Collaborated with:
T.Sumner J.H.Martin S.d.l.Chica F.Ahmad S.Bethard P.G.Wetzler S.Davies A.Crockett A.Dewald R.Z.Zheng Q.Gu H.J.Khan
Talks about:
resourc (3) librari (3) digit (3) support (2) automat (2) search (2) person (2) character (1) interfac (1) conceptu (1)
Person: Kirsten R. Butcher
DBLP: Butcher:Kirsten_R=
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ECDL-2008-GuCAKSMB #learning #library #personalisation
- Personalizing the Selection of Digital Library Resources to Support Intentional Learning (QG, SdlC, FA, HJK, TS, JHM, KRB), pp. 244–255.
- JCDL-2007-AhmadCBSM #automation #concept #personalisation #tool support #towards
- Towards automatic conceptual personalization tools (FA, SdlC, KRB, TS, JHM), pp. 452–461.
- JCDL-2009-BethardWBMS #automation #education #library #quality
- Automatically characterizing resource quality for educational digital libraries (SB, PGW, KRB, JHM, TS), pp. 221–230.
- JCDL-2011-ButcherDCDZ #effectiveness #evaluation #interface #library #visual notation
- Do graphical search interfaces support effective search for and evaluation of digital library resources (KRB, SD, AC, AD, RZZ), pp. 315–324.