Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
W.Wang M.L.Soffa J.W.Davidson L.Tang J.Mars
Talks about:
bandwidth (1) warehous (1) overhead (1) accuraci (1) reactiv (1) program (1) predict (1) thread (1) static (1) memori (1)
Person: Tanima Dey
DBLP: Dey:Tanima
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- HPCA-2014-WangDDS #concurrent #memory management #multi #named #predict #source code #thread
- DraMon: Predicting memory bandwidth usage of multi-threaded programs with high accuracy and low overhead (WW, TD, JWD, MLS), pp. 380–391.
- ASPLOS-2013-TangMWDS #compilation #named
- ReQoS: reactive static/dynamic compilation for QoS in warehouse scale computers (LT, JM, WW, TD, MLS), pp. 89–100.