30 papers:
CASE-2015-AlfonsoXA #approach #capacity #programming #representation #scheduling- A simulation-optimization approach for capacity planning and appointment scheduling of blood donors based on mathematical programming representation of event dynamics (EA, XX, VA), pp. 728–733.
CASE-2015-McKinleyGSKMNLP #single use- A single-use haptic palpation probe for locating subcutaneous blood vessels in robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery (SM, AG, SS, RK, AM, KAN, SL, SP, PA, AMO, KG), pp. 1151–1158.
CHI-2015-KendallMT #health #metric- Blood Pressure Beyond the Clinic: Rethinking a Health Metric for Everyone (LK, DM, DST), pp. 1679–1688.
CSCW-2015-TorkilsheyggiH- Visible but Unseen?: A Workplace Study of Blood-Test Icons on Electronic Emergency-Department Whiteboards (AáT, MH), pp. 798–807.
ICPR-2014-KarM #fuzzy #using- Extraction of Retinal Blood Vessel Using Curvelet Transform and Fuzzy C-Means (SSK, SPM), pp. 3392–3397.
DHM-HB-2013-LiWW- Oxygenation and Blood Volume in Skeletal Muscle in Response to External Force (HL, CW, ZW), pp. 359–365.
MLDM-2012-StaroszczykOM #analysis #comparative #feature model #recognition- Comparative Analysis of Feature Selection Methods for Blood Cell Recognition in Leukemia (TS, SO, TM), pp. 467–481.
CASE-2011-Ruiz-VelazquezAFQ #modelling- Neural modeling of the blood glucose level for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus patients (ERV, AYA, RF, GQ), pp. 696–701.
ICEIS-v2-2011-Hu #enterprise- Business “Blood Circulation” — A Brief Introduction on the Construction Enterprise Cash Flow Management (YH), pp. 307–310.
DATE-2010-ChenABF #monitoring #using- Non-invasive blood oxygen saturation monitoring for neonates using reflectance pulse oximeter (WC, IA, SBO, LMGF), pp. 1530–1535.
ICPR-2010-JiangZWZ- Distinguishing Patients with Gastritis and Cholecystitis from the Healthy by Analyzing Wrist Radial Arterial Doppler Blood Flow Signals (XJ, DZ, KW, WZ), pp. 2492–2495.
ICPR-2010-KayaCC #design #using- Designing a Pattern Stabilization Method Using Scleral Blood Vessels for Laser Eye Surgery (AK, ABC, HBC), pp. 698–701.
ICPR-2010-KiwanukaW #automation- Automatic Attribute Threshold Selection for Blood Vessel Enhancement (FNK, MHFW), pp. 2314–2317.
ICPR-2010-PengYZC #classification #segmentation #using- Retinal Blood Vessels Segmentation Using the Radial Projection and Supervised Classification (QP, XY, LZ, YmC), pp. 1489–1492.
ICPR-2010-Rivest-HenaultCDL #segmentation- Length Increasing Active Contour for the Segmentation of Small Blood Vessels (DRH, MC, SD, CL), pp. 2796–2799.
CASE-2009-Makkapati #segmentation #using- Improved wavelet-based microscope autofocusing for blood smears by using segmentation (VM), pp. 208–211.
KDD-2009-MohammedFHL #case study- Anonymizing healthcare data: a case study on the blood transfusion service (NM, BCMF, PCKH, CkL), pp. 1285–1294.
CASE-2008-WangSZF #automation #image- Automatic tracing of blood flow velocity in pulsed Doppler images (ZWW, GGS, MZ, TF), pp. 218–222.
ICPR-2008-LathenJB #segmentation #set- Phase based level set segmentation of blood vessels (GL, JJ, MB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-v3-2006-El-BazFGEE #image #modelling #probability- Probabilistic Modeling of Blood Vessels for Segmenting MRA Images (AEB, AAF, GLG, MAEG, TE), pp. 917–920.
DATE-2005-KirsteinSSHVH04 #monitoring- A CMOS-Based Tactile Sensor for Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring (KUK, JS, TS, CH, TV, AH), pp. 210–214.
SAC-2004-SignoriniG #design #object-oriented #process #specification- Object-oriented design for the specification of the blood clotting cascade: a class-structured view of bio-computing processes (JS, PG), pp. 207–208.
ICPR-v1-2002-SaitohTK #automation #multi #segmentation- Automatic Segmentation of Liver Region through Blood Vessels on Multi-Phase CT (TS, YT, TK), pp. 735–738.
ICPR-v3-2002-SuriLSL #3d #automation- Automatic Local Effect of Window/Level on 3-D Scale-Space Ellipsoidal Filtering on Run-Off-Arteries from White Blood Magnetic Resonanc Angiography (JSS, KL, SS, SL), pp. 899–902.
ICPR-v2-2000-Theera-UmponG #fault #network- Training Neural Networks to Count White Blood Cells via a Minimum Counting Error Objective Function (NTU, PDG), pp. 2299–2302.
ICPR-v3-2000-RubertoDKJ #image #segmentation #using- Segmentation of Blood Images Using Morphological Operators (CDR, AGD, SK, BJ), pp. 3401–3404.
ICPR-v3-2000-RubertoDKJ00a #automation #image #using- Automatic Thresholding of Infected Blood Images Using Granulometry and Regional Extrema (CDR, AGD, SK, BJ), pp. 3445–3448.
ICPR-1998-VesWH #algorithm- Matching blood vessel patterns with the generalised EM algorithm (EdV, RCW, ERH), pp. 364–367.
HCI-CC-1997-KazumaSNGOS #analysis #evaluation #process- Evaluation of Mental Stress During Tracking Tasks Based on the Analysis of Electrodermal Activity, Blinks and Blood Pressure (HK, MS, YN, HG, YO, MS), pp. 567–570.
ICPR-1996-KovalevGA #image #recognition #robust- Robust recognition of white blood cell images (VAK, AYG, HSA), pp. 371–375.