Travelled to:
1 × France
2 × Canada
Collaborated with:
J.Tuya E.Díaz R.V.Seco D.Montes F.Obeso
Talks about:
test (2) base (2) metaheurist (1) techniqu (1) interact (1) approach (1) adequaci (1) support (1) softwar (1) prevent (1)
Person: Raquel Blanco
DBLP: Blanco:Raquel
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICST-2012-BlancoTS #approach #evaluation #interactive #test coverage #testing
- Test Adequacy Evaluation for the User-database Interaction: A Specification-Based Approach (RB, JT, RVS), pp. 71–80.
- ASE-2003-DiazTB #automation #metaheuristic #testing #using
- Automated Software Testing Using a Metaheuristic Technique Based on Tabu Search (ED, JT, RB), pp. 310–313.
- ICEIS-v2-2003-MontesTDBO
- A Decision Support System for Preventing and Correcting Burden Slips, Drops and Hangs in a Blast Furnace (DM, JT, ED, RB, FO), pp. 197–201.