Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Germany
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.G.Stoodley P.Ramarao R.Vallée-Rai E.Gagnon L.J.Hendren P.Lam I.Gartley M.Pirvu N.Grcevski D.Maier P.Pominville C.Razafimahefa C.Godin
Talks about:
java (4) framework (2) experi (2) compil (2) time (2) just (2) interpret (1) synchron (1) virtual (1) scalabl (1)
Person: Vijay Sundaresan
DBLP: Sundaresan:Vijay
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- CGO-2013-GartleyPSG #case study #design #experience #framework #interpreter #profiling #robust #scalability
- Experiences in designing a robust and scalable interpreter profiling framework (IG, MP, VS, NG), p. 10.
- CGO-2008-SundaresanSR #exception
- Removing redundancy via exception check motion (VS, MGS, PR), pp. 134–143.
- CGO-2006-SundaresanMRS #case study #compilation #experience #java #multi #thread
- Experiences with Multi-threading and Dynamic Class Loading in a Java Just-In-Time Compiler (VS, DM, PR, MGS), pp. 87–97.
- CGO-2005-StoodleyS #automation #compilation #java
- Automatically Reducing Repetitive Synchronization with a Just-in-Time Compiler for Java (MGS, VS), pp. 27–36.
- CC-2000-Vallee-RaiGHLPS #bytecode #framework #java #optimisation #question #using
- Optimizing Java Bytecode Using the Soot Framework: Is It Feasible? (RVR, EG, LJH, PL, PP, VS), pp. 18–34.
- OOPSLA-2000-SundaresanHRVLGG #java
- Practical virtual method call resolution for Java (VS, LJH, CR, RVR, PL, EG, CG), pp. 264–280.