Travelled to:
1 × Finland
1 × Greece
1 × Iceland
1 × Italy
1 × Latvia
1 × Portugal
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
2 × Japan
Collaborated with:
C.Huang R.Hariharan K.Mehlhorn N.M.Varma ∅ Á.Cseh J.Mestre M.Nasre D.Panigrahi A.Bhalgat D.Michail K.E.Paluch S.Bhattacharya M.Hoefer L.Wagner B.Haeupler R.Mathew S.Sen R.E.Tarjan
Talks about:
algorithm (5) popular (4) match (4) graph (4) minimum (3) faster (3) cycl (3) direct (2) side (2) basi (2)
Person: Telikepalli Kavitha
DBLP: Kavitha:Telikepalli
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- ICALP-v1-2015-CsehHK
- Popular Matchings with Two-Sided Preferences and One-Sided Ties (ÁC, CCH, TK), pp. 367–379.
- ICALP-v2-2015-BhattacharyaHHK #maintenance
- Maintaining Near-Popular Matchings (SB, MH, CCH, TK, LW), pp. 504–515.
- ICALP-v1-2013-KavithaV
- Small Stretch Pairwise Spanners (TK, NMV), pp. 601–612.
- ICALP-v1-2011-HuangK #problem
- Popular Matchings in the Stable Marriage Problem (CCH, TK), pp. 666–677.
- ICALP-v1-2009-KavithaMN
- Popular Mixed Matchings (TK, JM, MN), pp. 574–584.
- ICALP-A-2008-HaeuplerKMST #algorithm #incremental #performance
- Faster Algorithms for Incremental Topological Ordering (BH, TK, RM, SS, RET), pp. 421–433.
- STOC-2007-HariharanKPB #algorithm #graph
- An Õ(mn) Gomory-Hu tree construction algorithm for unweighted graphs (RH, TK, DP, AB), pp. 605–614.
- ICALP-v1-2006-HariharanKM #algorithm #graph #performance
- A Faster Deterministic Algorithm for Minimum Cycle Bases in Directed Graphs (RH, TK, KM), pp. 250–261.
- ICALP-2005-Kavitha #algorithm #graph #random
- An Õ(m2n) Randomized Algorithm to Compute a Minimum Cycle Basis of a Directed Graph (TK), pp. 273–284.
- ICALP-2004-KavithaMMP #algorithm #graph #performance
- A Faster Algorithm for Minimum Cycle Basis of Graphs (TK, KM, DM, KEP), pp. 846–857.