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Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Greece
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
1 × Sweden
2 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
E.A.Fox L.M.L.Delcambre R.Furuta N.Rathod G.Davies D.Knox J.Impagliazzo R.J.LeBlanc S.Britell P.Brusilovsky S.Seidman H.Topi Y.Chen M.A.Pérez-Quiñones D.D.Garcia F.M.S.III M.A.Gonçalves R.Shen W.Fan G.W.Hislop A.Pears T.Way S.Potluri R.Kamali P.L.B.II M.Akbar C.A.Shaffer J.Lee C.L.Giles H.Hsieh A.D.McGettrick M.Wrinn Q.Zhu B.S.C.II S.H.Edwards A.Clear E.Cuadros-Vargas V.Dagiene C.Laxer M.E.Caspersen D.W.Archer G.Panchanathan U.Ravindranathan A.Krowne F.Jagodzinski B.Marshall Y.Zhang H.Chen A.M.Lally X.Yu M.Tungare W.Cameron G.Teng Y.Lin C.Wongchokprasitti K.Chiluka M.Yudelson F.Corubolo S.Price U.Murthy D.Maier S.Murthy J.McCall K.Kuchibhotla R.Suryavanshi B.Siegfried F.Decker S.Carpenter
Talks about:
comput (10) educ (10) librari (9) digit (9) resourc (6) use (5) distribut (4) ensembl (4) portal (4) citidel (3)

Person: Lillian N. Cassel

DBLP DBLP: Cassel:Lillian_N=

Facilitated 4 volumes:

ITiCSE 1997Ed
ITiCSE 1996Ed
JCDL 2011Ed

Contributed to:

ITiCSE 20142014
TPDL 20132013
TPDL 20122012
ITiCSE 20112011
TPDL 20112011
ECDL 20102010
ITiCSE 20092009
SIGITE 20092009
ECDL 20082008
ITiCSE 20082008
ITiCSE 20062006
ITiCSE 20042004
SIGITE 20042004
ECDL 20032003
ITiCSE 20032003
ITiCSE 20022002
ITiCSE 20012001
JCDL 20032003
JCDL 20072007
JCDL 20102010
JCDL 20122012
JCDL 20132013

Wrote 33 papers:

ITiCSE-2014-PearsCCCDL #named
ITiCSE: the next decade (AP, AC, LNC, ECV, VD, CL), p. 323.
TPDL-2013-BritellDCF #library
Checking Out: Download and Digital Library Exchange for Complex Objects (SB, LMLD, LNC, RF), pp. 48–59.
TPDL-2013-BrusilovskyLWBDFCCF #education #navigation #social
Social Navigation Support for Groups in a Community-Based Educational Portal (PB, YLL, CW, SB, LMLD, RF, KC, LNC, EAF), pp. 429–433.
TPDL-2012-BritellDCFF #canonical #library
Enhancing Digital Libraries and Portals with Canonical Structures for Complex Objects (SB, LMLD, LNC, EAF, RF), pp. 420–425.
TPDL-2012-RathodC #machine learning
Machine Learning in Building a Collection of Computer Science Course Syllabi (NR, LNC), pp. 357–362.
ITiCSE-2011-AkbarFCDSFC #education #how #online
How educators find educational resources online (MA, WF, LNC, LMLD, CAS, EAF, YC), p. 367.
TPDL-2011-AkbarFSCCDGHSFCHSF #education #library
Digital Library 2.0 for Educational Resources (MA, WF, CAS, YC, LNC, LMLD, DDG, GWH, FMSI, RF, BSCI, HwH, BS, EAF), pp. 89–100.
ECDL-2010-BrusilovskyCDFFGSBY #library #navigation #social
Enhancing Digital Libraries with Social Navigation: The Case of Ensemble (PB, LNC, LMLD, EAF, RF, DDG, FMSI, PLBI, MY), pp. 116–123.
ECDL-2010-ShipmanCFFDBCHEG #community #distributed #education #named
Ensemble: A Distributed Portal for the Distributed Community of Computing Education (FMSI, LNC, EAF, RF, LMLD, PB, BSCI, GWH, SHE, DDG), pp. 506–509.
Masters degrees in computing (LNC, GD, SS), p. 366.
ITiCSE-2009-CasselLMW #concurrent #ontology #parallel
Concurrency and parallelism in the computing ontology (LNC, RJL, ADM, MW), p. 402.
ITiCSE-2009-CasselWP #distributed #named
CPATH: distributed expertise — collaborating with other disciplines (LNC, TW, SP), p. 382.
SIGITE-2009-HislopCDFFB #education #library #named
Ensemble: creating a national digital library for computing education (GWH, LNC, LMLD, EAF, RF, PB), p. 200.
ECDL-2008-ArcherDCCPMMFMMKS #architecture #library
Superimposed Information Architecture for Digital Libraries (DWA, LMLD, FC, LNC, SP, UM, DM, EAF, SM, JM, KK, RS), pp. 88–99.
ITiCSE-2008-CaspersenCDPST #education #question #what
What is masters level education in informatics? (MEC, LNC, GD, AP, SS, HT), p. 341.
Sharing the wealth: publishing electronic resources (LNC, EAF), p. 327.
ITiCSE-2006-DaviesCT #education #ontology #using
Using a computing ontology for educational purposes (GD, LNC, HT), p. 334.
Sharing the wealth: publishing electronic resources (LNC, EAF), p. 234.
ITiCSE-2004-CasselFLPKIG #using
Using CITIDEL to develop and share class plans (LNC, EAF, JL, MAPQ, DK, JI, CLG), p. 270.
SIGITE-2004-KamaliCL #product line
Keeping family of computing related disciplines together (RK, LNC, RJL), pp. 241–243.
ECDL-2003-ZhuGSCF #library #modelling #semantics #visual notation
Visual Semantic Modeling of Digital Libraries (QZ, MAG, RS, LNC, EAF), pp. 325–337.
ITiCSE-2003-Cassel #using
Using CITIDEL resources to support documenting objectives and outcomes (LNC), p. 255.
ITiCSE-2003-CasselIKGFLP #education #library #using
Using an education oriented digital library to organize and present classes in computing and information (LNC, JI, DK, CLG, EAF, JL, MAPQ), p. 260.
ITiCSE-2003-KnoxCI #education #using
Using the NSDL and CITIDEL to enhance teaching (DK, LNC, JI), p. 246.
ITiCSE-2002-Cassel #learning #network
Very active learning of network routing (LNC), p. 195.
ITiCSE-2001-Cassel #problem #student #summary
Reading summaries: relating class to student’s problems with the current reading assignment (LNC), p. 188.
JCDL-2003-GoncalvesPRKFJC #analysis #deployment #evolution #library #standard #xml
The XML Log Standard for Digital Libraries: Analysis, Evolution, and Deployment (MAG, GP, UR, AK, EAF, FJ, LNC), pp. 312–314.
JCDL-2003-MarshallZCLSFC #convergence #experience #information management
Convergence of Knowledge Management and E-Learning: The GetSmart Experience (BM, YZ, HC, AML, RS, EAF, LNC), pp. 135–146.
JCDL-2007-YuTFPFCTC #automation #classification
Automatic syllabus classification (XY, MT, WF, MAPQ, EAF, WC, GT, LNC), pp. 440–441.
JCDL-2010-FoxCASEBGDDAFSCC #distributed
Ensemble PDP-8: eight principles for distributed portals (EAF, YC, MA, CAS, SHE, PB, DDG, LMLD, FD, DWA, RF, FMSI, SC, LNC), pp. 341–344.
JCDL-2012-ChenBHFC #categorisation #crowdsourcing #education
Categorization of computing education resources with utilization of crowdsourcing (YC, PLBI, HwH, EAF, LNC), pp. 121–124.
Building a search engine for computer science course syllabi (NR, LNC), pp. 77–86.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.