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399 papers:

CASECASE-2015-Sakakura #framework
A speculation on a framework that provides highly organized services for manufacturing (TS), pp. 1025–1028.
DATEDATE-2015-FuggerNNS #modelling #physics #towards
Towards binary circuit models that faithfully capture physical solvability (MF, RN, TN, US), pp. 1455–1460.
SANERSANER-2015-MondalRS #mining #named #refactoring
SPCP-Miner: A tool for mining code clones that are important for refactoring or tracking (MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 484–488.
STOCSTOC-2015-AaronsonA #named #problem #quantum
Forrelation: A Problem that Optimally Separates Quantum from Classical Computing (SA, AA), pp. 307–316.
DLTDLT-2015-OttoK #automaton #order
Deterministic Ordered Restarting Automata that Compute Functions (FO, KK), pp. 401–412.
ICFPICFP-2015-KarachaliasSVJ #data type #lazy evaluation #pattern matching
GADTs meet their match: pattern-matching warnings that account for GADTs, guards, and laziness (GK, TS, DV, SLPJ), pp. 424–436.
CHICHI-2015-AdibMKKM #monitoring #smarttech
Smart Homes that Monitor Breathing and Heart Rate (FA, HM, ZK, DK, RCM), pp. 837–846.
CHICHI-2015-Clarke #design
The Work of Mad Men that Makes the Methods of Math Men Work: Practically Occasioned Segment Design (MFC), pp. 3275–3284.
CHICHI-2015-EslamiRVAVKHS #algorithm #quote #reasoning
“I always assumed that I wasn’t really that close to [her]”: Reasoning about Invisible Algorithms in News Feeds (ME, AR, KV, AA, AV, KK, KH, CS), pp. 153–162.
CHICHI-2015-GennipHM #design #interactive #memory management
Things That Make Us Reminisce: Everyday Memory Cues as Opportunities for Interaction Design (DvG, EvdH, PM), pp. 3443–3452.
CHICHI-2015-Gilbert #abstraction
Open Book: A Socially-inspired Cloaking Technique that Uses Lexical Abstraction to Transform Messages (EG), pp. 477–486.
CHICHI-2015-JohnsonNW #all about #case study #experience #game studies #video
All about that Base: Differing Player Experiences in Video Game Genres and the Unique Case of MOBA Games (DJ, LEN, PW), pp. 2265–2274.
CHICHI-2015-LaseckiKRSBB #crowdsourcing #named #sketching #user interface
Apparition: Crowdsourced User Interfaces that Come to Life as You Sketch Them (WSL, JK, NR, OS, JPB, MSB), pp. 1925–1934.
CHICHI-2015-SchmidtKMUKCB #artificial reality #named #simulation
Level-Ups: Motorized Stilts that Simulate Stair Steps in Virtual Reality (DS, RK, VM, UU, SK, LPC, PB), pp. 2157–2160.
CHICHI-2015-StawarzCB #design #self #smarttech
Beyond Self-Tracking and Reminders: Designing Smartphone Apps That Support Habit Formation (KS, ALC, AB), pp. 2653–2662.
HCIDUXU-DD-2015-GuoSYL #people
Personal Museum — A New Museum that Focus on Emotional Relationship Between People and Belongings (LG, YS, SY, HBL), pp. 502–512.
HCIDUXU-DD-2015-Lera #approach #design #interactive #matter
Emotion-Centered-Design (ECD) New Approach for Designing Interactions that Matter (EdL), pp. 406–416.
HCIHCI-IT-2015-LeeJ #personalisation
Personalization Through Personification — Factors that Influence Personification of Handheld Devices (JML, DYJ), pp. 440–447.
HCIHIMI-IKC-2015-ZhangT #design #game studies
Considering a New Nanbu Fuurin Design that Play a Healing Sound — Including Innovations in Appearance and Texture, and Continually Improving- (YZ, TT), pp. 675–684.
Indirect Normative Conflict — Conflict that Depends on the Application Domain (VTdS, CB, JdOZ), pp. 452–461.
RecSysRecSys-2015-AuteriT #linear #personalisation
Personalized Catch-up & DVR: VOD or Linear, That is the Question (PA, RT), p. 227.
HB+tree: use hadoop and HBase even your data isn’t that big (AK, MK, SS, CM, GT), pp. 973–980.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-MutluTL #detection #javascript #matter
Detecting JavaScript races that matter (EM, ST, BL), pp. 381–392.
ICSEICSE-v1-2015-NistorCRL #detection #named #performance #problem
CARAMEL: Detecting and Fixing Performance Problems That Have Non-Intrusive Fixes (AN, PCC, CR, SL), pp. 902–912.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2015-MalkaABT #named #performance
rIOMMU: Efficient IOMMU for I/O Devices that Employ Ring Buffers (MM, NA, MBY, DT), pp. 355–368.
SOSPSOSP-2015-CurtsingerB #named #profiling
Coz: finding code that counts with causal profiling (CC, EDB), pp. 184–197.
DocEngDocEng-2014-HailpernVD14a #ll #named
Truncation: all the news that fits we’ll print (JMH, NDV, MD), pp. 165–174.
HTHT-2014-KoidlCW #independence #personalisation
Cross-site personalization: assisting users in addressing information needs that span independently hosted websites (KK, OC, VW), pp. 66–76.
VLDBVLDB-2014-FuOPZ #component #declarative #javascript #named #using
FORWARD: Data-Centric UIs using Declarative Templates that Efficiently Wrap Third-Party JavaScript Components (YF, KWO, YP, EZ), pp. 1649–1652.
VLDBVLDB-2014-GeertsMPS #exclamation #open source
That’s All Folks! LLUNATIC Goes Open Source (FG, GM, PP, DS), pp. 1565–1568.
MSRMSR-2014-GuoLM #exclamation #question
Oops! where did that code snippet come from? (LG, JLL, GM), pp. 52–61.
MSRMSR-2014-KechagiaS #exception
Undocumented and unchecked: exceptions that spell trouble (MK, DS), pp. 312–315.
STOCSTOC-2014-GoldreichW #algorithm #on the
On derandomizing algorithms that err extremely rarely (OG, AW), pp. 109–118.
CHICHI-2014-BardzellBT #quote #self #tool support
“Now that’s definitely a proper hack”: self-made tools in hackerspaces (JB, SB, AT), pp. 473–476.
CHICHI-2014-StawarzCB #design #effectiveness #exclamation
Don’t forget your pill!: designing effective medication reminder apps that support users’ daily routines (KS, ALC, AB), pp. 2269–2278.
CSCWCSCW-2014-MitraG #people #predict
The language that gets people to give: phrases that predict success on kickstarter (TM, EG), pp. 49–61.
CSCWCSCW-2014-OleksikMJ #collaboration #design
Study of electronic lab notebook design and practices that emerged in a collaborative scientific environment (GO, NMF, RJ), pp. 120–133.
Safe Walker-Shoes That Alert the Wearer to a Danger (MI, HS, TK), pp. 612–619.
HCIDUXU-DP-2014-PosadaHB #motivation #on the #user interface
On Feelings of Comfort, Motivation and Joy that GUI and TUI Evoke (JEGP, ECSH, MCCB), pp. 273–284.
HCIDUXU-TMT-2014-Kurosu #user interface
User Interfaces That Appeared in SciFi Movies and Their Reality (MK), pp. 580–588.
Proposal for a New Entertainment System That Connects Real Life and Net Excitement (KH, KO), pp. 604–613.
HCIHCI-AS-2014-SatoYSR #collaboration
Collaborative Digital Sports Systems That Encourage Exercise (AS, AY, IS, JR), pp. 332–340.
HCILCT-TRE-2014-TzanavariMCP #experience #performance #user interface #using
User Experience Observations on Factors That Affect Performance in a Road-Crossing Training Application for Children Using the CAVE (AT, SM, CGC, CP), pp. 91–101.
ECIRECIR-2014-Koolen #exclamation #ll #quote
“User Reviews in the Search Index? That’ll Never Work!” (MK), pp. 323–334.
KDIRKDIR-2014-OkumuraYSO #identification #twitter
Identifying Tweets that Contain a “Heartwarming Story” (MO, YY, MS, HO), pp. 323–326.
PPDPPPDP-2014-CheneyAA #database #query
Database Queries that Explain their Work (JC, AA, UAA), pp. 271–282.
POPLPOPL-2014-FarzanKP #proving
Proofs that count (AF, ZK, AP), pp. 151–164.
SACSAC-2014-ChallcoI #authoring #design #learning #personalisation #towards
Towards a learning design authoring tool that generates personalized units of learning for CSCL (GCC, SI), pp. 778–780.
SACSAC-2014-KumeNNS #dynamic analysis #framework
A dynamic analysis technique to extract symptoms that suggest side effects in framework applications (IK, NN, MN, ES), pp. 1176–1178.
FSEFSE-2014-XiaoCK #analysis #architecture #named #quality #tool support
Titan: a toolset that connects software architecture with quality analysis (LX, YC, RK), pp. 763–766.
PPoPPPPoPP-2014-AgrawalFSSU #data type #parallel #scheduling #source code
Provably good scheduling for parallel programs that use data structures through implicit batching (KA, JTF, BS, JS, RU), pp. 389–390.
PPoPPPPoPP-2014-RodriguesJDH #algorithm #clustering #interface #named #programming
Triolet: a programming system that unifies algorithmic skeleton interfaces for high-performance cluster computing (CIR, TBJ, AD, WmWH), pp. 247–258.
IJCARIJCAR-2014-EhlersL #approximate #finite #incremental #logic #satisfiability
A Tool That Incrementally Approximates Finite Satisfiability in Full Interval Temporal Logic (RE, ML), pp. 360–366.
ICDARICDAR-2013-Deryagin #evaluation #performance #segmentation
Unified Performance Evaluation for OCR Zoning: Calculating Page Segmentation’s Score, That Includes Text Zones, Tables and Non-text Objects (DD), pp. 953–957.
The Reading-Life Log — Technologies to Recognize Texts That We Read (TK, RH, SU, MI, SO, KK), pp. 91–95.
VLDBVLDB-2013-ShuteVSHWROLMECRSA #database #distributed #named #scalability #sql
F1: A Distributed SQL Database That Scales (JS, RV, BS, BH, CW, ER, MO, KL, DM, SE, JC, IR, TS, HA), pp. 1068–1079.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2013-IsomottonenTC #self
Issues with a course that emphasizes self-direction (VI, VT, MC), pp. 111–116.
PASTEPASTE-2013-YasugiMU #evaluation #performance
A proper performance evaluation system that summarizes code placement effects (MY, YM, TU), pp. 41–48.
ICALPICALP-v1-2013-LauriaPRT #complexity #graph #proving
The Complexity of Proving That a Graph Is Ramsey (ML, PP, VR, NT), pp. 684–695.
LATALATA-2013-BabaaliK #automaton #on the #product line
On the Construction of a Family of Automata That Are Generically Non-minimal (PB, CK), pp. 80–91.
CHICHI-2013-KulkarniC #case study #social
All the news that’s fit to read: a study of social annotations for news reading (CK, EC), pp. 2407–2416.
CHICHI-2013-WycheC #design #how #quote
“I want to imagine how that place looks”: designing technologies to support connectivity between africans living abroad and home (SW, MC), pp. 2755–2764.
CSCWCSCW-2013-SleeperBDMWC #facebook #self
The post that wasn’t: exploring self-censorship on facebook (MS, RB, SD, ALM, JW, LFC), pp. 793–802.
Setting That Mouse for Tracking Tasks (RS, RSG), pp. 276–281.
Proposal of Automotive 8-directional Warning System That Makes Use of Tactile Apparent Movement (AM, SK, MM, TH), pp. 98–107.
HCIDUXU-CXC-2013-MarcusPL #design #learning #mobile #persuasion #user interface
The Learning Machine: Mobile UX Design That Combines Information Design with Persuasion Design (AM, YP, NL), pp. 247–256.
HCIDUXU-NTE-2013-MarcusA #design #mobile #persuasion #user interface
The Driving Machine: Mobile UX Design That Combines Information Design with Persuasion Design (AM, SA), pp. 140–149.
HCIDUXU-WM-2013-MarcusSC #design #mobile #persuasion #user interface
The Travel Machine: Mobile UX Design That Combines Information Design with Persuasion Design (AM, TKS, LC), pp. 696–705.
HCIHCI-AS-2013-LucenaMPF #design
Telemedicine and Design: Relationships that Create Opportunities (CAPdL, CRM, FP, LF), pp. 127–133.
Long-Term Study of a Software Keyboard That Places Keys at Positions of Fingers and Their Surroundings (YK, BS, JT), pp. 72–81.
HCIHCI-III-2013-SatoWYR #coordination #named
suGATALOG: Fashion Coordination System That Supports Users to Choose Everyday Fashion with Clothed Pictures (AS, KW, MY, JR), pp. 112–121.
HCIHCI-IMT-2013-HenschenL #design #interface #network
A Web-Based Interface for a System That Designs Sensor Networks (LJH, JCL), pp. 688–697.
HCIHIMI-HSM-2013-KarashimaN #behaviour #safety
Influence of the Safety Margin on Behavior that Violates Rules (MK, HN), pp. 497–506.
HCIHIMI-HSM-2013-MizutaniKSASUKSI #development #eye tracking #visual notation
Development of Screening Visual Field Test Application that Use Eye Movement (MM, KK, SS, TA, TS, MU, SK, MS, TI), pp. 291–300.
HCIOCSC-2013-OtakeUS #game studies #social
A Consideration of the Functions That Support to Find New Friends in Social Games (KO, TU, AS), pp. 405–411.
VISSOFTVISSOFT-2013-BradleyH #composition #development #named #navigation
Visuocode: A software development environment that supports spatial navigation and composition (DRB, IJH), pp. 1–4.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2013-SilveiraMAC #development #library #matrix #memory management #process
A Library to Support the Development of Applications that Process Huge Matrices in External Memory (JAS, SVGM, MVAA, VSC), pp. 153–160.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2013-SzirbikB #architecture #network
Discovering the EIS Architecture that Supports Hub-and-Spoke Freight Transportation Networks Operating in a Cross Dock Mode (NBS, PB), pp. 388–395.
ICMLICML-c3-2013-CovielloMCL #exclamation #performance
That was fast! Speeding up NN search of high dimensional distributions (EC, AM, ABC, GRGL), pp. 468–476.
To buy or not to buy: that is the question (OE), p. 1133.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2013-CarbinMR #hardware #reliability #source code #verification
Verifying quantitative reliability for programs that execute on unreliable hardware (MC, SM, MCR), pp. 33–52.
An intelligent building that listens to your needs (DYY, EF, HH), pp. 58–63.
CGOCGO-2013-RenALMPS #data type #parallel
SIMD parallelization of applications that traverse irregular data structures (BR, GA, JRL, TM, TP, WS), p. 10.
HPDCHPDC-2013-Shaw #named #simulation
Anton: a special-purpose machine that achieves a hundred-fold speedup in biomolecular simulations (DES), pp. 129–130.
HPDCHPDC-2013-ZhouTKB #automation #debugging #detection #named #scalability
WuKong: automatically detecting and localizing bugs that manifest at large system scales (BZ, JT, MK, SB), pp. 131–142.
HTHT-2012-ComarelaCAB #comprehension #twitter
Understanding factors that affect response rates in twitter (GC, MC, VA, FB), pp. 123–132.
Things structural clones tell that simple clones don’t (HAB, UA, SH, SJ), pp. 275–284.
PEPMPEPM-2012-HirzelG #metaprogramming #using
Streams that compose using macros that oblige (MH, BG), pp. 141–150.
PEPMPEPM-2012-Katayama #functional #induction #programming #source code
An analytical inductive functional programming system that avoids unintended programs (SK), pp. 43–52.
ICALPICALP-v2-2012-BojanczykP #infinity #regular expression #set
Regular Languages of Infinite Trees That Are Boolean Combinations of Open Sets (MB, TP), pp. 104–115.
ICFPICFP-2012-PereraACL #functional #source code
Functional programs that explain their work (RP, UAA, JC, PBL), pp. 365–376.
CHICHI-2012-BadshahGMPT #feedback #named
GyroTab: a handheld device that provides reactive torque feedback (AB, SG, DM, SP, DST), pp. 3153–3156.
CHICHI-2012-BirnholtzBF #behaviour
Do you see that I see?: effects of perceived visibility on awareness checking behavior (JPB, NB, SRF), pp. 1765–1774.
CHICHI-2012-CoyleMKFB #exclamation #experience
I did that!: measuring users’ experience of agency in their own actions (DC, JWM, POK, PF, AB), pp. 2025–2034.
CHICHI-2012-LewisL #community
Examining technology that supports community policing (SL, DAL), pp. 1371–1380.
CHICHI-2012-SugiuraLOWMSII #named
PINOKY: a ring that animates your plush toys (YS, CL, MO, AIW, YM, DS, MI, TI), pp. 725–734.
CHICHI-2012-SzafirM #adaptation #design #exclamation #monitoring
Pay attention!: designing adaptive agents that monitor and improve user engagement (DS, BM), pp. 11–20.
CHICHI-2012-TeoJB #layout #named
CogTool-Explorer: a model of goal-directed user exploration that considers information layout (LT, BEJ, MHB), pp. 2479–2488.
Phrases that signal workplace hierarchy (EG), pp. 1037–1046.
CSCWCSCW-2012-SchroterADK #communication
To talk or not to talk: factors that influence communication around changesets (AS, JA, DD, IK), pp. 1317–1326.
CIKMCIKM-2012-AltingovdeBCOSU #query #web
Characterizing web search queries that match very few or no results (ISA, RB, BBC, RO, ES, ÖU), pp. 2000–2004.
CIKMCIKM-2012-Diaz-AvilesDGSN #online #recommendation #topic #twitter #what
What is happening right now ... that interests me?: online topic discovery and recommendation in twitter (EDA, LD, ZG, LST, WN), pp. 1592–1596.
Loyalty-based selection: retrieving objects that persistently satisfy criteria (ZS, MAC, XL), pp. 2189–2193.
ICMLICML-2012-PrasseSLS #email #identification #learning #regular expression
Learning to Identify Regular Expressions that Describe Email Campaigns (PP, CS, NL, TS), p. 146.
ICMLICML-2012-Wagstaff #machine learning #matter
Machine Learning that Matters (KW), p. 240.
KDDKDD-2012-BorgholACEM #video
The untold story of the clones: content-agnostic factors that impact YouTube video popularity (YB, SA, NC, DLE, AM), pp. 1186–1194.
KRKR-2012-BaralD #automation #how #learning #programming #set
Solving Puzzles Described in English by Automated Translation to Answer Set Programming and Learning How to Do that Translation (CB, JD).
RecSysRecSys-2012-ChhabraR #named #recommendation
CubeThat: news article recommender (SC, PR), pp. 295–296.
Remedying the eval that men do (SHJ, PAJ, AM), pp. 34–44.
RTARTA-2012-CousineauH #proving #semantics
A Semantic Proof that Reducibility Candidates entail Cut Elimination (DC, OH), pp. 133–148.
CBSECBSE-2011-LauSST #component #data-driven
A component model that is both control-driven and data-driven (KKL, LS, PS, CMT), pp. 41–50.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2011-BellCCDH #programming #student
Introducing students to computer science with programmes that don’t emphasise programming (TB, PC, QIC, VD, BH), p. 391.
ICPCICPC-J-2009-HammadCM11 #automation #evolution #identification #traceability
Automatically identifying changes that impact code-to-design traceability during evolution (MH, MLC, JIM), pp. 35–64.
LATALATA-2011-ReidenbachS #memory management #scheduling #word
Finding Shuffle Words That Represent Optimal Scheduling of Shared Memory Access (DR, MLS), pp. 465–476.
CHICHI-2011-LeshedS #case study #experience #quote #tool support
“I lie to myself that I have freedom in my own schedule”: productivity tools and experiences of busyness (GL, PS), pp. 905–914.
Name that tune: musicons as reminders in the home (MRML, MKW, RM, SAB, CVH), pp. 2803–2806.
CHICHI-2011-ShklovskiK #internet #online
Online contribution practices in countries that engage in internet blocking and censorship (IS, NK), pp. 1109–1118.
CSCWCSCW-2011-NewmanLMRM #challenge #facebook #health #network #online #problem #social #using
It’s not that I don’t have problems, I’m just not putting them on facebook: challenges and opportunities in using online social networks for health (MWN, DL, SAM, PR, MEM), pp. 341–350.
HCIDUXU-v2-2011-Marcus #design #health #mobile #persuasion #user interface
The Health Machine: Mobile UX Design That Combines Information Design with Persuasion Design (AM), pp. 598–607.
HCIDUXU-v2-2011-WatanabeYHA #user interface #web
Study of User Interface for Browsing Web Contents That Considers the Cognitive Features of Older Users (MW, SY, RH, YA), pp. 60–67.
HCIIDGD-2011-WelkerGS #design #evaluation #web
Designing Web Marketing that Works for Users: Finding Best Practices through Evaluation and Conversation (KW, FYG, SS), pp. 407–416.
VISSOFTVISSOFT-2011-WalnyHDSC #development #diagrams #lifecycle #sketching
Follow that sketch: Lifecycles of diagrams and sketches in software development (JW, JH, MD, JS, MSTC), pp. 1–8.
CIKMCIKM-2011-Karger #people #user interface
Creating user interfaces that entice people to manage better information (DRK), pp. 1–2.
To Aggregate or Not to Aggregate: That is the Question (EP, HLV, HG), pp. 354–357.
KEODKEOD-2011-Tinsley #ontology #realtime
OTTER Project — Ontology Technology that Executes Real-time: Project Status (TAT), pp. 521–527.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-Hofmann #online
Search engines that learn online (KH), pp. 1313–1314.
ECMFAECMFA-2011-Tolvanen #domain-specific language #modelling
Creating Domain-Specific Modelling Languages That Work: Hands-On (JPT), pp. 393–394.
ECOOPECOOP-2011-RichardsHBV #javascript #scalability
The Eval That Men Do — A Large-Scale Study of the Use of Eval in JavaScript Applications (GR, CH, BB, JV), pp. 52–78.
RERE-2011-WeverM #analysis #effectiveness #question #what
What are the day-to-day factors that are preventing business analysts from effective business analysis? (AW, NAMM), pp. 293–298.
SACSAC-2011-KimDB #dependence #diagrams #identification #state machine #uml
Identifying properties of UML state machine diagrams that affect data and control dependence (HK, VD, DHB), pp. 1464–1469.
SACSAC-2011-SantosaMK #approach #named #programming #search-based
HMXT-GP: an information-theoretic approach to genetic programming that maintains diversity (HS, JM, PJK), pp. 1070–1075.
ICSEICSE-2011-FeinRSMGGBCLSMMSD #automation #deployment #tool support #using
Using MATCON to generate CASE tools that guide deployment of pre-packaged applications (EF, NR, SS, PM, SG, RG, MB, SKC, JL, VSS, SM, DM, BS, PD), pp. 1016–1018.
ICSEICSE-2011-HolmesN #behaviour #identification
Identifying program, test, and environmental changes that affect behaviour (RH, DN), pp. 371–380.
LDTALDTA-2011-PlasmeijerLAM #coordination
Getting a grip on tasks that coordinate tasks (RP, BL, PA, SM), p. 1.
ICSTICST-2011-FraserA #how #matter
It is Not the Length That Matters, It is How You Control It (GF, AA), pp. 150–159.
RTARTA-2011-AvanziniEM #exponential #order #term rewriting
A Path Order for Rewrite Systems that Compute Exponential Time Functions (MA, NE, GM), pp. 123–138.
DACDAC-2010-Breuer #bound #hardware
Hardware that produces bounded rather than exact results (MAB), pp. 871–876.
DATEDATE-2010-ChePC #compilation #manycore #source code
Compilation of stream programs for multicore processors that incorporate scratchpad memories (WC, AP, KSC), pp. 1118–1123.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2010-VartakRR #assurance #generative #named #query
QRelX: generating meaningful queries that provide cardinality assurance (MV, VR, EAR), pp. 1215–1218.
Tracking Heaps That Hop with Heap-Hop (JV, ÉL, CC), pp. 275–279.
MSRMSR-2010-RahmanBD #named #question #smell #what
Clones: What is that smell? (FR, CB, PTD), pp. 72–81.
CIAACIAA-2010-TirnaucaT #automaton #identification #query
Types of Trusted Information That Make DFA Identification with Correction Queries Feasible (CT, CIT), pp. 272–281.
DLTDLT-2010-OttoPM #automaton #on the
On Lexicalized Well-Behaved Restarting Automata That Are Monotone (FO, MP, FM), pp. 352–363.
The roles that make the domestic work (JAR), pp. 381–390.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2010-TomeAC #architecture #enterprise #experience #named
TREEAD — A Tool that Enables the Re-use of Experience in Enterprise Architecture Description (PT, LA, EC), pp. 332–343.
MODELSMoDELS-v1-2010-GoldsbyC #automation #behaviour #modelling #uml
Automatically Discovering Properties That Specify the Latent Behavior of UML Models (HG, BHCC), pp. 316–330.
SACSAC-2010-BaudetD #algorithm #permutation
An improved algorithm to enumerate all traces that sort a signed permutation by reversals (CB, ZD), pp. 1521–1525.
SACSAC-2010-CostaNSFL #adaptation #framework #self
JAAF+T: a framework to implement self-adaptive agents that apply self-test (ADdC, CN, VTdS, BFdSN, CJPdL), pp. 928–935.
SACSAC-2010-LeungHB #constraints #mining #nondeterminism
Mining uncertain data for frequent itemsets that satisfy aggregate constraints (CKSL, BH, DAB), pp. 1034–1038.
FSEFSE-2010-BegelKZ #named
WhoselsThat: finding software engineers with codebook (AB, YPK, TZ), pp. 381–382.
PPoPPPPoPP-2010-ZyulkyarovHUCV #debugging #memory management #source code #transaction
Debugging programs that use atomic blocks and transactional memory (FZ, TH, OSÜ, AC, MV), pp. 57–66.
LICSLICS-2010-BojanczykL #automaton #xpath
An Extension of Data Automata that Captures XPath (MB, SL), pp. 243–252.
LICSLICS-2010-Herbelin #logic #markov #principle
An Intuitionistic Logic that Proves Markov’s Principle (HH), pp. 50–56.
DACDAC-2009-George #how
How to make computers that work like the brain (DG), pp. 420–423.
CSEETCSEET-2009-Rosso-Llopart #education #learning #re-engineering
An Examination of Learning Technologies That Support Software Engineering and Education (MRL), pp. 294–295.
ICPCICPC-2009-HammadCM #automation #identification #traceability
Automatically identifying changes that impact code-to-design traceability (MH, MLC, JIM), pp. 20–29.
SCAMSCAM-2009-BinkleyH #clustering #dependence #identification #scalability
Identifying “Linchpin Vertices” That Cause Large Dependence Clusters (DB, MH), pp. 89–98.
CHICHI-2009-BergmanTBCW #using
It’s not that important: demoting personal information of low subjective importance using GrayArea (OB, ST, RBM, EC, SW), pp. 269–278.
CHICHI-2009-ConsolvoML #behaviour #design
Theory-driven design strategies for technologies that support behavior change in everyday life (SC, DWM, JAL), pp. 405–414.
CHICHI-2009-PirolliWS #wiki
So you know you’re getting the best possible information: a tool that increases Wikipedia credibility (PP, EW, BS), pp. 1505–1508.
CHICHI-2009-TakayamaGN #aspect-oriented #social
I’m sorry, Dave: I’m afraid i won’t do that: social aspects of human-agent conflict (LT, VG, CN), pp. 2099–2108.
CHICHI-2009-Zimmerman #design #people
Designing for the self: making products that help people become the person they desire to be (JZ), pp. 395–404.
HCIHCD-2009-BaileyWNK #metric #testing #usability
Performance-Based Usability Testing: Metrics That Have the Greatest Impact for Improving a System’s Usability (RWB, CAW, JN, SK), pp. 3–12.
HCIHCD-2009-Park09b #case study #design #information management
A Study of Design That Understands the Influences on the Changes of Information Processing Ability of Users (JHP), pp. 538–547.
HCIHCD-2009-PylaHPASH #case study #evaluation #experience #how
“How Do I Evaluate THAT?” Experiences from a Systems-Level Evaluation Effort (PSP, HRH, MAPQ, JDA, TLSJ, DH), pp. 292–301.
HCIHCI-NIMT-2009-Allison #adaptation #generative #human-computer #interface
The I of BCIs: Next Generation Interfaces for Brain-Computer Interface Systems That Adapt to Individual Users (BZA), pp. 558–568.
HCIHCI-NIMT-2009-ChenOYFT #communication
Prompter “.” Based Creating Thinking Support Communication System That Allows Hand-Drawing (LJC, JO, SY, SF, YT), pp. 783–790.
HCIHCI-NT-2009-HaywoodB #quote
“I Love My iPhone ... But There Are Certain Things That ‘Niggle’ Me” (AH, GB), pp. 421–430.
HCIHCI-VAD-2009-FicarraR #human-computer #interactive
CAD and Communicability: A System That Improves the Human-Computer Interaction (FVCF, RAR), pp. 468–477.
HCIOCSC-2009-Raybourn #game studies
Intercultural Competence Game That Fosters Metacognitive Agility and Reflection (EMR), pp. 603–612.
CIKMCIKM-2009-ArmstrongMWZ #ad hoc #retrieval
Improvements that don’t add up: ad-hoc retrieval results since 1998 (TGA, AM, WW, JZ), pp. 601–610.
POPLPOPL-2009-GotsmanCPV #algorithm #proving
Proving that non-blocking algorithms don’t block (AG, BC, MJP, VV), pp. 16–28.
SACSAC-2009-GamaRS #algorithm #data type
Evaluating algorithms that learn from data streams (JG, PPR, RS), pp. 1496–1500.
ISMMISMM-2009-JulaR #locality #memory management
Two memory allocators that use hints to improve locality (AJ, LR), pp. 109–118.
CASECASE-2008-FujitaHSHITNTYN #multi
Robot control cell production system of Senju (thousand-handed) Kannon model that demonstrated optimality to the multi-product production in varying volumes for eight years (TF, NH, YS, HH, KI, TT, MN, WT, HY, TN), pp. 478–485.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2008-KikuchiL #normalisation
Strong Normalisation of Cut-Elimination That Simulates β-Reduction (KK, SL), pp. 380–394.
AFLAFL-2008-MasopustM #automaton #multi #on the
On Pure Multi-Pushdown Automata that Perform Complete-Pushdown Pops (TM, AM), pp. 325–336.
ICEISICEIS-ISAS2-2008-FernandesAS #performance #programming #release planning
An Extreme Programming Release Plan that Maximizes Business Performance (MCF, AJA, EAS), pp. 12–22.
CIKMCIKM-2008-LoekitoB #behaviour #mining
Mining influential attributes that capture class and group contrast behaviour (EL, JB), pp. 971–980.
CIKMCIKM-2008-ZhouYM #biology
A system for finding biological entities that satisfy certain conditions from texts (WZ, CTY, WM), pp. 1281–1290.
KDDKDD-2008-MadaniH #learning #on the
On updates that constrain the features’ connections during learning (OM, JH), pp. 515–523.
RERE-2008-WeissM #requirements #security
Selecting Security Patterns that Fulfill Security Requirements (MW, HM), pp. 169–172.
ASEASE-2007-Grechanik #component #fault #xml
Finding errors in components that exchange xml data (MG), pp. 264–273.
Autonomous Automobiles: Developing Cars That Drive Themselves (DF), p. 383.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2007-Dickinson07a #diagrams
“Touching the void”…: narrowing the crevasse between the tactile diagrams that tutors request and those that work in reality (AD), p. 339.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2007-LangML #student
Seven factors that influence ICT student achievement (CL, JM, SL), pp. 221–225.
ICSMEICSM-2007-OezbekP #comprehension #documentation #named #source code
JTourBus: Simplifying Program Understanding by Documentation that Provides Tours Through the Source Code (CO, LP), pp. 64–73.
Finding Inputs that Reach a Target Expression (MN, CR), pp. 133–142.
PLDIPLDI-2007-HaRDRRPCW #black box #component #fault
Improved error reporting for software that uses black-box components (JH, CJR, JVD, IR, HER, DEP, DLC, EW), pp. 101–111.
SASSAS-2007-CalcagnoDOY #analysis
Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis That Discovers Preconditions (CC, DD, PWO, HY), pp. 402–418.
STOCSTOC-2007-PeikertR #worst-case
Lattices that admit logarithmic worst-case to average-case connection factors (CP, AR), pp. 478–487.
CHICHI-2007-VasalouJP #online #self
Constructing my online self: avatars that increase self-focused attention (AV, ANJ, JP), pp. 445–448.
HCIDHM-2007-KanezashiMO #difference #interface
Strategy to Operate Cylindrical Interface-Operation Difference According to the Dimension of the Cylinder and That of the Hand (OK, NM, JO), pp. 865–873.
HCIDHM-2007-LinP #experience #modelling #user interface
User Experience Modeling and Enhancement for Virtual Environments That Employ Wide-Field Displays (JJWL, DEP), pp. 423–433.
HCIHCI-IDU-2007-Lee #design #interface #usability
Usability Test for Cellular Phone Interface Design That Controls Home Appliances (HL), pp. 891–900.
HCIHIMI-IIE-2007-TaguchiAT #analysis
Information on the Causal Relationship Between Store kaizen and Store Features That Attract Customers by Covariance Structural Analysis (YT, YA, TT), pp. 973–982.
HCIHIMI-MTT-2007-YonemuraYTO #analysis #communication #visual notation
Communication Analysis of Visual Support System That Uses Line Drawing Expression (SY, TY, YT, JO), pp. 359–365.
HCIOCSC-2007-ChoY #how #programming
How to See the Beauty That Is Not There : The Aesthetic Element of Programming in the Computer- Based Media Art (HC, JY), pp. 292–300.
POPLPOPL-2007-CookGPRV #proving #source code
Proving that programs eventually do something good (BC, AG, AP, AR, MYV), pp. 265–276.
RERE-2007-MaidenNKSG #requirements
Exploring Scenario Forms and Ways of Use to Discover Requirements on Airports that Minimize Environmental Impact (NAMM, CN, SK, NS, PG), pp. 29–38.
SACSAC-2007-RuffoS #peer-to-peer #recommendation
Evaluating peer-to-peer recommender systems that exploit spontaneous affinities (GR, RS), pp. 1574–1578.
SPLCSPLC-2007-TischerMKG #product line #why
Why does it take that long? Establishing Product Lines in the Automotive Domain (CT, AM, MK, LG), pp. 269–274.
LICSLICS-2007-Escardo #infinity #performance #set
Infinite sets that admit fast exhaustive search (MHE), pp. 443–452.
RTARTA-2007-DowekH #proving
A Simple Proof That Super-Consistency Implies Cut Elimination (GD, OH), pp. 93–106.
QoSAQoSA-2006-Stafford #documentation
Documentation Principles and Practices That You Can Live with (JAS), pp. 3–4.
DATEDATE-2006-PomeranzR #detection #fault #generative #testing
Generation of broadside transition fault test sets that detect four-way bridging faults (IP, SMR), pp. 907–912.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2006-Quade #hybrid #learning #re-engineering
Developing a hybrid software engineering curse that promotes project-based active learning (AMQ), p. 308.
CHICHI-2006-ConsolvoESL #design #physics #process #requirements
Design requirements for technologies that encourage physical activity (SC, KE, IES, JAL), pp. 457–466.
CSCWCSCW-2006-HindsM #coordination #distributed #social
Structures that work: social structure, work structure and coordination ease in geographically distributed teams (PJH, CM), pp. 343–352.
Catch that speeding turtle: latching onto fun graphics in CS1 (TM, EKR, JRSB), pp. 29–34.
CAiSECAiSE-2006-DourdasZMJZ #query #requirements
Discovering Remote Software Services that Satisfy Requirements: Patterns for Query Reformulation (ND, XZ, NAMM, SJ, KZ), pp. 239–254.
ICMLICML-2006-WarmuthLR #algorithm
Totally corrective boosting algorithms that maximize the margin (MKW, JL, GR), pp. 1001–1008.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-AdachiKO #estimation #fault #reliability
Reliability index of optical flow that considers error margin of matches and stabilizes camera movement estimation (EA, TK, NO), pp. 699–702.
KRKR-2006-BaierM #on the #source code
On Planning with Programs that Sense (JAB, SAM), pp. 492–502.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-MurrayLC #behaviour #modelling #predict #query
Action modeling: language models that predict query behavior (GCM, JJL, AC), pp. 681–682.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-NenkovaVM #composition #multi #summary
A compositional context sensitive multi-document summarizer: exploring the factors that influence summarization (AN, LV, KM), pp. 573–580.
SACSAC-2006-ChenJH #detection #fault #generative #multi #sequence #testing
A new method of generating synchronizable test sequences that detect output-shifting faults based on multiple UIO sequences (KC, FJ, CdH), pp. 1791–1797.
SACSAC-2006-ZamolotskikhDC #bias #classification
A methodology for comparing classifiers that allow the control of bias (AZ, SJD, PC), pp. 582–587.
PPoPPPPoPP-2006-ChanGGT #architecture #communication #multi
Collective communication on architectures that support simultaneous communication over multiple links (EC, RAvdG, WG, RT), pp. 2–11.
PPoPPPPoPP-2006-LiuTCASRT #compilation #named
POSH: a TLS compiler that exploits program structure (WL, JT, LC, WA, KS, JR, JT), pp. 158–167.
DRRDRR-2005-RusuG #challenge #image #on the
On the challenges that handwritten text images pose to computers and new practical applications (AIR, VG), pp. 84–91.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2005-Ludi #process #re-engineering #student
Active-learning activities that introduce students to software engineering fundamentals (SL), pp. 128–132.
MSRMSR-2005-YingWA #eclipse #mining #repository #source code
Source code that talks: an exploration of Eclipse task comments and their implication to repository mining (ATTY, JLW, SA), pp. 91–95.
Balanced boolean functions that can be evaluated so that every input bit is unlikely to be read (IB, OS, DBW), pp. 244–250.
CIAACIAA-J-2004-GeserHWZ05 #automaton #finite #string #term rewriting #termination
Finding finite automata that certify termination of string rewriting systems (AG, DH, JW, HZ), pp. 471–486.
ICALPICALP-2005-BeaudryLT #regular expression
Groupoids That Recognize Only Regular Languages (MB, FL, DT), pp. 421–433.
CHICHI-2005-CockburnSW #automation #interface #testing
Tuning and testing scrolling interfaces that automatically zoom (AC, JS, AW), pp. 71–80.
CAiSECAiSE-2005-CabotT #constraints #ocl
Computing the Relevant Instances That May Violate an OCL Constraint (JC, ET), pp. 48–62.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2005-HordijkW #design #maintenance #research
Surveying the factors that influence maintainability: research design (WH, RW), pp. 385–388.
CADECADE-2005-Dowek #consistency #question #what
What Do We Know When We Know That a Theory Is Consistent? (GD), pp. 1–6.
RTARTA-2005-GeserHWZ #automaton #linear #on the #term rewriting #termination
On Tree Automata that Certify Termination of Left-Linear Term Rewriting Systems (AG, DH, JW, HZ), pp. 353–367.
DACDAC-2004-AlpertHHQ #flexibility #layout #performance #physics
Fast and flexible buffer trees that navigate the physical layout environment (CJA, MH, JH, STQ), pp. 24–29.
Were the good old days all that good?: EDA then and now (SR, WHJJ, JAD, DG, POP, HDM, CH, JS), p. 543.
DATEDATE-v1-2004-BrunelNFGL #development #named #process
SoftContract: an Assertion-Based Software Development Process that Enables Design-by-Contract (JYB, MDN, AF, PG, LL), pp. 358–363.
DATEDATE-v1-2004-PomeranzVRS #detection #fault
Z-Sets and Z-Detections: Circuit Characteristics that Simplify Fault Diagnosis (IP, SV, SMR, BS), pp. 68–75.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2004-IdreosKT #ad hoc #named #network #query
P2P-DIET: An Extensible P2P Service that Unifies Ad-hoc and Continuous Querying in Super-Peer Networks (SI, MK, CT), pp. 933–934.
CSEETCSEET-2004-Jenkins #named
PRO-SOFTWARE: A Government-Industry-Academia Partnership that Worked (MJ), pp. 92–97.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2004-Cliff #education #generative #question
Teaching about natural systems, the next generation of computers, and the generation after that? (DC), p. 1.
ITiCSEITiCSE-WGR-2004-RountreeRRH #predict
Interacting factors that predict success and failure in a CS1 course (NR, JR, AVR, RH), pp. 101–104.
STOCSTOC-2004-Fischer #graph #morphism #testing
The difficulty of testing for isomorphism against a graph that is given in advance (EF), pp. 391–397.
CIAACIAA-2004-GeserHWZ #automaton #finite #string #termination
Finding Finite Automata That Certify Termination of String Rewriting (AG, DH, JW, HZ), pp. 134–145.
AFPAFP-2004-PlasmeijerW04 #functional
A Functional Shell That Operates on Typed and Compiled Applications (RP, AvW), pp. 245–272.
CSCWCSCW-2004-MatsushitaIOSKN #collaboration
Lumisight table: a face-to-face collaboration support system that optimizes direction of projected information to each stakeholder (MM, MI, TO, YS, YK, TN), pp. 274–283.
CSCWCSCW-2004-WangB #collaboration #concept #design #industrial
Concepts that support collocated collaborative work inspired by the specific context of industrial designers (HW, EB), pp. 546–549.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2004-RodriguezDGI #architecture #monitoring #online #performance
A Wireless Application That Monitors ECG Signals On-Line: Architecture and Performance (JR, LD, AG, AI), pp. 138–145.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-ChambonC #algorithm #robust #towards
Towards Correlation-Based Matching Algorithms that are Robust Near Occlusions (SC, AC), pp. 20–23.
SIGIRSIGIR-2004-McLaughlinH #algorithm #collaboration #evaluation #experience #metric #user interface
A collaborative filtering algorithm and evaluation metric that accurately model the user experience (MRM, JLH), pp. 329–336.
UMLUML-2004-CabotT #constraints
Determining the Structural Events That May Violate an Integrity Constraint (JC, ET), pp. 320–334.
GPCEGPCE-2004-McDirmidH #aspect-oriented #named #source code
Splice: Aspects That Analyze Programs (SM, WCH), pp. 19–38.
IJCARIJCAR-2004-BaaderGT #decidability #logic #problem #word
A New Combination Procedure for the Word Problem That Generalizes Fusion Decidability Results in Modal Logics (FB, SG, CT), pp. 183–197.
SATSAT-2004-Connamacher #constraints #problem #random
A Random Constraint Satisfaction Problem That Seems Hard for DPLL (HSC), pp. 3–11.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2003-Becker03b #student
Assignments that meet the needs of exceptional students without disadvantaging the average (KB), p. 271.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2003-Garvin-DoxasB #interactive #learning
Creating learning environments that support interaction (KGD, LJB), p. 276.
PEPMPEPM-2003-AllenH #exception #java #slicing #source code
Slicing java programs that throw and catch exceptions (MA, SH), pp. 44–54.
FMFME-2003-HayesJJ #specification
Determining the Specification of a Control System from That of Its Environment (IJH, MAJ, CBJ), pp. 154–169.
IFLIFL-2003-WeeldenP #functional
A Functional Shell That Dynamically Combines Compiled Code (AvW, RP), pp. 36–52.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2003-StanojevicTV #named
FIDES — A Financial Decision Aid That Can Be Trusted (MS, VT, SV), pp. 103–110.
ICMLICML-2003-ConitzerS #algorithm #learning #multi #named #self
AWESOME: A General Multiagent Learning Algorithm that Converges in Self-Play and Learns a Best Response Against Stationary Opponents (VC, TS), pp. 83–90.
ICLPICLP-2003-BackofenW #approach #constraints #modelling #predict
A Constraint-Based Approach to Structure Prediction for Simplified Protein Models That Outperforms Other Existing Methods (RB, SW), pp. 49–71.
RTARTA-2003-Geser #string #termination
Termination of String Rewriting Rules That Have One Pair of Overlaps (AG), pp. 410–423.
RTARTA-2003-KapurNW #algorithm #composition #protocol
An E-unification Algorithm for Analyzing Protocols That Use Modular Exponentiation (DK, PN, LW), pp. 165–179.
CBSECBSE-2003-DijkmanAQ #component #correctness #process #verification
Verifying the Correctness of Component-Based Applications that Support Business Processes (RMD, JAA, DAQ), p. 8.
DocEngDocEng-2002-FurutaN #community #documentation #programmable #semantics #web
Applying caT’s programmable browsing semantics to specify world-wide web documents that reflect place, time, reader, and community (RF, JCN), pp. 10–17.
CHICHI-2002-IsaacsWR #interactive #mobile #named
Hubbub: a sound-enhanced mobile instant messenger that supports awareness and opportunistic interactions (EI, AW, DR), pp. 179–186.
CHICHI-2002-WhittakerHASBISZR #interface #named #speech
SCANMail: a voicemail interface that makes speech browsable, readable and searchable (SW, JH, BA, LAS, MB, PLI, LS, GZ, AER), pp. 275–282.
CIKMCIKM-2002-HamerlyE #algorithm #clustering
Alternatives to the k-means algorithm that find better clusterings (GH, CE), pp. 600–607.
SEKESEKE-2002-Albalooshi #automation #consistency #database #representation
A database representation that improves automation and maintains consistency in a mulitple view environment (FA), pp. 281–288.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-2002-MiliMS #aspect-oriented #functional #named
CorbaViews: Distributing objects that support several functional aspects (HM, HM, SS), pp. 207–229.
GPCEGPCE-2002-Kiselyov #metaprogramming
Macros That Compose: Systematic Macro Programming (OK), pp. 202–217.
PADLPADL-2002-Dahl #how
How to Talk to Your Computer so that It Will Listen (VD), pp. 3–8.
SACSAC-2002-JulstromR #algorithm #robust #set
Initialization is robust in evolutionary algorithms that encode spanning trees as sets of edges (BAJ, GRR), pp. 547–552.
HPDCHPDC-2002-LaszewskiGPF #execution #grid #named #query
InfoGram: A Grid Service that Supports Both Information Queries and Job Execution (GvL, JG, CJP, ITF), pp. 333–342.
SATSAT-2002-HirschK #named #satisfiability
UnitWalk: A new SAT solver that uses local search guided by unit clause elimination (EH, AK), p. 38.
WICSAWICSA-2001-Kozaczynski #architecture #question
Is Architecture a Product that Can Be Packaged and Sold? (WK), p. 3–?.
DACDAC-2001-PomeranzR #approach #testing
An Approach to Test Compaction for Scan Circuits that Enhances At-Speed Testing (IP, SMR), pp. 156–161.
DATEDATE-2001-QuasemG #fault #simulation
Exact fault simulation for systems on Silicon that protects each core’s intellectual property (MSQ, SKG), p. 804.
VLDBVLDB-2001-BrownG #image #prototype #retrieval
A Prototype Content-Based Retrieval System that Uses Virtual Images to Save Space (LB, LG), pp. 693–694.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2001-CarboneHMG #learning #programming
Characteristics of programming exercises that lead to poor learning tendencies: Part II (AC, JH, IM, DG), pp. 93–96.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2001-VanT #evaluation #optimisation #student
A “frequently asked questions” management system that supports voting, built for student evaluation and optimization purposes (HLV, AT), p. 184.
STOCSTOC-2001-Valiant #polynomial #quantum
Quantum computers that can be simulated classically in polynomial time (LGV), pp. 114–123.
DLTDLT-2001-NiemannW01a #regular expression
Some Regular Languages That Are Church-Rosser Congruential (GN, JW), pp. 330–339.
FSEESEC-FSE-2001-NordPSS #architecture #design
Software architecture in a changing world: developing design strategies that anticipate change (RLN, DJP, RWS, DS), pp. 309–310.
ICSEICSE-2001-AlurAGHKKMMW #design #model checking #named
JMOCHA: A Model Checking Tool that Exploits Design Structure (RA, LdA, RG, TAH, MK, CMK, RM, FYCM, BYW), pp. 835–836.
ICSEICSE-2001-Northrop #reuse
Reuse That Pays (LMN), p. 667.
CSLCSL-2001-OHearnRY #data type #reasoning #source code
Local Reasoning about Programs that Alter Data Structures (PWO, JCR, HY), pp. 1–19.
ICLPICLP-2001-RochaSC #on the
On a Tabling Engine That Can Exploit Or-Parallelism (RR, FMAS, VSC), pp. 43–58.
Synthesis-for-testability of controller-datapath pairs that use gated clocks (MN, JC, CAP), pp. 613–618.
More than legible: on links that readers don’t want to follow (MB), pp. 216–217.
CSEETCSEET-2000-DuleyM #education #student
Did We Really Teach That?: A Glimpse of Things Students (Don’t) Learn from Traditional CS1 (RD, SPM), pp. 237–245.
PLDIPLDI-2000-RamseyJ #exception #implementation #multi
A single intermediate language that supports multiple implementations of exceptions (NR, SLPJ), pp. 285–298.
STOCSTOC-2000-Vadhan #complexity #interactive #on the #proving
On transformation of interactive proofs that preserve the prover’s complexity (SPV), pp. 200–207.
CHICHI-2000-WhittakerDHM #interface #named #what
Jotmail: a voicemail interface that enables you to see what was said (SW, RD, JH, UM), pp. 89–96.
CSCWCSCW-2000-KuzuokaOYSM #mobile #named
GestureMan: a mobile robot that embodies a remote instructor’s actions (HK, SO, KY, KS, MM), pp. 155–162.
CSCWCSCW-2000-KuzuokaOYYMS #mobile #named
GestureMan: a mobile robot that embodies a remote instructor’s actions (HK, SO, KY, AY, MM, KS), p. 354.
ICMLICML-2000-OSullivanLCB #algorithm #named #robust
FeatureBoost: A Meta-Learning Algorithm that Improves Model Robustness (JO, JL, RC, AB), pp. 703–710.
KRKR-2000-CumbyR #learning #relational
Relational Representations that Facilitate Learning (CMC, DR), pp. 425–434.
ICSEICSE-2000-HayesGM #component #design #program analysis #reuse #tool support
Component design of retargetable program analysis tools that reuse intermediate representations (JH, WGG, SM), pp. 356–365.
HPCAHPCA-2000-TorrellasYN #effectiveness #integration #towards
Toward a Cost-Effective DSM Organization That Exploits Processor-Memory Integration (JT, LY, ATN), pp. 15–25.
A Low-Overhead, High-Performance Unified Buffer Management Scheme That Exploits Sequential and Looping References (JMK, JC, JK, SHN, SLM, YC, CSK), pp. 119–134.
CAVCAV-2000-HosabettuGS #architecture #exception #verification
Verifying Advanced Microarchitectures that Support Speculation and Exceptions (RH, GG, MKS), pp. 521–537.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-Wulf #modelling #quote #why
“Why did that happen?” — Building appropriate mental models on groupware functions (VW), pp. 338–342.
HCIHCI-EI-1999-RavidB #prototype #requirements #user interface
A Method for Extracting Requirements that a User Interface Prototype Contains (AR, DMB), pp. 900–904.
ICEISICEIS-1999-JarvisSMMC #adaptation #what #workflow
What Right Do You Have To Do That?-Infusing Adaptive Workflow Technology with Knowledfe about the Organisational and Autority Context of a Task (PJ, JS, AM, JPM, PWHC), pp. 240–247.
CIKMCIKM-1999-GloverLBG #architecture
Architecture of a Metasearch Engine That Supports User Information Needs (EJG, SL, WPB, CLG), pp. 210–216.
PPDPPPDP-1999-JonesRR #assembly #garbage collection #named
C--: A Portable Assembly Language that Supports Garbage Collection (SLPJ, NR, FR), pp. 1–28.
VLDBVLDB-1998-RastogiS #classification #named
PUBLIC: A Decision Tree Classifier that Integrates Building and Pruning (RR, KS), pp. 404–415.
ITiCSEITiCSE-1998-MooreS #c #learning #multi #programming
A multimedia C programming course that supports different learning situations (poster) (SM, MS), p. 295.
ICMLICML-1998-BaxterTW #named
KnightCap: A Chess Programm That Learns by Combining TD(λ) with Game-Tree Search (JB, AT, LW), pp. 28–36.
ICPRICPR-1998-OrnesDS #network #visual notation
A visual neural network that learns perceptual relationships (CO, AD, JS), pp. 873–875.
KDDKDD-1998-CohenH #classification #using
Joins that Generalize: Text Classification Using WHIRL (WWC, HH), pp. 169–173.
FSEFSE-1998-NaumovichA #algorithm #data flow #detection #parallel
A Conservative Data Flow Algorithm for Detecting All Pairs of Statement That May Happen in Parallel (GN, GSA), pp. 24–34.
ASEASE-1997-JilaniDFMM #adaptation #component
Retrieving Software Components that Minimize Adaptation Effort (LLJ, JD, MF, RM, AM), p. 255–?.
ITiCSEITiCSE-WGR-1997-TengstrandH #assessment #case study #communication
Forms of assessment that develop communication skills in computer science and mathematics — a case study (AT, MH), pp. 135–136.
STOCSTOC-1997-FreundSSW #predict #using
Using and Combining Predictors That Specialize (YF, RES, YS, MKW), pp. 334–343.
DLTDLT-1997-IwamaT #automaton #bound #nondeterminism
Tight Bounds on the Number of States of DFA’s That Are Equivalent to n-state NFA’s (KI, KT), pp. 147–154.
ICALPICALP-1997-NarendranO #confluence #decidability #finite #problem #string #term rewriting #word
The Word Matching Problem Is Undecidable For Finite Special String-Rewriting Systems That Are Confluent (PN, FO), pp. 638–648.
CHICHI-1997-MoranPHCKMMZ #case study #ll #multi #quote
“I’ll Get That Off the Audio”: A Case Study of Salvaging Multimedia Meeting Records (TPM, LP, SRH, PC, DK, SLM, WvM, PZ), pp. 202–209.
HCIHCI-CC-1997-TakedaH #question
Does the Circadian Rhythm of VDT Operators Cause Fluctuations of CFF Value that to Mask Fatigue Variations During Work Load? (MT, YH), pp. 563–566.
TOOLSTOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-Meyer #contract #design #object-oriented #source code
Design by Contract: Making Object-Oriented Programs that Work (BM), p. 360.
SACSAC-1997-Julstrom #adaptation #algorithm #search-based
Adaptive operator probabilities in a genetic algorithm that applies three operators (BAJ), pp. 233–238.
SACSAC-1997-Rine #reuse
Success factors for software reuse that are applicable across domains and businesses (DCR), pp. 182–186.
ICSEICSE-1997-Weiser #matter #people #re-engineering
Software Engineering That Matters to People (Abstract) (MW), p. 538.
HPCAHPCA-1997-AmzaCDZ #adaptation #multi #protocol
Software DSM Protocols that Adapt between Single Writer and Multiple Writer (CA, ALC, SD, WZ), pp. 261–271.
CAVCAV-1997-GyurisS #model checking #on the fly #symmetry
On-the-Fly Model Checking Under Fairness That Exploits Symmetry (VG, APS), pp. 232–243.
LICSLICS-1997-Baader #order #reduction
Combination of Compatible Reduction Orderings that are Total on Ground Terms (FB), pp. 2–13.
DACDAC-1996-EliasM #modelling #scalability
Extracting Circuit Models for Large RC Interconnections that are Accurate up to a Predefined Signal Frequency (PJHE, NPvdM), pp. 764–769.
HTHT-1996-WeissVSNSDG #clustering #hypermedia #named #network
HyPursuit: A Hierarchical Network Search Engine that Exploits Content-Link Hypertext Clustering (RW, BV, MAS, CN, PS, AD, DKG), pp. 180–193.
CSEETCSEE-1996-MackeKNHCCM #industrial
An Industry/Academic Partnership that Worked: An In Progress Report (SM, SK, JN, IH, JC, AC, BM), pp. 234–247.
PLDIPLDI-1996-EichenbergerD #constraints #multi #pipes and filters #scheduling
A Reduced Multipipeline Machine Description that Preserves Scheduling Constraints (AEE, ESD), pp. 12–22.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-1996-Waroquiers #ada #exclamation #memory management
Ada Tasking and Dynamic Memory: To Use or Not To Use, That’s a Question! (PW), pp. 460–470.
ICPRICPR-1996-SakanoKM #algorithm #image #search-based
Seeing the character images that an OCR system sees-analysis by genetic algorithm (HS, HK, NM), pp. 411–416.
ICPRICPR-1996-ZhangW #algorithm #parallel
A parallel thinning algorithm with two-subiteration that generates one-pixel-wide skeletons (EYYZ, PSPW), pp. 457–461.
KRKR-1996-Sandewall #constraints
Assessments of Ramification Methods that Use Static Domain Constraints (ES), pp. 99–110.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1996-EcklundDF #case study #identification #requirements
Change Cases: Use Cases that Identify Future Requirements (EFEJ, LMLD, MJF), pp. 342–358.
SACSAC-1996-GabrielliGM #design #fuzzy #process
VLSI design of a fuzzy chip that processes 2-4 inputs every 160-320 ns whichever is the fuzzy system (AG, EG, MM), pp. 590–594.
RTARTA-1996-BlooR #combinator #reduction
Combinatory Reduction Systems with Explicit Substitution that Preserve Strong Nomalisation (RB, KHR), pp. 169–183.
ICDARICDAR-v2-1995-StubberudKK #adaptation #image
Adaptive image restoration of text images that contain touching or broken characters (PAS, JK, VK), pp. 778–781.
PLDIPLDI-1995-LoE #compilation #optimisation #parallel #scheduling
Improving Balanced Scheduling with Compiler Optimizations that Increase Instruction-Level Parallelism (JLL, SJE), pp. 151–162.
STOCSTOC-1995-CuckerKKLW #on the #turing machine
On real Turing machines that toss coins (FC, MK, PK, TL, KW), pp. 335–342.
SACSAC-1995-Arnow #email #network #programming #using
:-) When you grade that: using e-mail and the network in programming courses (DMA), pp. 10–13.
Qualified Answers That Reflect User Needs and Preferences (TG, JL), pp. 309–320.
AdaTRI-Ada-1994-GuemhiouiDPE #ada #code generation #design #object-oriented #profiling
Profiling in an Object-Oriented Design Environment That Supports Ada 9X and Ada 83 Code Generation (KEG, SAD, TJP, HJCE), pp. 180–190.
STOCSTOC-1993-WigdersonZ #bound
Expanders that beat the eigenvalue bound: explicit construction and applications (AW, DZ), pp. 245–251.
Managing the Human Factors that Affect Change in Manufacturing (JLM), pp. 68–73.
The Use of Computer Simulated Cases to Study Factors that Influence Clinical Practice Styles (JGA, SJJ, CB, MMA), pp. 742–747.
HCIHCI-SHI-1993-SaitoN #algebra #comprehension #visual notation
An Algebraic System that Symbolic Expressions Can Interact with Graphical Representations for Understanding Mathematics (HS, MN), pp. 267–272.
HCIHCI-SHI-1993-UenoO #design #network
A Design Guideline Search Method that Uses a Neural Network (KU, KO), pp. 27–32.
ICMLICML-1993-Schlimmer #algorithm
Efficiently Inducing Determinations: A Complete and Systematic Search Algorithm that Uses Optimal Pruning (JCS), pp. 284–290.
SACSAC-1993-TanLJH #reuse #specification
The Data Derivation Model: A Program Specification Technique That Improves Reusability (HBKT, TWL, SJ, YSH), pp. 95–102.
PPoPPPPoPP-1993-HuelsbergenL #concurrent #garbage collection
A Concurrent Copying Garbage Collector for Languages that Distinguish (Im)mutable Data (LH, JRL), pp. 73–82.
CSLCSL-1993-Marcinkowski #decidability #horn clause #set
A Horn Clause that Implies and Undecidable Set of Horn Clauses (JM), pp. 223–237.
STOCSTOC-1992-Paturi #approximate #on the #symmetry
On the Degree of Polynomials that Approximate Symmetric Boolean Functions (Preliminary Version) (RP), pp. 468–474.
A Reactive Planner that Uses Explanation Closure (ARH), pp. 93–102.
ICMLML-1992-Merckt #concept #flexibility #named
NFDT: A System that Learns Flexible Concepts Based on Decision Trees for Numerical Attributes (TVdM), pp. 322–331.
POPLPOPL-1992-ChowH #analysis #memory management #parallel #source code
Compile-Time Analysis of Parallel Programs that Share Memory (JHC, WLHI), pp. 130–141.
CSLCSL-1992-Creignou #linear #problem #proving #satisfiability
The Class of Problems that are Linear Equivalent to Satisfiability or a Uniform Method for Proving NP-Completeness (NC), pp. 115–133.
PODSPODS-1991-Matsliach #analysis #multi #performance
Performance Analysis of File Organizations that Use Multi-Bucket Data Leaves with Partial Expansions (GM), pp. 164–180.
VLDBVLDB-1991-PalmerZ #named
Fido: A Cache That Learns to Fetch (MP, SBZ), pp. 255–264.
CHICHI-1991-Ropa #comprehension #design #interface #multi
Computers as communicators: designing a multimedia interface that facilitates cultural understanding among sixth graders (AR), pp. 429–430.
CAiSECAiSE-1991-SeppanenHL #design #named #tool support #towards
SPADE — Towards Case Tools That Can Guide Design (VS, MH, RL), pp. 222–239.
SIGIRSIGIR-1991-Korfhage #query #question
To See, or Not to See: Is That the Query? (RK), pp. 134–141.
PPDPPLILP-1991-GrahamK #functional #imperative
Domesticating Imperative Constructs So That They Can Live in a Functional World (TCNG, GK), pp. 51–62.
POPLPOPL-1991-ClingerR #metaprogramming
Macros That Work (WDC, JR), pp. 155–162.
ESECESEC-1991-Voas #impact analysis #predict
A Dynamic Failure Model for Predicting the Impact that a Program Location has on the Program (JMV), pp. 308–331.
PPoPPPPoPP-1991-CostaWY #named #parallel #prolog
Andorra-I: A Parallel Prolog System that Transparently Exploits both And- and Or-Parallelism (VSC, DHDW, RY), pp. 83–93.
ISSTATAV-1991-LongC #analysis #concurrent #data flow
Data Flow Analysis of Concurrent Systems that Use the Rendezvous Model of Synchronization (DLL, LAC), pp. 21–35.
HTECHT-1990-Bernstein #hypermedia
An Apprentice That Discovers Hypertext Links (MB), pp. 212–223.
VLDBVLDB-1990-KempRS #information management #maintenance #multi
Right-, left- and multi-linear rule transformations that maintain context information (DBK, KR, ZS), pp. 380–391.
SIGIRSIGIR-1990-Sacks-DavisW #analysis #documentation #retrieval #using
Using Syntactic Analysis in a Document Retrieval System that uses Signature Files (RSD, PW), pp. 179–192.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-LeavensW #object-oriented #reasoning #source code #type system
Reasoning about Object-Oriented Programs that Use Subtypes (GTL, WEW), pp. 212–223.
ICLPCLP-1990-Fribourg90 #execution #induction #logic programming #prolog #proving #source code
Extracting Logic Programs from Proofs that Use Extended Prolog Execution and Induction (LF), pp. 685–699.
HTHT-1989-Nielsen #hypermedia #matter #usability
The Matters that Really Matter for Hypertext Usability (JN), pp. 239–248.
STOCSTOC-1989-BlumK #design #source code
Designing Programs That Check Their Work (MB, SK), pp. 86–97.
ICMLML-1989-PagalloH #algorithm
Two Algorithms That Learn DNF by Discovering Relevant Features (GP, DH), pp. 119–123.
A Role for Anticipation in Reactive Systems that Learn (SDW, DHB), pp. 354–357.
RTARTA-1989-Strandh #equation #performance #source code
Classes of Equational Programs that Compile into Efficient Machine Code (RS), pp. 449–461.
DACDAC-1988-ObermeierK #layout #physics
An Electrical Optimizer that Considers Physical Layout (FWO, RHK), pp. 453–459.
ICMLML-1988-Sammut #algorithm #evaluation
Experimental Results from an Evaluation of Algorithms that Learn to Control Dynamic Systems (CS), pp. 437–443.
VLDBVLDB-1987-Dayal #approach #quantifier #query
Of Nests and Trees: A Unified Approach to Processing Queries That Contain Nested Subqueries, Aggregates, and Quantifiers (UD), pp. 197–208.
Properties that Characterize LOGCFL (HV), pp. 141–150.
DACDAC-1986-LinA #bound #layout #named
Minplex — a compactor that minimizes the bounding rectangle and individual rectangles in a layout (SLL, JA), pp. 123–130.
ICALPICALP-1986-Willard #bound #problem #query
Lower Bounds for Dynamic Range Query Problems That Permit Subtraction (Extended Abstract) (DEW), pp. 444–453.
CSCWCSCW-1986-Neches #people #tool support
Tools help people co-operate only to the extent that they help them share goals and terminology (RN), pp. 192–201.
CADECADE-1986-CherifaL #implementation #polynomial #term rewriting #termination
An Actual Implementation of a Procedure That Mechanically Proves Termination of Rewriting Systems Based on Inequalities Between Polynomial Interpretations (ABC, PL), pp. 42–51.
VLDBVLDB-1985-FaloutsosC #design #query
Design of a Signature File Method that Accounts for Non-Uniform Occurrence and Query Frequencies (CF, SC), pp. 165–170.
FPCAFPCA-1985-ODonnell85 #architecture
An Architecture that Efficiently Updates Associative Aggregates in Applicative Programing Languages (JTO), pp. 164–189.
POPLPOPL-1985-LichtensteinP #concurrent #finite #linear #source code #specification
Checking That Finite State Concurrent Programs Satisfy Their Linear Specification (OL, AP), pp. 97–107.
LISPLFP-1984-Bellegarde #sequence #term rewriting
Rewriting Systems on FP Expressions that Reduce the Number of Sequences They Yield (FB), pp. 63–73.
ICSEICSE-1984-Reiss #development #multi #named
PECAN: Program Development Systems That Support Multiple Views (SPR), pp. 323–333.
CADECADE-1984-Stickel #case study #commutative #proving #theorem proving
A Case Study of Theorem Proving by the Knuth-Bendix Method: Discovering That x³=x Implies Ring Commutativity (MES), pp. 248–258.
PLDISCC-1982-LaLondeR #compilation #flexibility
A Flexible Compiler Structure That Allows Dynamic Phase Ordering (WRL, JdR), pp. 134–139.
STOCSTOC-1981-HongR #graph
Graphs that Are Almost Binary Trees (Preliminary Version) (JWH, ALR), pp. 334–341.
Managing Systems That Manage Data (LF, PJS), p. 155.
ICGTGG-1978-Pfaltz #2d #graph grammar #network #set
A Graph Grammar that Describes the Set of Two-Dimensional Surface Networks (JLP), pp. 379–388.
STOCSTOC-1975-OppenC #data type #proving #source code
Proving Assertions about Programs that Manipulate Data Structures (DCO, SAC), pp. 107–116.
SOSPSOSP-1975-CoffmanM #scheduling
Selecting a Scheduling Rule that Meets Pre-Specified Response Time Demands (EGCJ, IM), pp. 187–191.
A simple computer-aided artwork system that works (DGR), pp. 92–97.
Some things that did not happen in software DA (HF), p. 61.
STOCSTOC-1973-LynchMF #set
Sets that Don’t Help (NAL, ARM, MJF), pp. 130–134.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.