (JyC), pp. 21–29.
DAC-1985-TygarE #comparison #performance #using- Efficient netlist comparison using hierarchy and randomization (JDT, RE), pp. 702–708.
STOC-1985-Buss #bound #polynomial- The Polynomial Hierarchy and Fragments of Bounded Arithmetic (Extended Abstract) (SRB), pp. 285–290.
ICALP-1985-Chrobak #automaton #multi- Hierarchies of One-Way Multihead Automata Languages (MC), pp. 101–110.
ICALP-1984-Vitanyi #realtime- The Simple Roots of Real-Time Computation Hierarchies (Preliminary Version) (PMBV), pp. 486–489.
POPL-1984-Sherman #abstraction #named #novel- Paragon: Novel Uses of Type Hierarchies for Data Abstraction (MS), pp. 208–217.
PODS-1983-Carey #concurrent- Granularity Hierarchies in Concurrency Control (MJC), pp. 156–165.
VLDB-1983-Dayal #multi #query- Processing Queries Over Generalization Hierarchies in a Multidatabase System (UD), pp. 342–353.
STOC-1983-Myers #random- The Random Access Hierarchy (Preliminary Report) (DM), pp. 355–364.
PODS-1982-ChandraH #fixpoint #horn clause #query- Horn Clauses and the Fixpoint Query Hierarchy (AKC, DH), pp. 158–163.
STOC-1982-Furer- The Tight Deterministic Time Hierarchy (MF), pp. 8–16.
STOC-1982-RuzzoST #bound #probability- Space-Bounded Hierarchies and Probabilistic Computations (WLR, JS, MT), pp. 215–223.
ICALP-1982-DammG- An Automata-Theoretic Characterization of the OI-Hierarchy (WD, AG), pp. 141–153.
DAC-1980-KoppelmanM #logic #verification- Verifying deep logic hierarchies with ALEX (GMK, KM), pp. 328–335.
ICALP-1979-KamimuraS #graph- DAGs and Chomsky Hierarchy (Extended Abstract) (TK, GS), pp. 331–337.
SIGMOD-1978-LeeG #semantics- Extended Semantics for Generalization Hierarchies (RML, RG), pp. 18–25.
STOC-1978-CaseS #induction- Anomaly Hierarchies of Mechanized Inductive Inference (JC, CS), pp. 314–319.
SIGMOD-1977-WongE- Interval Hierarchies and Their Application to Predicate Files (Abstract) (KCW, ME), p. 168.
STOC-1977-Paul #on the- On Time Hierarchies (WJP), pp. 218–222.
STOC-1976-MachteyY- Simple Gödel Numberings, Translations, and the P-Hierarchy (MM, PY), pp. 236–243.
SOSP-J-1975-HabermannFC76 #composition #operating system #product line- Modularization and Hierarchy in a Family of Operating Systems (ANH, LF, LWC), pp. 266–272.
STOC-1975-LiptonD #complexity #evaluation #integer #metric- Complexity Measures and Hierarchies for the Evaluation of Integers, Polynomials, and n-linear Forms (RJL, DPD), pp. 1–5.
STOC-1972-Cook #complexity #nondeterminism- A Hierarchy for Nondeterministic Time Complexity (SAC), pp. 187–192.
ICALP-1972-HenkeIW #automaton #recursion- Hierarchies of Primitive Recursive Wordfunctions and Transductions Defined by Automata (FWvH, KI, KW), pp. 549–561.
ICALP-1972-Turner #approach #complexity #infinity- An Infinite Hierarchy of Term Languages — An Approach to Mathematical Complexity (RT), pp. 593–608.
SIGFIDET-1970-BracchiFS #data type #multi- A Multilevel Data Structure for Complex Hierarchies of Interrelated Data (GB, DF, MS), pp. 246–275.
STOC-1970-BassY #complexity #set- Hierarchies Based on Computational Complexity and Irregularities of Class Determining Measured Sets (Preliminary Report) (LJB, PRY), pp. 37–40.
STOC-1970-Cudia #decidability #problem- The Degree Hierarchy of Undecidable Problems of Formal Grammars (DFC), pp. 10–21.