Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × Luxembourg
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.Cotroneo S.Winter N.Suri D.D.Leo F.Fucci O.Schwahn A.Lanzaro G.Carrozza R.Pietrantuono S.Russo L.D.Simone P.Liguori N.Bidokhti
Talks about:
softwar (2) analysi (2) system (2) empir (2) no (2) mandelbug (1) platform (1) njection (1) interfac (1) industri (1)
Person: Roberto Natella
DBLP: Natella:Roberto
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- ICSE-v1-2015-WinterSNSC #fault #injection #parallel
- No PAIN, No Gain? The Utility of PArallel Fault INjections (SW, OS, RN, NS, DC), pp. 494–505.
- ISSTA-2014-LanzaroNWCS #empirical #fault #injection #interface
- An empirical study of injected versus actual interface errors (AL, RN, SW, DC, NS), pp. 397–408.
- ASE-2013-CotroneoLFN #named #operating system #robust #testing
- SABRINE: State-based robustness testing of operating systems (DC, DDL, FF, RN), pp. 125–135.
- ICST-2013-CarrozzaCNPR #analysis #industrial #predict
- Analysis and Prediction of Mandelbugs in an Industrial Software System (GC, DC, RN, RP, SR), pp. 262–271.
- ESEC-FSE-2019-CotroneoSLNB #analysis #debugging #empirical #framework #how #in the cloud #platform
- How bad can a bug get? an empirical analysis of software failures in the OpenStack cloud computing platform (DC, LDS, PL, RN, NB), pp. 200–211.