Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Hungary
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Canada
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Drescher S.Haim D.A.Basin A.Bundy J.Slaney ∅ F.Rossi K.B.Venable C.Thiffault F.Bacchus C.Bessière E.Hebrard L.Drake A.Frisch S.Colton A.Nunes M.S.Pini Leonid Antsfeld Daniel Damir Harabor Philip Kilby R.I.Brafman D.Salvagnin P.J.Stuckey M.J.G.d.l.Banda M.J.Maher K.Marriott J.K.Slaney Z.Somogyi M.Wallace
Talks about:
solv (4) constraint (3) answer (3) set (3) transit (2) prefer (2) solut (2) model (2) decis (2) dpll (2)
Person: Toby Walsh
DBLP: Walsh:Toby
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 18 papers:
- ICLP-2012-DrescherW #generative #lazy evaluation #set
- Answer Set Solving with Lazy Nogood Generation (CD, TW), pp. 188–200.
- ICLP-2011-DrescherW #constraints #modelling #programming #set
- Modelling Grammar Constraints with Answer Set Programming (CD, TW), pp. 28–39.
- ICLP-J-2010-DrescherW #approach #constraints #set
- A translational approach to constraint answer set solving (CD, TW), pp. 465–480.
- KR-2010-BrafmanRSVW #constraints #information management #representation
- Finding the Next Solution in Constraint- and Preference-Based Knowledge Representation Formalisms (RIB, FR, DS, KBV, TW).
- SAT-2009-HaimW #machine learning #using
- Restart Strategy Selection Using Machine Learning Techniques (SH, TW), pp. 312–325.
- KR-2008-PiniRVW #nondeterminism
- Dealing with Incomplete Agents’ Preferences and an Uncertain Agenda in Group Decision Making via Sequential Majority Voting (MSP, FR, KBV, TW), pp. 571–578.
- SAT-2008-HaimW #estimation #online #runtime #satisfiability
- Online Estimation of SAT Solving Runtime (SH, TW), pp. 133–138.
- ICLP-2005-StuckeyBMMSSWW #independence #modelling #performance
- The G12 Project: Mapping Solver Independent Models to Efficient Solutions (PJS, MJGdlB, MJM, KM, JKS, ZS, MW, TW), pp. 9–13.
- SAT-2004-ThiffaultBW
- Solving Non-clausal Formulas with DPLL search (CT, FB, TW), pp. 147–156.
- SAT-2003-BessiereHW #consistency #satisfiability
- Local Consistencies in SAT (CB, EH, TW), pp. 299–314.
- SAT-2002-DrakeFW #satisfiability
- Adding resolution to the DPLL procedure for satisfiability (LD, AF, TW), p. 46.
- SAT-2002-SlaneyW #behaviour #optimisation
- Phase Transition Behavior: From Decision to Optimization (JS, TW), p. 4.
- ICML-2000-ColtonBW #automation #concept #identification
- Automatic Identification of Mathematical Concepts (SC, AB, TW), pp. 183–190.
- CADE-1994-BasinW #order #termination
- Termination Orderings for Rippling (DAB, TW), pp. 466–483.
- CADE-1994-Walsh
- A Divergence Critic (TW), pp. 14–28.
- CADE-1992-BasinW #difference
- Difference Matching (DAB, TW), pp. 295–309.
- CADE-1992-WalshNB #proving #theorem proving #using
- The Use of Proof Plans to Sum Series (TW, AN, AB), pp. 325–339.
- AIIDE-2012-AntsfeldHKW #game studies #video
- TRANSIT Routing on Video Game Maps (LA, DDH, PK, TW).