Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × Russia
1 × United Kingdom
8 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Aiken A.V.Nori E.Schkufza B.R.Churchill S.Gupta B.Hariharan M.Bauer Z.Pavlinovic A.Lal S.K.Lahiri K.L.McMillan C.Hawblitzel I.Dillig T.Dillig A.B.Kahng S.Muddu E.Sarto P.Liang
Talks about:
invari (4) program (3) verif (3) check (3) superoptim (2) stochast (2) driven (2) infer (2) loop (2) data (2)
Person: Rahul Sharma
DBLP: Sharma:Rahul
Contributed to:
Wrote 15 papers:
- OOPSLA-2015-0001SCA
- Conditionally correct superoptimization (RS, ES, BRC, AA), pp. 147–162.
- PLDI-2015-SharmaBA #gpu #source code #verification
- Verification of producer-consumer synchronization in GPU programs (RS, MB, AA), pp. 88–98.
- CAV-2014-0001A #invariant #random #using
- From Invariant Checking to Invariant Inference Using Randomized Search (RS, AA), pp. 88–105.
- PLDI-2014-Schkufza0A #float #optimisation #precise #probability #source code
- Stochastic optimization of floating-point programs with tunable precision (ES, RS, AA), p. 9.
- POPL-2014-SharmaNA #program analysis #trade-off
- Bias-variance tradeoffs in program analysis (RS, AVN, AA), pp. 127–138.
- ASPLOS-2013-Schkufza0A #probability
- Stochastic superoptimization (ES, RS, AA), pp. 305–316.
- ESEC-FSE-2013-LahiriMSH #difference
- Differential assertion checking (SKL, KLM, RS, CH), pp. 345–355.
- ESEC-FSE-2013-Nori0 #proving #termination #testing
- Termination proofs from tests (AVN, RS), pp. 246–256.
- ESOP-2013-SharmaGHALN #algebra #approach #data-driven #invariant
- A Data Driven Approach for Algebraic Loop Invariants (RS, SG, BH, AA, PL, AVN), pp. 574–592.
- OOPSLA-2013-SharmaSCA #data-driven #equivalence
- Data-driven equivalence checking (RS, ES, BRC, AA), pp. 391–406.
- SAS-2013-0001GHAN #concept #geometry #learning #verification
- Verification as Learning Geometric Concepts (RS, SG, BH, AA, AVN), pp. 388–411.
- CAV-2012-SharmaNA #classification
- Interpolants as Classifiers (RS, AVN, AA), pp. 71–87.
- CAV-2011-SharmaDDA #generative #invariant #using
- Simplifying Loop Invariant Generation Using Splitter Predicates (RS, ID, TD, AA), pp. 703–719.
- DATE-1998-KahngMSS
- Interconnect Tuning Strategies for High-Performance Ics (ABK, SM, ES, RS), pp. 471–478.
- ASE-2016-PavlinovicLS #verification
- Inferring annotations for device drivers from verification histories (ZP, AL, RS), pp. 450–460.