Collaborated with:
J.Li B.Li Q.Chen M.Zhu S.Ji
Talks about:
verif (3) base (3) differenti (2) hybrid (2) logic (2) dynam (2) uml (2) cps (2) algebra (1) tempor (1)
Person: Xiaoxiang Zhai
DBLP: Zhai:Xiaoxiang
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- SEKE-2012-LiLCZJZ #adaptation #continuation #self #verification
- A HybridUML and QdL Based Verification Method for CPS Self-Adaptability (JL, BL, QC, MZ, SJ, XZ), pp. 239–242.
- SEKE-2012-ZhaiLZLCJ #algebra #cyber-physical #logic #verification
- Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems Based on Differential-Algebraic Temporal Dynamic Logic (XZ, BL, MZ, JL, QC, SJ), pp. 231–234.
- SEKE-2012-ZhuLLCZJ #continuation #difference #logic #using #verification
- HybridUML Based Verification of CPS Using Differential Dynamic Logic (MZ, BL, JL, QC, XZ, SJ), pp. 235–238.