Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Germany
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.H.Reussner K.Rostami Misha Strittmatter Emre Taspolatoglu R.Jung W.Hasselbring S.Seifermann B.Paech J.Stammel Axel Busch G.Zorn-Pauli A.Jung S.Tadjiky Kiana Busch D.Werle Martin Loper B.Vogel-Heuser S.Gärtner T.Hesse T.Ruhroth K.Schneider J.Jürjens H.Muccini K.E.Harper J.Bosch N.Plouzeau O.Zimmermann L.Baresi V.Cortellessa
Talks about:
architectur (4) chang (3) base (3) request (2) languag (2) analysi (2) system (2) propos (2) inform (2) disciplinari (1)
Person: Robert Heinrich
DBLP: Heinrich:Robert
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- QoSA-2015-RostamiSHR #architecture #assessment
- Architecture-based Assessment and Planning of Change Requests (KR, JS, RH, RHR), pp. 21–30.
- SEKE-2015-HeinrichGHRRSPJ #empirical #evolution #framework #information management #platform #research
- A Platform for Empirical Research on Information System Evolution (RH, SG, TMH, TR, RHR, KS, BP, JJ), pp. 415–420.
- REFSQ-2012-PaechHZJT #challenge
- Answering a Request for Proposal — Challenges and Proposed Solutions (BP, RH, GZP, AJ, ST), pp. 16–29.
- ICMT-2016-JungHH #approach #aspect-oriented #composition #domain-specific language #generative #named
- GECO: A Generator Composition Approach for Aspect-Oriented DSLs (RJ, RH, WH), pp. 141–156.
- CBSE-2016-MucciniHHBPZBC
- Welcome Message from the Chairs of WICSA, QoSA and CBSE (HM, KEH, RH, JB, NP, OZ, LB, VC), p. vii-viii.
- WICSA-2016-StrittmatterH #domain-specific language #metamodelling
- A Reference Structure for Metamodels of Quality-Aware Domain-Specific Languages (MS, RH), pp. 268–269.
- WICSA-2016-TaspolatogluH #analysis #architecture #security
- Context-Based Architectural Security Analysis (ET, RH), pp. 281–282.
- ICSA-2017-RostamiHBR #architecture #impact analysis #information management #process
- Architecture-Based Change Impact Analysis in Information Systems and Business Processes (KR, RH, AB, RHR), pp. 179–188.
- ICSA-2019-SeifermannHR #architecture #data-driven
- Data-Driven Software Architecture for Analyzing Confidentiality (SS, RH, RHR), pp. 1–10.
- CASE-2018-BuschWLHRV #co-evolution
- A Cross-Disciplinary Language for Change Propagation Rules (KB, DW, ML, RH, RHR, BVH), pp. 1099–1104.