Collaborated with:
L.M.L.Delcambre L.N.Cassel R.Furuta E.A.Fox J.F.Terwilliger D.Maier J.Steinhauer P.Brusilovsky Y.Lin C.Wongchokprasitti K.Chiluka
Talks about:
librari (2) complex (2) portal (2) object (2) digit (2) transform (1) communiti (1) structur (1) download (1) virtual (1)
Person: Scott Britell
DBLP: Britell:Scott
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- TPDL-2013-BritellDCF #library
- Checking Out: Download and Digital Library Exchange for Complex Objects (SB, LMLD, LNC, RF), pp. 48–59.
- TPDL-2013-BrusilovskyLWBDFCCF #education #navigation #social
- Social Navigation Support for Groups in a Community-Based Educational Portal (PB, YLL, CW, SB, LMLD, RF, KC, LNC, EAF), pp. 429–433.
- TPDL-2012-BritellDCFF #canonical #library
- Enhancing Digital Libraries and Portals with Canonical Structures for Complex Objects (SB, LMLD, LNC, EAF, RF), pp. 420–425.
- VLDB-2010-TerwilligerDMSB #database #evolution
- Updatable and Evolvable Transforms for Virtual Databases (JFT, LMLD, DM, JS, SB), pp. 309–319.