Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Cyprus
1 × Finland
1 × India
1 × Korea
1 × The Netherlands
2 × Belgium
2 × Canada
2 × Hungary
2 × Sweden
25 × USA
3 × Germany
3 × Portugal
4 × France
4 × Italy
4 × Spain
5 × United Kingdom
6 × Japan
Collaborated with:
K.Marriott M.J.G.d.l.Banda G.J.Duck M.Sulzmann V.Lagoon H.Søndergaard M.Codish D.B.Kemp G.Gange ∅ C.Schulte P.Schachte L.D.Koninck J.Wazny R.H.C.Yap Z.Somogyi P.Lim M.V.Hermenegildo G.Puebla J.A.Navas C.Holzbaur S.Brand T.Feydy S.Michaylov D.Srivastava J.Puchinger J.Jaffar M.J.Maher S.Sudarshan B.Demoen W.Harvey R.A.Aziz G.Chu S.Genaim K.Glynn N.Heintze T.Schrijvers A.D.Macdonald K.Francis P.Hawkins J.Bailey D.Overton K.F.Sagonas V.Tam K.Kanchanasut F.Bueno A.D.Kelly D.Jeffery E.Albert M.Gómez-Zamalloa R.Caballero A.Tenorio-Fornes B.d.Cat M.Denecker A.Schutt F.Mesnard M.Wallace C.J.Muise P.C.d.Guzmán M.Carro P.Moulder I.Abío M.Deters R.Nieuwenhuis S.L.P.Jones J.Burg J.C.H.Tai J.M.Rojas G.Tack P.Wuille H.Samulowitz P.Arenas M.G.d.l.Banda J.R.M.Cornish R.Becket N.Nethercote J.Correas J.Vaghani K.Ramamohanarao T.S.Leask J.Harland J.K.Slaney T.Walsh P.Seshadri J.M.Hellerstein H.Pirahesh T.Y.C.Leung R.Ramakrishnan
Talks about:
constraint (39) program (27) analysi (17) logic (17) optim (11) model (11) solver (7) compil (7) type (7) rule (7)
Person: Peter J. Stuckey
DBLP: Stuckey:Peter_J=
Facilitated 3 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 96 papers:
- ICLP-J-2015-GangeNSSS #horn clause #program analysis #program transformation #representation
- Horn clauses as an intermediate representation for program analysis and transformation (GG, JAN, PS, HS, PJS), pp. 526–542.
- SAT-2015-AzizCMS
- #∃SAT: Projected Model Counting (RAA, GC, CJM, PJS), pp. 121–137.
- LOPSTR-2014-CornishGNSSS #array #program transformation #source code
- Analyzing Array Manipulating Programs by Program Transformation (JRMC, GG, JAN, PS, HS, PJS), pp. 3–20.
- CADE-2013-GangeSSS #composition #constraints #difference
- Solving Difference Constraints over Modular Arithmetic (GG, HS, PJS, PS), pp. 215–230.
- ICLP-J-2013-AlbertBGRS #generative #testing
- A CLP heap solver for test case generation (EA, MJGdlB, MGZ, JMR, PJS), pp. 721–735.
- ICLP-J-2013-AzizCS #bound #semantics
- Stable model semantics for founded bounds (RAA, GC, PJS), pp. 517–532.
- ICLP-J-2013-GangeNSSS #constraints #logic programming
- Failure tabled constraint logic programming by interpolation (GG, JAN, PS, HS, PJS), pp. 593–607.
- PPDP-2013-CaballeroST #constraints #finite #programming
- Finite type extensions in constraint programming (RC, PJS, ATF), pp. 217–227.
- SAS-2013-GangeNSSS #abstract domain #abstract interpretation
- Abstract Interpretation over Non-lattice Abstract Domains (GG, JAN, PS, HS, PJS), pp. 6–24.
- SAT-2013-Stuckey #problem
- There Are No CNF Problems (PJS), pp. 19–21.
- TACAS-2013-GangeNSSS #bound #constraints #model checking #regular expression
- Unbounded Model-Checking with Interpolation for Regular Language Constraints (GG, JAN, PJS, HS, PS), pp. 277–291.
- DocEng-2012-GangeMS #layout
- Optimal guillotine layout (GG, KM, PJS), pp. 13–22.
- FLOPS-2012-GuzmanCHS #framework #implementation
- A General Implementation Framework for Tabled CLP (PCdG, MC, MVH, PJS), pp. 104–119.
- ICLP-2012-CatDS #incremental #lazy evaluation
- Lazy Model Expansion by Incremental Grounding (BdC, MD, PJS), pp. 201–211.
- LOPSTR-2012-SchrijversTWSS #combinator
- An Introduction to Search Combinators (TS, GT, PW, HS, PJS), pp. 2–16.
- DocEng-2011-GangeMMS #automation #layout
- Optimal automatic table layout (GG, KM, PM, PJS), pp. 23–32.
- ICLP-2011-KoninckBS #constraints
- Constraints in Non-Boolean Contexts (LDK, SB, PJS), pp. 117–127.
- SAT-2011-AbioDNS
- Reducing Chaos in SAT-Like Search: Finding Solutions Close to a Given One (IA, MD, RN, PJS), pp. 273–286.
- ICLP-2009-KoninckDS #normalisation #term rewriting
- Demand-Driven Normalisation for ACD Term Rewriting (LDK, GJD, PJS), pp. 484–488.
- PPDP-2009-CodishGS #declarative #encoding #satisfiability
- A declarative encoding of telecommunications feature subscription in SAT (MC, SG, PJS), pp. 255–266.
- FLOPS-2008-KoninckSD #compilation #optimisation
- Optimizing Compilation of CHR with Rule Priorities (LDK, PJS, GJD), pp. 32–47.
- ICLP-2008-CodishLS #constraints #partial order #problem
- Telecommunications Feature Subscription as a Partial Order Constraint Problem (MC, VL, PJS), pp. 749–753.
- ICLP-2008-DuckKS #implementation #named #term rewriting
- Cadmium: An Implementation of ACD Term Rewriting (GJD, LDK, PJS), pp. 531–545.
- ICLP-2008-SchulteS #bound #dynamic analysis
- Dynamic Analysis of Bounds Versus Domain Propagation (CS, PJS), pp. 332–346.
- PADL-2008-BrandDPS #constraints #flexibility #rule-based
- Flexible, Rule-Based Constraint Model Linearisation (SB, GJD, JP, PJS), pp. 68–83.
- PEPM-2008-PuchingerS #automation #bound #source code
- Automating branch-and-bound for dynamic programs (JP, PJS), pp. 81–89.
- PPDP-2008-FeydySS #constraints #difference #finite
- Global difference constraint propagation for finite domain solvers (TF, AS, PJS), pp. 226–235.
- PPDP-2008-SchulteS
- Dynamic variable elimination during propagation solving (CS, PJS), pp. 247–257.
- ICLP-2007-DuckSS #confluence #constraints
- Observable Confluence for Constraint Handling Rules (GJD, PJS, MS), pp. 224–239.
- SAC-2007-FeydyS #equation #integer #linear
- Propagating dense systems of integer linear equations (TF, PJS), pp. 306–310.
- SAC-2007-FrancisS #constraints #graph
- Constraint propagation for loose constraint graphs (KF, PJS), pp. 334–335.
- ESOP-2006-CodishLSS #analysis #termination
- Size-Change Termination Analysis in k-Bits (MC, VL, PS, PJS), pp. 230–245.
- FLOPS-2006-SulzmannWS #algebra #data type #framework
- A Framework for Extended Algebraic Data Types (MS, JW, PJS), pp. 47–64.
- ICLP-2006-DuckSB #term rewriting
- ACD Term Rewriting (GJD, PJS, SB), pp. 117–131.
- PADL-2006-BecketBMSSW #constraints #theorem proving
- Adding Constraint Solving to Mercury (RB, MJGdlB, KM, ZS, PJS, MW), pp. 118–133.
- PADL-2006-HawkinsS #constraints #finite #hybrid #satisfiability #theorem proving
- A Hybrid BDD and SAT Finite Domain Constraint Solver (PH, PJS), pp. 103–117.
- RTA-2006-CodishLS #constraints #partial order #termination
- Solving Partial Order Constraints for LPO Termination (MC, VL, PJS), pp. 4–18.
- ICLP-2005-CodishLS #constraints #termination #testing
- Testing for Termination with Monotonicity Constraints (MC, VL, PJS), pp. 326–340.
- ICLP-2005-StuckeyBMMSSWW #independence #modelling #performance
- The G12 Project: Mapping Solver Independent Models to Efficient Solutions (PJS, MJGdlB, MJM, KM, JKS, ZS, MW, TW), pp. 9–13.
- PADL-2005-BaileyS #constraints #satisfiability #set #using
- Discovery of Minimal Unsatisfiable Subsets of Constraints Using Hitting Set Dualization (JB, PJS), pp. 174–186.
- PPDP-2005-SchrijversSD #abstract interpretation #constraints
- Abstract interpretation for constraint handling rules (TS, PJS, GJD), pp. 218–229.
- ESOP-2004-DuckPSS #decidability #dependence #functional #type inference
- Sound and Decidable Type Inference for Functional Dependencies (GJD, SLPJ, PJS, MS), pp. 49–63.
- ICLP-2004-DuckBS #compilation #constraints
- Compiling Ask Constraints (GJD, MJGdlB, PJS), pp. 105–119.
- ICLP-2004-DuckSBH #constraints #semantics
- The Refined Operational Semantics of Constraint Handling Rules (GJD, PJS, MJGdlB, CH), pp. 90–104.
- PDCL-2004-DemoenBHMOS #constraints
- Herbrand Constraints in HAL (BD, MJGdlB, WH, KM, DO, PJS), pp. 499–538.
- PDCL-2004-PueblaCHBBMS #analysis #composition #framework #source code
- A Generic Framework for Context-Sensitive Analysis of Modular Programs (GP, JC, MVH, FB, MJGdlB, KM, PJS), pp. 233–260.
- PPDP-2004-SagonasS
- Just enough tabling (KFS, PJS), pp. 78–89.
- ICLP-2003-LagoonMS #analysis #termination
- Termination Analysis with Types Is More Accurate (VL, FM, PJS), pp. 254–268.
- PPDP-2003-BandaSW #satisfiability #set
- Finding all minimal unsatisfiable subsets (MJGdlB, PJS, JW), pp. 32–43.
- PPDP-2003-DuckSBH #constraints
- Extending arbitrary solvers with constraint handling rules (GJD, PJS, MJGdlB, CH), pp. 79–90.
- FLOPS-2002-BandaDMS #tutorial
- To the Gates of HAL: A HAL Tutorial (MJGdlB, BD, KM, PJS), pp. 47–66.
- ICFP-2002-GlynnSSS #analysis #exception #strict
- Exception analysis for non-strict languages (KG, PJS, MS, HS), pp. 98–109.
- ICFP-2002-StuckeyS #formal method
- A theory of overloading (PJS, MS), pp. 167–178.
- PPDP-2002-LagoonS #analysis #logic programming #precise #source code
- Precise pair-sharing analysis of logic programs (VL, PJS), pp. 99–108.
- PPDP-2002-OvertonSS #analysis #constraints
- Constraint-based mode analysis of mercury (DO, ZS, PJS), pp. 109–120.
- PPDP-2002-SomogyiS #stack #using
- Using the heap to eliminate stack accesses (ZS, PJS), pp. 121–132.
- FLOPS-2001-LagoonS #analysis #framework #logic programming #source code
- A Framework for Analysis of Typed Logic Programs (VL, PJS), pp. 296–310.
- ICLP-2001-BandaJMNSH #constraints #theorem proving
- Building Constraint Solvers with HAL (MJGdlB, DJ, KM, NN, PJS, CH), pp. 90–104.
- ICLP-2001-CodishGSS #analysis
- Higher-Precision Groundness Analysis (MC, SG, HS, PJS), pp. 135–149.
- ICLP-2001-HolzbaurBJS #compilation #constraints #optimisation
- Optimizing Compilation of Constraint Handling Rules (CH, MJGdlB, DJ, PJS), pp. 74–89.
- PPDP-2001-SchulteS #bound #question
- When Do Bounds and Domain Propagation Lead to the Same Search Space? (CS, PJS), pp. 115–126.
- SAS-2001-GlynnSS #analysis #constraints #effectiveness #strict
- Effective Strictness Analysis with HORN Constraints (KG, PJS, MS), pp. 73–92.
- CL-2000-BandaSHM #model checking
- Model Checking in HAL (MJGdlB, PJS, WH, KM), pp. 1270–1284.
- LOPSTR-2000-BuenoBHMPS #analysis #compilation #optimisation
- A model for inter-module analysis and optimizing compilation (FB, MJGdlB, MVH, KM, GP, PJS).
- LOPSTR-J-2000-BuenoBHMPS #analysis #compilation #optimisation
- A Model for Inter-module Analysis and Optimizing Compilation (FB, MJGdlB, MVH, KM, GP, PJS), pp. 86–102.
- ICLP-1999-DemoenBHMS #constraints #theorem proving
- Herbrand Constraint Solving in HAL (BD, MJGdlB, WH, KM, PJS), pp. 260–274.
- ICLP-1997-PueblaBMS #logic programming #optimisation #scheduling #source code
- Optimization of Logic Programs with Dynamic Scheduling (GP, MJGdlB, KM, PJS), pp. 93–107.
- ICLP-1997-Stuckey #constraints
- Constraint Search Tree (PJS), pp. 301–315.
- JICSLP-1996-KellyMMSY #compilation #effectiveness #optimisation
- Effectiveness of Optimizing Compilation for CLP(R) (ADK, ADM, KM, PJS, RHCY), pp. 37–51.
- PLILP-1996-StuckeyT #constraints #logic programming #modelling #probability #theorem proving #using
- Models for Using Stochastic Constraint Solvers in Constraint Logic Programming (PJS, VT), pp. 423–437.
- SAS-1996-KellyMSS #analysis #constraints #incremental #logic programming #source code
- Two Applications of an Incremental Analysis Engine for (Constraint) Logic Programs (ADK, KM, HS, PJS), pp. 385–386.
- SIGMOD-1996-SeshadriHPLRSSS #algebra #cost analysis #implementation #optimisation
- Cost-Based Optimization for Magic: Algebra and Implementation (PS, JMH, HP, TYCL, RR, DS, PJS, SS), pp. 435–446.
- ICLP-1995-BurgSTY #constraints #equation #linear #logic programming
- Linear Equation Solving for Constraint Logic Programming (JB, PJS, JCHT, RHCY), pp. 33–47.
- ICLP-1995-HermenegildoPMS #analysis #incremental #logic programming #source code
- Incremental Analysis of Logic Programs (MVH, GP, KM, PJS), pp. 797–811.
- ILPS-1995-BandaMS #analysis #logic programming #performance #scheduling #source code
- Efficient Analysis of Logic Programs with Dynamic Scheduling (MJGdlB, KM, PJS), pp. 417–431.
- ILPS-1994-MarriottS #approximate #constraints #interactive #linear
- Approximating Interaction between Linear Arithmetic Constraints (KM, PJS), pp. 571–585.
- PODS-1994-StuckeyS #compilation #constraints #query
- Compiling Query Constraints (PJS, SS), pp. 56–67.
- ICLP-1993-KempS #analysis #constraints #optimisation #query
- Analysis Based Constraint Query Optimization (DBK, PJS), pp. 666–682.
- ICLP-1993-VaghaniRKSSLH #database #deduction
- Status of the Aditi Deductive Database System (JV, KR, DBK, ZS, PJS, TSL, JH), p. 851.
- ILPS-1993-MacdonaldSY
- Redundancy of Variables in CLP (R) (ADM, PJS, RHCY), pp. 75–93.
- POPL-1993-MarriottS #constraints #logic programming #optimisation #order #refinement #source code
- The 3 R’s of Optimizing Constraint Logic Programs: Refinement, Removal and Reordering (KM, PJS), pp. 334–344.
- JICSLP-1992-KempSS #bottom-up #evaluation #logic programming #query #source code #strict
- Query Restricted Bottom-Up Evaluation of Normal Logic Programs (DBK, PJS, DS), pp. 288–302.
- PLDI-1992-JaffarMSY #automaton
- An Abstract Machine for CLP(R) (JJ, SM, PJS, RHCY), pp. 128–139.
- ISLP-1991-KempS #logic programming #semantics #source code
- Semantics of Logic Programs with Aggregates (DBK, PJS), pp. 387–401.
- ISLP-1991-KempSS #bottom-up #evaluation #modelling #set
- Magic Sets and Bottom-Up Evaluation of Well-Founded Models (DBK, DS, PJS), pp. 337–351.
- LICS-1991-Stuckey #constraints #logic programming
- Constructive Negation for Constraint Logic Programming (PJS), pp. 328–339.
- ALP-1990-KanchanasutS #logic programming #source code
- Eliminating Negation from Normal Logic Programs (KK, PJS), pp. 217–231.
- NACLP-1990-LimS #constraints #metaprogramming
- Meta Programming as Constraint Programming (PL, PJS), pp. 416–430.
- PLILP-1990-LimS #constraints #logic programming
- A Constraint Logic Programming Shell (PL, PJS), pp. 75–88.
- NACLP-1989-HeintzeMSY #metaprogramming #on the
- On Meta-Programming in CLR(R) (NH, SM, PJS, RHCY), pp. 52–66.
- NACLP-1989-MaherS #constraints #logic programming #programming language #query
- Expanding Query Power in Constraint Logic Programming Languages (MJM, PJS), pp. 20–36.
- ICLP-1987-HeintzeMS87 #problem
- CLP(R) and Some Electrical Engineering Problems (NH, SM, PJS), pp. 675–703.
- ICLP-1986-JaffarS86 #equation #logic programming #semantics
- Logic Program Semantics for Programming with Equations (JJ, PJS), pp. 313–326.
- CAV-2017-AlbertABGS #partial order #reduction
- Context-Sensitive Dynamic Partial Order Reduction (EA, PA, MGdlB, MGZ, PJS), pp. 526–543.
- Haskell-2003-StuckeySW #debugging #haskell #interactive
- Interactive type debugging in Haskell (PJS, MS, JW), pp. 72–83.
- Haskell-2004-StuckeySW #fault
- Improving type error diagnosis (PJS, MS, JW), pp. 80–91.