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212 papers:

ICPCICPC-2015-HauptmannJW #automation #generative #refactoring #testing
Generating refactoring proposals to remove clones from automated system tests (BH, EJ, VW), pp. 115–124.
CHICHI-2015-BardzellBH #design #research
Immodest Proposals: Research Through Design and Knowledge (JB, SB, LKH), pp. 2093–2102.
CHICHI-2015-KatoM #assessment #interface #named
ExtensionSticker: A Proposal for a Striped Pattern Sticker to Extend Touch Interfaces and its Assessment (KK, HM), pp. 1851–1854.
HCIHIMI-IKC-2015-NakamuraTA #design #student
Proposal of an Instructional Design Support System Based on Consensus Among Academic Staff and Students (SN, TT, TA), pp. 370–377.
Proposal of New Lighting Which Combined Functionality of Street Light and Outdoor Light (TA, KK, AT), pp. 491–499.
HCIHIMI-IKD-2015-SasajimaOOS #communication #twitter #using #visualisation
Proposal of a Visualization Method to Support Informal Communication Using Twitter Attributes (RS, KO, MO, AS), pp. 107–114.
Proposal of Advance Care Planning Support System (SY, TY, CK, MT, TK), pp. 560–568.
HCIHIMI-IKD-2015-YoshinoO #using
Proposal of a Data Presentation Technique Using Four-Frame Cartoon Expression for a LifeLog System (TY, IO), pp. 235–246.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2015-GeraldiOCS #empirical #modelling #variability
Checklist-based Inspection of SMarty Variability Models — Proposal and Empirical Feasibility Study (RTG, EOJ, TC, IS), pp. 268–276.
KDDKDD-2015-ZhengYX #composition #linear #modelling #topic #using
Linear Time Samplers for Supervised Topic Models using Compositional Proposals (XZ, YY, EPX), pp. 1523–1532.
ASEASE-2014-Miranda #metric #testing
A proposal for revisiting coverage testing metrics (BM), pp. 899–902.
HCIDUXU-DP-2014-SilvaPS #analysis #concept #using
Brands Analysis Using Informational Ergonomics Concepts: A Proposal (JCRPdS, LCP, JCPdS), pp. 90–101.
HCIDUXU-ELAS-2014-Spinillo #how #usability
How Do Patient Information Leaflets Aid Medicine Usage? A Proposal for Assessing Usability of Medicine Inserts (CGS), pp. 115–124.
HCIHCI-AIMT-2014-KashimaMY #programming
Proposal of a Method to Measure Difficulty Level of Programming Code with Eye-Tracking (TK, SM, SY), pp. 264–272.
HCIHCI-AIMT-2014-NakaI #communication #effectiveness #generative #gesture
Proposal of the Effective Method of Generating Characteristic Gestures in Nonverbal Communication (TN, TI), pp. 102–112.
HCIHCI-AIMT-2014-TawatsujiMM #reasoning #towards
Proposal for the Model of Occurrence of Negative Response toward Humanlike Agent Based on Brain Function by Qualitative Reasoning (YT, KM, TM), pp. 768–778.
Proposal for a New Entertainment System That Connects Real Life and Net Excitement (KH, KO), pp. 604–613.
HCIHCI-AS-2014-TeracineM #assessment #usability #web
Proposals for an Assessment Method of Accessibility and Usability in Web Software (ECT, FCM), pp. 80–89.
HCIHCI-TMT-2014-YajimaTS #collaboration #learning
Proposal of Collaborative Learning Support Method in Risk Communications (HY, NT, RS), pp. 457–465.
A New Computational Method for Single-Trial-EEG-Based BCI — Proposal of the Number of Electrodes (SF, HY, KT, TY, TY, KK), pp. 148–156.
HCIHIMI-DE-2014-NishimuraMNWFM #component #evaluation
Proposal of Evaluation Support System of Nursing-Care Service Components (TN, YM, TN, KW, KF, YM), pp. 613–620.
HCILCT-NLE-2014-MirandaIC #framework #information management
From Information Systems to e-Learning 3.0 Systems’s Critical Success Factors: A Framework Proposal (PM, PTI, CJC), pp. 180–191.
HCISCSM-2014-MeloHSBGB #developer #gamification #version control
Version Control System Gamification: A Proposal to Encourage the Engagement of Developers to Collaborate in Software Projects (AAdM, MH, GS, CDMB, IG, FB), pp. 550–558.
HCISCSM-2014-OtakeSOSUS #gamification #motivation #using
A Proposal of a Support System for Motivation Improvement Using Gamification (KO, RS, MO, YS, TU, AS), pp. 571–580.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2014-SilvaLS #clustering #integration #maintenance #semantics
A Proposal to Maintain the Semantic Balance in Cluster-based Data Integration Systems (ERdS, BFL, ACS), pp. 90–98.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2014-CuencaBOT #architecture
Business-IT Alignment and Service Oriented Architecture — A Proposal of a Service-Oriented Strategic Alignment Model (LC, AB, ÁOB, JJMT), pp. 490–495.
Handling Missing Data in a Tree Species Catalog Proposed for Reforesting Mexico City (HJV, MJM), pp. 457–464.
KEODKEOD-2014-FreibergHP #knowledge-based #novel #paradigm
Clarification KBS as Consultation-Justification Mash Ups — Proposing a Novel Paradigm for All-in-One Knowledge-based Systems (MF, FH, FP), pp. 168–175.
KMISKMIS-2014-Schmitt #approach #generative #information management #novel
Proposing a Next Generation of Knowledge Management Systems for Creative Collaborations in Support of Individuals and Institutions — Featuring a Novel Approach for Meme-based Personal Knowledge Management (US), pp. 346–353.
SEKESEKE-2014-KrollRA #development #process
Proposing a Software Process Model for Follow the Sun Development (JK, IR, JLNA), pp. 412–415.
SEKESEKE-2014-SouzaRS #empirical #predict #using
A Proposal for the Improvement of Project’s Cost Predictability using Earned Value Management and Historical Data of Cost — An Empirical Study (ADdS, ARR, DCSdS), pp. 729–734.
MODELSMoDELS-2014-KolovosMWP #modelling
Model Driven Grant Proposal Engineering (DSK, NDM, JRW, RFP), pp. 420–432.
MODELSMoDELS-2014-KolovosMWP #modelling
Model Driven Grant Proposal Engineering (DSK, NDM, JRW, RFP), pp. 420–432.
DRRDRR-2013-LabbenKB #retrieval
A proposal system for historic Arabic manuscript transcription and retrieval (AL, AK, AB).
ITiCSEITiCSE-2013-MatsuzawaOS #process #programming #student #visualisation
Programming process visualizer: a proposal of the tool for students to observe their programming process (YM, KO, SS), pp. 46–51.
Proposal of Automotive 8-directional Warning System That Makes Use of Tactile Apparent Movement (AM, SK, MM, TH), pp. 98–107.
HCIDUXU-CXC-2013-AsanoY #analysis #design
Observation Analysis Method for Culture Centered Design — Proposal of KH Method - (KA, KY), pp. 11–19.
HCIDUXU-NTE-2013-FukumotoI #algorithm #interactive #mobile #optimisation #search-based
A Proposal for Optimization Method of Vibration Pattern of Mobile Device with Interactive Genetic Algorithm (MF, TI), pp. 264–269.
HCIDUXU-WM-2013-OkazawaY #design #modelling
A Proposal of Design Method of Obtaining the Construction Items of Mental Models in Product Design (NO, TY), pp. 408–413.
HCIHCI-AMTE-2013-YamazakiGTHUY #experience
Proposal for Experience Vision (KY, KG, KT, SH, YU, KY), pp. 137–145.
HCIHCI-AS-2013-MajimaMSS #learning
A Proposal of the New System Model for Nursing Skill Learning Based on Cognition and Technique (YM, YM, MS, MS), pp. 134–143.
HCIHCI-AS-2013-TakahashiISUSHO #biology #eye tracking #using
Proposal for Driver Distraction Indexes Using Biological Signals Including Eye Tracking (NT, SI, HS, SU, YS, KH, MO), pp. 647–653.
HCIHCI-AS-2013-YajimaG #using
The Proposal of the Remote Consultation Service System Using the Outline Function for Consultation (HY, TG), pp. 216–225.
HCIHCI-IMT-2013-CruciolW #interactive
AHPM as a Proposal to Improve Interaction with Air Traffic Controllers (LLBVC, LW), pp. 648–657.
HCIHCI-IMT-2013-MurataHO #estimation #interface
Proposal of Estimation Method of Stable Fixation Points for Eye-gaze Input Interface (AM, TH, KO), pp. 330–339.
HCIHIMI-D-2013-OkuboN #composition #generative
Proposal of Avatar Generating Method by Composition of the Portraits Made by Friends (MO, SN), pp. 515–523.
HCIHIMI-HSM-2013-HiraokaTK #behaviour #parametricity
Proposal of Non-dimensional Parameter Indices to Evaluate Safe Driving Behavior (TH, ST, HK), pp. 470–479.
EDOCEDOC-2013-AzevedoIASPG #modelling #ontology
An Ontology-Based Well-Founded Proposal for Modeling Resources and Capabilities in ArchiMate (CLBA, MEI, JPAA, MvS, LFP, GG), pp. 39–48.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2013-DelgadoORHG #information management #security #social
Proposal of an Interoperability Model for Social Security Information Systems (FDA, SO, RJR, JRH, JMG), pp. 451–458.
KDIRKDIR-KMIS-2013-BastosBGRCSF #identification #modelling
Managing Information and Knowledge — A Proposal Methodology for Building an Integrated Model based on Information Assets Identification (CAMB, ACMB, ASG, LSdR, MAFC, MLdS, SJMdSF), pp. 520–525.
SEKESEKE-2013-MolleriSB #approach #automation #bibliography #process
Proposal of an Automated Approach to Support the Systematic Review of Literature Process (S) (JSM, LEdS, FBVB), pp. 488–493.
SEKESEKE-2013-PytelBG #mining #validation
Proposal and Validation of a Feasibility Model for Information Mining Projects (S) (PP, PB, RGM), pp. 83–88.
REFSQREFSQ-2013-JantunenHG #challenge #problem
Adjusting to Increasing Product Management Problems: Challenges and Improvement Proposals in One Software Company (SJ, KH, DCG), pp. 386–400.
ICSEICSE-2013-Souza #predict #using
A proposal for the improvement of project’s cost predictability using EVM and historical data of cost (ADdS), pp. 1447–1449.
ICSTICST-2013-Gauthier #generative #modelling #research #testing
Test Generation for RTES from SysML Models: Context, Motivations and Research Proposal (JMG), pp. 503–504.
ICSTICST-2013-UrataK #diagrams #testing #visualisation
Proposal of Testing Diagrams for Visualizing Test Cases (SU, TK), pp. 483–484.
CASECASE-2012-CunhaBC #behaviour #industrial
Discovery of behavior in industrial plants: A KDD based proposal (MJdC, VLB, GAdPC), pp. 986–991.
CASECASE-2012-KimLKCH #algorithm
Proposal of built-in-guide-rail type building façade cleaning robot and its motion planning algorithm (DHK, SL, MK, BIC, CSH), pp. 1004–1009.
KEODKEOD-2012-RuizHM #education #evaluation #learning #ontology #quality
A New Proposal for Learning Objects Quality Evaluation in Learning Strategies based on Ontology for Education (LMGR, JMH, AMG), pp. 373–376.
SEKESEKE-2012-AffonsoR #architecture #configuration management #development
A Proposal of Reference Architecture for the Reconfigurable Software Development (FJA, ELLR), pp. 668–671.
SEKESEKE-2012-SouzaR #performance
A proposal for the improvement of the technique of Earned Value Management utilizing the history of performance data (ADdS, ARCdR), pp. 753–758.
REFSQREFSQ-2012-PaechHZJT #challenge
Answering a Request for Proposal — Challenges and Proposed Solutions (BP, RH, GZP, AJ, ST), pp. 16–29.
QoSAQoSA-ISARCS-2011-GalsterA #architecture
Empirically-grounded reference architectures: a proposal (MG, PA), pp. 153–158.
CASECASE-2011-CatalanSBRC #communication #distributed
Communication types for manufacturing systems. A proposal to distributed control system based on IEC 61499 (CC, FS, AB, JMR, JMC), pp. 767–772.
CSEETCSEET-2011-GalvaoARAFG #education #learning #logic programming #process
A proposal for an educational system service to support teaching/learning process for logic programming (ERDG, RRdA, CMOR, SCA, FF, VCG), p. 556.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2011-LorenzoVP #automation #compilation #evaluation
A proposal for automatic evaluation in a compiler construction course (EJL, JV, AP), pp. 308–312.
SCAMSCAM-J-2009-ClipshamMBM11 #development #framework #multi
Proposing a multi-agency development framework (PC, EM, LB, PM), pp. 381–391.
HCIDUXU-v1-2011-YamagishiJKKF #mobile
Proposal for Indices to Assess Attractiveness on Initial Use of Mobile Phones (MY, HJ, KK, HK, SF), pp. 696–705.
HCIHCD-2011-Yamaoka #design #evaluation
A Proposal of Service Design Evaluation Method (TY), pp. 153–159.
HCIHCD-2011-YanagidaUGTHY #design
Vision-Proposal Design Method (KY, YU, KG, KT, SH, KY), pp. 166–174.
HCIHCI-DDA-2011-ShiraiT #composition #interactive #music #using
A Proposal of an Interactive Music Composition System Using Gibbs Sampler (AS, TT), pp. 490–497.
HCIHCI-MIIE-2011-AoyagiOIS #behaviour #communication
Proposal of a Method for Promotion of Continuous Pro-Environmental Behavior with Easy Communication (SA, TO, HI, HS), pp. 465–473.
HCIHCI-UA-2011-KanekoN #evaluation #simulation
Proposal of BCM Evaluation Method Based on Disaster Scenario Simulation (RK, YN), pp. 346–353.
HCIHCI-UA-2011-MiyagiKJSI #modelling
Proposal of an Office Work Productivity Model Based on Short Pauses in Mental Tasks (KM, SK, HZJ, HS, HI), pp. 403–412.
HCIHCI-UA-2011-OkuyaINKOT #database
A Proposal of Contraindication Database for Medicines (RO, HI, KN, MK, MO, FT), pp. 210–218.
HCIHCI-UA-2011-YajimaT #collaboration #learning
Proposal of Collaborative Learning Support Method in Risk Communications (HY, NT), pp. 113–120.
Proposal of the Kawaii Search System Based on the First Sight of Impression (KH, KO), pp. 21–30.
CAiSECAiSE-2011-MateT #architecture #framework #metamodelling #modelling #requirements #traceability
A Trace Metamodel Proposal Based on the Model Driven Architecture Framework for the Traceability of User Requirements in Data Warehouses (AM, JT), pp. 123–137.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2011-JuniorNI #bibliography #execution #identification #legacy #source code
Survey and Proposal of a Method for Business Rules Identification in Legacy Systems Source Code and Execution Logs (WARJ, GSdN, CI), pp. 207–213.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2011-MartinsP #implementation #visual notation
A Method Proposal for Implementing Accessibility in Desktop Applications for Visually Impaired Users (LCGM, BEP), pp. 287–290.
KMISKMIS-2011-Silva #approach #concept #learning
Learning Organization — Concept and Proposal of a New Approach (AFdS), pp. 384–389.
SEKESEKE-2011-NetoMNAM #product line #testing
Software Product Lines System Test Case Tool: A Proposal (CRLN, IdCM, PAdMSN, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 699–704.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-KoudriCGT #component #design #evaluation #standard
Designing Heterogeneous Component Based Systems: Evaluation of MARTE Standard and Enhancement Proposal (AK, AC, SG, FT), pp. 243–257.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-KoudriCGT #component #design #evaluation #standard
Designing Heterogeneous Component Based Systems: Evaluation of MARTE Standard and Enhancement Proposal (AK, AC, SG, FT), pp. 243–257.
RERE-2011-MilneM #requirements #research
Power and politics in requirements engineering: A proposed research agenda (AM, NAMM), pp. 187–196.
SACSAC-2011-EmrichCVW #architecture #enterprise
An architecture proposal for the prosumerized enterprise (AE, AC, CDV, DW), pp. 334–335.
DATEDATE-2010-BhaduriS #interface #realtime
A proposal for real-time interfaces in SPEEDS (PB, IS), pp. 441–446.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2010-LeeR #algorithm #category theory #design #learning #visualisation
Integrating categories of algorithm learning objective into algorithm visualization design: a proposal (MHL, GR), pp. 289–293.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2010-GasparSBC #modelling #named #semantics #workflow
SW-Ontology — A Proposal for Semantic Modeling of a Scientific Workflow Management System (WG, LMdS, RMMB, FC), pp. 115–120.
ICEISICEIS-J-2010-MoralesTP10a #composition #formal method #process #verification
A Formalization Proposal of Timed BPMN for Compositional Verification of Business Processes (LEMM, MICT, MAP), pp. 388–403.
ICPRICPR-2010-SomolGP #algorithm #feature model #problem #set
The Problem of Fragile Feature Subset Preference in Feature Selection Methods and a Proposal of Algorithmic Workaround (PS, JG, PP), pp. 4396–4399.
KEODKEOD-2010-CruanesGR #automation #development #ontology
Proposal of a Methodological and Technological Development for Automatic Ontology Extension (JC, RMG, MTRF), pp. 471–475.
SACSAC-2010-HusemannKRLS #estimation
Proposal of an improved motion estimation module for SVC (RH, RK, VR, JVdL, AAS), pp. 1936–1940.
ICSEICSE-2010-HazzanD10a #agile #tutorial
Coaching agile software projects: tutorial proposal — ICSE 2010 (OH, YD), pp. 481–482.
ICSEICSE-2010-Marinho #consistency #modelling #ocl #product line #using
A proposal for consistency checking in dynamic software product line models using OCL (FGM), pp. 333–334.
DATEDATE-2009-GraciaMVBV #latency
Light NUCA: A proposal for bridging the inter-cache latency gap (DSG, TM, FV, RB, VV), pp. 530–535.
ICPCICPC-2009-CarneiroMM #approach #comprehension #process #visual notation
Proposing a visual approach to support the characterization of software comprehension activities (GdFC, MGM, RCM), pp. 291–292.
ICSMEICSM-2009-Reiss #code search #semantics
Semantics-based code search demonstration proposal (SPR), pp. 385–386.
ICSMEICSM-2009-Reiss09a #java #visualisation
Visualizing the Java heap demonstration proposal (SPR), pp. 389–390.
HCIHCD-2009-MisawaF #case study #experience #generative #idea #user interface #using
A Proposal of XB-Method, an Idea Generation System for New Services Using User Experiences (NM, MF), pp. 276–283.
HCIHCD-2009-UrokoharaYNK #effectiveness #guidelines
A Proposal for “Work-Effective Guidelines” for the Growth of HCD (HU, TY, HN, SK), pp. 1080–1089.
HCIHCD-2009-WadaY #analysis
The Proposal of Quantitative Analysis Method Based on the Method of Observation Engineering (TW, TY), pp. 342–350.
Proposal of a Direction Guidance System for Evacuation (CW, YY, YS), pp. 221–227.
HCIHCI-NIMT-2009-Olmedo-RodriguezMC #3d #evaluation #framework #integration #interactive #multimodal
Evaluation Proposal of a Framework for the Integration of Multimodal Interaction in 3D Worlds (HOR, DEM, VCP), pp. 84–92.
HCIHCI-NT-2009-PujolU #design #effectiveness
Productive Love: A New Proposal for Designing Affective Technology (RSP, HU), pp. 725–734.
HCIHCI-VAD-2009-Sano #framework #using
A Proposal for a Framework for an e-Alumni Program Using SNS (HS), pp. 209–216.
HCIHCI-VAD-2009-Yarlikas #analysis #automation
A New Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) Proposal through the Analysis of ATMs of Three Banks (SY), pp. 641–650.
A Proposal of EMG-Based Training Support System for Basketball Dribbling (SA, TN, TK), pp. 459–465.
HCIHIMI-DIE-2009-PerezGM #community #information management #quality
A Proposal of Awareness Services for the Construction of Quality Community Knowledge Supported by the Knowledge Management System KnowCat (RCP, IDCG, JML), pp. 365–374.
HCIHIMI-II-2009-FurukawaO #analysis
A Proposal of Collection and Analysis System of Near Miss Incident in Nursing Duties (AF, YO), pp. 497–502.
A Proposal of a Method to Extract Active Ingredient Names from Package Inserts (KN, MK, MO, FT), pp. 576–585.
HCIOCSC-2009-SongNKE #recommendation #using #word
A Proposed Movie Recommendation Method Using Emotional Word Selection (MS, HN, HGK, JE), pp. 525–534.
CAiSECAiSE-2009-GiachettiMP #automation #domain-specific language #generative #modelling #uml #using
Using UML as a Domain-Specific Modeling Language: A Proposal for Automatic Generation of UML Profiles (GG, BM, OP), pp. 110–124.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2009-ReyesOPGMD #concept #quality #towards
Toward a Quality Model for CBSE — Conceptual Model Proposal (MAR, MO, MAP, AG, LEM, KD), pp. 101–106.
GAODE and HAODE: two proposals based on AODE to deal with continuous variables (MJF, JAG, AMM, JMP), pp. 313–320.
KDIRKDIR-2009-CamposDJ #clustering #topic #web
Disambiguating Web Search Results by Topic and Temporal Clustering — A Proposal (RC, GD, AMJ), pp. 292–296.
KEODKEOD-2009-NovakD #design #process
Intelligent Support to Analysis-based Design Improvement PROCESS — Propose: An Intelligent Consultative Advisory System (MN, BD), pp. 135–140.
CASECASE-2008-KuanCJ #modelling
Method for proposing sort screen thresholds based on modeling etest/sort-class in semiconductor manufacturing (WKY, LCC, WJL), pp. 236–241.
CSEETCSEET-2008-RootRT08a #how
Proposal Based Studio Projects: How to Avoid Producing “Cookie Cutter” Software Engineers (DR, MRL, GT), pp. 145–151.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2008-BarchinoMG #assessment
An interoperable assessment language proposal (RB, LdM, JMG), p. 357.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2008-MorenoICM #database #design #distance #education #learning #towards #using
Using accessible digital resources for teaching database design: towards an inclusive distance learning proposal (LM, AI, EC, PM), pp. 32–36.
SCAMSCAM-2008-ClarkSW #java
Beyond Annotations: A Proposal for Extensible Java (XJ) (TC, PS, JSW), pp. 229–238.
ICPRICPR-2008-GhoshB #evolution #how #pattern matching #pattern recognition #problem #recognition
How current BNs fail to represent evolvable pattern recognition problems and a proposed solution (NG, BB), pp. 1–4.
RERE-2008-Szoke #automation #scheduling #using
A Proposed Method for Automated Project Scheduling using Goals and Scenarios (AS), pp. 339–340.
SACSAC-2008-OsadaOKKK #diagrams #metric #using
Proposing metrics of difficulty of domain knowledge using usecase diagrams (AO, DO, NK, HK, KK), pp. 624–629.
Proposed Methodology for Dynamic Schedule Compression (JL, RDEJ, JHP), pp. 986–991.
HCIHCI-IDU-2007-SchwerzMS #evaluation #usability #web
A Task Model Proposal for Web Sites Usability Evaluation for the ErgoMonitor Environment (ALS, MM, SRPdS), pp. 1188–1197.
HCIHIMI-MTT-2007-MirandaIC #evaluation
Expert Systems Evaluation Proposal (PM, PTI, MMC), pp. 98–106.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2007-AntoniouGA #documentation #enterprise
Doing things right or doing the right things? Proposing a documentation scheme for small to medium enterprises (JA, PG, ASA), pp. 408–414.
SEKESEKE-2007-GrunertKW #architecture #distributed #enterprise #multi
A Proposal for a Decentralized Multi-Agent Architecture for Virtual Enterprises (AG, SK, GW), pp. 546–551.
SEKESEKE-2007-MonteiroOG #implementation #source code #user interface #using
A Proposal to Delegate GUI Implementation using a Source Code based Model (MM, PO, RG), pp. 29–32.
SEKESEKE-2007-SerranoRMTP #concept #quality
A Proposal for a Conceptual Data Warehouse Quality Model (MAS, RR, JNM, JT, MP), pp. 477–482.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2007-BiermanMT #c# #formal method
Lost in translation: formalizing proposed extensions to c# (GMB, EM, MT), pp. 479–498.
RERE-2007-Rashid #collaboration #named #requirements #specification #towards #visual notation
OpenProposal: Towards Collaborative End-User Participation in Requirements Management By Usage of Visual Requirement Specifications (AR), pp. 371–374.
REFSQREFSQ-2007-FrickerGM #implementation #using
Handshaking Between Software Projects and Stakeholders Using Implementation Proposals (SF, TG, PM), pp. 144–159.
HTHT-2006-JatowtKNKT #framework #web
Journey to the past: proposal of a framework for past web browser (AJ, YK, SN, YK, KT), pp. 135–144.
One step further the ACM K-12 final report: a proposal for level 1: computer organization for K-8 (GMB, ST), pp. 207–211.
A Proposal for Records in Event-B (NE, MJB), pp. 221–235.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-SekoYSMK #metric #pointer
Proposal of recordable pointer: Pointed position measurement by projecting interference concentric circle pattern with a pointing device (YS, YY, YS, JM, HK), pp. 825–828.
KDDKDD-2006-HettichP #lessons learnt #mining
Mining for proposal reviewers: lessons learned at the national science foundation (SH, MJP), pp. 862–871.
SEKESEKE-2006-JeanAP #database #ontology #query
Querying Ontology Based Databases — The OntoQL Proposal (SJ, YAA, GP), pp. 166–171.
ICDARICDAR-2005-NomuraYOK #effectiveness #image #recognition
A Proposal of the Effective Recognition Method for Low-Resolution Characters from Motion Images (MN, KY, HO, KK), pp. 720–724.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2005-MaiaMP #education #framework #operating system #using
A constructivist framework for operating systems education: a pedagogic proposal using the SOsim (LPM, FBM, ACPJ), pp. 218–222.
ICSMEICSM-2005-WebsterOA #maintenance #taxonomy
A Risk Taxonomy Proposal for Software Maintenance (KPBW, KMdO, NA), pp. 453–461.
SEFMSEFM-2005-KuehnLE #petri net
A Proposal For Relative Time Petri Nets (JK, CL, RE), pp. 240–249.
CHICHI-2005-HornbaekF #development #problem #usability
Comparing usability problems and redesign proposals as input to practical systems development (KH, EF), pp. 391–400.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2005-ClemmonsH #enterprise #hybrid
Reducing Risk in the Enterprise: Proposal for a Hybrid Audit Expert System (SC, KH), pp. 260–266.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2004-PatersonH04a #design pattern #ide
A proposed design patterns extension for the blueJ IDE (JHP, JH), p. 279.
Invited application paper: a proposal for the specialization of HA/DRE systems (GD), pp. 56–67.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-2004-RealBGSC #ada
Dynamic Ceiling Priorities: A Proposal for Ada0Y (JR, AB, FJMG, ES, AC), pp. 261–272.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2004-PaparoZL #automation #generative #process
Proposal for Automating the Generation Process of Questionnaires to Measure the Satisfaction Level of Software Users (MP, SZ, MIL), pp. 113–118.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2004-Grzeszczyk #network
Application of Neural Networks for Prior Appraisal of Structural Funds Project Proposals (TAG), pp. 501–504.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2004-FloresGVS #learning
Amplia Learning Environment: A Proposal for Pedagogical Negotiation (CDF, JCG, RMV, LJS), pp. 279–286.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2004-SuiAM #approach #e-commerce #email
Trusted Email: A Proposed Approach to Prevent Credit Card Fraud in Softproducts E-Commerce (NTS, SIA, DM), pp. 106–113.
ICEISICEIS-v5-2004-MarzalBMC #analysis #documentation #perspective #topic
Verbs & Topic Maps: A Proposal for Legal Documentation from the Document Content Analysis Perspective (MÁM, CB, JM, FC), pp. 63–68.
ICPRICPR-v1-2004-IlaGC #algorithm #architecture #detection #parallel
Proposal of a Parallel Architecture for a Motion Detection Algorithm (VI, RG, FC), pp. 797–800.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-MizukamiWT #approximate #architecture #network
A Proposal of Neural Network Architecture for Non-Linear Function Approximation (YM, YW, KT), pp. 605–608.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-2003-BadriB04 #empirical
A Proposal of a New Class Cohesion Criterion: An Empirical Study (LB, MB), pp. 145–159.
DATEDATE-2003-AraS #component #transaction #verification
A Proposal for Transaction-Level Verification with Component Wrapper Language (KA, KS), pp. 20082–20087.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2003-RozanskiS #education #usability
Integrating usability engineering into the computer science curriculum: a proposal (EPR, NCS), pp. 202–206.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-2003-GonzalezH #ada
A Proposal to Integrate the POSIX Execution-Time Clocks into Ada 95 (FJMG, MGH), pp. 344–358.
Exploitation of the Datawarehouse in the Hotels Services: A Proposal of Client Orientation (RB, AG, IS, MC, ZG), pp. 460–463.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2002-Barros #concurrent #petri net #programming
Specific proposals for the use of petri nets in a concurrent programming course (JPB), pp. 165–167.
CIAACIAA-2002-NetoB #adaptation #automaton
Adaptive Automata — A Revisited Proposal (JJN, CB), pp. 158–168.
ICEISICEIS-2002-FilhoL #uml
A Proposal for the Incorporation of the Features Model into the UML Language (IMF, TCdO, CJPdL), pp. 594–601.
Proposing a Method for Planning the Materialisation of Views in a Data Warehouse (AP), pp. 155–162.
The Proposal of a New Robot Vision System Called the Horizon View Camera (AI, KK, KY), pp. 709–712.
SEKESEKE-2002-MaidantchikMS #learning #requirements
Learning organizational knowledge: an evolutionary proposal for requirements engineering (CM, MM, GS), pp. 151–157.
SEKESEKE-2002-Morasca #classification #using
A proposal for using continuous attributes in classification trees (SM), pp. 417–424.
UMLUML-2001-MylopoulosKC #development #uml
UML for Agent-Oriented Software Development: The Tropos Proposal (JM, MK, JC), pp. 422–441.
SACSAC-2001-MastroleoFM #fuzzy #modelling
A proposal for modeling real options through fuzzy expert system (GM, GF, CAM), pp. 479–481.
CSEETCSEET-2000-Boldyreff #re-engineering
The University of Durham BSc in Software Engineering and Proposed MEng in Software Engineering: A Position Paper (CB), p. 189.
CSEETCSEET-2000-McCrackenHRWB #education #re-engineering
A Proposed Curriculum for an Undergraduate Software Engineering Degree (WMM, IH, HAR, RW, LB), p. 246–?.
FASEFASE-2000-DondossolaB #fault tolerance #formal method #specification
System Fault Tolerance Specification: Proposal of a Method Combining Semi-formal and Formal Approaches (GD, OB), pp. 82–96.
CSMRCSMR-2000-Rausch #component #evolution
A Proposal for Supporting Software Evolution in Componentware (AR), pp. 109–118.
CHICHI-2000-GaverM #concept #design #named
Alternatives: exploring information appliances through conceptual design proposals (WWG, HM), pp. 209–216.
ICEISICEIS-2000-SarmentoM #workflow
The Adoption of Workflow Systems: Proposal of a Model for a Methodology to Analysis-The Impact of Workflow Systems in Organisations (AS, AM), pp. 349–354.
KRKR-2000-MorgensternT #challenge #education #information management #representation
Teaching Knowledge Representation: Challenges and Proposals (LM, RHT), pp. 725–733.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-2000-Dedene00a #cobol #object-oriented #standard
Critical Issues in the Proposed ISO Object-Oriented COBOL 2002 Standard (GD), pp. 491–500.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-KoisoFN #coordination #interface #visual notation
Proposal of visual interfaces to coordinate decision making in hierarchical structures and their application to fire systems (TK, TF, SN), pp. 367–371.
HCIHCI-EI-1999-MasuiOT #evaluation #user interface
Proposal and Evaluation of User Interface for Personal Digital Assistants (NM, TO, YT), pp. 968–972.
ICEISICEIS-1999-MartinezP #database #development
A Proposal for control Database Software Application Development (AM, MP), pp. 109–116.
ITiCSEITiCSE-1998-Daly #approach #learning
A proposed structure for a computer based learning environment — a pragmatic approach (poster) (CD), p. 276.
UMLUML-1998-Henderson-Sellers #named #uml
OML: Proposals to Enhance UML (BHS), pp. 349–364.
UMLUML-1998-MellorTAL #execution #precise #semantics #uml
An Action Language for UML: Proposal for a Precise Execution Semantics (SJM, SRT, RA, PL), pp. 307–318.
REFSQREFSQ-1998-AchourRS #quality
A Proposal for Improving the Quality of the Organisation of Scenarios Collections (CBA, CR, CS), pp. 33–45.
ICDARICDAR-1997-YamazakiK #verification
Proposal for a Text-Indicated Writer Verification Method (YY, NK), pp. 709–713.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1997-GravanoCGP #experience #internet #named
STARTS: Stanford Proposal for Internet Meta-Searching (Experience Paper) (LG, KCCC, HGM, AP), pp. 207–218.
KDDKDD-1997-CerquidesM #comparison #empirical
Proposal and Empirical Comparison of a Parallelizable Distance-Based Discretization Method (JC, RLdM), pp. 139–142.
TOOLSTOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-EveredKMS #java #named
Genja — A New Proposal for Parameterised Types in Java (ME, JLK, GM, AS), pp. 181–195.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1996-DohertyHR #database #object-oriented
Structures for Manipulating Proposed Updates in Object-Oriented Databases (MD, RH, MR), pp. 306–317.
ITiCSEITiCSE-1996-Goldweber #bibliography #online #perspective
Proposal for an on-line computer science courseware review (MG), p. 230.
ECOOPECOOP-1996-LechnerLNW #concurrent #inheritance #reuse
(Objects + Concurrency) & Reusability — A Proposal to Circumvent the Inheritance Anomaly (UL, CL, FN, MW), pp. 232–247.
ICDARICDAR-v1-1995-LuOS #comprehension #interactive #performance #recognition
A proposal of efficient interactive recognition system for understanding of map drawings (WL, TO, MS), pp. 520–523.
HPDCHPDC-1995-OguchiAS #architecture #distributed #evaluation
A Proposal for a DSM Architecture Suitable for a Widely Distributed Environment and its Evaluation (MO, HA, TS), pp. 32–39.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-1994-Gale #ada #development #recommendation
Recommendations and Proposals for an Ada Strategy in the Space Software Development Environment (LPG), pp. 175–203.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1994-DucournauHHM #inheritance #multi
Proposal for a Monotonic Multiple Inheritance Linearization (RD, MH, MH, MLM), pp. 164–175.
REICRE-1994-ReizerAMP #formal method #requirements #specification #standard #using
Using formal methods for requirements specification of a proposed POSIX standard (NRR, GDA, BCM, PRHP), pp. 118–125.
ICDARICDAR-1993-DoriT #3d
Paper drawings to 3-D CAD: a proposed agenda (DD, KT), pp. 866–867.
TOOLSTOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-JalloulP #eiffel
A Separate Proposal for Eiffel (GJ, JP), pp. 63–74.
ESOPESOP-1992-Tarlecki #specification
Modules for an Model-Oriented Specification Language: A Proposal for MetaSoft (AT), pp. 451–472.
ICALPICALP-1992-PhoaF #ml #semantics
A Proposed Categorial Semantics for Pure ML (WP, MPF), pp. 533–544.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1992-DonyMC #prototype #taxonomy #validation
Prototype-Based Languages: From a New Taxonomy to Constructive Proposals and Their Validation (CD, JM, PC), pp. 201–217.
SASWSA-1991-QueinnecP #composition #evaluation #lisp #metaprogramming
A Proposal for a Modular Lisp with Macros and Dynamic Evaluation (CQ, JAP), pp. 1–8.
A Proposal for a Bachelor’s Degree Program in Software Bngineering (PAB, EJS, AR), pp. 90–108.
ECOOPECOOP-1989-Cook #eiffel #type safety
A Proposal for Making Eiffel Type-Safe (WRC), pp. 57–70.
DACDAC-1986-AdolphRS #design #representation
A frame based system for representing knowledge about VLSI design: a proposal (WSA, HKR, AS), pp. 671–676.
LISPLFP-1984-Milner #ml #standard
A Proposal for Standard ML (RM), pp. 184–197.
DACDAC-1978-HsuSZ #testing
Selective controllability: A proposal for testing and diagnosis (FCH, PS, LMZ), pp. 110–116.
ICSEICSE-1978-FreemanW #education #re-engineering
A Proposed Curriculum for Software Engineering Education (PF, AIW), pp. 56–62.
ICALPICALP-1977-Alton #complexity #memory management #metric
“Natural” Complexity Measures and Time versus Memory: Some Definitional Proposals (DAA), pp. 16–29.
DACDAC-1972-Grant #architecture #design #problem #proximity #using
Combining proximity criteria with nature-of-the-spot criteria in architectural and urban design space planning problems using a computer-aided space allocation technique: A proposed technique and an example of its application (DPG), pp. 197–202.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.