Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
F.Ahmad T.Sumner J.H.Martin K.R.Butcher C.Lee J.Teevan K.Collins-Thompson P.N.Bennett R.W.White D.Sontag Q.Gu H.J.Khan
Talks about:
person (3) search (2) result (2) character (1) opportun (1) conceptu (1) behavior (1) support (1) resourc (1) librari (1)
Person: Sebastian de la Chica
DBLP: Chica:Sebastian_de_la
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- SIGIR-2014-LeeTC #behaviour #multi #risk management
- Characterizing multi-click search behavior and the risks and opportunities of changing results during use (CJL, JT, SdlC), pp. 515–524.
- CIKM-2011-Collins-ThompsonBWCS #personalisation #web
- Personalizing web search results by reading level (KCT, PNB, RWW, SdlC, DS), pp. 403–412.
- ECDL-2008-GuCAKSMB #learning #library #personalisation
- Personalizing the Selection of Digital Library Resources to Support Intentional Learning (QG, SdlC, FA, HJK, TS, JHM, KRB), pp. 244–255.
- JCDL-2007-AhmadCBSM #automation #concept #personalisation #tool support #towards
- Towards automatic conceptual personalization tools (FA, SdlC, KRB, TS, JHM), pp. 452–461.