212 papers:
ICPC-2015-HauptmannJW #automation #generative #refactoring #testing- Generating refactoring proposals to remove clones from automated system tests (BH, EJ, VW), pp. 115–124.
CHI-2015-BardzellBH #design #research- Immodest Proposals: Research Through Design and Knowledge (JB, SB, LKH), pp. 2093–2102.
CHI-2015-KatoM #assessment #interface #named- ExtensionSticker: A Proposal for a Striped Pattern Sticker to Extend Touch Interfaces and its Assessment (KK, HM), pp. 1851–1854.
HIMI-IKC-2015-NakamuraTA #design #student- Proposal of an Instructional Design Support System Based on Consensus Among Academic Staff and Students (SN, TT, TA), pp. 370–377.
HIMI-IKD-2015-AinoyaKT- Proposal of New Lighting Which Combined Functionality of Street Light and Outdoor Light (TA, KK, AT), pp. 491–499.
HIMI-IKD-2015-SasajimaOOS #communication #twitter #using #visualisation- Proposal of a Visualization Method to Support Informal Communication Using Twitter Attributes (RS, KO, MO, AS), pp. 107–114.
HIMI-IKD-2015-YamamotoYKTK- Proposal of Advance Care Planning Support System (SY, TY, CK, MT, TK), pp. 560–568.
HIMI-IKD-2015-YoshinoO #using- Proposal of a Data Presentation Technique Using Four-Frame Cartoon Expression for a LifeLog System (TY, IO), pp. 235–246.
ICEIS-v2-2015-GeraldiOCS #empirical #modelling #variability- Checklist-based Inspection of SMarty Variability Models — Proposal and Empirical Feasibility Study (RTG, EOJ, TC, IS), pp. 268–276.
KDD-2015-ZhengYX #composition #linear #modelling #topic #using- Linear Time Samplers for Supervised Topic Models using Compositional Proposals (XZ, YY, EPX), pp. 1523–1532.
ASE-2014-Miranda #metric #testing- A proposal for revisiting coverage testing metrics (BM), pp. 899–902.
DUXU-DP-2014-SilvaPS #analysis #concept #using- Brands Analysis Using Informational Ergonomics Concepts: A Proposal (JCRPdS, LCP, JCPdS), pp. 90–101.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-Spinillo #how #usability- How Do Patient Information Leaflets Aid Medicine Usage? A Proposal for Assessing Usability of Medicine Inserts (CGS), pp. 115–124.
HCI-AIMT-2014-KashimaMY #programming- Proposal of a Method to Measure Difficulty Level of Programming Code with Eye-Tracking (TK, SM, SY), pp. 264–272.
HCI-AIMT-2014-NakaI #communication #effectiveness #generative #gesture- Proposal of the Effective Method of Generating Characteristic Gestures in Nonverbal Communication (TN, TI), pp. 102–112.
HCI-AIMT-2014-TawatsujiMM #reasoning #towards- Proposal for the Model of Occurrence of Negative Response toward Humanlike Agent Based on Brain Function by Qualitative Reasoning (YT, KM, TM), pp. 768–778.
HCI-AS-2014-HidakaO- Proposal for a New Entertainment System That Connects Real Life and Net Excitement (KH, KO), pp. 604–613.
HCI-AS-2014-TeracineM #assessment #usability #web- Proposals for an Assessment Method of Accessibility and Usability in Web Software (ECT, FCM), pp. 80–89.
HCI-TMT-2014-YajimaTS #collaboration #learning- Proposal of Collaborative Learning Support Method in Risk Communications (HY, NT, RS), pp. 457–465.
HIMI-DE-2014-FukuzumiYTYYK- A New Computational Method for Single-Trial-EEG-Based BCI — Proposal of the Number of Electrodes (SF, HY, KT, TY, TY, KK), pp. 148–156.
HIMI-DE-2014-NishimuraMNWFM #component #evaluation- Proposal of Evaluation Support System of Nursing-Care Service Components (TN, YM, TN, KW, KF, YM), pp. 613–620.
LCT-NLE-2014-MirandaIC #framework #information management- From Information Systems to e-Learning 3.0 Systems’s Critical Success Factors: A Framework Proposal (PM, PTI, CJC), pp. 180–191.
SCSM-2014-MeloHSBGB #developer #gamification #version control- Version Control System Gamification: A Proposal to Encourage the Engagement of Developers to Collaborate in Software Projects (AAdM, MH, GS, CDMB, IG, FB), pp. 550–558.
SCSM-2014-OtakeSOSUS #gamification #motivation #using- A Proposal of a Support System for Motivation Improvement Using Gamification (KO, RS, MO, YS, TU, AS), pp. 571–580.
ICEIS-v1-2014-SilvaLS #clustering #integration #maintenance #semantics- A Proposal to Maintain the Semantic Balance in Cluster-based Data Integration Systems (ERdS, BFL, ACS), pp. 90–98.
ICEIS-v3-2014-CuencaBOT #architecture- Business-IT Alignment and Service Oriented Architecture — A Proposal of a Service-Oriented Strategic Alignment Model (LC, AB, ÁOB, JJMT), pp. 490–495.
KDIR-2014-VazquezJ- Handling Missing Data in a Tree Species Catalog Proposed for Reforesting Mexico City (HJV, MJM), pp. 457–464.
KEOD-2014-FreibergHP #knowledge-based #novel #paradigm- Clarification KBS as Consultation-Justification Mash Ups — Proposing a Novel Paradigm for All-in-One Knowledge-based Systems (MF, FH, FP), pp. 168–175.
KMIS-2014-Schmitt #approach #generative #information management #novel- Proposing a Next Generation of Knowledge Management Systems for Creative Collaborations in Support of Individuals and Institutions — Featuring a Novel Approach for Meme-based Personal Knowledge Management (US), pp. 346–353.
SEKE-2014-KrollRA #development #process- Proposing a Software Process Model for Follow the Sun Development (JK, IR, JLNA), pp. 412–415.
SEKE-2014-SouzaRS #empirical #predict #using- A Proposal for the Improvement of Project’s Cost Predictability using Earned Value Management and Historical Data of Cost — An Empirical Study (ADdS, ARR, DCSdS), pp. 729–734.
MoDELS-2014-KolovosMWP #modelling- Model Driven Grant Proposal Engineering (DSK, NDM, JRW, RFP), pp. 420–432.
MoDELS-2014-KolovosMWP #modelling- Model Driven Grant Proposal Engineering (DSK, NDM, JRW, RFP), pp. 420–432.
DRR-2013-LabbenKB #retrieval- A proposal system for historic Arabic manuscript transcription and retrieval (AL, AK, AB).
ITiCSE-2013-MatsuzawaOS #process #programming #student #visualisation- Programming process visualizer: a proposal of the tool for students to observe their programming process (YM, KO, SS), pp. 46–51.
DHM-SET-2013-MurataKMH- Proposal of Automotive 8-directional Warning System That Makes Use of Tactile Apparent Movement (AM, SK, MM, TH), pp. 98–107.
DUXU-CXC-2013-AsanoY #analysis #design- Observation Analysis Method for Culture Centered Design — Proposal of KH Method - (KA, KY), pp. 11–19.
DUXU-NTE-2013-FukumotoI #algorithm #interactive #mobile #optimisation #search-based- A Proposal for Optimization Method of Vibration Pattern of Mobile Device with Interactive Genetic Algorithm (MF, TI), pp. 264–269.
DUXU-WM-2013-OkazawaY #design #modelling- A Proposal of Design Method of Obtaining the Construction Items of Mental Models in Product Design (NO, TY), pp. 408–413.
HCI-AMTE-2013-YamazakiGTHUY #experience- Proposal for Experience Vision (KY, KG, KT, SH, YU, KY), pp. 137–145.
HCI-AS-2013-MajimaMSS #learning- A Proposal of the New System Model for Nursing Skill Learning Based on Cognition and Technique (YM, YM, MS, MS), pp. 134–143.
HCI-AS-2013-TakahashiISUSHO #biology #eye tracking #using- Proposal for Driver Distraction Indexes Using Biological Signals Including Eye Tracking (NT, SI, HS, SU, YS, KH, MO), pp. 647–653.
HCI-AS-2013-YajimaG #using- The Proposal of the Remote Consultation Service System Using the Outline Function for Consultation (HY, TG), pp. 216–225.
HCI-IMT-2013-CruciolW #interactive- AHPM as a Proposal to Improve Interaction with Air Traffic Controllers (LLBVC, LW), pp. 648–657.
HCI-IMT-2013-MurataHO #estimation #interface- Proposal of Estimation Method of Stable Fixation Points for Eye-gaze Input Interface (AM, TH, KO), pp. 330–339.
HIMI-D-2013-OkuboN #composition #generative- Proposal of Avatar Generating Method by Composition of the Portraits Made by Friends (MO, SN), pp. 515–523.
HIMI-HSM-2013-HiraokaTK #behaviour #parametricity- Proposal of Non-dimensional Parameter Indices to Evaluate Safe Driving Behavior (TH, ST, HK), pp. 470–479.
EDOC-2013-AzevedoIASPG #modelling #ontology- An Ontology-Based Well-Founded Proposal for Modeling Resources and Capabilities in ArchiMate (CLBA, MEI, JPAA, MvS, LFP, GG), pp. 39–48.
ICEIS-v2-2013-DelgadoORHG #information management #security #social- Proposal of an Interoperability Model for Social Security Information Systems (FDA, SO, RJR, JRH, JMG), pp. 451–458.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-BastosBGRCSF #identification #modelling- Managing Information and Knowledge — A Proposal Methodology for Building an Integrated Model based on Information Assets Identification (CAMB, ACMB, ASG, LSdR, MAFC, MLdS, SJMdSF), pp. 520–525.
SEKE-2013-MolleriSB #approach #automation #bibliography #process- Proposal of an Automated Approach to Support the Systematic Review of Literature Process (S) (JSM, LEdS, FBVB), pp. 488–493.
SEKE-2013-PytelBG #mining #validation- Proposal and Validation of a Feasibility Model for Information Mining Projects (S) (PP, PB, RGM), pp. 83–88.
REFSQ-2013-JantunenHG #challenge #problem- Adjusting to Increasing Product Management Problems: Challenges and Improvement Proposals in One Software Company (SJ, KH, DCG), pp. 386–400.
ICSE-2013-Souza #predict #using- A proposal for the improvement of project’s cost predictability using EVM and historical data of cost (ADdS), pp. 1447–1449.
ICST-2013-Gauthier #generative #modelling #research #testing- Test Generation for RTES from SysML Models: Context, Motivations and Research Proposal (JMG), pp. 503–504.
ICST-2013-UrataK #diagrams #testing #visualisation- Proposal of Testing Diagrams for Visualizing Test Cases (SU, TK), pp. 483–484.
CASE-2012-CunhaBC #behaviour #industrial- Discovery of behavior in industrial plants: A KDD based proposal (MJdC, VLB, GAdPC), pp. 986–991.
CASE-2012-KimLKCH #algorithm- Proposal of built-in-guide-rail type building façade cleaning robot and its motion planning algorithm (DHK, SL, MK, BIC, CSH), pp. 1004–1009.
KEOD-2012-RuizHM #education #evaluation #learning #ontology #quality- A New Proposal for Learning Objects Quality Evaluation in Learning Strategies based on Ontology for Education (LMGR, JMH, AMG), pp. 373–376.
SEKE-2012-AffonsoR #architecture #configuration management #development- A Proposal of Reference Architecture for the Reconfigurable Software Development (FJA, ELLR), pp. 668–671.
SEKE-2012-SouzaR #performance- A proposal for the improvement of the technique of Earned Value Management utilizing the history of performance data (ADdS, ARCdR), pp. 753–758.
REFSQ-2012-PaechHZJT #challenge- Answering a Request for Proposal — Challenges and Proposed Solutions (BP, RH, GZP, AJ, ST), pp. 16–29.
QoSA-ISARCS-2011-GalsterA #architecture- Empirically-grounded reference architectures: a proposal (MG, PA), pp. 153–158.
CASE-2011-CatalanSBRC #communication #distributed- Communication types for manufacturing systems. A proposal to distributed control system based on IEC 61499 (CC, FS, AB, JMR, JMC), pp. 767–772.
CSEET-2011-GalvaoARAFG #education #learning #logic programming #process- A proposal for an educational system service to support teaching/learning process for logic programming (ERDG, RRdA, CMOR, SCA, FF, VCG), p. 556.
ITiCSE-2011-LorenzoVP #automation #compilation #evaluation- A proposal for automatic evaluation in a compiler construction course (EJL, JV, AP), pp. 308–312.
SCAM-J-2009-ClipshamMBM11 #development #framework #multi- Proposing a multi-agency development framework (PC, EM, LB, PM), pp. 381–391.
DUXU-v1-2011-YamagishiJKKF #mobile- Proposal for Indices to Assess Attractiveness on Initial Use of Mobile Phones (MY, HJ, KK, HK, SF), pp. 696–705.
HCD-2011-Yamaoka #design #evaluation- A Proposal of Service Design Evaluation Method (TY), pp. 153–159.
HCD-2011-YanagidaUGTHY #design- Vision-Proposal Design Method (KY, YU, KG, KT, SH, KY), pp. 166–174.
HCI-DDA-2011-ShiraiT #composition #interactive #music #using- A Proposal of an Interactive Music Composition System Using Gibbs Sampler (AS, TT), pp. 490–497.
HCI-MIIE-2011-AoyagiOIS #behaviour #communication- Proposal of a Method for Promotion of Continuous Pro-Environmental Behavior with Easy Communication (SA, TO, HI, HS), pp. 465–473.
HCI-UA-2011-KanekoN #evaluation #simulation- Proposal of BCM Evaluation Method Based on Disaster Scenario Simulation (RK, YN), pp. 346–353.
HCI-UA-2011-MiyagiKJSI #modelling- Proposal of an Office Work Productivity Model Based on Short Pauses in Mental Tasks (KM, SK, HZJ, HS, HI), pp. 403–412.
HCI-UA-2011-OkuyaINKOT #database- A Proposal of Contraindication Database for Medicines (RO, HI, KN, MK, MO, FT), pp. 210–218.
HCI-UA-2011-YajimaT #collaboration #learning- Proposal of Collaborative Learning Support Method in Risk Communications (HY, NT), pp. 113–120.
HIMI-v2-2011-HashiguchiO- Proposal of the Kawaii Search System Based on the First Sight of Impression (KH, KO), pp. 21–30.
CAiSE-2011-MateT #architecture #framework #metamodelling #modelling #requirements #traceability- A Trace Metamodel Proposal Based on the Model Driven Architecture Framework for the Traceability of User Requirements in Data Warehouses (AM, JT), pp. 123–137.
ICEIS-v3-2011-JuniorNI #bibliography #execution #identification #legacy #source code- Survey and Proposal of a Method for Business Rules Identification in Legacy Systems Source Code and Execution Logs (WARJ, GSdN, CI), pp. 207–213.
ICEIS-v4-2011-MartinsP #implementation #visual notation- A Method Proposal for Implementing Accessibility in Desktop Applications for Visually Impaired Users (LCGM, BEP), pp. 287–290.
KMIS-2011-Silva #approach #concept #learning- Learning Organization — Concept and Proposal of a New Approach (AFdS), pp. 384–389.
SEKE-2011-NetoMNAM #product line #testing- Software Product Lines System Test Case Tool: A Proposal (CRLN, IdCM, PAdMSN, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 699–704.
MoDELS-2011-KoudriCGT #component #design #evaluation #standard- Designing Heterogeneous Component Based Systems: Evaluation of MARTE Standard and Enhancement Proposal (AK, AC, SG, FT), pp. 243–257.
MoDELS-2011-KoudriCGT #component #design #evaluation #standard- Designing Heterogeneous Component Based Systems: Evaluation of MARTE Standard and Enhancement Proposal (AK, AC, SG, FT), pp. 243–257.
RE-2011-MilneM #requirements #research- Power and politics in requirements engineering: A proposed research agenda (AM, NAMM), pp. 187–196.
SAC-2011-EmrichCVW #architecture #enterprise- An architecture proposal for the prosumerized enterprise (AE, AC, CDV, DW), pp. 334–335.
DATE-2010-BhaduriS #interface #realtime- A proposal for real-time interfaces in SPEEDS (PB, IS), pp. 441–446.
ITiCSE-2010-LeeR #algorithm #category theory #design #learning #visualisation- Integrating categories of algorithm learning objective into algorithm visualization design: a proposal (MHL, GR), pp. 289–293.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-GasparSBC #modelling #named #semantics #workflow- SW-Ontology — A Proposal for Semantic Modeling of a Scientific Workflow Management System (WG, LMdS, RMMB, FC), pp. 115–120.
ICEIS-J-2010-MoralesTP10a #composition #formal method #process #verification- A Formalization Proposal of Timed BPMN for Compositional Verification of Business Processes (LEMM, MICT, MAP), pp. 388–403.
ICPR-2010-SomolGP #algorithm #feature model #problem #set- The Problem of Fragile Feature Subset Preference in Feature Selection Methods and a Proposal of Algorithmic Workaround (PS, JG, PP), pp. 4396–4399.
KEOD-2010-CruanesGR #automation #development #ontology- Proposal of a Methodological and Technological Development for Automatic Ontology Extension (JC, RMG, MTRF), pp. 471–475.
SAC-2010-HusemannKRLS #estimation- Proposal of an improved motion estimation module for SVC (RH, RK, VR, JVdL, AAS), pp. 1936–1940.
ICSE-2010-HazzanD10a #agile #tutorial- Coaching agile software projects: tutorial proposal — ICSE 2010 (OH, YD), pp. 481–482.
ICSE-2010-Marinho #consistency #modelling #ocl #product line #using- A proposal for consistency checking in dynamic software product line models using OCL (FGM), pp. 333–334.
DATE-2009-GraciaMVBV #latency- Light NUCA: A proposal for bridging the inter-cache latency gap (DSG, TM, FV, RB, VV), pp. 530–535.
ICPC-2009-CarneiroMM #approach #comprehension #process #visual notation- Proposing a visual approach to support the characterization of software comprehension activities (GdFC, MGM, RCM), pp. 291–292.
ICSM-2009-Reiss #code search #semantics- Semantics-based code search demonstration proposal (SPR), pp. 385–386.
ICSM-2009-Reiss09a #java #visualisation- Visualizing the Java heap demonstration proposal (SPR), pp. 389–390.
HCD-2009-MisawaF #case study #experience #generative #idea #user interface #using- A Proposal of XB-Method, an Idea Generation System for New Services Using User Experiences (NM, MF), pp. 276–283.
HCD-2009-UrokoharaYNK #effectiveness #guidelines- A Proposal for “Work-Effective Guidelines” for the Growth of HCD (HU, TY, HN, SK), pp. 1080–1089.
HCD-2009-WadaY #analysis- The Proposal of Quantitative Analysis Method Based on the Method of Observation Engineering (TW, TY), pp. 342–350.
HCI-AUII-2009-WadaYS- Proposal of a Direction Guidance System for Evacuation (CW, YY, YS), pp. 221–227.
HCI-NIMT-2009-Olmedo-RodriguezMC #3d #evaluation #framework #integration #interactive #multimodal- Evaluation Proposal of a Framework for the Integration of Multimodal Interaction in 3D Worlds (HOR, DEM, VCP), pp. 84–92.
HCI-NT-2009-PujolU #design #effectiveness- Productive Love: A New Proposal for Designing Affective Technology (RSP, HU), pp. 725–734.
HCI-VAD-2009-Sano #framework #using- A Proposal for a Framework for an e-Alumni Program Using SNS (HS), pp. 209–216.
HCI-VAD-2009-Yarlikas #analysis #automation- A New Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) Proposal through the Analysis of ATMs of Three Banks (SY), pp. 641–650.
HIMI-DIE-2009-AbeNK- A Proposal of EMG-Based Training Support System for Basketball Dribbling (SA, TN, TK), pp. 459–465.
HIMI-DIE-2009-PerezGM #community #information management #quality- A Proposal of Awareness Services for the Construction of Quality Community Knowledge Supported by the Knowledge Management System KnowCat (RCP, IDCG, JML), pp. 365–374.
HIMI-II-2009-FurukawaO #analysis- A Proposal of Collection and Analysis System of Near Miss Incident in Nursing Duties (AF, YO), pp. 497–502.
HIMI-II-2009-NabetaKOT- A Proposal of a Method to Extract Active Ingredient Names from Package Inserts (KN, MK, MO, FT), pp. 576–585.
OCSC-2009-SongNKE #recommendation #using #word- A Proposed Movie Recommendation Method Using Emotional Word Selection (MS, HN, HGK, JE), pp. 525–534.
CAiSE-2009-GiachettiMP #automation #domain-specific language #generative #modelling #uml #using- Using UML as a Domain-Specific Modeling Language: A Proposal for Automatic Generation of UML Profiles (GG, BM, OP), pp. 110–124.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-ReyesOPGMD #concept #quality #towards- Toward a Quality Model for CBSE — Conceptual Model Proposal (MAR, MO, MAP, AG, LEM, KD), pp. 101–106.
ICML-2009-FloresGMP- GAODE and HAODE: two proposals based on AODE to deal with continuous variables (MJF, JAG, AMM, JMP), pp. 313–320.
KDIR-2009-CamposDJ #clustering #topic #web- Disambiguating Web Search Results by Topic and Temporal Clustering — A Proposal (RC, GD, AMJ), pp. 292–296.
KEOD-2009-NovakD #design #process- Intelligent Support to Analysis-based Design Improvement PROCESS — Propose: An Intelligent Consultative Advisory System (MN, BD), pp. 135–140.
CASE-2008-KuanCJ #modelling- Method for proposing sort screen thresholds based on modeling etest/sort-class in semiconductor manufacturing (WKY, LCC, WJL), pp. 236–241.
CSEET-2008-RootRT08a #how- Proposal Based Studio Projects: How to Avoid Producing “Cookie Cutter” Software Engineers (DR, MRL, GT), pp. 145–151.
ITiCSE-2008-BarchinoMG #assessment- An interoperable assessment language proposal (RB, LdM, JMG), p. 357.
ITiCSE-2008-MorenoICM #database #design #distance #education #learning #towards #using- Using accessible digital resources for teaching database design: towards an inclusive distance learning proposal (LM, AI, EC, PM), pp. 32–36.
SCAM-2008-ClarkSW #java- Beyond Annotations: A Proposal for Extensible Java (XJ) (TC, PS, JSW), pp. 229–238.
ICPR-2008-GhoshB #evolution #how #pattern matching #pattern recognition #problem #recognition- How current BNs fail to represent evolvable pattern recognition problems and a proposed solution (NG, BB), pp. 1–4.
RE-2008-Szoke #automation #scheduling #using- A Proposed Method for Automated Project Scheduling using Goals and Scenarios (AS), pp. 339–340.
SAC-2008-OsadaOKKK #diagrams #metric #using- Proposing metrics of difficulty of domain knowledge using usecase diagrams (AO, DO, NK, HK, KK), pp. 624–629.
CASE-2007-LeeEP- Proposed Methodology for Dynamic Schedule Compression (JL, RDEJ, JHP), pp. 986–991.
HCI-IDU-2007-SchwerzMS #evaluation #usability #web- A Task Model Proposal for Web Sites Usability Evaluation for the ErgoMonitor Environment (ALS, MM, SRPdS), pp. 1188–1197.
HIMI-MTT-2007-MirandaIC #evaluation- Expert Systems Evaluation Proposal (PM, PTI, MMC), pp. 98–106.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-AntoniouGA #documentation #enterprise- Doing things right or doing the right things? Proposing a documentation scheme for small to medium enterprises (JA, PG, ASA), pp. 408–414.
SEKE-2007-GrunertKW #architecture #distributed #enterprise #multi- A Proposal for a Decentralized Multi-Agent Architecture for Virtual Enterprises (AG, SK, GW), pp. 546–551.
SEKE-2007-MonteiroOG #implementation #source code #user interface #using- A Proposal to Delegate GUI Implementation using a Source Code based Model (MM, PO, RG), pp. 29–32.
SEKE-2007-SerranoRMTP #concept #quality- A Proposal for a Conceptual Data Warehouse Quality Model (MAS, RR, JNM, JT, MP), pp. 477–482.
OOPSLA-2007-BiermanMT #c# #formal method- Lost in translation: formalizing proposed extensions to c# (GMB, EM, MT), pp. 479–498.
RE-2007-Rashid #collaboration #named #requirements #specification #towards #visual notation- OpenProposal: Towards Collaborative End-User Participation in Requirements Management By Usage of Visual Requirement Specifications (AR), pp. 371–374.
REFSQ-2007-FrickerGM #implementation #using- Handshaking Between Software Projects and Stakeholders Using Implementation Proposals (SF, TG, PM), pp. 144–159.
HT-2006-JatowtKNKT #framework #web- Journey to the past: proposal of a framework for past web browser (AJ, YK, SN, YK, KT), pp. 135–144.
ITiCSE-2006-BiancoT- One step further the ACM K-12 final report: a proposal for level 1: computer organization for K-8 (GMB, ST), pp. 207–211.
FM-2006-EvansB- A Proposal for Records in Event-B (NE, MJB), pp. 221–235.
ICPR-v4-2006-SekoYSMK #metric #pointer- Proposal of recordable pointer: Pointed position measurement by projecting interference concentric circle pattern with a pointing device (YS, YY, YS, JM, HK), pp. 825–828.
KDD-2006-HettichP #lessons learnt #mining- Mining for proposal reviewers: lessons learned at the national science foundation (SH, MJP), pp. 862–871.
SEKE-2006-JeanAP #database #ontology #query- Querying Ontology Based Databases — The OntoQL Proposal (SJ, YAA, GP), pp. 166–171.
ICDAR-2005-NomuraYOK #effectiveness #image #recognition- A Proposal of the Effective Recognition Method for Low-Resolution Characters from Motion Images (MN, KY, HO, KK), pp. 720–724.
ITiCSE-2005-MaiaMP #education #framework #operating system #using- A constructivist framework for operating systems education: a pedagogic proposal using the SOsim (LPM, FBM, ACPJ), pp. 218–222.
ICSM-2005-WebsterOA #maintenance #taxonomy- A Risk Taxonomy Proposal for Software Maintenance (KPBW, KMdO, NA), pp. 453–461.
SEFM-2005-KuehnLE #petri net- A Proposal For Relative Time Petri Nets (JK, CL, RE), pp. 240–249.
CHI-2005-HornbaekF #development #problem #usability- Comparing usability problems and redesign proposals as input to practical systems development (KH, EF), pp. 391–400.
ICEIS-v2-2005-ClemmonsH #enterprise #hybrid- Reducing Risk in the Enterprise: Proposal for a Hybrid Audit Expert System (SC, KH), pp. 260–266.
ITiCSE-2004-PatersonH04a #design pattern #ide- A proposed design patterns extension for the blueJ IDE (JHP, JH), p. 279.
PEPM-2004-Daugherty- Invited application paper: a proposal for the specialization of HA/DRE systems (GD), pp. 56–67.
AdaEurope-2004-RealBGSC #ada- Dynamic Ceiling Priorities: A Proposal for Ada0Y (JR, AB, FJMG, ES, AC), pp. 261–272.
ICEIS-v1-2004-PaparoZL #automation #generative #process- Proposal for Automating the Generation Process of Questionnaires to Measure the Satisfaction Level of Software Users (MP, SZ, MIL), pp. 113–118.
ICEIS-v2-2004-Grzeszczyk #network- Application of Neural Networks for Prior Appraisal of Structural Funds Project Proposals (TAG), pp. 501–504.
ICEIS-v4-2004-FloresGVS #learning- Amplia Learning Environment: A Proposal for Pedagogical Negotiation (CDF, JCG, RMV, LJS), pp. 279–286.
ICEIS-v4-2004-SuiAM #approach #e-commerce #email- Trusted Email: A Proposed Approach to Prevent Credit Card Fraud in Softproducts E-Commerce (NTS, SIA, DM), pp. 106–113.
ICEIS-v5-2004-MarzalBMC #analysis #documentation #perspective #topic- Verbs & Topic Maps: A Proposal for Legal Documentation from the Document Content Analysis Perspective (MÁM, CB, JM, FC), pp. 63–68.
ICPR-v1-2004-IlaGC #algorithm #architecture #detection #parallel- Proposal of a Parallel Architecture for a Motion Detection Algorithm (VI, RG, FC), pp. 797–800.
ICPR-v4-2004-MizukamiWT #approximate #architecture #network- A Proposal of Neural Network Architecture for Non-Linear Function Approximation (YM, YW, KT), pp. 605–608.
TOOLS-USA-2003-BadriB04 #empirical- A Proposal of a New Class Cohesion Criterion: An Empirical Study (LB, MB), pp. 145–159.
DATE-2003-AraS #component #transaction #verification- A Proposal for Transaction-Level Verification with Component Wrapper Language (KA, KS), pp. 20082–20087.
ITiCSE-2003-RozanskiS #education #usability- Integrating usability engineering into the computer science curriculum: a proposal (EPR, NCS), pp. 202–206.
AdaEurope-2003-GonzalezH #ada- A Proposal to Integrate the POSIX Execution-Time Clocks into Ada 95 (FJMG, MGH), pp. 344–358.
ICEIS-v1-2003-BerrielGSCG- Exploitation of the Datawarehouse in the Hotels Services: A Proposal of Client Orientation (RB, AG, IS, MC, ZG), pp. 460–463.
ITiCSE-2002-Barros #concurrent #petri net #programming- Specific proposals for the use of petri nets in a concurrent programming course (JPB), pp. 165–167.
CIAA-2002-NetoB #adaptation #automaton- Adaptive Automata — A Revisited Proposal (JJN, CB), pp. 158–168.
ICEIS-2002-FilhoL #uml- A Proposal for the Incorporation of the Features Model into the UML Language (IMF, TCdO, CJPdL), pp. 594–601.
ICEIS-2002-Prosser- Proposing a Method for Planning the Materialisation of Views in a Data Warehouse (AP), pp. 155–162.
ICPR-v2-2002-IwataKY- The Proposal of a New Robot Vision System Called the Horizon View Camera (AI, KK, KY), pp. 709–712.
SEKE-2002-MaidantchikMS #learning #requirements- Learning organizational knowledge: an evolutionary proposal for requirements engineering (CM, MM, GS), pp. 151–157.
SEKE-2002-Morasca #classification #using- A proposal for using continuous attributes in classification trees (SM), pp. 417–424.
UML-2001-MylopoulosKC #development #uml- UML for Agent-Oriented Software Development: The Tropos Proposal (JM, MK, JC), pp. 422–441.
SAC-2001-MastroleoFM #fuzzy #modelling- A proposal for modeling real options through fuzzy expert system (GM, GF, CAM), pp. 479–481.
CSEET-2000-Boldyreff #re-engineering- The University of Durham BSc in Software Engineering and Proposed MEng in Software Engineering: A Position Paper (CB), p. 189.
CSEET-2000-McCrackenHRWB #education #re-engineering- A Proposed Curriculum for an Undergraduate Software Engineering Degree (WMM, IH, HAR, RW, LB), p. 246–?.
FASE-2000-DondossolaB #fault tolerance #formal method #specification- System Fault Tolerance Specification: Proposal of a Method Combining Semi-formal and Formal Approaches (GD, OB), pp. 82–96.
CSMR-2000-Rausch #component #evolution- A Proposal for Supporting Software Evolution in Componentware (AR), pp. 109–118.
CHI-2000-GaverM #concept #design #named- Alternatives: exploring information appliances through conceptual design proposals (WWG, HM), pp. 209–216.
ICEIS-2000-SarmentoM #workflow- The Adoption of Workflow Systems: Proposal of a Model for a Methodology to Analysis-The Impact of Workflow Systems in Organisations (AS, AM), pp. 349–354.
KR-2000-MorgensternT #challenge #education #information management #representation- Teaching Knowledge Representation: Challenges and Proposals (LM, RHT), pp. 725–733.
TOOLS-USA-2000-Dedene00a #cobol #object-oriented #standard- Critical Issues in the Proposed ISO Object-Oriented COBOL 2002 Standard (GD), pp. 491–500.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KoisoFN #coordination #interface #visual notation- Proposal of visual interfaces to coordinate decision making in hierarchical structures and their application to fire systems (TK, TF, SN), pp. 367–371.
HCI-EI-1999-MasuiOT #evaluation #user interface- Proposal and Evaluation of User Interface for Personal Digital Assistants (NM, TO, YT), pp. 968–972.
ICEIS-1999-MartinezP #database #development- A Proposal for control Database Software Application Development (AM, MP), pp. 109–116.
ITiCSE-1998-Daly #approach #learning- A proposed structure for a computer based learning environment — a pragmatic approach (poster) (CD), p. 276.
UML-1998-Henderson-Sellers #named #uml- OML: Proposals to Enhance UML (BHS), pp. 349–364.
UML-1998-MellorTAL #execution #precise #semantics #uml- An Action Language for UML: Proposal for a Precise Execution Semantics (SJM, SRT, RA, PL), pp. 307–318.
REFSQ-1998-AchourRS #quality- A Proposal for Improving the Quality of the Organisation of Scenarios Collections (CBA, CR, CS), pp. 33–45.
ICDAR-1997-YamazakiK #verification- Proposal for a Text-Indicated Writer Verification Method (YY, NK), pp. 709–713.
SIGMOD-1997-GravanoCGP #experience #internet #named- STARTS: Stanford Proposal for Internet Meta-Searching (Experience Paper) (LG, KCCC, HGM, AP), pp. 207–218.
KDD-1997-CerquidesM #comparison #empirical- Proposal and Empirical Comparison of a Parallelizable Distance-Based Discretization Method (JC, RLdM), pp. 139–142.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-EveredKMS #java #named- Genja — A New Proposal for Parameterised Types in Java (ME, JLK, GM, AS), pp. 181–195.
SIGMOD-1996-DohertyHR #database #object-oriented- Structures for Manipulating Proposed Updates in Object-Oriented Databases (MD, RH, MR), pp. 306–317.
ITiCSE-1996-Goldweber #bibliography #online #perspective- Proposal for an on-line computer science courseware review (MG), p. 230.
ECOOP-1996-LechnerLNW #concurrent #inheritance #reuse- (Objects + Concurrency) & Reusability — A Proposal to Circumvent the Inheritance Anomaly (UL, CL, FN, MW), pp. 232–247.
ICDAR-v1-1995-LuOS #comprehension #interactive #performance #recognition- A proposal of efficient interactive recognition system for understanding of map drawings (WL, TO, MS), pp. 520–523.
HPDC-1995-OguchiAS #architecture #distributed #evaluation- A Proposal for a DSM Architecture Suitable for a Widely Distributed Environment and its Evaluation (MO, HA, TS), pp. 32–39.
AdaEurope-1994-Gale #ada #development #recommendation- Recommendations and Proposals for an Ada Strategy in the Space Software Development Environment (LPG), pp. 175–203.
OOPSLA-1994-DucournauHHM #inheritance #multi- Proposal for a Monotonic Multiple Inheritance Linearization (RD, MH, MH, MLM), pp. 164–175.
ICRE-1994-ReizerAMP #formal method #requirements #specification #standard #using- Using formal methods for requirements specification of a proposed POSIX standard (NRR, GDA, BCM, PRHP), pp. 118–125.
ICDAR-1993-DoriT #3d- Paper drawings to 3-D CAD: a proposed agenda (DD, KT), pp. 866–867.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-JalloulP #eiffel- A Separate Proposal for Eiffel (GJ, JP), pp. 63–74.
ESOP-1992-Tarlecki #specification- Modules for an Model-Oriented Specification Language: A Proposal for MetaSoft (AT), pp. 451–472.
ICALP-1992-PhoaF #ml #semantics- A Proposed Categorial Semantics for Pure ML (WP, MPF), pp. 533–544.
OOPSLA-1992-DonyMC #prototype #taxonomy #validation- Prototype-Based Languages: From a New Taxonomy to Constructive Proposals and Their Validation (CD, JM, PC), pp. 201–217.
WSA-1991-QueinnecP #composition #evaluation #lisp #metaprogramming- A Proposal for a Modular Lisp with Macros and Dynamic Evaluation (CQ, JAP), pp. 1–8.
SEI-1989-BailesSR- A Proposal for a Bachelor’s Degree Program in Software Bngineering (PAB, EJS, AR), pp. 90–108.
ECOOP-1989-Cook #eiffel #type safety- A Proposal for Making Eiffel Type-Safe (WRC), pp. 57–70.
DAC-1986-AdolphRS #design #representation- A frame based system for representing knowledge about VLSI design: a proposal (WSA, HKR, AS), pp. 671–676.
LFP-1984-Milner #ml #standard- A Proposal for Standard ML (RM), pp. 184–197.
DAC-1978-HsuSZ #testing- Selective controllability: A proposal for testing and diagnosis (FCH, PS, LMZ), pp. 110–116.
ICSE-1978-FreemanW #education #re-engineering- A Proposed Curriculum for Software Engineering Education (PF, AIW), pp. 56–62.
ICALP-1977-Alton #complexity #memory management #metric- “Natural” Complexity Measures and Time versus Memory: Some Definitional Proposals (DAA), pp. 16–29.
DAC-1972-Grant #architecture #design #problem #proximity #using- Combining proximity criteria with nature-of-the-spot criteria in architectural and urban design space planning problems using a computer-aided space allocation technique: A proposed technique and an example of its application (DPG), pp. 197–202.