Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × Germany
1 × Korea
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.Gunopulos S.Subramaniam D.Zeinalipour-Yazti D.Kotsakos P.Sakkos T.Palpanas D.Papadopoulos L.E.Moser P.M.Melliar-Smith P.Narasimhan L.A.Tewksbury
Talks about:
monitor (2) smart (2) peer (2) use (2) architectur (1) enterpris (1) structur (1) parametr (1) behavior (1) process (1)
Person: Vana Kalogeraki
DBLP: Kalogeraki:Vana
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- VLDB-2013-KotsakosSKG #health #monitoring #named #smarttech #using
- SmartMonitor: Using Smart Devices to Perform Structural Health Monitoring (DK, PS, VK, DG), pp. 1282–1285.
- ICEIS-ISAS-2006-SubramaniamKG #behaviour #evolution #predict #process
- Business Processes: Behavior Prediction and Capturing Reasons for Evolution (SS, VK, DG), pp. 3–10.
- VLDB-2006-SubramaniamPPKG #detection #modelling #online #parametricity #using
- Online Outlier Detection in Sensor Data Using Non-Parametric Models (SS, TP, DP, VK, DG), pp. 187–198.
- CIKM-2002-KalogerakiGZ #network #peer-to-peer
- A local search mechanism for peer-to-peer networks (VK, DG, DZY), pp. 300–307.
- EDOC-1999-MoserMNTK #architecture #enterprise
- The Eternal system: an architecture for enterprise applications (LEM, PMMS, PN, LAT, VK), pp. 214–222.