Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Brazil
1 × China
1 × France
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Manegold M.L.Kersten C.Tryfonopoulos M.Koubarakis I.Alagiannis A.Ailamaki K.Zoumpatianos T.Palpanas O.O.Babarinsa S.Pantela E.Liarou G.Graefe F.Halim H.A.Kuno R.Borovica M.Branco O.Papaemmanouil S.Chaudhuri E.Petraki P.Karras R.H.C.Yap J.Lee G.K.Attaluri R.Barber N.Chainani O.Draese F.Ho M.Kim S.Lightstone G.M.Lohman K.Morfonios K.Murthy I.Pandis L.Qiao V.Raman V.K.Samy R.Sidle K.Stolze L.Zhang
Talks about:
data (9) store (6) column (5) index (5) adapt (5) databas (4) queri (4) crack (4) memori (3) explor (3)
Person: Stratos Idreos
DBLP: Idreos:Stratos
Contributed to:
Wrote 20 papers:
- SIGMOD-2015-BabarinsaI #database #named
- JAFAR: Near-Data Processing for Databases (OOB, SI), pp. 2069–2070.
- SIGMOD-2015-IdreosPC #data analysis #overview
- Overview of Data Exploration Techniques (SI, OP, SC), pp. 277–281.
- SIGMOD-2015-PantelaI
- One Loop Does Not Fit All (SP, SI), pp. 2073–2074.
- SIGMOD-2015-PetrakiIM #in memory
- Holistic Indexing in Main-memory Column-stores (EP, SI, SM), pp. 1153–1166.
- VLDB-2015-ZoumpatianosIP #interactive #named
- RINSE: Interactive Data Series Exploration with ADS+ (KZ, SI, TP), pp. 1912–1923.
- SIGMOD-2014-AlagiannisIA #adaptation #named
- H2O: a hands-free adaptive store (IA, SI, AA), pp. 1103–1114.
- SIGMOD-2014-ZoumpatianosIP #big data #interactive
- Indexing for interactive exploration of big data series (KZ, SI, TP), pp. 1555–1566.
- Joins on Encoded and Partitioned Data (JGL, GKA, RB, NC, OD, FH, SI, MSK, SL, GML, KM, KM, IP, LQ, VR, VKS, RS, KS, LZ), pp. 1355–1366.
- SIGMOD-2012-AlagiannisBBIA #execution #named #performance #query
- NoDB: efficient query execution on raw data files (IA, RB, MB, SI, AA), pp. 241–252.
- VLDB-2012-AlagiannisBBIA #adaptation #query
- NoDB in Action: Adaptive Query Processing on Raw Data (IA, RB, MB, SI, AA), pp. 1942–1945.
- VLDB-2012-GraefeHIKM #adaptation #concurrent
- Concurrency Control for Adaptive Indexing (GG, FH, SI, HAK, SM), pp. 656–667.
- VLDB-2012-HalimIKY #adaptation #database #in memory #probability #robust #towards
- Stochastic Database Cracking: Towards Robust Adaptive Indexing in Main-Memory Column-Stores (FH, SI, PK, RHCY), pp. 502–513.
- VLDB-2012-LiarouIMK #named #online #streaming
- MonetDB/DataCell: Online Analytics in a Streaming Column-Store (EL, SI, SM, MLK), pp. 1910–1913.
- VLDB-2011-IdreosMKG #adaptation #in memory #what
- Merging What’s Cracked, Cracking What’s Merged: Adaptive Indexing in Main-Memory Column-Stores (SI, SM, HAK, GG), pp. 585–597.
- VLDB-2011-KerstenIML #database #query #research
- The Researcher’s Guide to the Data Deluge: Querying a Scientific Database in Just a Few Seconds (MLK, SI, SM, EL), pp. 1474–1477.
- SIGMOD-2009-IdreosKM #re-engineering #self #tuple
- Self-organizing tuple reconstruction in column-stores (SI, MLK, SM), pp. 297–308.
- SIGMOD-2007-IdreosKM #database
- Updating a cracked database (SI, MLK, SM), pp. 413–424.
- ECDL-2005-TryfonopoulosIK #architecture #distributed #library #named
- LibraRing: An Architecture for Distributed Digital Libraries Based on DHTs (CT, SI, MK), pp. 25–36.
- SIGIR-2005-TryfonopoulosIK #information retrieval #network #using
- Publish/subscribe functionality in IR environments using structured overlay networks (CT, SI, MK), pp. 322–329.
- SIGMOD-2004-IdreosKT #ad hoc #named #network #query
- P2P-DIET: An Extensible P2P Service that Unifies Ad-hoc and Continuous Querying in Super-Peer Networks (SI, MK, CT), pp. 933–934.