223 papers:
DAC-2015-AgostaBPS #information management- Information leakage chaff: feeding red herrings to side channel attackers (GA, AB, GP, MS), p. 6.
DAC-2015-KimLRJR- Vibration-based secure side channel for medical devices (YK, WSL, VR, NKJ, AR), p. 6.
DAC-2015-YuUK- Leveraging on-chip voltage regulators as a countermeasure against side-channel attacks (WY, OAU, SK), p. 6.
DATE-2015-PozoSKM #question- Side-channel attacks from static power: when should we care? (SMDP, FXS, DK, AM), pp. 145–150.
DATE-2015-StrobelBOSP #named #using- Scandalee: a side-channel-based disassembler using local electromagnetic emanations (DS, FB, DO, FS, CP), pp. 139–144.
ITiCSE-2015-HaaranenL #education #framework #git #version control- Teaching Git on the Side: Version Control System as a Course Platform (LH, TL), pp. 87–92.
STOC-2015-LiuL #bound- FPTAS for #BIS with Degree Bounds on One Side (JL, PL), pp. 549–556.
DLT-2015-BealH #finite- Deciding Proper Conjugacy of Classes of One-Sided Finite-Type-Dyck Shifts (MPB, PH), pp. 167–178.
ICALP-v1-2015-CsehHK- Popular Matchings with Two-Sided Preferences and One-Sided Ties (ÁC, CCH, TK), pp. 367–379.
ICALP-v1-2015-WangW #algorithm #online- Two-sided Online Bipartite Matching and Vertex Cover: Beating the Greedy Algorithm (YW, SCwW), pp. 1070–1081.
CHI-2015-NegulescuM #interactive #mobile- Grip Change as an Information Side Channel for Mobile Touch Interaction (MN, JM), pp. 1519–1522.
CSCW-2015-Thebault-Spieker #crowdsourcing #mobile- Avoiding the South Side and the Suburbs: The Geography of Mobile Crowdsourcing Markets (JTS, LGT, BH), pp. 265–275.
PPoPP-2015-TallentVDDKH- Diagnosing the causes and severity of one-sided message contention (NRT, AV, HvD, JD, DJK, AH), pp. 130–139.
DAC-2014-EldibWTS #named #source code- QMS: Evaluating the Side-Channel Resistance of Masked Software from Source Code (HE, CW, MMIT, PS), p. 6.
DAC-2014-LiuHM #detection #hardware #statistics- Hardware Trojan Detection through Golden Chip-Free Statistical Side-Channel Fingerprinting (YL, KH, YM), p. 6.
DAC-2014-ShanSFZTXYL #algorithm #analysis #configuration management #encryption #multi- A Side-channel Analysis Resistant Reconfigurable Cryptographic Coprocessor Supporting Multiple Block Cipher Algorithms (WS, LS, XF, XZ, CT, ZX, JY, JL), p. 6.
DAC-2014-WeiWNP #physics #reverse engineering #using- Reverse Engineering and Prevention Techniques for Physical Unclonable Functions Using Side Channels (SW, JBW, AN, MP), p. 6.
DATE-2014-XuB #hybrid #question- Hybrid side-channel/machine-learning attacks on PUFs: A new threat? (XX, WB), pp. 1–6.
SIGMOD-2014-IstvanWA #big data #data flow- Histograms as a side effect of data movement for big data (ZI, LW, GA), pp. 1567–1578.
TACAS-2014-EldibWS #smt #verification- SMT-Based Verification of Software Countermeasures against Side-Channel Attacks (HE, CW, PS), pp. 62–77.
AFL-2014-BarashO- Grammars with two-sided contexts (MB, AO), pp. 94–108.
DLT-2014-BrzozowskiS #bound #complexity- Upper Bounds on Syntactic Complexity of Left and Two-Sided Ideals (JAB, MS), pp. 13–24.
IFL-2014-DomoszlaiLP #editing #named #type system- Editlets: type-based, client-side editors for iTasks (LD, BL, RP), p. 6.
CHI-2014-KobsaKL #behaviour #personalisation #privacy- Let’s do it at my place instead?: attitudinal and behavioral study of privacy in client-side personalization (AK, BPK, BL), pp. 81–90.
ICPR-2014-Cevikalp #classification- 2-Sided Best Fitting Hyperplane Classifier (HC), pp. 226–231.
ICPR-2014-LiRPV #modelling #topic #using- Regularizing Topic Discovery in EMRs with Side Information by Using Hierarchical Bayesian Models (CL, SR, DQP, SV), pp. 1307–1312.
SAC-2014-KumeNNS #dynamic analysis #framework- A dynamic analysis technique to extract symptoms that suggest side effects in framework applications (IK, NN, MN, ES), pp. 1176–1178.
SAC-2014-LopezTCC #algorithm #automation #design- Design of an automatic demand-side management system based on evolutionary algorithms (EGL, AT, SC, VC), pp. 525–530.
FSE-2014-NguyenKN #embedded #graph #web- Building call graphs for embedded client-side code in dynamic web applications (HVN, CK, TNN), pp. 518–529.
CAV-2014-EldibW #synthesis- Synthesis of Masking Countermeasures against Side Channel Attacks (HE, CW), pp. 114–130.
ICLP-J-2014-PereiraDH #abduction #reasoning- Contextual Abductive Reasoning with Side-Effects (LMP, EAD, SH), pp. 633–648.
ICST-2014-HongPK #concurrent #detection #fault #java #web- Detecting Concurrency Errors in Client-Side Java Script Web Applications (SH, YP, MK), pp. 61–70.
DAC-2013-AgostaBMP #analysis- Compiler-based side channel vulnerability analysis and optimized countermeasures application (GA, AB, MM, GP), p. 6.
DAC-2013-WangYRNZMMB #design #grid #power management- Role of power grid in side channel attack and power-grid-aware secure design (XW, WY, DBR, SN, YZ, SM, DM, SB), p. 9.
DATE-2013-BayrakVRNBI- An EDA-friendly protection scheme against side-channel attacks (AGB, NV, FR, DN, PB, PI), pp. 410–415.
LATA-2013-ChamparnaudDJM #regular expression- Two-Sided Derivatives for Regular Expressions and for Hairpin Expressions (JMC, JPD, HJ, LM), pp. 202–213.
CEFP-2013-DomoszlaiP #evaluation #named- Tasklets: Client-Side Evaluation for iTask3 (LD, RP), pp. 428–445.
CHI-2013-LiuEY #authoring #named- SidePoint: a peripheral knowledge panel for presentation slide authoring (YL, DE, KY), pp. 681–684.
CHI-2013-ZhangBG #interactive #interface #named- SideWays: a gaze interface for spontaneous interaction with situated displays (YZ, AB, HG), pp. 851–860.
CSCW-2013-ReynoldsSBH- Butler lies from both sides: actions and perceptions of unavailability management in texting (LR, MES, JPB, JTH), pp. 769–778.
HCI-IMT-2013-SakairiTKG #editing #multi #using #visual notation- Multi-layer Control and Graphical Feature Editing Using Server-Side Rendering on Ajax-GIS (TS, TT, KK, YG), pp. 722–729.
HIMI-D-2013-SusukiTOM #analysis #behaviour- Cognitive Analysis of Driver’s Behavior with Seamless Display of Back-Monitor and Side-View Mirror (NS, KT, MO, HM), pp. 642–649.
CIKM-2013-QiuYJ #clustering #interactive #modelling- Modeling interaction features for debate side clustering (MQ, LY, JJ), pp. 873–878.
ICML-c3-2013-HonorioJ #bound #exponential #fault- Two-Sided Exponential Concentration Bounds for Bayes Error Rate and Shannon Entropy (JH, TSJ), pp. 459–467.
ICML-c3-2013-SodomkaHLG #game studies #learning #named #probability- Coco-Q: Learning in Stochastic Games with Side Payments (ES, EH, MLL, AG), pp. 1471–1479.
RecSys-2013-NewellM #design #evaluation #recommendation- Design and evaluation of a client-side recommender system (CN, LM), pp. 473–474.
LCTES-2013-MorenoFH #analysis #debugging #embedded- Non-intrusive program tracing and debugging of deployed embedded systems through side-channel analysis (CM, SF, MAH), pp. 77–88.
TLCA-2013-Herbelin #proving- Proving with Side Effects (HH), p. 2.
DATE-2012-HeuserSS #modelling- Revealing side-channel issues of complex circuits by enhanced leakage models (AH, WS, MS), pp. 1179–1184.
DATE-2012-ZohnerKSH #analysis- Side channel analysis of the SHA-3 finalists (MZ, MK, MS, SAH), pp. 1012–1017.
CIKM-2012-KurlandRS #clustering #predict #ranking- Query-performance prediction and cluster ranking: two sides of the same coin (OK, FR, AS), pp. 2459–2462.
RecSys-2012-NingK #linear #recommendation- Sparse linear methods with side information for top-n recommendations (XN, GK), pp. 155–162.
SEKE-2012-HanXO #web- Client-Side Rendering Mechanism: A Double-Edged Sword for Browser-Based Web Applications (HH, YX, KO), pp. 124–130.
SIGIR-2012-AzzopardiDG #interactive #named #web- ALF: a client side logger and server for capturing user interactions in web applications (LA, MD, RG), p. 1003.
Onward-2012-JanesS #agile #development- The dark side of agile software development (AJ, GS), pp. 215–228.
PPDP-2012-Madet #multi #polynomial #thread #λ-calculus- A polynomial time λ-calculus with multithreading and side effects (AM), pp. 55–66.
SAC-2012-LaineSV- Extending XForms with server-side functionality (ML, DS, PV), pp. 688–695.
ICSE-2012-AlkhalafBG #analysis #string #using #validation #verification- Verifying client-side input validation functions using string analysis (MA, TB, JLG), pp. 947–957.
ICSE-2012-ZhengZ #detection #problem #static analysis- Static detection of resource contention problems in server-side scripts (YZ, XZ), pp. 584–594.
CAV-2012-KopfMO #automation #quantifier- Automatic Quantification of Cache Side-Channels (BK, LM, MO), pp. 564–580.
ICST-2012-OcarizaPM #automation #fault #javascript #named- AutoFLox: An Automatic Fault Localizer for Client-Side JavaScript (FSOJ, KP, AM), pp. 31–40.
IJCAR-2012-MarshallN #algorithm #unification- New Algorithms for Unification Modulo One-Sided Distributivity and Its Variants (AMM, PN), pp. 408–422.
ISSTA-2012-AlkhalafCFBOK #analysis #consistency #difference #named #nondeterminism #string #validation- ViewPoints: differential string analysis for discovering client- and server-side input validation inconsistencies (MA, SRC, MF, TB, AO, CK), pp. 56–66.
ASE-2011-MarasCC #slicing #web- Client-side web application slicing (JM, JC, IC), pp. 504–507.
ASE-2011-NguyenNNN #fault #html #php #validation- Auto-locating and fix-propagating for HTML validation errors to PHP server-side code (HVN, HAN, TTN, TNN), pp. 13–22.
ICDAR-2011-WangT- Non-rigid Registration and Restoration of Double-Sided Historical Manuscripts (JW, CLT), pp. 1374–1378.
SCAM-2011-NicolayRMJ #automation #higher-order #parallel #source code- Automatic Parallelization of Side-Effecting Higher-Order Scheme Programs (JN, CDR, WDM, VJ), pp. 185–194.
SAS-2011-FlexederPS #analysis #assembly- Side-Effect Analysis of Assembly Code (AF, MP, HS), pp. 77–94.
ICFP-2011-DevrieseP #on the- On the bright side of type classes: instance arguments in Agda (DD, FP), pp. 143–155.
CHI-2011-SchwandaIRC #persuasion #tool support- Side effects and “gateway” tools: advocating a broader look at evaluating persuasive systems (VS, SI, LR, DC), pp. 345–348.
HCD-2011-Ley #interactive #workflow- Expert-Sided Workflow Data Acquisition by Means of an Interactive Interview System (DL), pp. 91–100.
HCI-DDA-2011-AlTaboliL #design #interface #metric #visual notation- Objective and Subjective Measures of Visual Aesthetics of Website Interface Design: The Two Sides of the Coin (AA, YL), pp. 35–44.
CIKM-2011-BressanP #rank #ranking- Local computation of PageRank: the ranking side (MB, LP), pp. 631–640.
KDD-2011-BilenkoR #personalisation #predict- Predictive client-side profiles for personalized advertising (MB, MR), pp. 413–421.
KDD-2011-MenonCGAK #collaboration #predict #using- Response prediction using collaborative filtering with hierarchies and side-information (AKM, KPC, SG, DA, NK), pp. 141–149.
KDIR-2011-BressoBSMKSND #mining #reduction- Use of Domain Knowledge for Dimension Reduction — Application to Mining of Drug Side Effects (EB, SB, MST, GM, ASK, MS, AN, MDD), pp. 271–276.
ECOOP-2011-WarthOKK #named- Worlds: Controlling the Scope of Side Effects (AW, YO, TK, ACK), pp. 179–203.
CGO-2011-MehraraM #execution #web- Dynamically accelerating client-side web applications through decoupled execution (MM, SAM), pp. 74–84.
TLCA-2011-MadetA #multi #thread #λ-calculus- An Elementary Affine λ-Calculus with Multithreading and Side Effects (AM, RMA), pp. 138–152.
DAC-2010-YanC- Two-sided single-detour untangling for bus routing (JTY, ZWC), pp. 206–211.
SIGMOD-2010-Amer-YahiaDKKF #algorithm #big data- Crowds, clouds, and algorithms: exploring the human side of “big data” applications (SAY, AD, JMK, NK, MJF), pp. 1259–1260.
CSCW-2010-KeeganG #social #social media- Egalitarians at the gate: one-sided gatekeeping practices in social media (BK, DG), pp. 131–134.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-Mital #mobile #privacy- Consumer Privacy Being Raided and Invaded — The Negative Side of Mobile Advertising (MM), pp. 117–123.
ICML-2010-TuL #classification #multi- One-sided Support Vector Regression for Multiclass Cost-sensitive Classification (HHT, HTL), pp. 1095–1102.
ICML-2010-YangJJ #learning- Learning from Noisy Side Information by Generalized Maximum Entropy Model (TY, RJ, AKJ), pp. 1199–1206.
SAC-2010-SantanaB #web- Summarizing observational client-side data to reveal web usage patterns (VFdS, MCCB), pp. 1219–1223.
SAC-2010-WeeL #using- Client-side load balancer using cloud (SW, HL), pp. 399–405.
LDTA-2009-JimM10 #earley #parsing #performance- Efficient Earley Parsing with Regular Right-hand Sides (TJ, YM), pp. 135–148.
CGO-2010-Newburn- There are at least two sides to every heterogeneous system (CCJN), p. 120.
TAP-2010-Nagappan #re-engineering- Myths in Software Engineering: From the Other Side (NN), pp. 3–5.
DAC-2009-BanerjeePBR- Sustainable data centers: enabled by supply and demand side management (PB, CDP, CB, PR), pp. 884–887.
ICDAR-2009-MoghaddamRYC #approach #documentation #framework #image #segmentation #set- A Unified Framework Based on the Level Set Approach for Segmentation of Unconstrained Double-Sided Document Images Suffering from Bleed-Through (RFM, DRH, IBY, MC), pp. 441–445.
ICDAR-2009-TonazziniBS #multi- Registration and Enhancement of Double-Sided Degraded Manuscripts Acquired in Multispectral Modality (AT, GB, ES), pp. 546–550.
SCAM-2009-QianZX #analysis #lazy evaluation- Improving Side-Effect Analysis with Lazy Access Path Resolving (JQ, YZ, BX), pp. 35–44.
PEPM-2009-ChenLWK #aspect-oriented #design #locality- Designing aspects for side-effect localization (KC, JYL, SCW, SCK), pp. 189–198.
DLT-2009-Shur #bound- Two-Sided Bounds for the Growth Rates of Power-Free Languages (AMS), pp. 466–477.
HCI-VAD-2009-DukeFK #multi #novel #visualisation- A Novel Visualization Tool for Evaluating Medication Side-Effects in Multi-drug Regimens (JDD, AF, HK), pp. 478–487.
HCI-VAD-2009-Song #information retrieval #internet #visualisation- Client-Side Visualization of Internet Forums for Information Retrieval (GS), pp. 606–613.
SIGAda-2009-Smart #ada- A look at Ada from both sides now (a government, and a defense contractor perspective) (JCS), pp. 119–120.
ICML-2009-YuM #problem- Piecewise-stationary bandit problems with side observations (JYY, SM), pp. 1177–1184.
SIGIR-2009-Azzopardi #analysis #effectiveness #empirical #evaluation #query- Query side evaluation: an empirical analysis of effectiveness and effort (LA), pp. 556–563.
SIGIR-2009-GuoA #interactive #predict #segmentation- Beyond session segmentation: predicting changes in search intent with client-side user interactions (QG, EA), pp. 636–637.
MoDELS-2009-Booch #architecture #mining- Architectural Mining: The Other Side of the MDD (GB), p. 627.
MoDELS-2009-Booch #architecture #mining- Architectural Mining: The Other Side of the MDD (GB), p. 627.
HPCA-2009-KongASZ- Hardware-software integrated approaches to defend against software cache-based side channel attacks (JK, OA, JPS, HZ), pp. 393–404.
SAT-2009-JohannsenRW #satisfiability #strict- Solving SAT for CNF Formulas with a One-Sided Restriction on Variable Occurrences (DJ, IR, MW), pp. 80–85.
DATE-2008-RealCCDV #analysis #hardware- Defeating classical Hardware Countermeasures: a new processing for Side Channel Analysis (DR, CC, JC, MD, FV), pp. 1274–1279.
HT-2008-AnkolekarV #named #personalisation #web- Kalpana — enabling client-side web personalization (AA, DV), pp. 21–26.
SIGMOD-2008-GhelliORS #optimisation #query #xml- XML query optimization in the presence of side effects (GG, NO, KHR, JS), pp. 339–352.
CSMR-2008-LienhardGGN #execution #testing- Test Blueprint — Exposing Side Effects in Execution Traces to Support Writing Unit Tests (AL, TG, OG, ON), pp. 83–92.
LATA-2008-KrassovitskiyRV- Further Results on Insertion-Deletion Systems with One-Sided Contexts (AK, YR, SV), pp. 333–344.
ICPR-2008-ChenS #constraints #image #segmentation- Medical image segmentation via min s-t cuts with sides constraints (JHC, LGS), pp. 1–4.
PPDP-2008-PlasmeijerJKA #ajax #declarative #evaluation #using #workflow- Declarative Ajax and client side evaluation of workflows using iTasks (RP, JMJ, PWMK, PA), pp. 56–66.
CASE-2007-YamamotoFI #3d #metric #multi #performance #using- A High-Speed 3D Shape Measurement System Using a Multi-Sided Mirror (KY, HF, II), pp. 823–828.
DAC-2007-AmbroseRP #analysis #injection #named #random- RIJID: Random Code Injection to Mask Power Analysis based Side Channel Attacks (JAA, RGR, SP), pp. 489–492.
DAC-2007-Tiri- Side-Channel Attack Pitfalls (KT), pp. 15–20.
SIGMOD-2007-Weikum #information retrieval- DB&IR: both sides now (GW), pp. 25–30.
WCRE-2007-Reifer #reverse engineering- The Dark Side of Software Reverse Engineering (keynote) (DJR).
HCI-IPT-2007-ImPKL- Modification of Plastic Optical Fiber for Side-Illumination (MHI, EJP, CHK, MSL), pp. 1123–1129.
KDD-2007-Sculley #feedback #learning- Practical learning from one-sided feedback (DS), pp. 609–618.
MoDELS-2007-KusterR #consistency #evaluation #nondeterminism- Improving Inconsistency Resolution with Side-Effect Evaluation and Costs (JMK, KR), pp. 136–150.
MoDELS-2007-KusterR #consistency #evaluation #nondeterminism- Improving Inconsistency Resolution with Side-Effect Evaluation and Costs (JMK, KR), pp. 136–150.
SAC-2007-HwangPJ #analysis #implementation #performance- An implementation and performance analysis of slave-side arbitration schemes for the ML-AHB BusMatrix (SYH, HJP, KSJ), pp. 1545–1551.
PPoPP-2007-MamidalaNVSP #on the #performance #scalability #trade-off #using- On using connection-oriented vs. connection-less transport for performance and scalability of collective and one-sided operations: trade-offs and impact (ARM, SN, AV, GS, DKP), pp. 46–54.
SOSP-2007-KicimanL #behaviour #framework #monitoring #named #web- AjaxScope: a platform for remotely monitoring the client-side behavior of web 2.0 applications (EK, VBL), pp. 17–30.
DATE-DF-2006-PotlapallyRRJL #encryption #framework #satisfiability- Satisfiability-based framework for enabling side-channel attacks on cryptographic software (NRP, AR, SR, NKJ, RBL), pp. 18–23.
DocEng-2006-CesarBJ06a #multi- The ambulant annotator: empowering viewer-side enrichment of multimedia content (PC, DCAB, AJJ), pp. 186–187.
CSCW-2006-PiperOMW #development #game studies #named #social- SIDES: a cooperative tabletop computer game for social skills development (AMP, EO, MRM, TW), pp. 1–10.
CSCW-2006-RollandHM #concept #integration- Conceptualizing common information spaces across heterogeneous contexts: mutable mobiles and side-effects of integration (KHR, VH, EM), pp. 493–500.
SIGIR-2006-LiuO #effectiveness #metric #retrieval #speech- One-sided measures for evaluating ranked retrieval effectiveness with spontaneous conversational speech (BL, DWO), pp. 673–674.
SAC-2006-ChongL #using- An extension of dead end elimination for protein side-chain conformation using merge-decoupling (KFC, HWL), pp. 195–199.
SAC-2006-KirdaKVJ #named- Noxes: a client-side solution for mitigating cross-site scripting attacks (EK, CK, GV, NJ), pp. 330–337.
DAC-2005-TiriHHLYSV #embedded #encryption- A side-channel leakage free coprocessor IC in 0.18µm CMOS for embedded AES-based cryptographic and biometric processing (KT, DDH, AH, BCL, SY, PS, IV), pp. 222–227.
DAC-2005-TiriV #modelling #simulation- Simulation models for side-channel information leaks (KT, IV), pp. 228–233.
DATE-2005-TiriV05a #design- A VLSI Design Flow for Secure Side-Channel Attack Resistant ICs (KT, IV), pp. 58–63.
CSMR-2005-Canfora #testing #web #web service- User-Side Testing of Web Services (GC), p. 301.
CSMR-2005-GreevyD #analysis #approach #correlation #using- Correlating Features and Code Using a Compact Two-Sided Trace Analysis Approach (OG, SD), pp. 314–323.
ICFP-2005-TerauchiA- Witnessing side-effects (TT, AA), pp. 105–115.
CIKM-2005-CarinoJLWY #machine learning #mining #web- Mining officially unrecognized side effects of drugs by combining web search and machine learning (CC, YJ, BL, PMW, CTY), pp. 365–372.
CIKM-2005-KriegelP #clustering #distributed #effectiveness #performance- Efficient and effective server-sided distributed clustering (HPK, MP), pp. 339–340.
SAC-2005-MendoncaS #empirical #evaluation #policy #web #web service- An empirical evaluation of client-side server selection policies for accessing replicated web services (NCM, JAFS), pp. 1704–1708.
CC-2005-LeLH #interprocedural #jit #optimisation #using- Using Inter-Procedural Side-Effect Information in JIT Optimizations (AL, OL, LJH), pp. 287–304.
HPDC-2005-LiaoCCWRT- Collective caching: application-aware client-side file caching (WkL, KC, ANC, LW, ER, ST), pp. 81–90.
VMCAI-2005-SalcianuR #analysis #java #source code- Purity and Side Effect Analysis for Java Programs (AS, MCR), pp. 199–215.
VLDB-2004-BehmRS- Returning Modified Rows — SELECT Statements with Side Effects (AB, SR, RS), pp. 987–997.
ESOP-2004-HirschowitzLW #call-by #mixin #reduction #semantics- Call-by-Value Mixin Modules: Reduction Semantics, Side Effects, Types (TH, XL, JBW), pp. 64–78.
ICSM-2004-Rountev #identification #java #precise- Precise Identification of Side-Effect-Free Methods in Java (AR), pp. 82–91.
AFP-2004-Thiemann04 #programming #web- Server-Side Web Programming in WASH (PT), pp. 309–330.
CSCW-2004-DucheneautM #case study #game studies #interactive #multi #online #social- The social side of gaming: a study of interaction patterns in a massively multiplayer online game (ND, RJM), pp. 360–369.
ICPR-v3-2004-ChenB04a #detection #image- Human Ear Detection from Side Face Range Images (HC, BB), pp. 574–577.
ICPR-v3-2004-WuZZ #feature model #linear #using- Relevant Linear Feature Extraction Using Side-information and Unlabeled Data (FW, YZ, CZ), pp. 582–585.
ASE-2003-TilevichUSF #aspect-oriented- Aspectizing Server-Side Distribution (ET, SU, YS, MF), pp. 130–141.
DocEng-2003-Vion-Dury #towards #xml #xpath- XPath on left and right sides of rules: toward compact XML tree rewriting through node patterns (JYVD), pp. 19–25.
HT-2003-KarousosTP #approach #developer #hypermedia- Increasing the usage of open hypermedia systems: a developer-side approach (NK, MT, IP), pp. 148–149.
VLDB-2003-Brodie #web #web service- Illuminating the Dark Side of Web Services (MLB), pp. 1046–1049.
CSEET-2003-Poole #development- The Softer Side of Custom Software Development: Working with the Other Players (WGPJ), pp. 14–21.
ICEIS-v1-2003-PfeiferW #approach- A Transparent Client-Side Caching Approach for Application Server Systems (DP, ZW), pp. 545–549.
ESEC-FSE-2003-HallC #named- Gravity: supporting dynamically available services in client-side applications (RSH, HC), pp. 379–382.
ESEC-FSE-2003-TkachukD #adaptation #analysis #composition #model checking- Adapting side effects analysis for modular program model checking (OT, MBD), pp. 188–197.
LCTES-2003-SutterVBB #abstraction #on the- On the side-effects of code abstraction (BDS, HV, BDB, KDB), pp. 244–253.
ICSM-2002-HarmanHHMZDOW #algorithm- A Post-Placement Side-Effect Removal Algorithm (MH, LH, RMH, MM, XZ, JJD, MCO, JW), pp. 2–11.
PLDI-2002-LeinoPZ #using- Using Data Groups to Specify and Check Side Effects (KRML, APH, YZ), pp. 246–257.
DLT-2002-Frougny #online- On-Line Odometers for Two-Sided Symbolic Dynamical Systems (CF), pp. 405–416.
FME-2002-OheimbN #hoare #logic #revisited- Hoare Logic for NanoJava: Auxiliary Variables, Side Effects, and Virtual Methods Revisited (DvO, TN), pp. 89–105.
ICFP-2002-Hinze #array #flexibility- Bootstrapping one-sided flexible arrays (RH), pp. 2–13.
ICPR-v2-2002-Lu #robust #using- Block DCT-Based Robust Watermarking Using Side Information Extracted by Mean Filtering (CSL), pp. 1001–1004.
PADL-2002-Thiemann #composition #named #web- WASH/CGI: Server-Side Web Scripting with Sessions and Typed, Compositional Forms (PT), pp. 192–208.
ISSTA-2002-MilanovaRR #analysis #java #points-to- Parameterized object sensitivity for points-to and side-effect analyses for Java (AM, AR, BGR), pp. 1–11.
DAC-2001-KarriWMK #concurrent #detection #fault #symmetry- Concurrent Error Detection of Fault-Based Side-Channel Cryptanalysis of 128-Bit Symmetric Block Ciphers (RK, KW, PM, YK), pp. 579–585.
DAC-2001-OzgunerMDWSH #design #education #logic #verification- Teaching Future Verification Engineers: The Forgotten Side of Logic Design (FÖ, DWM, JD, BW, JS, LH), pp. 253–255.
VLDB-2001-NarayananS #architecture- Tavant System Architecture for Sell-side Channel Management (SN, SNS), pp. 675–678.
IWPC-2001-HarmanMHZ- Side-Effect Removal Transformation (MH, MM, LH, XZ), pp. 310–319.
CIKM-2001-RosenthalW #data access #documentation #question- Document Release versus Data Access Controls: Two Sides of the Same Coin? (AR, GW), pp. 544–546.
MLDM-2001-Perner #classification #question #reasoning- Are Case-Based Reasoning and Dissimilarity-Based Classification Two Sides of the Same Coin? (PP), pp. 35–51.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Devos #design #developer #tool support- A Whack on the Side of the Designer’s Head: A Toolkit for the Creative Developer (MMD), p. 391.
PADL-2001-Hanus #web- High-Level Server Side Web Scripting in Curry (MH), pp. 76–92.
ESEC-FSE-2001-JagannathanS #component #implementation- Increasing client-side confidence in remote component implementations (RJ, PAGS), pp. 52–61.
CC-2001-RountevR #analysis #library #points-to #source code- Points-to and Side-Effect Analyses for Programs Built with Precompiled Libraries (AR, BGR), pp. 20–36.
LCTES-OM-2001-BrunschOS #corba #design #performance #scalability- Designing an Efficient and Scalable Server-side Asynchrony Model for CORBA (DB, CO, DCS), pp. 223–229.
LOPSTR-2000-EtalleM #functional #lazy evaluation #logic programming- The lazy functional side of logic programming (SE, JM).
SAC-2000-ODonnellRR #algorithm- A Side-Effect-Free Hierarchical Radiosity Algorithm (JO, TR, GR), pp. 782–791.
DLT-1999-KlarlundDS #constraints #logic #named #parsing- Yakyak: parsing with logical side constraints (NK, ND, MIS), pp. 286–301.
HCI-EI-1999-AokiN #web- User-Side Web Page Customization (YA, AN), pp. 580–584.
PADL-1999-MeijerLH #haskell #web- Client-Side Web Scripting with HaskellScript (EM, DL, JH), pp. 196–210.
HPDC-1998-NieplochaFD- Distant I/O: One-Sided Access to Secondary Storage on Remote Processors (JN, ITF, HD), pp. 148–154.
ISSTA-1998-StocksRLZ #context-sensitive grammar #problem- Comparing Flow and Context Sensitivity on the Modification-Side-Effects Problem (PS, BGR, WL, SZ), pp. 21–31.
PEPM-1997-AsaiMY #call-by #partial evaluation #λ-calculus- Partial Evaluation of Call-by-Value λ-Calculus with Side-Effects (KA, HM, AY), pp. 12–21.
HCI-SEC-1997-DiZioL- Circumventing Side Effects of Immersive Virtual Environments (PD, JRL), pp. 893–896.
HCI-SEC-1997-WilsonNH #question- Presence and Side Effects: Complementary or Contradictory? (JRW, SN, CH), pp. 889–892.
ICML-1997-KubatM #set- Addressing the Curse of Imbalanced Training Sets: One-Sided Selection (MK, SM), pp. 179–186.
PLILP-1997-HuangSS #logic programming #parallel #source code- Selective Recomputation for Handling Side-Effects in Parallel Logic Programs (ZH, CS, AS), pp. 275–289.
ICSE-1997-YurRLS #analysis #c #incremental- Incremental Analysis of Side Effects for C Software System (JSY, BGR, WL, PS), pp. 422–432.
ICLP-1997-HuangSS #execution #modelling #parallel- Handling Side-effects with Selective Recomputation in AND/OR Parallel Execution Models (ZH, CS, AS), p. 410.
CSEE-1996-Baron #people- The People Side of Software: A Lesson Plan for Establishing a Successful Training Program (JB), pp. 184–198.
ITiCSE-1996-Beise #education #internet #tool support- Integrating Internet tools into the soft side of informatics education (CMB), pp. 107–108.
ISSTA-1996-HughesS #algebra #named #object-oriented #source code #testing- Daistish: Systematic Algebraic Testing for OO Programs in the Presence of Side-effects (MH, PDS), pp. 53–61.
FPCA-1995-Marchiori #functional #logic programming- The Functional Side of Logic Programming (MM), pp. 55–65.
POPL-1995-RieckeV- Isolating Side Effects in Sequential Languages (JGR, RV), pp. 1–12.
RTA-1995-SuzukiMI #term rewriting- Level-Confluence of Conditional Rewrite Systems with Extra Variables in Right-Hand Sides (TS, AM, TI), pp. 179–193.
ICSM-1994-Leung #development #object-oriented- The Dark Side of Object-Oriented Software Development (HKNL), p. 438.
ICDAR-1993-Bai #multi #recognition #using- Multifont Chinese character recognition using side-stroke-end feature (GB), pp. 794–797.
PLDI-1993-LandiRZ #alias #analysis #interprocedural #pointer- Interprocedural Side Effect Analysis With Pointer Aliasing (WL, BGR, SZ), pp. 56–67.
DLT-1993-PaunRS- Contextual Grammars: Erasing, Determinism, One-Side Contexts (GP, GR, AS), pp. 370–388.
POPL-1993-ChoiBC #alias #interprocedural #performance #pointer- Efficient Flow-Sensitive Interprocedural Computation of Pointer-Induced Aliases and Side Effects (JDC, MGB, PRC), pp. 232–245.
ESEC-1991-Fischer #automation- CASE Seen From Both Sides of the Fence (WEF), pp. 509–511.
ESEC-1991-Greenspan #requirements- The Scruffy Side of Requirements Engineering (SJG), pp. 492–494.
CC-1990-ShahmehriF #algorithm #debugging #imperative- Algorithmic Debugging for Imperative Languages with Side-Effects (Abstract) (NS, PF), pp. 226–227.
ML-1989-SarrettP #algorithm #empirical #learning- One-Sided Algorithms for Integrating Empirical and Explanation-Based Learning (WS, MJP), pp. 26–28.
ML-1989-SobekL #learning #using- Using Learning to Recover Side-Effects of Operators in Robotics (RPS, JPL), pp. 205–208.
LICS-1989-MasonT #axiom #equivalence- Axiomatizing Operational Equivalence in the Presence of Side Effects (IAM, CLT), pp. 284–293.
NACLP-1989-ChangC #execution #strict- Restricted AND-Parallelism Execution Model with Side-Effects (SEC, YPC), pp. 350–368.
PLDI-1988-CooperK #analysis #interprocedural #linear- Interprocedural Side-Effect Analysis in Linear Time (KDC, KK), pp. 57–66.
Best-of-PLDI-1988-CooperK88a #analysis #interprocedural #linear- Interprocedural side-effect analysis in linear time (with retrospective) (KDC, KK), pp. 217–228.
ECOOP-1988-Sakkinen #c++ #on the- On the Darker Side of C++ (MS), pp. 162–176.
CCHSC-1988-Hedin #evaluation #incremental- Incremental Attribute Evaluation with Side-effects (GH), pp. 175–189.
LICS-1988-BohmP #calculus- Characterizing X-Separability and One-Side Invertibility in λ-β-Ω-Calculus (CB, AP), pp. 91–101.
PODS-1987-Naughton #recursion- One-Sided Recursions (JFN), pp. 340–348.
SLP-1987-DeGroot87 #strict- Restricted And-Parallelism and Side Effects (DD), pp. 80–89.
RTA-1985-ArnborgT #problem #unification- Unification Problems with One-Sided Distributivity (SA, ET), pp. 398–406.
DAC-1983-Heilweil- Technology rules- the other side of technology dependent code (MFH), p. 389.
POPL-1982-Boehm #logic- A Logic for Expressions with Side-Effects (HJB), pp. 268–280.
POPL-1979-Banning #alias #performance- An Efficient Way to Find Side Effects of Procedure Calls and Aliases of Variables (JB), pp. 29–41.
DAC-1976-WuS #algorithm #float- A new routing algorithm for two-sided boards with floating vias (WW, DCS), pp. 151–160.