68 papers:
ICFP-2015-DannerLR #functional #induction #semantics- Denotational cost semantics for functional languages with inductive types (ND, DRL, R), pp. 140–151.
ICLP-J-2015-AguadoCPPV #equilibrium #logic #semantics- A denotational semantics for equilibrium logic (FA, PC, DP, GP, CV), pp. 620–634.
LATA-2013-BalaK #ambiguity #automaton- Unambiguous Automata Denoting Finitely Sequential Functions (SB, AK), pp. 104–115.
POPL-2013-VytiniotisJCR #haskell #logic #named #semantics- HALO: haskell to logic through denotational semantics (DV, SLPJ, KC, DR), pp. 431–442.
SEFM-2012-ZhaoZZH #calculus- A Denotational Model for Instantaneous Signal Calculus (YZ, LZ, HZ, JH), pp. 126–140.
LATA-2009-Llull-ChavarriaV #complexity #semantics #word- An Application of Generalized Complexity Spaces to Denotational Semantics via the Domain of Words (JLC, OV), pp. 530–541.
FM-2009-GancarskiB #semantics- The Denotational Semantics of slotted-Circus (PG, AB), pp. 451–466.
ESOP-2008-BouissouM #hybrid #semantics- A Hybrid Denotational Semantics for Hybrid Systems (OB, MM), pp. 63–77.
ESOP-2007-CenciarelliKS #axiom #java #memory management- The Java Memory Model: Operationally, Denotationally, Axiomatically (PC, AK, ES), pp. 331–346.
LOPSTR-2007-BrasselC- Denotation by Transformation (BB, JC), pp. 90–105.
FoSSaCS-2006-EdalatP #automaton #hybrid #semantics- Denotational Semantics of Hybrid Automata (AE, DP), pp. 231–245.
ESOP-2005-ReusS #logic #semantics- Denotational Semantics for Abadi and Leino’s Logic of Objects (BR, JS), pp. 263–278.
ICLP-2005-Santos #concurrent #logic #semantics #transaction #using- Denotational Semantics Using Horn Concurrent Transaction Logic (MVS), pp. 431–432.
FoSSaCS-2004-FilinskiR #evaluation #normalisation- A Denotational Account of Untyped Normalization by Evaluation (AF, HKR), pp. 167–181.
CSL-2004-Hyvernat #linear #logic- Predicate Transformers and Linear Logic: Yet Another Denotational Model (PH), pp. 115–129.
SCAM-2003-Favre #semantics- CPP Denotational Semantics (JMF), p. 22–?.
PADL-2003-HillS #logic programming #source code- Logic Programs as Compact Denotations (PMH, FS), pp. 339–356.
CSL-2003-Vermeulen #first-order #logic #semantics- More Computation Power for a Denotational Semantics for First Order Logic (KFMV), pp. 530–543.
WCRE-2002-OuarbyaDDHF #interprocedural #slicing- A Denotational Interprocedural Program Slicer (LO, SD, MD, MH, CF), p. 181–?.
PPDP-2001-BoerGM #semantics- A Denotational Semantics for Timed Linda (FSdB, MG, MCM), pp. 28–36.
CL-2000-Apt #first-order #logic #semantics- A Denotational Semantics for First-Order Logic (KRA), pp. 53–69.
CL-2000-Maher #logic #semantics- A Denotational Semantics of Defeasible Logic (MJM), pp. 209–222.
DATE-1999-BreuerMBFLK #reasoning #semantics #using- Reasoning about VHDL and VHDL-AMS using Denotational Semantics (PTB, NMM, JPB, RBF, MMLP, CDK), pp. 346–352.
DATE-1998-Nicoli #behaviour #semantics #set- Denotational Semantics of a Behavioral Subset of VHDL (FN), pp. 975–976.
ICALP-1998-PowerR #approach #composition #semantics- A Modular Approach to Denotational Semantics (JP, GR), pp. 351–362.
ALP-PLILP-1998-Pitts #higher-order #semantics- Operational Versus Denotational Methods in the Semantics of Higher Order Languages (AMP), pp. 282–283.
JICSLP-1998-Gupta #logic- Horn Logic Denotations (GG), pp. 357–358.
SAS-1997-Zartmann #abstract interpretation #functional #logic programming #source code- Denotational Abstract Interpretation of Functional Logic Programs (FZ), pp. 141–159.
HCI-SEC-1997-MatsubayashiTT #functional #specification #towards- Integrating System’s Functional Model and its Structional Model Toward Denotational Dialogue Specification (KM, YT, NT), pp. 63–66.
POPL-1997-WandS #semantics #using- Denotational Semantics Using an Operationally-Based Term Model (MW, GTS), pp. 386–399.
ESOP-1996-LiangH #compilation #composition #semantics- Modular Denotational Semantics for Compiler Construction (SL, PH), pp. 219–234.
SAC-1996-WaillyB #data flow #functional #implementation #parallel #semantics #specification- Specification of a functional synchronous dataflow language for parallel implementations with the denotational semantics (GdW, FB), pp. 414–419.
LICS-1996-Ong #category theory #proving #semantics- A Semantic View of Classical Proofs: Type-Theoretic, Categorical, and Denotational Characterizations (Preliminary Extended Abstract) (CHLO), pp. 230–241.
ESOP-1994-PierroP #constraints #logic #logic programming #semantics- A Logical Denotational Semantics for Constraint Logic Programming (ADP, CP), pp. 195–210.
CC-1994-RingstromFP #compilation #generative #parallel #performance #specification- Generating an Efficient Compiler for a Data Parallel Language from a Denotational Specification (JR, PF, MP), pp. 248–262.
ILPS-1993-McDonaldXEF #logic #on the #semantics- On the Denotational and Logical Semantics of CLP-Modules (BM, JX, ME, EF), p. 658.
CSL-1991-Gonzalez-MorenoHR #declarative #functional #programming #semantics- Denotational Versus Declarative Semantics for Functional Programming (JCGM, MTHG, MRA), pp. 134–148.
LICS-1990-DrosteG #formal method #programming language #semantics- Universal Domains in the Theory of Denotational Semantics of Programming Languages (MD, RG), pp. 19–34.
NACLP-1990-BonacinaH #semantics #source code- Operational and Denotational Semantics of Rewrite Programs (MPB, JH), pp. 449–464.
OOPSLA-1989-CookP #correctness #inheritance #semantics- A Denotational Semantics of Inheritance and its Correctness (WRC, JP), pp. 433–443.
ALP-1988-Pasztor #logic #recursion #semantics #source code #standard- Nonstandard Logics of Recursive Programs and Denotational Semantics (AP), pp. 255–278.
POPL-1988-Kamin #inheritance- Inheritance in Smalltalk-80: A Denotational Definition (SNK), pp. 80–87.
LICS-1988-DeganoNM #concurrent #consistency #on the #semantics- On the Consistency of “Truly Concurrent” Operational and Denotational Semantics (Extended Abstract) (PD, RDN, UM), pp. 133–141.
LICS-1988-GerthCLS #concurrent #prolog #semantics- Fully Abstract Denotational Semantics for Flat Concurrent Prolog (RG, MC, YL, EYS), pp. 320–335.
PLDI-1987-Johnson #continuation #named- GL — a denotational testbed with continuations and partial continuations as first-class objects (GFJ), pp. 165–176.
VDME-1987-Blikle #syntax- Denotational Engineering or from Denotations to Syntax (AB), pp. 151–209.
POPL-1987-HuizingGR #abstraction #realtime #semantics- Full Abstraction of a Real-Time Denotational Semantics for an Occam-like Language (CH, RG, WPdR), pp. 223–237.
POPL-1987-Nielson #abstract interpretation #analysis #strict- Strictness Analysis and Denotational Abstract Interpretation (FN), pp. 120–131.
ESOP-1986-Kok #nondeterminism #semantics- Denotational Semantics of Nets with Nondeterminism (JNK), pp. 237–249.
ESOP-1986-NielsonN #aspect-oriented #metalanguage- Pragmatic Aspects of Two-Level Denotational Meta-Languages (HRN, FN), pp. 133–143.
LFP-1986-LeeP #implementation #lisp #on the #semantics- On the Use of LISP in Implementing Denotational Semantics (PL, UFP), pp. 233–248.
LICS-1986-Plaisted #nondeterminism #recursion #semantics #source code #using- The Denotional Semantics of Nondeterministic Recursive Programs using Coherent Relations (DAP), pp. 163–174.
POPL-1985-HalpernWWW #semantics- Denotational Semantics and Rewrite Rules for FP (JYH, JHW, ELW, TCW), pp. 108–120.
LFP-1984-Clinger #compilation #semantics- The Scheme 311 Compiler: An Exercise in Denotational Semantics (WDC), p. 356–?.
SLP-1984-JonesM84 #development #prolog #semantics- Stepwise Development of Operational and Denotational Semantics for Prolog (NDJ, AM), pp. 281–288.
VLDB-1982-LouisP #calculus #relational #semantics- A Denotational Definition of the Semantics of DRC, A Domain Relational Calculus (GL, AP), pp. 348–356.
SCC-1982-BodwinBKLP #compilation #experience #generative #semantics- Experience with an Experimental Compiler Generator Based on Denotational Semantics (JB, LB, KK, DL, UFP), pp. 216–229.
SCC-1982-Raskovsky #code generation #semantics #specification- Denotational Semantics as a Specification of Code Generators (MRR), pp. 230–244.
STOC-1982-DeBakkerZ #concurrent #semantics- Denotational Semantics of Concurrency (JWdB, JIZ), pp. 153–158.
ICALP-1982-Scott #semantics- Domains for Denotational Semantics (DSS), pp. 577–613.
POPL-1981-Polak #semantics #verification- Program Verification Based on Denotational Semantics (WP), pp. 149–158.
TFDA-1980-BundgaardS #ada #semantics- A Denotational (Static) Semantics Method for Defining Ada Context Conditions (JB, LS), pp. 21–212.
SDCG-1980-Ganzinger #attribute grammar #semantics- Transforming denotational semantics into practical attribute grammars (HG), pp. 1–69.
SDCG-1980-JonesS #compilation #generative #semantics- Compiler generation from denotational semantics (NDJ, DAS), pp. 70–93.
SDCG-1980-RaskovskyC #implementation #semantics #standard- From standard to implementation denotational semantics (MRR, PAC), pp. 94–139.
SIGMOD-1979-Vassiliou #approach #database #null #semantics- Null Values in Data Base Management: A Denotational Semantics Approach (YV), pp. 162–169.
VDM-1978-Jones78a #continuation #goto #semantics- Denotational Semantics of GOTO: An Exit Formulation and Its Relation to Continuations (CBJ), pp. 278–304.
POPL-1978-Kosinki #data flow #semantics #source code- A Straightforward Denotational Semantics for Non-Determinant Data Flow Programs (PRK), pp. 214–221.