Travelled to:
1 × Portugal
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.Buneman W.Fan S.Lindell R.Alur P.Cerný
Talks about:
constraint (2) structur (2) path (2) semistructur (1) algorithm (1) interact (1) program (1) databas (1) between (1) analysi (1)
Person: Scott Weinstein
DBLP: Weinstein:Scott
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CSL-2009-AlurCW #algorithm #analysis #source code
- Algorithmic Analysis of Array-Accessing Programs (RA, PC, SW), pp. 86–101.
- LICS-2000-LindellW #decidability #finite #first-order
- The Role of Decidability in First Order Separations over Classes of Finite Structures (SL, SW), pp. 45–50.
- PODS-1999-BunemanFW #constraints #interactive
- Interaction between Path and Type Constraints (PB, WF, SW), pp. 56–67.
- PODS-1998-BunemanFW #constraints #database
- Path Constraints in Semistructured and Structured Databases (PB, WF, SW), pp. 129–138.