20 papers:
CIAA-2015-Ade-IbijolaES #programming- Introducing Code Adviser: A DFA-driven Electronic Programming Tutor (AAI, SE, IDS), pp. 307–312.
LATA-2015-UlyantsevZS #automaton #identification #symmetry- BFS-Based Symmetry Breaking Predicates for DFA Identification (VU, IZ, AS), pp. 611–622.
LATA-2014-KonitzerS #automaton #bound #process- DFA with a Bounded Activity Level (MK, HUS), pp. 478–489.
LATA-2013-FernauHV #analysis #automaton #multi #problem- A Multivariate Analysis of Some DFA Problems (HF, PH, YV), pp. 275–286.
CIAA-2012-LiuSGF #automaton #named #regular expression- SDFA: Series DFA for Memory-Efficient Regular Expression Matching (TL, YS, LG, BF), pp. 337–344.
CIAA-2010-AlmeidaMR #automaton #incremental- Incremental DFA Minimisation (MA, NM, RR), pp. 39–48.
CIAA-2010-LiuGLT #automaton #composition #matrix #regular expression- Compressing Regular Expressions’ DFA Table by Matrix Decomposition (YL, LG, PL, JT), pp. 282–289.
CIAA-2010-TirnaucaT #automaton #identification #query- Types of Trusted Information That Make DFA Identification with Correction Queries Feasible (CT, CIT), pp. 272–281.
TACAS-2009-ChenFCTW #automaton #composition #learning #verification- Learning Minimal Separating DFA’s for Compositional Verification (YFC, AF, EMC, YKT, BYW), pp. 31–45.
CIAA-2003-Ravikumar #algorithm #automaton- Weak Minimization of DFA — An Algorithm and Applications (BR), pp. 226–238.
ICML-2000-ThollardDH #automaton #probability #using- Probabilistic DFA Inference using Kullback-Leibler Divergence and Minimality (FT, PD, CdlH), pp. 975–982.
TACAS-1999-Knoop #approach #multi #paradigm- From DFA-Frameworks to DFA-Generators: A Unifying Multiparadigm Approach (JK), pp. 360–374.
ICML-1999-ParekhH #automaton- Simple DFA are Polynomially Probably Exactly Learnable from Simple Examples (RP, VH), pp. 298–306.
DLT-1997-IwamaT #automaton #bound #nondeterminism- Tight Bounds on the Number of States of DFA’s That Are Equivalent to n-state NFA’s (KI, KT), pp. 147–154.
TACAS-1996-KleinKKS #automaton #program analysis- DFA&OPT-METAFrame: A Tool Kit for Program Analysis and Optimazation (MK, JK, DK, BS), pp. 422–426.
WIA-1996-SalomaaY #automaton #finite #nondeterminism- NFA to DFA Transformation for Finite Languages (KS, SY), pp. 149–158.
WIA-1996-Schubert #automaton #how #sorting- How to Use Sorting Procedures to Minimize DFA (BS), pp. 159–166.
SAC-1996-Julstom96a #automaton- Evolutionary discovery of DFA size and structure (BAJ), pp. 263–268.
STOC-1989-PittW #approximate #automaton #consistency #polynomial #problem- The Minimum Consistent DFA Problem Cannot Be Approximated within any Polynomial (LP, MKW), pp. 421–432.
ICALP-1984-BlumerBEHM #automaton #linear #online #set #word- Building the Minimal DFA for the Set of all Subwords of a Word On-line in Linear Time (AB, JB, AE, DH, RMM), pp. 109–118.